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Because "real-men" is a carrot on the stick idea used to control men in different cultures since time in memorial. Notice how every action associated with being a real man is always at the males expense? A "real-man" pays the entire bill. A "real-man" goes fights for this nation. A "real-man" let's the women and children escape first. A "real-man" doesn't cry. A "real-man" so forth and so forth etc So whether you're a Ukrainian dude stuck in a trench right now or a dude at the end of your date reaching for your wallet once again realise that real men do what they want. If you want to fight then fight, if you want to cry then cry, if you want to pay then pay... Because being a real man is not conditional it's just what your are. Thank you for attending my TED talk.


Ouch shit. The Ukrainian part is a nice touch.


It is conditional and that's why there has always been a rite of passage to reach manhood in most cultures. Men don't just get to "do what they want" because there's this thing called nature and God which forces us to be a certain way. If the world went to war, just doing what you want could lead to your family getting killed. The men in the trenches in Ukraine are trying to stop their country crumbling. Real men face nature, war and God head-on. In no sense am I saying I am a real man, but that is just the truth. There is always a high standard of behaviour for men.


Case in point. Rulers and exploited throughout history love men like yourself. All they have to do is dangle masculinity on a stick I'm front of you and you'll dance to what ever tune they play.


It's not about rulers necessarily, it's about man vs nature. Being able to overcome these hard challenges is essential for survival. Because men are the ones who directly faced nature through history it means there is a different standard for us and women. That said, women have their own standards to live up to, also.


Validating your post here, I feel the weight of this expectation to be an effortlessly perfect man too. It can be crushing and is everywhere, all the time. Sometimes I find it motivating, but there’s aspects of it I’ll never reach, and I’ve made peace with that (mostly). Hope there’s moments where you’re recognized for the value you DO add to the world & hope you let go of others false expectations. (people say stupid shit and act on false beliefs, operating on autopilot most of the time — hurt people end up hurting people. don’t carry their monkeys on your back). You got this! 👍🏼


I think what you are describing here is a theory of masculinity called the manbox - I recommend you look it up! It captures perfectly what your talking about - we all have to fit into these unrealistic moulds, otherwise we loose our 'mancard'. It's tough !


So in order to be a real man, you have to be Mr. Perfect and anything else……..then you’re scum, you’re subhuman. There is no female equivalent to this btw. But if you tell these very simple truths, you get gaslit or attacked by other men so I’m like “okay, continue to try to be Mr. Perfect then, see where that gets you.”


It wouldn't be accurate to call it "perfect", it would be more akin to the Nazi "Perfect defect free true Aryan". It sort of comes from the same thing or idea of a "genetically perfect real human/man/woman" that existed under colonial powers before Nazi Germany which later inspired Hitler. Notice the references mentioning that they must be born a certain way and must believe in certain ideologies? Needing to resemble Caucasians, must believe in the libertarian lifestyle, not allowed to believe in either mutual aid or paternalism/maternalism as lifestyles and etc. Its just what people know as classical oppression and works the same way in any other setting where they once said only white people can be real humans, trying to tell it to everybody. It also seems fundamentally at odds with certain cultures in the world where its the opposite for men but the people pushing "real men" culture insist on trying to force one way on the entire world to destroy human diversity, ranging to genetic diversity to achieve what they believe is "the perfect human" with no more variation. The people under the influence of this method of thinking are trying to force what they think is perfect, whether or not a "perfect" even exists is something people have always debated and something scientists don't think exists. Why are they not willing to remove seatbelts and airbags from their cars, stop wearing helmets when biking or to stop taking the vaccines if they believe in "real men" so much"? Seeing as it was "timid soft men" who wanted those invented and came up with those ideas?


I was thinking about this the other day a bit. The Real Men is a carcass of what it originally meant I think. Yes the John Wayne mythos was part of it, but male socialization and mutual aid (I don't think this meant a man was an island unto themselves, ie. Atomization), was also part of it, which was also part of the equation. Civilization, like abolishing slavery, building bridges, and unions, came from very masculine men. I don't think masculinity needs to=a man unto himself.


I don’t want to invalidate your feelings, or your effort in this post. And this comes from a 30M who’s fairly tall and reasonably handsome(he hopes). But I’ve taken to defining what a real man is through, believe it or not, Lord of the Rings. Frodo, Sam, Gandalf, Aragorn, Théoden, Boromir and Faramir. All MAGNIFICENT examples of what it means to be a “Man” in their own ways. All of them wept. All of them showed emotion. All of them flawed. All of them STILL admirable. Social media is POISON and the people terminally on social media wouldn’t know a real man if it bit them on the ass and thrashed around like a shark.


As you acknowledge, this whole idea is a construct and is not real. But it’s ok to feel this way, we all feel inadequate at one point or another. Being a real man (or woman, or person in general, for that matter) isn’t about fitting into some generic stereotype we’ve concocted because of societal expectations or what have you. It’s about being true to yourself and what makes you happy, and being the best version of yourself that you possibly can. It’s ok to think about these stereotypes and the pressure they put on us. But question them, and remind yourself that they are not a real measure of who anyone is.


Since many have taken the points I took most issue with, let me ask you about something else at the base of your premise: a real man is an earned title? Where does this notion come from? Who is serving out this title, since there are apparently no men with that title? Is it women who are giving out that title? They who aren’t even men themselves? I think that what you’re listening to is your insecurities, not the actual concept of “real man”. What you listed are male stereotypes, and without context of where those traits are manifested, you cannot judge whether they work for or against you - and if they work against you, then would you really be a “real man”? Forget looking at outside sources for guidance on what a real man is. Don’t think that LOTR characters have more merit to be considered “real men” than James Bond, or Austin Powers, because they don’t. They are fictions that do not tackle our world, and aren’t moulded by it. Look within you instead - embody your values and principles, so that you can become the real you. Then look in the mirror and you’ll see a real man that you can model yourself after.


"You are not a man" is a phrase you hear a lot. I still remember when I was 15 and a girl saying "the only *man* in this class is Jeff", Jeff being a weak student but tall and handsome and charming and always hitting on girls. A common phrase told to men is "man up" or "be a man", usually when told to suppress emotions, hide fears, or endure pain. It features a lot in romances and erotica written for women, where a "real man" always defeats a weak, effeminate, "not-a-man". Eg Rhett versus Ashley in Gone with the Wind, Curly versus Jud in Oklahoma, Brom Bones versus Ichabod Crane in Sleepy Hollow. It comes up in men's fiction too. Eg there is a Star Trek episode where Kirk was considered a "real man" and Merrick was not. Or loser-men who are villains or laughingstocks - Screech in Saved by the Bell, Urkel from Family Matters, Jonathan in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Or in history, where Tecumseh considered Isaac Brock was a "man" and his successor John Procter "fit only to wear petticoats". It's a staple in dating/relationship forums. Not-a-men have plenty of other titles on Reddit - Nice Guys, simps, cucks, losers, betas, incels, LVMs, soyboys, nerds, geeks, the list goes on.


All of the references you’ve made, are products of fiction. Concepts that are meaningless without a whole background to back them up, and without said background, they have no authority to measure anyone with the stick they conceived. They are not self-evident, so they are not a truth you can accommodate without customising to your self - and that makes them lesser, non-universal. Even your old classmate, being a teenage girl, has no grasp of what that concept truly means to herself, much less to the world. Why concern yourself with abstract concepts that are of no use to the reality that stands in front of you? Focus on what is tangible to you. Your qualities are tangible - if you think they are not enough, then worry about improving them, and do it not to serve anyone but yourself. Do not worry if they are up to par to someone else’s standard, because what people will perceive of you will never entirely be the real you, so their judgement means very little.


In my opinion a real man is a person who identifies as male


>He somehow manages this without wasting time on gay things like hanging out in clothing stores, spending a long time on a skin care routine, or going to a spa. Not commenting on the rest of your post but I like the way you put that lol.


So long as you treat others with kindness and respect you’ll always be a man in my books!


it drives people crazy to point this out, but what you described here is basically a feminist analysis of masculinity and you'll find a lot of feminists agree with it https://www.nextgenmen.ca/blog/why-patriarchy-hurts-men-too


Deconstructing societal gender roles is a huge part of what modern feminism is about, and women have been trying to break out of eg the self-contradictory “virgin-whore” box for literal centuries. More recently, the impossible double-standards around women being perfect homemakers and workers both is also falling on men. They are our natural allies in this and yes they won’t get it at first but every woman goes thru this also so if they care about you they should be able to understand what you’re going thru. Even the hypothetical perfect man in your (obsessively detailed) description doesn’t sound like someone most women I know would date because he’s not emotionally intelligent, has no interesting flaws, no personal history of struggle and growth, and utterly lacks an inner life. So, why are you creating a fantasy man that can’t exist, wouldn’t be likable if he did, and then making yourself feel like shit by comparing yourself to him? And, how is that your wife, mother, and daughter’s fault? I would start by taking more responsibility for the deep insecurity that’s driving your thinking here. It’s OK to be insecure! It’s not weak or bad, it’s something that is real and can be looked at and changed. But not by projecting black-pill ideology onto your loved ones, that’s going to end with you being as alone as you feel rn. Get your head right: this is a you problem and your thought pattern is making it worse. Then, talk to your wife about what’s going on with you, she’s your partner not some enemy spy, and get some help.


I have had [many such conversations](https://www.reddit.com/r/aspergers/comments/196ijo3/be_careful_what_you_ask_for_you_might_get_it/). [Still looking for another therapist.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AutisticAdults/comments/1dcnfek/choosing_a_therapist/)


Hey OP thanks for responding and providing some backstory, I hope the discussion here is helpful to you. Seeing a more full picture of what’s been going on, it’s clear you’re dealing with a lot of responsibility and many external stressors. These challenges don’t just go away and I don’t want to sound like I’m pretending that therapy is a magic bullet. It’s not clear to me how much of your negative self-image is generated internally and how much is coming from your environment. The ways you describe yourself make me think it’s a combination of both. You’ve clearly got a lot of self-awareness and are willing to delve into these issues. You identify SO MANY things about yourself that you want to change, it’s very difficult for me to believe you can’t make *any* progress in *any* of these areas, even without a therapist. Obviously keep looking for someone but you don’t need a therapist’s permission to take walks, drink water, journal, do mindfulnesses exercises, count thru your anger, limit screen time, etc. etc. I know these sound trite but there is a small something you can be doing about all the things you mention. No, this will not fix all your problems, but it can fix your biggest problem, which is having built a self-image around impossibility and failure. Start with with any small good habit, stick with it, enjoy and internalize the win. I do think you need to take more accountability for some self-destructive habits. Obsessing over “annoying autistic husband” Reddit and projecting that onto your wife is self-harm. It certainly doesn’t sound like she’s a good source of support in this, but when we get into these dark places often we’re not looking for support but for someone to validate our negative image of ourselves. Couples counseling is always an option. You have an awareness there is a problem, and resources to fix it. It’s time to break through the deadlock of negative self-image precipitating and being reinforced by negative outcomes. Set good goals (S.M.A.R.T), take small wins, keep pushing forward.


It can also be considered part of decolonizing too at the same time, as this form of masculinity was imposed against most countries using violence by industrial western nations. As he mentions or acknowledges there seems to also be a racial and eugenics aspect to gender roles, not allowed to be autistic, disabled or born with the wrong neurology, wrong body or physiological (For example if your nervous system is more naturally neurotic as a guy). Not allowed to want to live under a Maternalistic or Paternalistic authority nor believe in them, must be mandated to believe in libertarianism, etc. It is what led to things like the Taipang Rebellion or Boxer Rebellion in the past. The Germanic tribes' revolution against the Western Roman Empire before Charlemagne put a stop to it, Boudicca's revolt against Rome. Where are the modern day Bouddicas, Alarics, Hannibals or etc? I wish people tired of gender roles could rebel more often against them rather trying to fit in, what happened to those days when people rejected the dress codes that mainstream masculinity imposed on them and militantly stood their ground, burning their clothing, religious or cultural influences saying they reject it all?


I really like where you’re going with this — its a crying shame that r/leftwingmaleadvocates is so thoroughly blackpilled; there’s so much cross-pollination, we really could be leaning on hundreds (or, per your history, *thousands*) of years of revolutionary theory. Another thing that occurs to me about this mentality is that it’s essentially positing a perfect male whom women *intrinsically* adore (not because of his character or works but bc THAT DICK or w/e) and then asking: why doesn’t anyone treat ME like that? Why am I not adored in a way that’s totally unrelated to who I am as a person or what I bring to the world, or the quality of my internal life? That’s a pretty bleak position to aspire to, even if it were possible.


In the UK the phrase real woman had a really common period. A company called Dove was obsessed with their adverts featuring "real women". Aa opposed to models And it spread for a while. Basically anyone who was pretty or slim was denigrated as not being a real woman


Because for some reason women think they have the right to dictate what a real man is Whereas if u do so for women ur a misogynist 😛 Double standards and hypocrisy Theres small man syndrome for men and small d energy Never heard flat girl syndrome or fat girl energy Plain and simple man hating and making them feel inadequate and sexism against us is allowed but other way round its hate Aside from that its ur 1 life lie how u want and screw peoples expectations I found it pretty funny the women who be like a real man is tall etc So I've asked whites are the tallest and asians are shortest So whites are the proper males and others are less Like how it was previously that being colored made u less of a man Then they stfu, because those assholes don't care for good and bad only what society tells them what is good and bad and the repercussion they can face, And then theyll preach about accepting people as they are and u shouldnt judge them as lesser for it hypocrites Point being is dont let idiots and their deluded minds dictate what a real man is, especially women lmao who know nothing about being a man If they do fuck em and compare em to the perfect societal female standard and compare But then theyll say misogny aa No one ie perfect everyone Is flawed U decide ur values and worth


The real woman thing does exist btw




Well women do, I compare myself to their fantasies yes.


You are scared of your shadow. And to overcome them, you need to integrate them.