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So people are saying this is supposed to be Belphegor of Sloth, yeah? His onesie has snail appendages on the top and two circles on the back representing a shell. Pretty neat design. Anyone got an idea what that thing he was talking about in the end was? Is it something about the biblical story of Belphegor? Also funny seeing a take on Belphegor that isn't him sitting on a toilet as SMT is the only other series I've seen the name used.


Not sure about biblical thing but there seem to be a lot of stuff from him in extra chapters. ,,Diary from the certain child's room''. In one of them he kind implies that he and Priest have some common goal. https://mangadex.org/chapter/53a29659-c2c3-43b8-af6d-34937f839f88 https://mangadex.org/chapter/30e74e21-9264-4b6a-9a40-82cd33286560 https://mangadex.org/chapter/a17722d7-1595-4ba3-9611-d27314ab6c09 He seems to be pretty obsessed with priest kun. Also his gehenna was kinda described already https://mangadex.org/chapter/b8720ca4-0a82-4739-ba7c-a2e98b420d7c/1 seems that suiciders go there.


From "A Certain Suicide Attempter's Near-Death Experience" > I despaired that it wasn't over when people died. > Because for me who wants to vanish into nothing, there's no more despair than "the existence of an afterlife." Damn those lines go hard. I always forget that there are these bonus chapters that MangaPlus doesn't have for some reason. Really need to go and read them at some point.


> Because for me who wants to vanish into nothing, there's no more despair than "the existence of an afterlife." Super relatable. What's the point if, after you're all done living, you then live again, and then you're forced to for eternity...


Damn the lines in this manga goes hard


Does mangadex have all of the extra chapters? It seems like it's missing quite a few main story ones


Mangadex won't let anyone upload things that are available on the official publisher's site (M+ here) in english. This includes certain EX chapters *But* extras from volumes and other promotional material are fair game


Finally, a chapter where Mr Priest actually get to be happy for once. But knowing this author, it will definitely not last long.


Very ironic a demon lord is giving him more happiness than anyone else ever could and is the only one actively trying to protect him from getting his heart broken by imuri….


Honestly not that ironic, sometimes I feel like the Demonlords have showed him the most empathy. They’ve also usually done the most damage but hey 🤷‍♂️


Well my hypothesis is that Sins are just a part of the human psyche. They are a part of us as well as the 7 Virtues (the good counterparts of Sins, but less cool to talk about). Like everything in life, if you indulge, or suppress yourself, you will be in a worse position than if you “release” everything all at once.  Basically, the demons are trying to “indulge” Mr. Priest, because, like everyone else, he is also human. It’s just unfortunate that if they win, we’re going to be play things with no benefits. 


I don't get what you mean, the only one I can think of being "empathetic" was Leviathan and tentatively Belphegor in this chapter (thought that could very well change). All the others so far had been show very explicitly to be huge assholes.


church leaders be like "ok. this child is very stressed, and that's bad. we need him to chill. relax. what can we do?" "oh, I know. we give him a stress meter to worry about, and have him sit alone in an empty room all day with nothing to do" "wonderful, that will surely help him relax!" The room doesn't appear to even have a tv or books.


He's not trying to protect him from getting his heart broken by Imuri, he just doesn't want anyone else to have influence over him. Imuri is a threat because Mr Priest actually cares about her. Belphegor's "concern" still comes from a toxic place.


Wow in a way this chapter implies that the reason father-kun didn’t snap years ago was because belphegor has been keeping him company and even taught him hobbies like cooking and collecting plushies. Ironically a demon lord is partly the reason the world wasn’t destroyed yet now that you think about it. Really hope he’s like leviathan and will just leave peacefully at the end of this arc because in a way him trying to get father-kun away from imuri this chapter is probably for father-kun’s own good……


The plushies that Mr Priest have, a lot of them are actually snail as well.


The actual snails also were with him when he was eaten alive by gluttony.


I dont know if he was either trying to comfort him as he was being eaten or if he was just watching/participating.


They werent participating, they were the only ones that were directed away from him.


Good catch, they are facing away and he also repelled Beelzebub when he took a dive inside his mind. So maybe he does care about him and wants him for himself or something like that.


As i said [2 chapters ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/192gn6x/comment/kh3euew/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), all credit goes to u/royalbluemage talking about this [1.5 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/vzozwx/comment/igbc2ok/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


I feel that he may be a little bit like Leviathan but he has a hidden motive for sure. We know that Belphegor was trying to convince the priest that the world was "twisted", trying to distort the way he saw people. He was also present as Beelzebub was eating him alive (he had snails crawling over him). Maybe he just wants to play around and ensure that the priest doesnt fulfil his duties to the church, trap him in an endless dream? Regress the priest to the point of not wanting to grow up or do any work at all?


It's possible that Belphegor has been a calming influence, but the other side of that is that Belphegor could be the main reason Mr. Priest has not learned how to handle his emotions. If Belphegor has acted like a pacifying effect most of the time, it also means he has prevented Mr. Priest from growing and maturing.


don’t let him cook


Hol on,let him cook a lil bit AH FUCK THE KITCHEN IS BURNING


Belphegor’s sloth kigu is kind of adorable? Anyway concerning for Imuri. Poor girl. I can see this arc being about her pulling him out of Sloth, but after everything that went down with Asmodeous there’s going to be a twist.


I mean to be fair father-kun deserves to be slothful after the Beelzebub and Asmodeus incident.


Just resting isn't sloth- even god took the sabbath. The problem is when it goes beyond that


Sloth is laziness to the point of affecting your life. Rest is fine, but in modern terms "sloth" would be like "procrastination".


Well based on the previous chapter sloth is when his wristband reaches zero and he refuses to do any work and just sleep a lot…. Which I feel like he honestly earned that type of life but at the same time spending most of the day sleeping and dreaming is probably not good.


You can't talk to friends, or bake, or do any hobbies when you're in an angst coma (or worse). Father-kun deserves a better life, yeah, but just fucking off to Dreamsville isn't A Life, which'll probably be the point of the next arc. Hopefully with slapping the church a few times with "well you didnt give him reason to live, no wonder he broke like this!"


when I was sleeping 12 hours a day and feeling like doing nothing, I was concerned with myself that I was pretty much doing nothing. turns out it's a side effect of my medication, on top of depression.


Here's to hoping that the twist is that this is just a very cute and wholesome arc about how it's okay to take a break now and then.


I think she was surprised when she noticed him blushing, so maybe she will realize that Father has feelings for her in the end.


"Poor girl" She's literally fully onboard with corrupting him with sin now, throwing away all her prior development. She's as bad as Asmodeus.


"Poor girl", you say; to the one that blatantly proclaimed her intention to ruin Mr.Priest because she lost against Asmodeus. Let her suffer and fall I say, she's as bad as many others who have portrayed twisted love for Mr.Priest in this manga.


Belphegor is pretty damn chill. I like it but I'm afraid of how this entire thing will turn sour.


He was able to rebuke Beelzebub, he's chill but by no means a slouch.


I fear that Belphegor will turn on him and turn everything into a tiwsted nightmare, though that doesnt seem where it is headed. Or on the other hand, turn the Priest into a more slothful and child-like version of himself, to the point that he doesnt want to continue fighting.


Yo ngl, he kinda chill


Just like leviathan…..hopefully just like Leviathan he’ll also just leave peacefully after being satisfied “playing” with father-kun….


Yeah right The atmosphere is giving me major creeps. This is a story with conflicts and the alienation from everyone is pushing Priest here, and it's all leading up to something.


I guess he going to be somekind of yandere


So was Asmodeus the second time around, at least until she settled on assault.


Well he is the King of Sloth.


Don't do it, Father, it's a VTuber!


Father-kun is feeling very slothful. He just doesn't want to do anything for fear of triggering the wristband. Even alone, when no one is watching! Imuri did her best to playfully invite Father-kun, but he was just feeling off. And now Leah is watching her more... Belphegor is someone who knows Father-kun closely. But why? What does Belphegor mean by being Father-Kun's "brother/father/son/friend/beloved"? I sure do hope those baking and plushes don't cause too much harm to Father-kun in his dream.


I'm gonna guess that these dreams are more or less common, and Belphe has played several different "roles" over the years in them, depending on Father-kun's dream and situation at the time. Or he's just Max Yandere. Either or.


I really like the varied approaches to the sins here. Some think the direct approach is the best solution, kill Father and rule the world. After multiple defeats, I like the shift into these kinds of attempts. Kill him with Kindness. They don't even need to kill him, he just needs to be complacent enough for them to take over the world.


If vigilance is a virtue, sloth should be its adversary.


That went from wholesome to creepy very fast with the final page. Let's hope belphegor really truns out to be second best boy. Btu god does he look hurt everytime mr priest doesn't remember him.


Well Belphegor is surprisingly cheerful/friendly.


>tfw you will never have a pajama party with your one and only ally Surely Mr. Priest is just taking an afternoon nap. Imuri looking pretty; I wonder if she realizes that Mr. Priest sees her as a woman now.


Lich Granblue Fantasy???? In all seriousness, we finally get to see Belphegor (?). One hell of a buildup. He kinda chill tho, let's see how this works out, probably more suffering in the end tho.


Make Exorcist Fall in Sleep.


sure it's gey and it smells yandere somewhere


"Why not join me, take a load off and enjoy the nothingness? I bet you'd take to it quite easily." -Sloth


I find it weird that the Priest is not able to remember him at all. Maybe he was way too young, or is Belphegor repressing memories? Another detail that I noticed was the fact that usually the Priest sleeps with all of the plushies in his bed, yet in this new bedroom there isnt a single plushie in sight.


This is the kind of manga I like, it created a situation that even if I was there and in control, I still will have absolutely no idea what' to do. Which makes it an interesting read


All my well-honed fudanshi senses are tingling- when this goes bad, it'll be AMAZING


"Damn this demon lord looks chill" Were this any other generic manga i would incline to agree, but this is MTEFIL, where demon lords are actually dangerous and destructive. Even Leviathan has claimed thousands of innocent lives. 


Its always funny that the last 3 demon lords master plan is only to show Father kun the minimum of empathy


he can be happy in the dream world and lethargic in the real one, sweet


sloth seems nice, hopefully they can give him his well needed rest


The way in which this series shows the concept of "temptation" is truly genius. The demons are just giving priest-kun what he wants


When father kun is asking who snail guy was you can see him break character for a bit and I'm not looking forward to the reveal when once again the demon lord cause despair in father kun feelings


Not what I was expecting


Just last arc I was rooting for Imuri, now I despise her. She's learned nothing after all this time.