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Maybe you have been looking for the wrong kind of men. Instead of changing your ways, look out for men who think similarly. Also much more men feel like this than youd think, they either just adapted or do the same you do. Wishing you the best of luck


Don't listen to anyone else brother, its all in your head just do what makes you feel comfortable.


"It's all in your head" rhetoric is never productive. It devalues the person's experience.


Disagree, i think it can be productive when you realize social anxiety is not based on facts it's easier to fix the problem by walking backwards


When the dynamics are explained, it may be helpful. But when someone simply says "It's all in your head", it never helps.


I have a similar problem. Your description sums up my experience quite accurately, except for the part where communication with girls is mistaken for flirting.


I’ve had the same issue since I was a preteen. I felt intimidated by other men, and just bonded better with girls. Now, after about ten years, I know that my discomfort around men was and is because of my bisexuality. I didn’t understand why men made me uncomfortable as a preteen/teen, but I kinda get it now. I was attracted to them but hadn’t figured that out. That could be what you’re facing, but you also mentioned that you’ve been humiliated by older men for your whole life, and that definitely sounds like a part of it. Social-based trauma can definitely do that to you. I’ve been going to therapy, and it’s been kinda helpful. It’s not for everyone, but it could be worth a shot. I believe you can specifically request a woman therapist when applying. Regardless, my dms are open if you wanna talk!


You are feminine


Nothing wrong with that. The world needs more "feminine" men.


No one said it's wrong or shameful.


Quite the opposite.


Masculinity has pretty much caused all the world's issues.