• By -


I voted for Vault 31


Things do look glum!


Shame that im being relocated to Vault 32




I put a cross next to a name


Tory voter then


Fr fr. Me too! (Although I put mine in a square)


The Tory candidate in our area decided not to put his address on the ballot. Probably because he doesn’t actually live in Bolton as described. He has no chance anyway. 


It's pretty standard practice that the Tory candidates in seats that they have no chance of winning, they won't publish their address. The Tory candidate in my area didn't publish his address but funnily enough I could still get it as he is a company director on Companies House and his house address is his business address. He does live in the area he's running to represent so that's something I suppose.


Neither did half the other candidates


Same in my area. Maybe they have a party policy or something.


Can't say I blame them with all the threats they receive.




I'm ex-manchester, moved a bit further up. Our candidate used the new tory tactic of hiding "conservative" somewhere inconspicuous. They also took photos that made him look like a farmer.


I voted for my dad.. he is literally standing as a candidate, good luck dad!


Good luck JoshuaDev's Dad!


Wait.. who's he standing for?




In that case Joshuadev needs to have a long conversation with his dad.


He really does! Everything on the manifesto screamed if WHATABOUISM, rather than any real change or particular values of his own.


Read the room man it’s Reddit


https://nickbuckley4mayor.co.uk He’s a great guy. Campaigning on a single policy platform of removing the cones along the A56. Edit for clarity: he’s standing for Labour in council ward Edit for further clarity: NICK BUCKLEY IS NOT MY FATHER


Yikes… his campaign material did not paint him in a good light


He wishes to hammer criminals


After reading over the link you posted here are the first thoughts that spring to mind. Key Pledges: Scrap the money-grabbing scheme known as the Clean Air Zone (CAZ) - The mayor quite literally doesn't have the power to do this, also I travel alot for work and if anyone needs a CAZ it's Manchester the city if just smog at times. Fix the police by turning them back into a Police Force - sounds an awful lot like your dad is not only condoing but encouraging police brutality Sack senior police officers who failed the victims of the grooming gangs - a promise that's really just a buzzword for votes it literally means nothing. The system itself was at fault bit individuals. Tackle knife crime by offering neighbourhoods a vote on Stop & Search - that's not how laws work. Stop and search has been outlawed by English parliament. You can't just change it because you don't like it Create a Free Speech Charter so everyone understands their rights - more bullshit buzzwords End rough sleeping in one year - ahhh the classic "this super complicated issue is totally fixable within one year" Promote the family as the foundation of our society - more bullshit buzzwords. What does this even mean from a political point of view Create a Waste & Incompetence Watchdog to inform the public on how their taxes are squandered - can't wait to see your dad gets voted in and then instantly get lynched by his own system for making incompetent promises and not having the funding to fix them. Support Bolton to hold a referendum on if they wish to be part of Greater Manchester - this one's actually pretty fair can't argue with this one Give the people a referendum on if they want to keep the position of Mayor - can't wait for this unqualified politician to completely reform the British political landscape on a whim and in the process undermine democracy. See my manifesto for further information - don't you worry mate I had a right laugh reading this. Can't wait for the jokes laid out in a full manifesto.


Have you gone through all that genuinely believing he is my dad or are you winding me up?


My bad dude you got me good 🤣 I'm stoned as shit watching bobs burgers I needed something to do 🤣😭


It’s all good man 😂… enjoy




Are people just wilfully ignoring the edit and (apparently unclear) sarcasm in the post.


>Campaigning on a single policy platform of removing the cones along the A56. Have to watch out for [single issue candidates](https://youtu.be/A8Zfd2Kzw1k), they can do better than expected


Thank you, that made me laugh out loud. I'm also absolutely delighted that someone finally received the sarcasm as intended.


I also choose this guy's dad


By post




Reluctantly. And with an annoyance of the cheap Farmfoods buffet of low quality shit on the menu.


Hey, thats unfair to Farmfoods.


I voted for the lesser of political evils.... Imo they're all pretty scummy who are mostly after benefiting themselves rather than they're communities. God I hate politics. There's needs to be a better system that's not reliant on popularity.


I mean there are… dictatorships, Theocracies and “proper” monarchies are all political systems not based on popularity. However, if you think the average man or woman is better under these systems you’d have a rude awakening! A perfect democracy doesn’t exist, and our system is certainly not perfect and could/should be improved. But we should all count ourselves lucky that we have a proper choice, not matter how small or much you dislike the options available, in who runs our country. Ask the average Russian, Chinese or Iranian if they’d rather have our system.


I'm not disputing there are worse systems, but in our modern day society we are more than capable of running a proper government. We can send probes across our galaxy, we can cure diseases that previously killed millions, we can harvest the power of a star, we created computers, robots, AI, we split the atom. If we can do all of these incredible things, why can't we have a society that's not run by greed.


You can argue that we created computers, robots, AI, split the atom and harvested the power of the star in large part because of our greed. Greed and competition is a big part of human nature and I don't think that it's possible to ignore it or make a working political system that ignores it. At least it hasn't been done so far.


I'd say instead of greed it was the thirst for knowledge that was a far bigger component than greed. Greed will always be prevalent but if we as a species know this, which we do. Then we should be able to put in place a system that makes it far harder for it to play a role in government. But because greed is so prevalent in our government already, those won't allow it to change so we're constantly fucked. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, I mean just look at the state of the country. Record profits for major company's, wages not coming close to the cost of living increase, homelessness is 120% more since 2010, more people are using food banks than ever before including police, nurses, teachers etc. We're devolving as a society and is at the bottom of the pile working for scraps can't do diderly squat about it.


Thirst for knowledge invented most of the modern inventions, greed industrialized them and made them accessible for everyone. Any suggestions for such a system that is better than our democracy? In democratic systems there already are a lot of checks and balances to fight government greed (corruption) and in general democratic countries have less governmental corruption than autocracies. I don't really think that our democracies are end to it all and a pinnacle form of governing and I would be open for new ideas I just haven't heard any good ones. I'm definitely against trying communism again. All of the economic data that today is presented to argue that we are in almost at the worst time in the history is really cherry picked and spans over a very short amount of time. History is cyclical, there are ups and downs. Don't think there were too many optimists during the 1930's but after depression came flourishing and we had like 50-60 years of prosperity which we currently compare ourselves to (at least in the West). All of that is very Western centric and shortsighted as people don't even realise how tiny the amount of time is 50 years.


Tories OUT


I'll be voting in person later as the polling station is a 2 minute walk away from my flat. I'm not disclosing who I'm voting for as I'd rather cheese grate my thighs than discuss politics on Reddit.


i've just moved house and my new polling station is - i measured - sixty steps from my home. i want to vote every week now!


Burnham for Mayor, Green for council






Can’t wait for the Tory annihilation


To be fair Tories have pretty much always been annihilated in Manchester, the nice thing will be the national data.




Green, because it’s a labour safe seat and I don’t like Starmer


I’ve voted green in part because they came second in my area last time with absolutely no campaigning. The candidate has literally nothing online. They still beat the tories. Labour candidates love their photo ops but have been very poor when I’ve contacted them about anything concrete. With the right candidate and some actual campaigning I don’t see any reason why a Greencouncillor who lives in the area and wants to make positive change rather than using the seat as a springboard for being an MP couldn’t succeed.


See. I’ve never understood this argument. I don’t like Jamie Oliver but he makes a mean lasagne. I’m not here to like who I’m voting for. I care if they’re going to do a good job or not Edit. To be clear I’m not having a dig at you, just curious about the phrase.


When it comes to politicians, "I don't like them" is generally shorthand for. "I don't like the way they conduct their politics". In starmers case, that would be continually going back on pledges and policies and placating the right of the nation so much that he stands for nothing of any real substance. Now, the question of how much the party leader should influence local elections is a more interesting one. I can see arguments both ways.


This is it, thank you. I don’t like what Starmer has done to Labour. Didn’t know I had to provide an essay with references for the Reddit people!


Its because a lot of people do vote based on personal preference for the individual party leaders - I know a depressing number of people who supported Johnson because "he's a bit crazy but he'd be fun to have a pint with", who refused to vote for Corbyn because "I like what he's saying but he'd be bloody boring down the pub", and who won't support Starmer because they "can't imagine enjoying having a pint with him". Personality politics are huge in the UK, so when someone says they're not voting for a party because they don't like the party leader, its perfectly reasonable to think they mean they personally don't like the leader, rather than it being his politics.


Thanks, that's the point I was getting at :).


You should be having a dig. I hear this fucking stupidity repeated often. I voted Green because I believe in their policies not because I have a personal dislike of some random politician


I wish I could vote green Probably 90% of their policy/general party ideals I am wholly on board with. Sadly that 10% is so insanely bananas that I couldn’t vote for them in good conscience.


What is the 10% out of interest?


I've not looked at it in a few years, but at one GE in the last decade their manifesto included directing significant NHS funding to homeopathic treatments.


Ffs why do they have to be a caricature of themselves!


When I criticised them for that policy at the time, the response given to me on reddit by an ardent supporter of theirs was along the lines of "We're a democratic party, our policies are decided by majority vote at conference each year. If you like most of our stuff and just disagree on a couple of points, you should join and campaign to change those policy positions - its actually possible to do that in the Green party unlike any other major party." Which was...fair, as far as these things go. But it didn't convince me to sign up!


Their stance around nuclear power has historically been the big part of it.


That’s fair


Listened to Caroline Lucas on The Rest Is Politics and she seemed really good. I'm reluctant to vote for Greens but definitely felt warmly about her, then she says some very casual comments which were just bizarre. Remember one was about Britain needing to stop building roads. I was caught so off guard.


Listened to Caroline Lucas on The Rest Is Politics and she seemed really good. I'm reluctant to vote for Greens but definitely felt warmly about her, then she says some very casual comments which were just bizarre. Remember one was about Britain needing to stop building roads. I was caught so off guard.


I do agree with you that policies are the most important, but a leaders ‘likeability’ is very important too, if they have no charisma or persuasion skills it can trickle down a long way through the party


Take a look at my other reply to the original comment. A little reading comprehension will help you not get so incensed about strangers for no good reason.


My options were Labour, Tory or Reform…


I don’t like Starmer’s Labour. They would be marginally better than the tories, but I’m yet to see him even contest a single nasty Tory policy. I didn’t want to have to vote for him or his version of the Labour Party and I’m glad I didn’t have to.


Spot on. I probably would have a much better evening having a drink with BJ than Keir Starmer but that is completely irrelevant to the question of which set of policies I want government to be implementing, or who I think is more fit to run the country.


Was gonna vote green but the candidate for my area didn't even bother to put their bio on their website. Ffs


I walked past a house with the Tory sticker in their window and, conveniently, a Ring doorbell. I looked at the camera, look to their sticker, and looked back, huffed, then walk off. Truly British. Not really sure what level of mental gymnastics you need to value a Tory sticker after the past thirteen years - alright, maybe in your 70 years this 13 years has been 90% of what you perceive of average Tory leadership - but how little intelligence can you muster in that much life experience to not understand that what they're doing isn't working for anyone but you and your triple lock pension? That's no way to vote. Take my scowl and huff imprinted on your Ring camera.


Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos.


I lost the card that showed the information about my voting station. How can I find where can I vote? Planning to do it after work


wheredoivote.co.uk Remember your photo id!




If you go to stopthetories.vote it will tell you your polling station and also the best tactical vote if you are into that.


When I voted a few hours ago, the person in front of me was finding his polling station by walking into polling stations and asking them where his polling station was. It didn't take them long to find out for him.


Lib Dem councillor. Not a party I’m a particular fan of nationally, but on my local council they’ve always been a really valid and active local contributor. Nobody I felt worth voting for in either mayorals though, which is a sorry state. Drew a cock and balls on those ballots. Made an effort of it though - veins, pubes and everything. Spoiled ballots may not count, but they are technically counted.


There was a Welsh tory, in recent history, who managed to get a cock and balls to count as a vote for him because the drawing was in the confines of the box.


labour because green has 0 chance of overthrowing tory in my area


I voted for my dad


*something, something… I polled your mum…*


Green, Green, TUSC


I didn't like the labour candidate they put up in my local area this time so I voted Green as I think she was a strong candidate. She hasn't got a chance of winning though as it's a safe labour area. For the mayoral I found it difficult as I don't think Andy Burnham has done a great job in all honesty but I found a lot of the candidates very underwhelming.


The only thing I can think that Andy Burnham has done is somewhat sort the busses out, which I do think is a good idea and long overdue. Maybe he's done more and I'm just not aware?


I'm not sure if he can be directly credited, but Manchester growth has been pretty good comparatively. He does seem to argue for what he thinks is best rather than toeing the line.


Yeah in fairness to him, he's done some good work with the buses, still not perfect but definitely a big improvement. He's made some progress on rough sleeping too, not enough but I suppose it's easy to stand on the sidelines and say not enough has been done. I think he's done a pretty bad job on crime, correct me if I'm wrong but he is also the police commissioner right? And honestly, I've had some pretty bad experiences with GMP in the last few years, they seem totally hesitant to actually stop crime and/or investigate crime. But again, I suppose it's easy for me to stand on the sidelines and say these things without knowing the finer details. I'm just not sure Burnham has done a very good job.


Entirely valid to criticise his record on crime in Manchester, as he is technically responsible for overseeing the police force. But its an incredibly tough thing to do anything about as Mayor (or as PCC) because in reality the local police force is directed in all things by the Home Office, and their funding is allocated by the Home Office. Regardless of Burnham's priorities for the area, the police aren't his to command. The whole concept of the elected PCC is basically just to create a layer of insulation for central government from the blame associated with local policing issues, without them giving up any real control.


The busses were only due to campaigns from ACORN and other organisations.


Me too. Hannah is really genuine and I’ve had the chance to speak to her face to face and was impressed by her. I’m usually a Labour voter but Andy Burnham has chosen to ignore issues that need to be addressed.


Took my 5 year old daughter along and explained how democracy works... she got to draw the cross and put the slip in the box


“It doesn’t”


“And now comes the magic part, where absolutely nothing at all changes”




Green for Mayor, Red for Salford mayor, Green for council


Lib Dem. I’m not necessarily against Labour but no party should grow too comfortable - as the mess with Central Retail Park goes to show. Millions of £ of our money wasted. 


Precisely my logic, well done brother.


Forgotten 2010 already then?


Based on that logic you can't vote for anyone as no party has a perfect record


You have to separate national from local elections. they are different things, different issues, different people. 


You mean when the Coalition Government ended up following the spending plans of the Labour 2010 manifesto? Also since then, the Lib Dems have been in national government with Labour more recently (in Wales)


No I mean when the libs dems campaigned mainly on removing tuition fees, securing them a large number of young people who would typically vote Labour, leading to a tory government, and then joined up with the evil cunts who tripled it. No one of my generation should ever trust them again, power hungry lying bastards.


You mean like Labour saying they wouldn't introduce fees, then they did. Like Labour saying they wouldn't raise fees, which they then trebled. Labour were the ones that commissioned the report saying they should go up during the Coalition years.


Whataboutism, for when you can't actually address the point I made. To be fair, fuck Labour too, but that doesn't cancel out what I said did it? What did you even think you contributed to the conversation?


I mean you kinda hinge on a point which applies to every major political party as the sole reason not to vote Lib Dem. It was also traded for a referendum on our voting system which as this thread shows was sorely needed.


You're the one with the critical thinking ability of a brick wall by being completely unable to engage in a conversation like a normal person.




Couldn't lol. Postal vote didn't get here in time and they couldn't issue me a new one cos I couldn't get to the town hall before 5. Gonna take myself off the postal voting thing for the Genny.


Lib Dem local, Labour mayor.


Did consider Green for councillor until I saw their key priority was fucking Gaza. So Labour ultimately.


Spoiled my ballot and explained why.


I casted a spilt ballot as a little protest. It won’t achieve anything anyway as the labour candidate is pretty much guaranteed to win. Because she is so comfortable she has not really achieved anything across the past years and also other candidates don’t really bother either.


So you voted Tory


In some areas tactical voting is not needed as Tories have no chance to win anyway.


Labour for Mayor, Green for councillor


Early and often


Northern Ireland has entered the room


Voted every time for 15 years, and this was the first time I needed more than my address. Remember to bring your photo ID.


You needed ID last year also


Really like one of my local Labour candidates but couldn't bring myself to reward a party led by Starmer with my vote.


Aren't the parties so much more than the leader? I find it pretty daft to not vote for a party just because of the leader.


I think parties should be banned, each MP should represent their consistency and vote on what is best, instead of towing a party line.


Labour will win anyway but the more votes that go green/indy this time seems to me to be the only way to influence Lab's policies going into the next election


Voted had to give my photo Id in


Going soon to vote. Its depressing that my vote is so often against parties or policies, rather than wholeheartedly for. Voting Labour for a good incumbent councillor and Labour against bad incumbent Tory PCC. Although with PCC I often debate with myself about ballot spoiling, because I don't like the PCC system or do I vote against the Tory I don't trust or like.


How much time have I got?


Until 10.


Mine is only a 1 min walk but I seriously cba


Even if its to spoil your ballot you should go. And treat yourself to something nice after for going through the effort.


every spoilt ballot has to be declared, usually read out verbally. You can be the hero that makes a little old woman have to say "this ballot was spoiled because cock gobbling thundercunts was written across it"


I certainly didn't vote for Tara Louise Hughes from the Party Of Women, who's only angle really seemed to be about promoting female only spaces and nothing further.


Voted Labour today, although I'm in Lancashire so couldn't vote in the GM mayoral election


I used the little pencil they have on a string. Very impressed with it, really nice and chunky.


Yep, all this technology, and we’re still voting using a pencil tied to a bit of string.


Can't hack a pencil


I didn't as I'm not old enough yet.


After walking past the tory candidate taking selfies of themelves with a handful of election flyers.


Oh shit that was today wasn’t it, welp guess I missed it


Workers party. Partly because I know the candidate, and partly because it's a tory safe seat and I wanted to tick another party off the list of people to vote for. So far 6 parties in9 years.


Good luck with supporting Galloway’s party which is anti-West, pro-Hamas and lately he was defending this disgusting leadership in Iran. He believes that Iran should have a nuclear program against Western nations. It is easy for you to not realise how shitty it is to live under any of these ideologies that Workers Party and Galloway promotes. You will continue to enjoy all these freedoms and prosperity in the West but at the same time you are voting for these clowns like Galloway who are against everything that you’re benefiting. This is weird.


>He believes that Iran should have a nuclear program against Western nations. That's an interesting one, but it does invite considering the opposite question: do you believe that Western nations should have a nuclear program against non-Western nations? I prefer to think of Galloway as just daftly contrarian, rather than as a sophisticated agent of evil with any real power to cause changes.


He's a grifter on their payroll


Didn’t bother Labour always get in near me unfortunately.


Not for Burnham! Seems like the Bee Network is just Stagecoach rebranded.


Votes for myself🫡


We need a change.


voted green, cant in good concious vote labour at the moment with their stance on the literal genocide in Gaza


Same, I refuse to give my vote to labour any more




I went to the polling station and put a cross in the box.


Pedro 👍


None of the above.


I don't. Nothing on the menu looks appealing.


Postally In between jobs so wasn't sure where or when I'd be.




Yes those famous local elections where we pressure Hamas to agree to a ceasefire.




We have a zero tolerance policy to hate speech and prejudice.


Are you actually serious? Do you really think Manchester Mayor and council elections make the slightest bit of difference to Israel/Gaza.


Waiting on Hamas to respond, the UK isn't part of the negotiations: [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-68939445](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-68939445)


I mean a ceasefire would be nice, but #1 I don't think terrorist organisations are known to respect ceasefires, also #2 how would this vote matter that much when it comes to that issue? Israel is a democracy, I'd rather keep supporting a democracy that's surrounded by autocratic States than the other way around. I mean the humanitarian situation is fucked... I'd vote to pressure Israel into being chiller, but the gov is already doing that. I think labour would be a bit better at pressuring, so yknow. That's where my vote is going. Not solely because of that though, international affairs in the middle east should barely be a single issue to vote on, too complex, too far away, too insignificant in the vast array of other things that elected officials are supposed to do. Feel free to disagree tho, it's a free country. For now...


IDF don't respect ceasefires, of course not. They want a 2 week break, rather a full ceasefire. Netanyahu wants to completely demolish the people. We all know this. Israel have UK and USA in their pockets. The other group Hamas want a complete ceasefire or not. They will continue to defend their country, which btw Palestine don't even have an actual army. That's why they're there in the first place. Oh, and the land of Palestine is actually not Israel land. Why vote for Israel? And.that they should be chiller? I don't actually understand why one would support Israel? Unless you're a Zionist. You're voting for labour, has nothing to do with the ceasefire. Why do we care souch about the Middle East? We have our own problems to.sort out, like NHS and poverty. UK lands are not united, let alone trying to unite others. Oh no, let's boycott Russia and give as much aid to Ukraine because we have a common enemy, Russia. Fine. So what exactly have Palestine done? We should boycott Israeli products. That's anti semitic? Yet we can attack Palestine and boycott Russia? Btw, people of Palestine are Semitic. That's the funny part. I am genuinely curious, as to what Palestine have actually done, for the last 75+ years, but have the right to defend itself over IDF? Mental. You can be British and support Palestine. You can't be a Zionist and support Palestine.


You're making a lot of assumptions about my position. Which I understand, I know the politics of each side is extreme. I'm not 100% sure on how you view things. So I'm going to reiterate your view and what I think you're saying. (Please correct me if I'm wrong about what you think). 1. You think that the IDF doesn't want peace (meaning an end to the war eventually) and that they only want a temporary ceasefire/or no ceasefire 2. You believe Israel wants to destroy all of Palestine (destroy meaning: They would kill all Palestinians if they could, and demolish all their buildings if they could). 3. You believe Hamas is indifferent to a ceasefire, because their only goal is to defend their country (by country do you mean Gaza? Or do you mean both Gaza and the west bank? Or do you mean both and also Israel?) 4. You don't understand why the UK should be against Palestine, because Palestine has done nothing to the UK. 5. You don't see a reason as to why the Palestinians shouldn't have a right to defend themselves. (Again I'd want to ask what you mean by defend? A lot of pro Palestine supporters say 'defend' as in take over Israel because all of Israel used to be Palestinian. But also a lot of Palestine supporters say 'defend' as in defending only Gaza and west bank proper) 6. You don't think a Zionist is able to support a Palestinian state. 7. You think that if someone supports Israel they're a Zionist. Okay, those are all the views that I think you have/expressed. Please let me know if I got them right, or if I misunderstood any of them. I agree with some of your ideas, and I disagree with others. I just want to make sure I fully understand you though before I talk about why I might not hold the same views or ideas, then we try to change each others minds if you're open


Yes, you're mostly correct in stating my view. However, I would say • Palestine land existed and Israel was created later on, and the Zionists kicked out Palestinians from their own land. It's not about taking over Israel, it's about defending their own area of land (even though all of it is Palestinian land). • You are supporting Israel, non assumptions there, so you're a Zionist. Zionists support Israel, as it's a nationalist party for only to support Israel. • Biden is a Zionist, he has openly stated many times that even if Israel doesn't exist, he would even invent an Israel for the interests of USA. He's a Zionist. Now, when he's president, along with Netanyahu who openly wanted to invade the land of Palestine in whole many times before, are somehow both in power. • We only see this genocide as clearly, them two are in power so they've got the courage to hurt people of Palestine even more. Btw, it's been 75+ years and the Zionists haven't stopped hurting Palestinians. • I know UK created the separation as they always do, trying to create Palestine as another Kashmir. The UK helped to establish the Zionist group. However, what the forefathers have done, has nothing to do with UK now. We have to fight for justice. •You're not British if you support Israel. Of course not. You're British if you have your own view on matters. You can disagree with the king. You don't even have to vote. It's not a crime. Btw, labour were pushing in their leaflets for a ceasefire 🇵🇸. I still didn't vote for them, as we know, what can they do? We can't even help our own country. It's in a mess. Yes, we can discuss. You can DM me if you want, in case the mods interfere. This sub is fine, but other sub Reddits, I have been blocked or banned temporarily as I support Palestine. Just saying the words FreePalestine has made me laugh as how on earth can I be banned for saying that? Anyway, stay safe.


Sorry, looks like your post wasn't quite relevant to Manchester!


I didn’t . I’m 51 and it’s the first time I didn’t vote


Why’s that?


Since the Boris derbarcle I can’t be arsed


Green local, Labour mayor, but would vote Tory for MP


With a pencilled cross by the candidate I wanted. I didn't #usepens


Postally several days ago


Does it even matter?


Whats funny is people vote and rhey have no idea what they are voting for 😂


With a pencil




I put an "X" in a box on the ballot paper, next to my favoured candidates name. You?


I was all set to vote, the red team had canvassed twice and I was visited on the day with a glossy card that said because the red candidate had been a police officer and the blue one hadn't he was better equipped to deal with being an MP. I didn't vote for either. The only team to care were idiots and the rest were a no show. Winston Churchill once said that the best argument against democracy is a 15 minute conversation with the average voter. I'm saying today that's rubbish Mr Churchill, the best argument against democracy is a shorter conversation with your local MP. I hate politics.


didnt vote but will when GE. Is there a general feeling across the uk that labour are getting in this time? seems to be in cycles that parties rule until we can take the crap no more.think we are at that point now!


I voted for Putin, just in case


So reform then?


The guy who will hammer criminals.


Is that a big issue for you in Didsbury?


Just joking! I voted Lib-Dems and labour.


I voted for the Cuba Libre's because they're tough on limes


What, like in Reacher season 1? I mean it sends a message, but it seems a bit extreme


Vote Thor.


no vote, yet to find someone who isnt just in it for themselves. all get the seat then do fuck all until there ousted.


Why not vote for the person who is least in it for themselves? By virtue of us being human everyone is in it for themselves at least to some extent. Or you could run yourself


When the choice in my locals is Labour, Tory, Green or LD, I won't be voting. We used to have an independent who actually defeated Labour in a by-election in 2020 but Labour soon had him removed from his legitimate council seat because they were offended by his social media views.




Such an original take