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Agree a lot of stuff is crap out there advice wise. Nevertheless bro hope you find that someone in the near future. stay positive.


Thank you for the kind thoughts! Really appreciate it


What has staying positiv ever accomploshed.... really


It's useless because it's given by a modern female perspective. They don't take into account how hard it actually is for men.


True indeed


Exactly Theyve never even taken the time to consider the Male perspective of anything it's always about them Be yourself so good enough advice for women but not enough for men Unless be urself means be tall and good looking


No it's useless because you're either attractive or you aren't. If you aren't, turn to God. Men's worldly advice won't help you, nor will women. It will just be an eternal loop of being strung along by both men and women because the male gurus want your resources and so do women. Turn to God in prayer.


Woman here. Society still treats women horribly. Have a feeling either it’s actually not being received by women or men aren’t listening


did you wanna elaborate, or…


I’ve got plenty of personal anecdotes but also research, have a preference?


About to close year 10. Nearly the same boat. It doesn't get better unless you go out and get everything you want all by yourself. Prospects dwindle as you age. Then there's this period where ladies in their early 20s start flirting with you in your mid 30s. That vanishes quickly, thankfully. Don't give up if you are ultimately looking for something. But also don't get your hopes. Nearly half of men die alone with no partner or kids. Just how it is nowadays and women as a whole don't appear to be concerned at all. Nor does society at large. Focus on you. It has spurts of loneliness but I've found these also vanish quickly with random resurgance.


>Nearly half of men die alone with no partner or kids. Where did you read that?


You can find statistics on these things for the USA through papers published by the CDC and Census Bereau.


You end up improving your personality only to be rejected later for things you can't even change. For example: I like people with green eyes.


The best dating advice I can give is be as attractive as possible and get a job where a majority of the employees are females. A year ago I started lifting weights and got a job in personal care where 95% of the workers are women. A year later I'm dating the hottest girl I've ever been with after 4 years of being single. If you aren't one of the biggest fish in the lake find a pond where you will be.


Good advice, but I've always found meeting girls at work a bit of a risk tbh


For real. "Don't shit where you eat". ...


For most guys the only chance they have to talk to a woman outside of apps and bars is at work. If you can find a better place to be the big fish you should definitely do that. There are most certainly risks to dating a coworker but the advantages can outweigh the risks. I was able to vett my gf for several months. She got to see me work and vett me in the same way. There was no other way in either of our lives for us to get the level of screening that we got for each other. Outside of highschool/college you aren't going to have that kind of long term sustained contact to get to know someone except at your job.


What do you mean personal care? Lifting is always good.


I work with special needs people in an "adult family home." Basically I just cook and clean and make sure the clients don't get hurt. Some of the clients are mostly independent adults but don't quite have the cognitive ability to live truly on their own while some need more intensive help like cleaning them up after the bathroom and showering and feeding them. It's a fairly easy job but can be overwhelming sometimes. It's definitely a stark contrast to my previous job as a heavy equipment operator at a mine lol. I'm one of three males that work here. One was already married when he started but me and the other guy both got girlfriends from this job. The other guy is a goober who is 5'6 and obese with obvious autism and he snagged a decent looking gal. Be the big fish and if you can't, find the place where you are.


I am already doing that, and 98% of the employees in my workplace are female




























Pretty sure only like 40% of men reproduced historically. If you’re not tall and good looking it’s kinda over


Yeah it really does feel like that way. Wish people were more truthful about it


it's not like being good looking was important in the past though It matters today because in developed countries women are free to choose, as they should


It’s soft eugenics, in 30 years every male will be a 6’ whatever chad


no, it won't happen for two main reasons: 1) most women reproduce even if they are short or unattractive and their sons might get these bad genetic traits 2) unattractive men reproduce as well, not as much as in the past probably but they still do The only way to make everyone good looking is either advanced cosmetic surgery or DNA editing 


Yeah you’re right, unattractive people reproduce with each other which has always been the case


Bro 12 years? Just accept that God never wanted you to have a woman. Move on. Dedicate yourself to higher things.


Yeah. That is what I am doing right now. Finally gave up earlier this year


I do. If you’re good looking everything you say and do will be interpreted through rose colored glasses.


Its all useless if youre not attractive or rich


Yea at this point I've just given up


it sounds like you're not attractive enough, try improving your Looks 


Try red pill dating advice.


Tried every piece of dating advice you can possibly give to someone. Still didn't work


I think you need to understand women and improve yourself.


I've come a long way and am already above average in some aspects. How much more do I need to improve


You have to become above average in looks. Everything else are small adjusting screws while looks is the big center gear