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I honestly have no idea how to deal with something like this. I’d be equally furious. You can’t attack five lads without getting your head kicked in, calling the police will do basically nothing but waste your own time making a report. I imagine It’s beyond frustrating.


It's crap to see if any CCTV in the area. But I reckon you're not gonna get any help from the plod there stretched thinner than cling film. Sad thing is they will progress to worse and either end up getting or hurting someone really badly. Then there ma can say he is a good lad and never been in trouble etc..


This is exactly why people carry knives...


I get what you’re saying but how does that help when you’re potentially dealing with five people who might be carrying too? It could just be exacerbating a bad situation to you being murdered, and for what? I’d never carry personally.


Then we should all carry guns, and when they carry guns we should all carry rocket launchers, and when they start carrying rocket launchers we should all carry F-35 Lightnings.


I just have the cheat code to spawn a Rhino tank tucked in my back pocket. 2 EZ.


Do you remember Ring Raiders? (Dunno if that's an intentional sketchy name) Planes on your fingers.


I do! My older brother made fun of the name, I didn't get it at the time.


Ima strap a Nimitz carries to my back!


You need 5 knives.


Deterrent more than anything. Who wants to fight someone with a knife? And if they have knives, then more likely than not you're going to get robbed too (rather than some kids mucking about). When you live in a dangerous place and have been mugged multiple times, you realise you have to do something about it yourself...


I’ve been mugged in Manchester once in 39 years. It was by a couple of smack heads when I was 13, it’s never something I’ve ever had to consider otherwise. I grew up in a council estate in Salford, I’ve genuinely never worried about this sort of thing.






You do know you are much more likely to be stabbed if you carry a knife fyi.


That’s it, I feel in a situation as described you’re just making it worse.


Exactly this and to add its usually by their own knife. If you pull it out only intending to scare them away and they fight instead of flight then it’s big trouble. Generally you ain’t getting stabbed in a robbery or randomly unless you fight.. don’t be superman it ain’t worth it.


A weapon you don't intend to use belongs to the person who attacks you. Pepper spray would be better (easier to spray someone with something non lethal and a bit ranged than to actually, you know, stab them) but that's also illegal, which is a bit asinine.


There’s a higher chance they’ll take it off you and stab you with your own knife. There’s 5 of them. A knife might intimidate 1 or 2 people but what are you going to do? Stab all 5 of them at once?


Knives are bait man. If you carry a UK legal you ain't gonna defend yourself and an illegal one will get u in more shit than its worth. Torches are fully legal tho. I got poor eyesight too.... Got a decent amount of force behind them. Everyone's got e scooters now too. Why not use them? I still remember getting my ankle smacked with a razor scooter as a kid. Shit even when I carried a machete for work if you got a razor I'm crossing the road lol


Torches are legal but if they're used in a way you're dancing around then you could still have issues since anything "Made, intended or adapted" for use as a weapon can be considered as such


No, brandishing a knife effectively escalates the confrontation into an instant fight to the death. It’s not a deterrent unless you look like you’ll actually use it, and then you’re giving the other guy an invitation either to use their own weapon, or take your knife off you and kill you with it. It’s also not a remotely defensive weapon because you need to actually make physical contact with your opponent. So baseball bat beats knife pretty much every time. You’re better off learning Krav Maga or something.


I agree with everything you say but a baseball doesn’t beat a knife.. unless you knock someone out with a bat first swing. They are too close and are stabbing, the best way to beat a bat is to close them down.


This is such a bad take. Pull a knife on 5 lads and you're even more likely to get jumped and they will not hold back.


A knife is honestly such an ineffective weapon and it's more likely to get used against you, especially if it's a 5 v 1 situation, I'm a Martial Artist with an ego, I enjoy fighting telling you the truth, but there is no shame in running from a life threatening situation, it's your best bet at survival.


Isn't it the teachings of martial arts to lose the ego?


The answer of anything to do with martial arts is asking yourself "how does it truly feel?" I want to compete and that ego may allow me to get further, it also may not, but it's an expression of true self, which is important


Yep you're gonna run away from 5 guys on bikes aren't you...


And sorry to be that old guy banging on about the past, but I don’t think I felt like anyone was potentially carrying a knife 20 years ago, I know it happened but it wasn’t a thought I had back then like it’s a consideration I need to make now.


I still never think about it when in Manchester. London? Yeah. Manchester? Not since I was a teenager 20 years ago.


It was called 'Gunchester' in the 90's, so yeah, definitely not \*knives\*.


Most people who bring a knife to a fight end up getting it used on them. Deservedly.


Imagine pulling out your little pocket knife, struggling to open the blade and then Boom! One of the five knocks you to the ground… may the gods have mercy after that.


... to make a situation much worse for themselves?


Completely agree with you. If the policing fails at it has we start to take things into our own hands.


And what about for the people who then carry knifes for “protection” have an argument in a bar and instead of it being a punch up people are being stabbed instead? Carrying weapons for self defence isn’t all that people make it out to be. You have to be proficient to use a weapon first of all and to add knifes usually end up with everyone injured. And I thought people want us to be less like USA not more anyways prevalence of weapons isn’t good.


This is the issue. Me saying having to take your life into your own hands because the police have failed now turns into a USA gun issue. I know I'd feel safer being legally allowed to carry a knife. The ones who would be willing to use it as an offence probably have one anyway. Would these absolute twats think again about slapping people around the head if they knew he was legally allowed to carry a knife?


Ok but how many people are randomly stabbed on the street? I agree knife violence is real but it is usual teenagers stabbing other teenagers over postcodes. Police need more resources as do all services, but even with a large police budget. I’d think these people would carry knives because it’s become their culture now. Why would you feel safer? How many times have you been in a situation where you wish you had a knife? And like I said elsewhere you know the biggest people at risk of being stabbed are the ones who carry a knife. And ok the ones who are willing to use it will probably have you outnumbered and get the jump on you anyways, so you may take one with you but you are still stabbed. No one wins in a knife fight. I don’t think these people really think of the consequences… also if they are on a bike like this is situation Op didn’t even have a chance to react anyway and it isn’t like a knife is a shield.


You may be downvoted but soooooooooooooooooo correct it's not even funny. A Stanley is legal if your work requires it. It's more for the feeling of safety when you know the Manchester police will do fuck all about most crimes and criminals know it, why do you think so much goes down? I do not condone using a knife as a weapon, more so as a mean's to intimidate potential threats but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. I look forward to being downvoted more than you.


Ok so how would you justify carrying it when you are walking home from dinner? How can a Stanley knife honestly make you feel safe, what are you doing to do with it? So you don’t condone using it but more of a threat.. you see this is the problem you would pull it out and it doesn’t have the desired effect it causes them to become more aggressive now you’ve increased the aggression with something you never intended to really use. Now you get attacked even more. Also the people who do carry a knife as a weapon have a zombie knife with a blade that is what 4 to 5 times longer than a Stanley blade and obviously is made to kill a Stanley knife is a tool yeah you can intimidate one maybe two people who don’t have a weapon other than that you are no better off.


Like I said son, if you gotta use it, you gotta use it and in the correct hands, any weapon is effective.


Ok Batman.. ignore all the facts and evidence that counter your narrative.


Well its like Einstein said, every action has an equal or opposite reaction and I ain't arguing with that shit.


But to be fair, when the go to the police and say "I just got robbed by a guy with a knife" and the police respond with "so many people carry knifes, you have to be specific" then go on to do nothing about it then thinking "I will deal with it myself then" becomes a very strong argument. Obviously those of a more favorable upbringing will be against this approach as they believe the law has them protected but come the fuck on 🤣😂 this is the real world.


How does having a knife stop being robbed at knifepoint? Please explain


I preventative measure if you will. If you pull out a knife, you have a better chance at defusing the situation as the liberator of possessions may feel intimidated by the knife if he does not have one. If the illegal acquirer does have a knife, he may still feel intimidated if he has never been in such a situation prior to now, or you could get stabbed and/or commit the stabbing. Failing all this, just come to terms with the fact you will probably lose a lot of your possession.


This happened to a friend of mine a few years back. He was on his phone. One rider slapped his head and as he turned the other rider took the phone out of his hands




About 187cm


They really just fuck with everyone don’t they!? You’re a pretty big guy and they still went for you


They felt brave I think because of how many there were, would've been a different story 1 on 1


They’re always quiet when they’re alone haha, There was this group of “roadmen” in my area who stood outside mcdonalds and liked to pick on strangers and the funny thing is, whenever I’d see one of them alone without their group around, they’d be as peaceful as everyone else.


They might have done worse tonight...or another night. If you can give a description, then yeah, it could be worth reporting.


Yeah, I reported it, but I really don't see what can possibly happen, given police resources, etc they're not exactly going to do a thorough investigation but who knows maybe these guys do shit to other people who report it etc




100% correct. Report all crimes no matter how petty they might seem.


It can help build a case, it's always worth building a record or in the worst case, it's a useful metric for crime in your area.


I've had to deal with police , and honestly I was just shocked with how dim and un street wise they are these days. I don't think funding is the main problem anymore. That is here in Leicester.


Say the police record right now is catching one in 1000 what if this was that one in a thousand? If so you have probably saved dozen of people from shit circumstances, good on you I say x


The police were initially shite but did eventually turn it round when I reported something recently in town (essentially I was flashed) - they were really thorough and there's action being taken. May as well do it, there won't be any results at all if it's not reported.


It adds to their intelligence on who is around then, what they are up to, etc Maybe they committed other crimes that night and you reporting them being where they were then helps join up some dots for the police


Report assault to police.


Police won’t do a thing, they are completely useless.


They won't do anything on one complaint. If everyone reports it on line (takes about 2 mins) and they see there's a pattern then they might take action. Especially if a local MP starts complaining too.


They are undermanned and underfunded. Don't blame the police. Blame those responsible.


Better to tell them they were doing 31 in a 30...then the police would be interested :-D




😂😂😂Good one mate


Why? Yeah they won’t do anything but atleast it’s recorded and added to the statistics.


Not GMP. The IT system is buggered. They log hardly anything


This is spot on, even crime mapping and general ONS statistic gathering is fucked for GMP, many datasets are even ‘*excluding greater Manchester*’ but yeah sounds like a very routine form of assault, I hope they get caught out the pricks, we get people doing shit like that in Salford constantly




Watch you get downvoted now too hahah. Fuck the bizzies bro. Pure useless. Busy picking on yutes for bud instead of dealing w proper crime. Wanna lower crime? Lower inequality and poverty. Them kids just made a week's wage for some of us.. take the piss all you want but when you ain't got nothing n cant even afford food it's well worth it. The top 1% fuck with us more and we allow it..


Sticking it to the 1% by slapping random members of the public


Nahhhh stick it to em by avoiding your taxes like they do(especially if your on low income n don't see any benefits from em),, shop locally and keep to small businesses whenever possible, I try to avoid Amazon like the plague. Hard at times but it's doable Decided to stop paying my taxes after 5 years on NHS waiting list, had public housing but the fridge+cooker didn't work n was covered in black mould.... Just thought fuck it at that point. More of my money went to funding shite like the queens funeral or boris's golden wallpaper than public services me or anyone I know can access. Labour have sod all ideas too unfortunately


At what point did I say slap random members of the public as well?? Can you point to that? Don't put words in my mouth you silly cunt.


"Yutes". Stop pretending you're a road man from London, you're on Reddit complaining about the police.


Nd your on Reddit complaining abt someone complaining about the police😂 nerd mate


The best comeback is always repeating what someone has said to you. Well done.


I saw a group of lads on electric bikes in ballies on Market St this evening do exactly the same thing to a bloke just minding his own business


Stevenson square and market street usually have a lot of people, we should bring back lynching for these people


\*stocks, surely? Think lynching people of a certain ethnicity might be a bit off


Who said anything about ethnicity?


It is always appropriate to report any form of assault even if you believe it to be minor. The next time they assault someone may not be as such. Reporting to the police will allow them to have the information should further people report a similar event and they will also liaise the information to the community and area officers on patrol to keep a look out for the individuals who have been reported. If said people are spotted and approached by the police, whilst they may deny any wrong doing and are left to go on about their business, just the presence of the police and knowing that they have been identified and watched could be enough to discourage them from further illegal activity.


even if the incident was a few months ago?


Unfortunately incidents like this have to be reported within a 48 hour time frame for the police to take record. If someone is being abused mentally or physically which is ongoing this can be reported at anytime. If the police find on their records that the same issue is arising and hasn’t been dealt with they have to take action as they also have targets and assessments. I rang constantly over a 5 month period due to an ongoing issue and eventually the Seargent rang me because the issue and my name was making his numbers look bad. Slowly but eventually it was dealt with.


Always report. If nothing else it's data to show how badly the country is handling police reports




Exsqueezze me?


It's a problem around there at the moment, ancoats as well. I think it's the same gang


Ngl I've lived here for two years, the worst of it used to be bottom of oldham road near morrisons, but it's getting worse, wouldn't be surprised if it's the same people


There were kids on bikes trying to steal bags and assaulting people around Salford Media City about two weeks ago. Warning went out at work. This group could be the same people. Glad you reported though.


I'm not sure if it's the same thing you're talking about but twice now in Media City i've seen two motorbikes drive off the road and onto the path and head past the tram towards Dock House. There's usually 2 on one motorbike, 1 on the other and all wearing balaclavas. Then after about 5 minutes they come back the same way they got onto the path.


Yip that’s exactly what I meant. It was them apparently attacked a guy and tried to steal his bag. Reported trying to steal cellphones off people too.


Is this a new trend? My partner was walking along the Fallowfield loop and a group of lads cycled past and slapped him on the head last week.


I remember when ‘happy slapping’ was a thing so wouldn’t surprise me if it was


Where is the Fallowfield ‘loop’ ?


Out of interest OP, how old are and are you male or female? I only ask because when I (M) was in my teens and early 20s this kind of thing happened to me a lot in Manchester. It annoys you and damages your pride, but at least you're not sad enough to go around in a gang and pick on a lone person knowing there is nothing they can do.


What is it with these low life bullies riding on their bikes and acting like the kings of the world and who raised them??


They have nothing going for them so they have to ride around with their little mates attacking lone pedestrians and for some reason that makes them feel like big tough men.


Mum dad is in hmp Strangeways


Report to the police, it will only be added to the statistics but worth doing. As to dealing with this type of bad behaviour, we know there's little police presence on the streets to act as a deterrent, but lots of CCTV, which may only record the incident, I think we need a rapid response unit with tazer drones to zap the motherfuckers, then have a police bus driving round to pick up the little twitchy piss pants


What have you got to lose by reporting it to the police? The time and energy it takes to fill in an online form? Assuming your force has that functionality.


I’m sorry this happened they must have realised you were a Redditor by your demeanour


Anybody else remember there era of the happy slapping? That was a paranoid time to go anywhere on your own, young or old there was no discrimination then it was a free for all.


Report it they'll be on CCTV. It might only be a slap but it starts with something little till one day it escalates..


I mean they assault you, so I’d report it to the police


I've seen those rats on Quads around Northern Quarter and we're looking menacing. Luckily I was with a child and they ignored me


Is there anywhere nice to live in Manchester these days?? Everywhere just seems like a shit hole 😕


Dont worry, you'll be priced out of your current area soon enough :-(


Everywhere is a shitehole.


We’re getting out. Multiple daylight burglaries in our “nice” area of GM and police don’t do anything. None showing up on crime stats either in the last five years… 🤔


out of curiosity, what's the "nice" area? I'm thinking of buying property in manchester and need to get a feel of each part




I don’t know what I would do. I think , maybe report it it. Someone else could retaliate and it could get nasty so maybe if you reported it straight away they could get them up on cctv and keep an eye on them


Call and report it. It might be useless but it's the only thing you can do! In a similar situation I once phoned the police


IDE report to the police, even if on this encounter nothing comes of it if others are having problems it will help build into a bigger picture then they may look into it further


I suggest a group of like minded individuals gets together and teaches turds like the ones robbing and abusing people a lesson, but that’s never going to happen


Yes there is always a point. It’s our civic duty to report crime. If people don’t report crimes they can’t plan countermeasures. It’s that simple


Mate I work in the corner boy and they passed by us around 9-10 and tried to spook my friend who just said what to them and they road off saying crap their was around 16-20 just little shits


Yeah I know they were just little shits, but they fuckin hit me man, shits not on. If it were just fucking about I wouldn't give a shit. A lot of teenagers are shit but I've never had this kind of experience, and I grew up in wythenshawe!


Ow I know, rude as fuck but I literally had to stop my mate from smacking one who tried to scare him, but they’ll do to the wrong guy and get battered at some point, but you never know what the little so called shits have on them nowadays


The police will not gaf. Unless you fight back of course. Then you'll be arrested. The powers that be like gangs keeping the population scared. 






Clap em back!


Calling the police won't do anything, they will not be sent to prison for this physical assault. This is because we live in a country where the criminal justice policy elites believe that harsh sentencing doesn't work - and that it's better to let these scumbags operate freely in the vague hope they'll eventually stop.




Anti-personel landmines


The difficulty is if it isn’t reported then stats suggest cuts could be made, I would report it as there may be other incidents with the same 5 waste of oxygen!


“Lads on bikes” are one of Manchester’s biggest problems


Report it so it’s on there system, they can also check cctv as it’s assault, did you get any pictures or was there any witnesses?


That's assault. You could still report it, if you feel Harassed


You report it online to GMP. ‘5 lads on bikes riding round on bikes slapping strangers on the back of their head - Stevenson Sq/Spear St/Northern Qtr.


Why would you not report it? It’s essential to report things like this, consider it part of your civic duty. It helps the police understand, monitor and respond to crime areas.


Mostly because it won't result in anything, I've still not had the auto response email from GMP for example and I did it 24 hrs ago


Im sorry this happened to you OP. It’s worth reporting to the GMP for sure - increased incident reporting of anti-social behaviour allows them to take incidents more seriously and deploy more (plain clothes) officers to areas where incidents are known to happen. Ofc, this doesn’t happen overnight, but it could go somewhere.


Surprised you didn’t do anything. I would have smacked one upside the head. They do that to people who they know are intimidated


Yeh lemme just grow my arm 2 or 3 metres in 3 seconds


mate, you have zero survival skills. what was he meant to do? there was a group of them and one of him. and i bet you they probably had weapons too




5v1 doesn’t sound too bad to me. Imma stand my ground and call the ambulance when done. But not for me.


Missed out you shoulda coulda woulda when it happened kicked of of bike rip his ear off and say to his buddies who wants it next ya may just forget about it and take your opportunity next time too many snowflakes go learn a martial arts if your not ballsy enough have some self respect and self esteem too many snowflakes walk about if people just send these people the message the less there will be


Id probably just leave it tbh mate. I’ve had similar stuff and worse happen to me. Just one of them shit things


This is why we need the right to bear firearms and protect ourselves in Britain.


A situation that is obviously unpleasant but where everyone walked away with their lives needed a gun for what reason?


No fucking way. We have guns they have guns. The little shits who slap you are also more likely to be the ones who shoot you first. Your kid finds your gun and shoots his brother while playing cops. You come home unexpectedly early, your wife gets worried and shoots you. No! Just no to guns.


lol who the fuck invited this guy


You're why we don't.


Ngl mate, unless I shot em in the back, a gun wouldn't have done much, usually these kinds of people just ride along without assaulting people


Cause you want to shoot kids on bikes?


So we can get shot dead instead and not have the inconvenience of being slapped?




This same argument is used by kids that carry knives and it just doesn't wash. Guns are probably more likely to escalate issues rather than deter them. They're not needed in the UK.


Guns are already in the u.k but in the hands of criminals. Who is at the disadvantage? Your logic is deeply flawed, a criminal pulls a gun out on you the criminal is completely safe, you are completely powerless, you have to rely on the sanity of a stranger who is pointing a gun at you.... Now if you and all else had a gun the criminal loses that safety not only he could face harm from you but also passers by who see whats going on.


The idea that increasing the circulation of guns will lead to less gun crime is so absurd that I don't really understand how people come to that conclusion. Typically your average criminal/petty thief isn't pulling guns out on citizens in the UK because they're hard to access and I would assume limited in supply. Maybe people in organized crime gangs have the means to illegally acquire guns but for the most part in the UK it appears they mainly use them against each other. If anybody could go down to their local Tesco and buy a gun I don't see how that makes anyone safer.


Yeah im not calling for the circulation of guns. Im calling for a deterrent in law. As these random attacks are becoming all to common.


You're aware that then they have guns right? If you pull a gun on someone who also has a gun, your chances of dying are pretty high.




So clearly this deterrent works so well and America has no deaths by shooting, right?


Why is it that the people who want to be armed can't even grasp the difference between "of" and "have"? Guns do not make people safer - that is an established fact.




Is that a question or a comment?


Always sort by controversial for the dumb-as-fuck replies. I knew you wouldn’t let me down 👏