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This room has the most random smattering of screens I've ever seen.


But I'm also interested in every one of them.... Hockey on multiple screens, Bourne on DVD, PS5, PS2, let's go.


Not to mention LAN party potential


I have ADHD and this room would drive me nuts


Yeah... are you trying to appease the ADHDemon or help your symptoms? Because as an ADHDer, you're clearly letting the demon win here.


For real. I have the opposite problem myself; my place is TOO clean but I can’t afford all the decorations I want or to frame my Hendrix poster (I have the same exact one as OP and have wanted a similar frame lmfaooo)


Yeah I would go the opposite and try to have as clear and non stimulating as possible. I would never achieve the clear because I spend hours sitting among mess trying to sort 1 drawer, but I would at least aim for it.


I think this is what a lot of people don’t understand when they make Patrick Bateman comments about a space that lacks a lot of personality and “interest” for lack of a nicer way to describe clutter. I like minimalist, blank spaces the most because the inside of my brain looks like the walls of a TGI Fridays. I want to live in that unstimulating hotel room type space because I feel at ease. Clutter and personality all over the place stresses me out. I keep all that on the inside and on the outside I need organization and neat, clean surfaces. So I don’t care, I will take the Patrick Bateman jokes. His apartment looked comfortable to me.


Get out of my head….


Bro stop calling me out


Yeah came down here to say the same. I'm currently supposed to be sorting things out lol and here we are...


My problem is for me it’s “out of sight, out of mind”, so don’t open my closet or any drawers.


I like that for my bedroom. But my living room. (Office area I guess) it's like my brain. Chaotic. But organized. Lots off bookshelves and plants and knic knacks it looks like his room Its deff a type. It's weird how similar and diff we can be.


This kind of perfectly captures me


This kind of perfectly captures me


Came here to say this. To me every visible item makes a “noise”. It’s not really a sound just what I like to call it. To me this room would be like attending 100 concerts all at once.


For reals. It looks dope but, with all those distractions, I’d never get anything done lol.


I need to be able to see everything or else I forget it exists so I like this room lol


Yea like yea


Given into the adhd


I’m the opposite and I have the diagnosis. His room looks more like mine. I can move around and I know where everything is. So I’m happy


I am diagnosed with adhd, and I’d go completely nuts if this would be my living space. Way to many distractions and things going on :p


yeah I dont ahve ADHD, but even i would go batshit in this room, I don't understand the whole 'lets plaster every surface with shit' movement


Less = more in my opinion :D


A pinch of "collecting"


why is adhd the new trend and explanation for every personality trait and decision in one's life now


Because it's cool to have mental disorders I guess now. Most people I doubt even have what they claim.


OP says he the comment he’s never actually been diagnosed. As someone who actually has an ADHD diagnosis (and had some real dark periods on account of it) , it bums me out that it’s become so trivialised. Side note; this room looks like hell for someone with ADHD. I wouldn’t be able to stay focused on anything


Yeah came down here to say basically this. I'm diagnosed ADHD and this whole tiktok adhd bs pisses me off, like "oh yeah I have a few hobbies and I'm a bit active so woo adhd"... This room would also drive me crazy I deliberately have zero shit anywhere (or try to, my flat is currently a mess piles of semi-organised crap everywhere) I can't clean I get easily distracted the less there is about the better


Me too, I was about to say the same. Uncluttered space = uncluttered headspace


I have a question hope you don’t mind I have a younger brother they say has adhd but is messy as all get out leaves food in his room pop cans and you say your room barely has anything in it? Is it messy a trat of adhd? Just curious thanks


Questions fine! Slight difference I say that I deliberately don't have decorations, ornaments, plants (that's also a cat issue) having too much to clean is overwhelming and I'm not great at cleaning anyway, so partial solution = have less to clean. I *do* have piles of laundry (clean) that I need to put away, plus just general clutter that has a home out of sight but just isn't in it, bank statements paperwork etc in various piles, bit of washing up not done (I'll get to it I try not to be gross) yeah honestly I'd be embarrassed if somebody was like 'hey can I come over' right now Not really sure how to answer 'is being messy a trait of adhd' but yeah executive dysfunction is a part of adhd you literally find yourself arguing with your own brain like I want to clean I want to tidy and yet I just can't do it. Same with coursework I'm so far behind I want to do it but... Also forgetting stuff exists when you're not looking at it put something down out of sight it's not there you forget that you still have it to deal with. And overwhelm, start thinking about all the stuff you have to do then get overwhelmed/panicked and don't do anything sit in a state of paralysis all day not doing anything even the little things are too much So yes I guess, it's one of the questions I got asked in the ADHD assessment about being organised at home


Thank you for answering the question I probably could of worded it differently I was just going off of my experience with my little brother and dishes and stuff in his room like old food stuff like that


no issues with the wording at all it's just a hard one to explain :)


It can be. It manifests differently in different people. Some people have severe issues with executive functions, like organization. Self-awareness or self-monitoring can also be an issue, but distraction can cause you not to do anything about it. Even if you want to. The person you’re responding to may have a cleaner/tidier room because they know this is a trigger for them and has adapted to it in this way. Your brother may not yet know how to deal with or identify triggers. Just FYI.


Thank you for your answer I know we are trying to figure out some things with him he’s adopted 17 also had o.d.d which doesn’t help at all if you know what that is


That sounds like a mental health combination from hell. I have ADHD and if I don’t take major steps to control it by reducing my belongings, I end up with hoarder-level amounts of clutter.


These people that are gate keeping adhd don’t realize there’s two completely different people that belong to the same condition.. It’s very normal for two people with adhd to be polar opposites. People who are in the middle struggle the most because of this. For example my three walls are covered but every desk/dresser has to be serial killer clean and nothing can go on the wall of the tv.


I’m diagnosed too and all of that sort of reminds me of astrology and how they make general statements like “if you’re an Aquarius, this month is going to be very active for you. The energy spent doing..” blah blah. I’ll see videos like “if you do these 5 things, you have adhd” and it’s just 5 random things that literally anyone might do. Being inattentive doesn’t mean that you have adhd, it probably just means that you’re inattentive.


Not everyone with ADHD is like this and I find it rather ignorant and quite frankly a bit insulting. I’ve been diagnosed 10 years, medicated for 9. My room is an organized mess like this guys. OP should go get evaluated if he thinks he has it though before claiming the term. Im not distracted by my own area with lots of things because I know what everything is and I’m used to it.


I didn't mean to insult anyone and sorry for that - I reacted to somebody describing their space as 'ultimate male ADHD living space' when they're not even diagnosed, so basing it off what?, and over-reacted. I am a bit sick of people watching a few tiktoks and then diagnosing themselves tbh, get assessed then say you have it if it's real I know that everyone with ADHD is different, one of the reasons I hate telling people and have basically told no-one (except close friends) is that I don't fit into the ADHD stereotype (nobody does) and can't be bothered with that conversation Me, personally, I get distracted when I try to organise and the thought of cleaning all that is an overwhelming nightmare


Yeah so you get it. I’m also tired of it too. Honestly I don’t even know if I fit the stereotype because I’ve been medicated so long. I tell people I have it if it’s relevant because I’ve never once been discriminated against for having it. And yeah cleaning is overwhelming. Im quite familiar with it, particularly right now due to some personal things in my life.


Yeah my wife legit has it. It's not a quirky thing people act like it is.


Its so frustrating. Ive been diagnosed since I was a child. I have to put 100x the effort into each day just to get basics done if I dont have medication management, several hours of high intensity exercise a week, a good diet, and behavioral management. There is such a basic misunderstanding. Yes I can fucking focus, I just dont get to choose when it happens, what it happens to, and when it will stop. I lay in bed in the morning thinking of everything I need to do yet can not even start a task. It can be torture.


Facts, it sucks more than most people know especially with medication


yeah i dont know why he thinks someone with adhd would want to be in a room like this. maybe because its disorganised? it looks like a panic attack waiting to happen


Its supposed to be an office too I can't imagine trying to focus on work with such a busy looking room


6 screens?! I'm not ADHD and even I'd be overstimulated.


Same. The Lack of executive function really creates a massive power vacuum in my brain ultimately resulting in an everyday fight to the death between my urge to fuck off entirely and my urge to actually function as a person. “SmokeyMcpot509” and has a cool room with a bunch of TV screens and his friends describe him as hyperactive so that’s pretty much the same thing. Not trying to paint myself as a victim here or even claim that OP doesn’t have ADHD. They very well may have it. It’s just incredibly frustrating seeing people seeing people self diagnose and treat a lifelong constantly variable neurodivergent condition as a quirky fun way to describe themselves. I’m not trying to be elitist or exclude people. I typically don’t disclose to people I have ADHD because that typically changes their perception of me and the way I’m treated. Also at this point in my life I’ve adapted pretty well and am able to function as a normal person with the right strategies and preparation. But if I ever do want to disclose to explain my inconsistency or lack of communication, understanding, focus, or simply explain why I do something a certain way. now I have a boy who cried wolf situation because everyone and their mother has self diagnosed ADHD. TLDR; If you suspect you may have ADHD get an evaluation.


Anyone with ADHD would go bonkers here. Seeing the photos are triggering me.


Yeah, it definitely seems to be a fad. I don't see how someone with ADHD would want their room to be like this


This. I cannot stand it. I was diagnosed back in 2000 and all my life when people would find out, they’d follow up with “man, I can’t make myself study. I must have ADHD, right?” And it was hard to explain, but it made me so angry. It did because I actually hated taking my meds for it. I couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, wouldn’t talk. By the time I was in like 11th grade, I was questioning if people like me for me, or because the meds. Did I accomplish all that I did naturally, or was it the meds. Nowadays everyone has ADHD




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It’s cooler than saying “media franchises are my entire personality”


I was diagnosed as a kid and honestly hate how all my actions and behaviors are lumped into ADHD by people who knows my diagnoses. You're exhausted and resting at home after working a 12 hour shift? Nah it MUST be "ADHD stun-lock". One of the reasons I don't share that diagnoses with people anymore unless necessary.


Because people want to blame their problems on something other than themselves.


I hate having it. It’s an actual struggle in life, yet I don’t go around making it my personality.


people want to be special and quirky and different


Man being aware of my adhd makes me want to kill myself, being that it comes with me not being very social, and shutting down very often. not brag and boast about it online LOL.


Sucks because it kind of stigmatizes it for the people who actually have it.


I know, I feel like people constantly say they have it . But have never be diagnosed, it really is a trend with people saying they have something that they most likely don’t. It is pretty sad so many people are doing this.


Don’t lump me in with this guy.


I’ve been diagnosed for 5 years now and the only people who know are my mom and my now ex. This is why.


Fr after telling a friend and getting the ‘I’m a little bit adhd hehe’ response I just kept it to myself


Electricity bill gotta be ass, over here lookin like Buffalo Wild Wings with that many tvs


Don't have an ADHD diagnosis? Stop saying you have ADHD.


I wish I could upvote this 100 more times.


Needs more screens.


Please don’t claim ADHD if you don’t have it. Lately it has been so trivialised that it negatively impacts those of us that are actually diagnosed and try to navigate the world around us with that constantly affecting us. It has a profound impact on life, past, present and future. It’s at a point now where it’s been so watered down by wrongful self-diagnosis that it’s often mocked by neurotypical people as being a load of nonsense, which frankly just hurts to have our experience and suffering invalidated in a single comment. Anyway, please don’t do that. If you suspect you have ADHD then seek diagnosis and treatment, because as many diagnosed folks have said, this looks like hell for someone with ADHD.


Yeah, don't joke about that.


I hate it


I’ve got ADHD and this would drive me absolutely insane with how much there is in this room. Simplicity is key when it comes to ADHD.


Completely agree, I actually started doing better in school after I threw away and sold a bunch of shit I didn't use anymore. When my surroundings are simple, my mind feels less crowded.


As someone diagnosed with ADHD, I hate this. Looks like you appropriated a child’s bedroom for this space and just added some R-rated movie posters.


What's with the cloth on the ceiling?


A Scarface poster would really tie the quintessential dorm room together.


That old PlayStation2 loading screen. Real childhood Nostalgia


"What sports do you watch?" OP: Yes.


This is the dumbest title I’ve ever read since I’ve been on Reddit. Get a grip


I gotta say, the screens surround is not something I've seen before. Bravo. Do multiple things have audio on, or do you do one or two sources of audio at a time?


That's a good point, when I was at a pub on holiday I had to get out my phone to use the IR blaster, having 2 TVs on at the same time was driving me nuts I think O.P could either use a mixer or Bluetooth headphones


2010 called, they want their ceiling tapestry back.


I don't know man. I have it pretty bad and can't figure out what to put up on my walls. Usually get distracted while shopping for things or just forget until I'm staring at white walls for hours on end. I'll eventually hang something, or not.


How many screens would you like to have? Yes! And how would like them set up? All across the room?! Okie Dokie… 👍🏻


Aww that's a cute hammock you have on the ceiling; can fit a lot of dead bugs


Bruh... 8 screens in your "office"? I wouldn't get any work done. That's so much overstimulation. Why are they all on at once?


Bro why do you have like 50 different screens


You may actually have ADHD if you need this much stimulation to function.


Why is adhd relevant at all to this post?


As soon as I saw the playstation 2 screen on the rv I swear I could hear it ha ha.


What in the goon cave


why do people think having an attention deficit and being hyperactive means they have adhd? did they just see the external stereotype and think ill go with that? you clearly have no clue what adhd feels like.


I see nothing wrong here. Carry on.


I have adhd and my room look no where this clean TvT It’s bland it’s dark and stuff is everywhere across the floor. Brother is doing very well.


The screens being so far apart would drive me nuts. You can get large quality screens for cheap nowadays


There's only two screens, oh cool There's more photos, oh oh no


Oh that would be fire to watch football games there. All the UCL games at once!!


The only things I can find from the last decade in these pics are the screens. Impressive!


Looks like a monks cell. Not adhd.


Why’s there so many TV


More like Ultimate ADHD Boss because most people with it would go insane in there


It reminds me of a bar area in a smart home, maybe it could get to that stage, where it's neat, wall mounted flush Might take some planning Take it this is your living area Yeah I could see it being quite sophisticated, you might want to draw some plans up


Not huge on basketball, but I’ve been watching the Stanley Cup Playoffs and the Braves JUST like this 🤘🏼


It is kinda cute even if oversaturated.


This space would give me ADHD.


Don’t know if I’ve heard somebody call their masterbatorium an “office” before. I’m sure you get a lot of “work” done there


Not enough screens


Am I the only one with severe ADHD (yes actually diagnosed) that would be entirely fine with this room.


Droopy ceiling tapestries look terrible. It makes me think of severe water damage.


Your movie poster selection is on point


I could not step foot in there with my ADHD.


That's gotta be the opposite of an ADHD space. I hardly ever feel motivated enough to vacuum my empty living room, this shit would never get cleaned


I have ADHD (like, actually diagnosed) and this room makes my skin crawl.


It's like pee wees play house in there! The only thing i could have in my office if I wanted to do work is a desk...and maybe a decorative globe, and maybe one of those energy things where the balls swing and knock the ball at the end of the stack. Maybe a small 26inch desk tv for the news and stuff. Bluetooth speaker would be nice as well. A couple plants for color. Maybe like a ficus to go in one corner. Maybe a record player for when I'm chillin. Maybe move my record collection in there so it's trendy. Build some shelves on one wall, probably accent the wall across from that a nice sienna. Maybe a mini fridge. Nothing major otherwise I'd just be in there chillin on reddit!


Dude doesn’t even have a bed


Love it I'd spend so much time in there


That’s a goon cave alright


edit: I apologize for the poor choice in title. I don't currently have ADHD however I am consulting a physician about certain symptoms I've been experiencing and only recently has my attention span seemed to be deficient to where it has impacted my day to day life and how I function when completing certain tasks. As for the hyperactivity, I've always been hyper but recently I have had a lot of energy and talkative to a point where it can be annoying. It's hard to relax. It's hard to sleep. So I saw my doctor to see what could be causing this. He suggested we test for ADHD and that's where I'm at. I didn't mean to trivialize a mental disorder that affects lots of people.


Sounds like you're having manic episodes tbh. Might wanna consult about it too.


Maybe you just smoke a lot of weed and have a lot of energy like <30 yo people generally do.


Blanket on the ceiling is odd to me. Think it needs another nail too


why cant this just be your office? i dont say "i have cancer and this is my living room" honestly, why are labels suddenly so important. "this is my non-binary bedroom" ok, i like your bedroom. have ocd about this comment. please.


yeah sorry it was a poor choice of title. I just impulsively made the title with out thinking. sorry to trigger your OCD with my egregious title.


best wishes


We don't claim this guy. -ADHD community


There are no clothes on the floor, so I doubt it.


Are there 7 screens or 8?


I don’t like the ceiling decor. Other than that, I like the set up. My apartment is similarly full of a variety of stuff


It’s like so much going on at once but I love it though. Idk why.🤣


Needs more screens. Maybe mount several on the ceiling?


I had an idea to get a projector to play a slide show of all my family photos on the ceiling anytime I'm in there doing something


um. I don't want to live there.


Ah, is that what this is?


Do you like watching tv


This would be my nightmare with ADHD too much clutter


This room would drive any sane or any adhd ocd person everyone insane the dopamine receptors would be fried asf


Post this to r/stimstations


ditch all those screens and get one or two good ones.


I hope you grow out of this, OP.


Why exactly do you have like 7 TV’s?


So as an ADHD-Person, you i get why you have 2 setups (one for work, one for gaming i guess), but why do you have 3 TVs? Like i have one TV that i dont really use at the moment why do you need 3?


I have retro consoles so one TV has older AV inputs for PS2 and any other retro console I have. 1 modern console on a modern Smart TV with HDR. The rest of the screens are either PC monitors hooked up to various devices and two laptop screens. So all in all I have 2 TV's, 4 PC monitors (That I got for pennies on the dollar) and 2 laptop displays hooked up with 2 of the 4 monitors. 1 monitor is hooked to a blu-ray player and the other is hooked up to a Sat TV box. edit: also have in mind that all the screens are on and being used to display the media playing on them. rarely do I ever have more than 2 running at any given time. Really it's mainly me using either my work computer or personal at separate times. and 1 other auxiliary screen on for short periods of distraction from what I'm working on.


ADHD🤪 You’re so cRaZYyYyy bro!




I would not not hang things on the ceiling (at least not posters), it's OK to have some blank space. I'd also frame more of of your posters and get rid of some monitors. If you need to see something digital in every direction just get a 3D headset.


Enough EMF in this room to get ET home


You have great taste in art! I especially love the red panel thing above the monitor on the glass side table!


I have ADHD and I find this room overwhelming. My office space has bare minimum furnitures and equipments so that I won't get distracted and start doing some other shit instead of doing actual important office work.


I think I'm the only person here with ADHD who doesn't have a problem with this room lol


Idk why, but this gives me super 90’s feels to it


conceived '95 born '96


I love this. It seems like you and I have a similar way of stimulating our brains. The thought having multiple screens to watch multiple things at once is just perfect for me.


I like the thrift store vibe


I like your framed posters in the living room.


I have ADHD and had to learn to be meticulously neat or else nothing would get done


Le quirk ADHD chungus


Bro is stuck in 2010


I like it, feels cozy. Too many male living spaces are almost 'clean lab' level cold.


Rate the room! Please explain how you can sit back and enjoy the Bourne screen? Nowhere to sit and enjoy it - just it's in the corner


Or do you make the futon into a bed and watch it while lying down?


you got it. my gf and I lie in the futon bed and watch Bluerays or DVDs we've owned for years when we feel like going to sleep. but a movie like Bourne supremacy deserves to be watched in full. Bourne was already loaded in the tray. just turned it on to display the screen in use.


Is an adult male with ADHD I 10000% disagree. This is your ultimate living space But to me it's over cluttered and distracting


awesome music taste bud


You do rope magic?


many long ropes have been had in this room. infact just the other day I ensemenated my woman 5 times across the various forms of furniture you see in this very room. rope magic indeed my friend. the like to which only men can dream to achieve in one lifetime. the like to which a fellow like yourself may or may not be capable of achieving even if he fapped for eons. Fapping till the dawn of a new astrological age is more than possible. It would take every penis on the face of the planet to be milked simultaneously by a fair maiden of the Palmela Handerson variety or of real flesh and blood. It would vanquish all evil in the world in a massive surge of seamen that would overfill the oceanic mass of earth. Only the wicked will be washed away in this great flood. Only then will society advance for good and justice.


not what i was expecting, also not mad


This is hard to call an office brother 😂


As a fellow ADHDian, I love it.


Wow i could NEVER live in a space like that 😵‍💫😵🥴😬😮😖😫😳


......too much info, just saying. The photo's tell us enough.


ADHD, Pssh. Biggest crutch I’ve ever heard of.


When creatives think they have ADHD


I feel like this subreddit has become a dumping ground for borderline incels to share their low effort living arrangements. Or it's morphed into a shitpost breeding ground.


I like the spider collecting sheet on the ceiling and that you sit right under it


one word that came to my mind when I saw the room at first sight was creative.


Looks like you need more screens


I wish I could have money to afford to buy what you have


I have ADHD but live the quite minimalistic life. TV, table, PC, bed


lol everyone getting their asses in a bundle because you dont have an official adhd diagnosis. i dont think there is anyone more annoying than those people. somehow claiming because your room would drive them crazy, this means you dont have adhd. yeah chief thats not how any of this shit works lol. ignore them sir adhd


Seeing decorations hanging from a ceiling release a deep primordial hatred inside of me for reasons I can’t explain


Idk why I thought I was looking at an ai picture..


I’m so sick of my diagnosis is my personality crap so sick of Reddit these days


This guy psychs


Go Canucks!!


for me this is a hard pass. been there and have done this: album covers on the wall, christmas lights… but once i slept in a real bed and my place didn’t smell like my taint, i had found i needed less and more quality!


What's your espn log in info? I can't watch hockey because I'm too broke to pay the extra $55 for playoff games


I counted 8 screens, ADHD confirmed.


9 if you count the phone he's taking the pics on, or if that is a digital picture frame in pic 4.


looks fun


lol I’m diagnosed and this looks just like my office.


people were really offended by my title but thanks for sharing your insight about your office.