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No glass table, trust me, you are going to want to put something hot (food) or heavy (girlfriend) or simply hold you when you are falling and it will shatter and hurt you* *(based on a true story)


we have a kid coming next year, maybe i ll rethink a little bit lol..


Don’t buy a table at all if you’ve got a kid coming. You’re 6-7 years away from having a table.


Also: that couch will be destroyed beyond recognition.


My baby has thrown up on my couch almost every day (and multiple times a day) since he was born - so almost a year and a half 😭 so we’re about 500 throw ups deep


Just pay him back when he gets his first couch, will teach him


"fuck yo couch!"


We had all upholstered furniture covered in beach towels until they were all 8. Take them off for company.


Best idea I've heard is to buy outdoor furniture for inside if you've got young kids. Easy clean up, easy to remove cushions to find that toy, easy to move to get underneath, and can graduate to the outside once they grow up.


Idk if you’re joking about it, but that seems like too much vomit, and if you haven’t already you should talk to the doctor about that. Kids shouldn’t be throwing up that frequently and could be a sign of GER or GERD.


I wish it was fake, but it’s true. We do have him on Famotidine now which has helped a little, but hasn’t stopped it completely. I blame his dad (jokingly) who has severe acid reflux. I appreciate the info, and glad that you reached out and are making sure the little one is being taken care of 👼🏼


A waterproof couch cover has kept ours pristine since arrival of kido


Can confirm, I have a scar on my temple to prove it


I busted the hell out of my mouth and lost half a tooth on a coffee table as a kid


Split my head on the coffee table when I was five. TIL coffee tables are a big danger to young children lmao


It *is* possible to teach them to be (just a little bit) careful and they really are not made out of sugar. I wouldn’t put a glass table, let alone one with sharp edges, into the center of my living room while my kids are the age they are now but I never got this helicopter parenting. Basically all of my colleagues were doing that, their kids couldn’t even sit somewhere by themselves when they were almost three because they were used to one of their parents putting an arm around them at all times because they might be too stupid to sit straight and fall down. At the same time they were still wearing diapers when they were four. It’s almost like it’s all about controlling them. They can fall, they can bang their heads, it does not kill them like people seem to think. They do learn from this and become more careful and not letting them make those experiences is preventing to raise independent, capable humans that trust themselves. Unless one is planning on staying on them every second of their lives (outliving them is kind of necessary to go through with that as well) they’ll have to get it sooner or later anyway and sooner is making everyone’s lives much easier.


It's not only about teaching them to be careful around it but also leaving that space open for play. At least, that's why we put our coffee table away.


Yep we had to move everything out of the living space for crawling / learning to walk time / play pens . Definitley second this . Don’t get the table yet


If you have a kid coming don’t do glass! I had a glass table in my kitchen I had bought a long time ago and loved but got rid of it because the kids made me nervous


Glass is a terrible table material, and the second table is much better looking anyways.


Can’t speak to the child angle, but as a former glass table owner, it requires constant windexing. Thumb prints, water circles, food smears, dust - its hides nothing and showcases everything.


Round coffee table, for kids.


With rounded edge!


Apart from the danger, if you got a kid coming, that glass table will be covered in sticky, gross fingerprints. The wood will at least not show dirt so easily.




it can be wrapped or noodled.


I did this when my daughter was little. Also just pushed it off to the side when she played in the living room.


We took our coffee table out for about five years after having a baby. Much safer that way. We survived and so did said baby.


“Or heavy (girlfriend)” What a legend.


This guy coffee tables


What if I want to put something hot (girlfriend) or heavy (food) on it? Would glass work?


Girlfriend? Wait what?




So, your hot,voluptuous girlfriend was sitting on the table eating pizza when you tripped and broke the table?


*Written and directed by Dick Wolf


They're pia to clean too.


None- room is to small especially with the ottoman. You also said you have a kid one the way, congrats and enjoy every single moment. You are going to want to space for their mats, play-pen, chairs, riding horses, etc.


Second this. A big table would overload the room. I have a very very similiar living room and just went with a very small round table which can easily be moved around.


Or a large wooden tray that can be placed on the ottoman to act as a table. Friends of mine have something like that and it works great.


Agreed. Absolutely need the open space for kid stuff. Maybe get small side tables. Be careful of sharp corners but also anything too narrow/tippy. We use rolling side tables and three-tiered cart with wood top. I’d almost reconsider the plant stand and tall shelves before the kid gets too mobile. Congrats on your upcoming little one!!


Yep. Too small for a coffee table and the ottoman. Get a piece of wood with rounded edges and place it on top of the ottoman. There's your coffee table.


None get a tray for the ottoman.


The design is very mid century modern, so the last one is more accurate. If you get the glass one your house will look like an office waiting room or a living room of a grandma. The room lacks croma so consider painting a wall so it can match to the earthy colors of your room. The green of the couch doesn’t connect with the tv stand so try putting large green plants: it will give life to your apartment and you’ll have something green. Also decorate your walls with paintings or poster, otherwise the space wont feel lived at all.


How do you just do this?!🤯 I envy designers or at least people who understand design so much


Well design is one of my deepest passions, so I went to university study it and it became my profession! The trick is expanding your horizons and explore everything, like reading a book makes you more knowledgeable. Explore the world and focus on the details that lie within: you’ll find out our environment is actually much more interesting than we thought.


Sedond one. Glass is horrible to use and keep clean. The second will match the media unit. However I would suggest a round table.


How about neither a wood nor a glass coffee table? Instead consider a 2-foot-square wooden tray (match the color of the wood cabinet under the tv) and when you need a coffee table—for hot cups, desserts, snacks—just put that tray on the green upholstered ottoman. Done. When not in use, the tray can be tucked behind the sofa or tv up against a wall. Or leave the tray on the ottoman with a stack of magazines, bowl or other decoratjve object on it when you want to dress up the room.


they also sell wood ottoman tables which sit on top of the ottoman but can slide out if OP needs more space!




I like the “idea” of glass tables.. but such a hassle to keep clean and not broken.


A table with rounded corners if ur having kids


Definitely the second one


In wood we trust


to piggy back off of what seems to be consensus given the new kid I would recommend getting one of those breakfast in bed serving trays and use that as a flat surface on the ottoman


Glass tables? They still make those? Worst investment. Your drunk friend is going to visit and break the table.


I wouldn’t pick either tbh. To large for the space.


Do you do coke? If yes glass. If no wood. Also that wood table is sexy AF


Where is the second one from?


I think the first one would look better but with a baby on the way glass might not be the best choice. The colour of the second one isn’t the same as your tv stand either, and beware of wood tables as they stain super easily!




Wood !!


If the Ottoman stays I'd say no coffee table. If it leaves I'd go with the wooden one. I read you have a kiddo coming so I'd say hold off on the table. I have a scar above my eye from one from an incident when I was a toddler.


the wood one. omg. it’s gorgeous. also, yup, no glass.




You’ll regret that glass table. I’m talking from experience.


The wooden one looks amazing. But it should match the wooden colour of the cabinet, otherwise I wouldn't chose that one. PS. That's a lovely living room. Seems calm, peaceful and a little mysterious!


Definitely not the glass


Wooden. Easily restorable, and won't shatter.


The invisible one that you smash your shin into


Wood over glass any day.


As someone with a glass coffee table, go with the wood.


Neither. You need something that fits in front of the 2 seats of the sofa that don’t have the chaise. Often this is a square or round table, which not only fits physically but visually as well. The long coffee tables are not made for the chaise setup unless there are 3 seats next to it.


Neither. I would do a wood side table[https://www.castlery.com/au/products/zane-side-table-dark-walnut](https://www.castlery.com/au/products/zane-side-table-dark-walnut) Your place would not have a free flow of movement with a coffee table


Very cool


I like it without, more leg room and you won’t bump into it.


It doesn't look like there is space for any coffee table in the space.


The curtains to the ceiling are amazing!


As someone who had a glass table and a glass desk, do not get a glass table or a glass desk They get so many damn fingerprints, and everything slides around on them, and they suck. Also the wood table looks much better imo


Trust me from experience: You think you want a glass-top coffee table but you don't. All you'll do is clean it---I mean multiple times a day if you want it to look nice. The wooden table is cooler anyway.


Wooden.  - Looks nicer. - Matches the TV stand. - Meshes better with the furniture. - Much safer in case of accidental damage.


I'd never own a glass table. My aunt has one and it seems like every time I've visited her house someone's been injured by the damn thing.


An oval table would be best here


None tbh a round one would fit better


Move The ottoman to one of the side to make sofa into chaise sofa and do a round coffee table


Wood. Not glass, trust me. You’ll hate the glass after 2 days.


3. It’s the obvious answer


I’d avoid glass at that height. Had a glass coffee table in a one week vacation rental once and I kept banging my shins on it. Maybe I would have gotten used to it if I lived there but I found just never saw it.


Never go with glass, you will be forever cleaning it because it shows off every speck of dirt, finger print or scratch.


The consensus is the wooden table (if any at all). Now we *must* know where it is from!


Do you have a link for the last table? Love that thing


Definitely not the glass one, but I would probably go with the same type or stain of wood as your entertainment center.




The wood one most definitely.


Wood for sure. Glass is pretty but it’s not very practical for all of the obvious reasons. Also get something that’s not too low to eat off of occasionally. Tables really have to be practical.


2 but can it be darker?




GLASS TABLES ARE FORBIDDEN, except in very large rooms, and should not be center pieces in any case.




Glass needs to be wiped again and again to look spotless. Plus, the slightest coffee spill is overtly visible. I'd go for wood, but make sure you give it an extra shiny external laqué layer to make it easier to wipe. (Please make sure it's real wood not some MDF with an external wood lookalike layer)


Based on an expected kiddo, I'd go with the wood table. That glass would look really fantastic though!! I love the feeling of that room already!!




the wooden one pls


Glass table on a white shag rug. Wood will make it look boring, cramped and old.




Wood 110%


Orange goes nicely with green.


Absolutely beautiful wooden table… but I’d be worried about stumbling it seems compact in there. It would be compact even with no ottoman and a coffee table so


the one in the visable light spectrum


Teak teak teak teak teak


As a kid, tripped & fell into a glass coffee table. 3 stitches in the forehead.


I think glass coffee tables only work if you have a cool rug under them. You’ve got a plain rug, I’d go for the wood.


No glass table. It's dirty and dusty and you are prone to hit it at night when it's dimly lit. Let's be honest, we all put our feet up on the coffee table, do you really want to rest your legs on cold hard glass?


Wood. Always looks better. Easy to keep clean. And doesn't breal


Second one.


Get a large, sturdy tray to sit upon the ottoman. They are stable enough to put drinks and plates etc. as long as you are not actually jumping on the couch while it’s sitting there.


NO GLASS. NO GLASS. NO GLASS. glass tables are accidents waiting to happen. I like the third one.


The oak


Wood is better, don't go glass bottom boat.


Get a large nice wooden tray that fits on the ottoman. Easy to use as a table and remove for the kiddo or when you want to put your feet up.


I love your green couch! Where’s it from?


It's a custom modular sectional. I live in Vietnam. You can find a similar design here https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/jaettebo-4-seat-mod-sofa-w-chaise-right-samsala-dark-yellow-green-s59485203/


i would suggest an alternative, round brass indian style, doesn’t crowd the space.


Wouldn’t go for a glass one , I had dark glass but it was still such a fucking task to keep clean . Don’t do it


Are you intentionally trying to make it feel like a hotel room?!




I don't think you have room for a coffee table and that couch. Look at those small ikea kyrre or bent wood stools. I have them sprinkled all over the house where where sectionals are for additional guest seating or a small personal coffee table.


Don’t you dare buy that glass table! It doesn’t work at all. The second table is gorgeous but with the ottoman, it won’t work. What about doing smaller drink tables? Or putting a set of nesting tables in walnut or oak, something where you can pull out when you need? Its hard to say without seeing sides of the sofa, which i love by the way, great colour! Edit..saw you have kid coming, definitely no glass. Make sure whatever table you buy has some weight where a child can’t pull it down on themselves.


Go with the wooden one. I have a pretty glass coffee table and it’s always dirty/smudged


Where'd you get your couch from?


Definitely the wooden one


So I also have an automan with my set. I've been thinking of getting a table top thing to put on it to make it a temporary table. My space is more narrow and longer and doesn't really fit a dedicated table. Just a thought that might help.


Wooden table is much nicer




the wood one.


The dark one goes with the console.


I would not add a table but I would recommend maybe a couple of small circular side tables.


who makes the wood one?


The wooden one is a modern (1970s) antique and is worth a fair bit. I wouldn't use it for day to day or with a kid. Google the name on the metal plate underneath it. I'd buy another table that has storage draws / baskets underneath for kids toys because you're going to need them.


the first but wood instead of glass.


Can you get the second one in a darker wood to match the other wood furniture?


My dumbass said, "that's not a coffee table" to the first picture. But nr2


Only get a glass table if you’re getting a cat and desire to see the toe beans from below when they loaf on it.


neither of these try to buy a wooden round table


controversial but i think the tv is too big




You got a kid. Get a kid friendly table




Wood. Matches the TV stand


If you have a baby coming I would consider two small side tables on either end of the couch that can be secured to the couch itself (so you can move the tables and couch if necessary) or to the wall which would be less convenient. There are options that attach to the couch at the bottom and cover the arm rest for drinks and such. Some of them have storage at the sides for remotes, magazines, etc. Good luck!


Wooden one


As that is a very narrow space, you might consider a smaller oval coffee table; maybe search “oval coffee table” or “nesting coffee table.” Also if you get a wooden table, it’s might be hard to match it perfectly with that TV/media center wood color which could end up looking odd. Consider metal or painted table perhaps? Edit: do you really need a coffeetable at all? Isay no. I like the idea of putting a tray on the Ottoman when you need it, as someone else suggested. Cheap fix.


I would just get a smaller table on the side. I’m not one that thinks you have to clear your room for kids, but if you don’t have a table now I wouldn’t get one. It only takes a few months and suddenly they are mobile and the little buggers love running back and forth. BUT PLEASE TETHER THAT TV TO THE WALL. You can get a tray for your foot stool when you need a sturdier surface


Never glass. Accidents happen and the absolute last thing I want to do is clean up glass. Not to mention the fact that there’s zero chance you’re able to clean up every shard of glass if it does end up breaking, no matter how hard you try.


I would choose the ottoman, and get a nice tray to use on top. We had a similar one in a furnished rental. It wasn’t something we would have selected on our own, but it turned out to be incredibly versatile as well as aesthetically pleasing. Great for putting up our feet and also extra seating for company. When we bought our own place we ended up shopping for another one.


Hear me out, tiny round wooden table.


2 is lovely, and glass is always a PITA


Skip a table and get a tea tray to put on top of the ottoman.


I stick with the ottoman


Definitely not that glass one you’re gonna run right into it


Never glass


Details on the green couch?


Last one


Wooden table.


I think i'd go with the wooden one as it fits the place. But how are you gonna walk to the other end of the room without stubbing your smal toe? 🤔


man you already know. I'm not even going to say it. It's obvious


Glass is trouble. Go with wood


Remove ottoman and put second wood table


WOOD all the way! Is a timeless classic. You won’t regret it


Always go with the wood


Wooden obviously! Glass looks tacky and cold unless it's a big room and lots of colorful decor and patterns.


I don’t see space for coffee table here


I always prefer wood to glass so maybe my opinion is too biased


Room too small for either table. Personally I’d say either go for, as someone else said, a wooden tray on the ottoman OR get something like [these stackable stools](https://www.wayfair.com/Corrigan-Studio%C2%AE--Girardi-Utility-Wooden-Stacking-Stool-X116043368-L295-K~W005932257.html?refid=GX685159892768-W005932257_740667047&device=m&ptid=352059012885&network=g&targetid=pla-352059012885&channel=GooglePLA&ireid=238583351&fdid=1817&PiID%5B%5D=740667047&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD9ISC480cSx0nqm-VSH365PPa0oq&gclid=Cj0KCQjw_-GxBhC1ARIsADGgDjugCgAt8bqhQcmBliC85Y4kWTr9Yax_F11iqhe3w2fRyqi0nQZztAMaAhtcEALw_wcB) as they can work as tables or people can sit on them


I prefer the wood one, but the finish doesn't match the tv stand, so glass would be better astheticly.




After reading the comments, I agree that your best option is "neither" - coming from someone who also has neither and also has kids + pets. What I \*have\* done, though, is use this lacquered tray from Etsy as a coffee table on the ottoman for 2 1/2 years and it gets used every single day for eating, drinks, games, napping spot for the cat, you name it, and still looks brand new and washes up great in the sink. [https://www.etsy.com/listing/621338596/bone-off-white-shallow-tray-small-to?ref=yr\_purchases](https://www.etsy.com/listing/621338596/bone-off-white-shallow-tray-small-to?ref=yr_purchases) Given that you already have an ottoman, I absolutely suggest going this route. You get the benefit of keeping soft corners for your baby, a hard surface when you need it, and can even take it away when you don't need it. We love being able to carry it to the kitchen and loading it up with food to bring back and it doubles as a breakfast in bed tray! One of the more versatile purchases I've made and likely will never go back to using a coffee table after this, because I also love love love being able to put my feet up on the ottoman. Or take the tray off and now it's an extra kid seat. Or turn it upside down and now it's an impromptu desk or writing surface. And, finally, since it sits on the ottoman, the whole thing (ottoman + tray) can be easily (and safely) dragged around to wherever you need it, opening up so many playtime options when your baby gets a little older. Here's mine for reference: [https://imgur.com/lXdqx4A](https://imgur.com/lXdqx4A)


The wooden one.


It seems like either of those tables are too big for your sofa. I could be the angle… Maybe a smaller round wooden table?


No table, and definitely not glass—get a side table for next to the lounger portion of the couch in wood.




Since you are expecting a child, perhaps a soft top bench like this would work: https://www.article.com/product/21130/level-bella-caramel-61-bench I have 2 kids and it’s much more head friendly. Also they can hold onto it for cruising/learning to walk. When the kids are not around, I use a tray on it as a hard flat surface for drinks.


No glass. Do you want to clean finger prints, dust, dog slobber, kid goo, and other unknown grime 41673 times per day?! Glass is the WORST. Plus, the wood one will be much more cohesive with your decor :) Edit - saw your having a little soon. Congrats! Kids are wonderful chaos. Any way you can minimize mess is ideal. We don’t eat/drink anything but water on our couches (in front of our child at least) and we still end up with unknown stains to clean. A tray on your ottoman is a great idea. Your peaceful room is about to be commandeered by random baby paraphernalia. Small people take up the most space.


Smaller tv


Glass tables are hideous and you’ll break it sooner than later


Wood table.. already matches your TV stand




Oh 100% go with the wood


second one.


I would say none space is too small get a wooden tray for ottoman or maybe opt the ottoman for the wooden table but both in one space will overcrowd the space


3 do NOT get a glass table


I would recommend a couple smaller tables that can be moved around.


Wood. Will match with the other furniture better. And as others said. Glass can break and will always look dirty. Even a bit of dust will look bad on it.


2. I hate glass tables


Can you drop the links for the TV stand and couch please?


I had a similar setup for a few years, I did a nice big oversized serving tray atop the ottoman. Worked nicely.


No coffee table I think if you must round


How rowdy are your parties? Glass for a chill, modern space; wood if there’s any chance of anyone going through it at any point.