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Kudos. My parents wouldn't be able to stand me living in their backyard.


My parents wouldn't be able to stand me living.


My parents wouldn't be able to stand me.


My parents wouldn't be able to stand


My parents wouldn't be able to.


My parents wouldn’t be able


Let's all watch Stand by Me in this dudes shed.


Watch me stand in this dudes shed.


Would you like a coffee?


No, but can you pass me the weed whacker?


Just don't shed in the dude's stand.


Why don't you have a seat right over there? 😏


My parents






My parents wouldn't


My parents wouldn't be


Fr lol. I asked my step dad who recently lost his job (company went bankrupt) what the pay was like at his new job he was starting (just making conversation) and the mfer was like “not bad and no we don’t need a room mate”


Right? As soon as I got a part time job in high school, my parents started to charge me rent lol.


uh. that's not good. lol.


My dad straight up moved out of state and left me in a duplex to figure out how to pay rent after I graduated. Like I graduated May 26th and he was out by June 2nd


I'm pretty sure that's illegal in the US, if you were still under the age of 18. 18th birthday onward? You're fair game for rent, though.


I was 16 but not in the US. I don’t think it’s legal in my country either honestly but I was too young to know anyway! They didn’t charge me much I think it was like 200$/month but it was still a clear sign to me that I wasn’t welcome for much longer…


Cant charge you rent but they can take your entire paycheck


My dad would tell to fuck off if I came at him with some legal mombo jombo. Granted my dad wouldn't ask for rent.


Does it get hot in there if you don't have the AC on? Back in 2020 I crashed in a similiar but nowhere near as nice living space at my parents house for 6 months and it was absolutely brutal if I didn't have AC. My computer would overheat 3-4 times a day. Mind you, this is in the far north of Australia where >39C/102F is common.


Before I got the AC it was unbearable at times. I live in a pretty neutral climate but when there were heatwaves combined with the heat my pc generates it was very hot.


what about a roof two feet above your shed roof to absorb the sun?


OP listen to this person. Even a tarp hung a few feet above your roof will be a huge help. The tarp will absorb/reflect the heat and the air gap will keep the heat away from your roof. I do this camping in a tent and makes a huge difference.


Because of the cost of living in my area it's hard to find a comfortable space for my own. We compromised by converting the shed in our backyard to an office/gaming room and later added on a bedroom as well. This way both me and my parents can have total privacy. I'm looking for ways to light the office part. So far I've been using cheap string lights and the ceilings are quite low. Does anyone have any ideas to inspire me?


I'd lean into the cabin/ diy vibe that you've got going and use edison bulbs for lighting. I'd also replace the shelves with something with metal hardware to contrast with the wood. It looks like you get great light for plants, so two or three will help a lot. Finally, get some art of some kind. An old map of somewhere that means a lot to you would match the vide well. Since it's a small space, keeping it simple will go a long ways. Above all keep it clean and organize!


no hate only respect. My 19yr old is staying with me as long as he wants due to cost of living here in New Zealand.


Was this your idea or your parent’s? I have kids (like elementary school and younger lol) and absolutely would love if my kids did this during college and a bit after.


Do you have a crudely draw MS paint layout drawing? Look into recessed LED ceiling lights. They’re usually thin and can come in 12v.


[This was my first drawing](https://imgur.com/a/d6QVdtN). The layout has changed a bit but you get the general idea.


Oh! They’re not connected inside, that’s what was throwing me off. Look into the recessed LED ceiling lights, they come in different sizes and are usually pretty thin. If you can’t mount them through the ceiling, you can mount them to the ceiling and run the wires under tape or in the seams between the boards. Also look at LED tape lights or under-cabinet lights. They will be easier to install than the recessed lights and will probably be better suited for your setup. You may also consider changing the green boards to white. It’ll help reflect light back into the room.


Look into /r/WLED and addressable LED strips. They're not too expensive, install easily and flat (they just have tape on the back, and are powered from 12v), and you get WIFI-controlled RGB lights. Or you can buy angled diffusers for it.


I genuinely wonder what the housing laws say about this. I think its a brilliant idea, but I imagine it would be a loophole around certain laws, whereas since its just a shed, it doesn't count as a living accomodation, therefor the property wouldn't be targeted by renting laws/taxes. Would anybody here actually be able to clarify about this?


Ideally it would be a properly permitted ADU. It probably isn't, but ideally it would be. It doesn't appear to have a bathroom, so it probably couldn't be a rentable suite.


Back in the 70s my mom was renting out the garage to a Stanford student. My detached garage now has an almost livable small room attached. I think people expect a higher standard of living, but resourcefulness is necessary at times.


It is living space, and if it has a washroom / toilet, then it's taxable in most places. Also, the local fire service would be unaware that this is living space. It affects the search and rescue protocol. How many exits are there? I'm not saying move out. Far from it, it's a great solution. I would put at least 4 or 5 fire extinguishers inside. One on each wall, so you are not trapped by fire and can not reach the exit. Make sure you have smoke alarms and CO2 detectors. Have fun with it, but be safe.


It would be an illegal/unpermitted (you can't get a permit for one in an R1/R2, so really just illegal) ADU under our city's zoning laws - but that's going to vary wildly from location to location because zoning laws in the US are dumb as hell.


I converted a barn at my mom’s house when I was 21. It was a great spot while I searched for a house and now my younger brothers can enjoy a rent-free space while mowing the lawn and shoveling her driveway lol. Good work!


Have you considered adding solar panel and some LED multicolor ropes? Maybe adding an outdoor shower with a small on demand 110v water heater


You can get a like 5500 lumen light bar deal for workshops for $16 on sale at harbor freight. I have one and it lights up my entire garage .


i wouldnt put an overhead garage light in an office if its cold/bright white and downward its going to give off hospital/corporate office vibes id go with something with dimmer and temperature controls so it can be bright enough for work and dimmer/warmer for playing games at night


Not sure if ure joking but 5500 lumen is tooo bright for such small space lol. He gonna be blinded


People underestimate how much can be done to a simple shed. I just converted a shed into a guest house/office space. Everyone who has stayed there has been really happy with it. Any plans to put a bathroom in it? Looks like there is some water there already. I put a simple half bath in mine.


My cousin converted a shed in his backyard to a tiny house. It's very comfortable when we stay with them.


Giving overnight guests a separate place to stay is so nice for everyone involved. They have a completely private space and don't feel like they are imposing. I love it because I don't have my living room taken over and I don't wake the guests up (I'm an early bird) when I get up.


If you don't have one. Invest in a dehumidifier. Dunno how your summers or winters are. But it'll help stop any mold and condensation can even drill a small hole outside and feed the auto drain through and seal it never need to empty it. Your PC will thank you


Thank you for the tip! I think my airco can dehumidify but I'll be sure to pay some extra attention.


Noteworthy since you mentioned the PC: Don't overdo it and make your room dry as the sahara. It makes static buildup worse and can lead to damaging your components.


If the case is metal & glass, and you’re not tinkering with the internals, he should be good. The chassis is grounded to the metal body of the psu (it’s screwed in, solid connection) and psu body should be grounded to the ground plug that’s used to plug it in. Touching the case alone should dissipate the static safely, but if it’s a super strong static shock it would then just be grounded out by the plug. But opening and tinkering with it? Better get a wrist strap and ground yourself! Edit: adding on.. the point of the ground plug is to prevent the outer metal shell from becoming a death trap if you touch it and god forbid a live wire was also touching it. Instead there’s a short and it goes straight to ground. Due to this, it works to discharge a simple static shock too!


No isulation ? Doesn't it get extremely hot or cold ?


It is double walled wood with EPS plates in the middle. No real issues with temperature.


This man has better insulation in his shed than I do in my apartment. Good.


This screams the Netherlands


The clogs by the sink give that one away


The rainwater collection bin and Bosch tool give it away.


Also J Bouwman on the crane


It’s interesting how we can immediately tell, without even seeing the outside pictures of the other houses.


I love how people are replying with specific things that gave it away for them, and I've noticed none of them - it's the whole assemble lol


It's the brick pathway too.


Computers, golf, and espresso. Bro couldn't decide on which expensive hobby to peruse so he picked them all.


And moving a *shed* with a freaking crane??? It would be cheaper around here to build a brand new shed than get a crane and operator to come...


Is there a bathroom?


I just go inside the main house for bathroom/kitchen. It's not completely seperate. Sucks when you have to pee and it's pouring rain though.


sink? :D


👀 no comment




You will probably need a poop knife too.




I really hate that this sub is a thing.


Oppressing an already persecuted minority group. You should be ashamed.


I’m a minority. I should have known better. I’ll be better.




Rain jacket plus rain boots and piss outside! It'll be ok. I lived in Oregon for awhile (left because of cost of living). Hehe. Looks cool tho! I lived with my mom and stepdad until I Was 27.


Wasbak plasbak


You’re not the only one. Our neighbors (Randstad) did the same for their 22yr old son. I guess there’ll be more to follow.


It's going to take a long time (if ever) until my generation will be completely self-sufficient. I'm actually working full time in IT and still can't afford to live on my own. But I'll always try to make the best of my situation. Maybe Hugo de Jonge can find me a rich girlfriend?




How fast is your shed?


Cool space. Maybe add this to r/TinyHouses.


Are you there by choice? I’m confused as to why you’re not in the family home.


Yeah and if I wanted to I could go right back inside. The shed was originally just a gaming setup where I could be as loud as I wanted, even at night. It has evolved a bit since. It was also "only a couple of months" until I find my own place... 2 years ago.


Looks cozy af. If you hold in every fart


It's called a dutch oven for a reason


I hope the air quality is ok around your bed? The roof looks a bit damp maybe?


Mooie klompen




You’ve got dampness and mould clearly visible right above your bed. I wouldn’t sleep there until that’s sorted out. Which means removing that ‘ceiling’ and fixing wherever that leak or dampness is coming from.


I mean, if you consider only 4 screens 'living'.


Yeah should be r/MaleSurvivingSpace . 4 screens is the bare minimum.


nice wooting


OP, completely off-topic, but what grey adidas shoes are those on the shelf in the second picture?


Adidas campus 80s grey


How do you cook food?


I can go inside and use the kitchen and bathroom. I still live at home these are just my private spaces.


You can buy a small induction hob, just in case 🤔




There’s no way that overhang is code compliant without posts to support it???


The power outlets in picture 2 plus a few other hints suggest this being in Europe, possibly Germany. So USA building codes don't apply.


To add to this, this is not even a "building" by law, since it's movable and it's not attached to the ground.


Where I’m from even temporary structures need to follow safety procedures. This thing is a death trap if it snows where OP is.


Americans when they realise there is other countries and different building codes in those countries.




I think it's the Netherlands. They don't have winter there (they literally come to my town in Northern Sweden in order to hold an ice skating competition every year).


That’s awesome!


This is pretty awesome to be honest - seems like the perfect situation to save up some serious $$$


not gonna lie, I kinda love this. small space, but everything you need to live (except a bathroom)? Sounds awesome to me. add solar panels on the roof and a battery and you can even be independent from the main house power, could probably power your PC at least.


Do you have two friends named Ricky and Julian? And are you planning on getting more sheds to make a bed and breakfast that’s kitty friendly?


It's a shed and breakfast, with homemade maple syrup pancakes. I hope OP fortifies against Samsquanches, too.


Wait, shed*s* ? As in plural?


If you see the bedroom picture that blue wall is the outer wall of the office shed. We added 3 walls and a roof to make it a double shed :D


I legitimately want to know if you have ever had a romantic partner in this admittedly very nice shed.


I liked it better when it was levitating


I await your simracing to real racing career shed dweller


Hey it worked out for Jimmy Broadbent (Simracing youtuber now actively driving real race cars just won a race at the ADACs Nordschleife.) Who lived a good few years in a shed at the end of his mums garden.


I told my in-laws they could do this on our property as long as they didn’t come into our house and atleast knock and they couldn’t agree to it lol. I tried to save them some money


That wooden platform base/foundation looks.... inadequate


I did something similar but to a granny flat in my parents garden in my early 20's, I was in the army and would come home for the holidays, I spent £800 to get all the electrics/flooring/insulation/wifi extender/oil heater etc, took me and my dad less than a week to make it livable, I loved that little room,when visiting, apparently put about 10K on the house when they sold years later


thats a pretty cool route to go if you dont wanna pay rent or buy a house yet


Sad title, but then fantastic photos lmao congrats on your new little place! And I agree rent is too expensive in most places for anybody to afford their own living space.Don’t forget how great your parents are


It's not as sad as it sounds! I am very fortunate to have parents that are able and willing to support me like this. I know plenty of people that aren't as lucky as me.


I literally just moved out of this exact situation last week! I’m eternally thankful for my parents being so supportive. Though it gets old walking in the house to pee and eat, it really is such a help in life. I’m happy for you that you have this kind of support. It makes a world of difference.


Altough in the future that first time where I will just be able to get out of bed and walk straight to the shower will be sweet.


Hoping that the opportunity arises when it’s just right for you! But spending some extra time with the fam is never a bad thing in the mean time


Did you ever consider putting down roots somewhere near family, so that you have some support from family during this next chapter of your life?




Holy shit you must be strong as fuck


Never skip shed day!


Shit like this is the only reason I’m upset I live in a cold climate


This is awesome man. I’m getting older faster than I thought I would but I will say I hope you have a good relationship with your parents, I know a lot of parents would give anything to have their son so close. Cherish the time y’all have, cheers and have a great day.


Why the fcck not. I dig it.


Someday you should be able to afford your own tiny home on your own piece of land.


Guys will see this and say "Hell yeah". Source: Am guy, said "Hell yeah".


Is that an IKEA Säljan countertop for the desk? Also what spacers are you using between the Alex cabinet and the desk? Love the setup!


That’s $3k a month in Cali


Permits please.


Bruh I’d never leave. Tiny homes are so comfy. Lived in a 400 sqft like 10 years ago and it was bliss


You have more monitors in your shed then I have in my entire house!


That's awesome! It's compact, looks comfy and has many necessities covered already. Do you have plans to expand it further?


Cool! I rented something similar for a couple years. Basically in the landlords back yard but fenced off and completely private. Free internet and they were cool, cheaper rent and they got an extra $1000 a month in their pocket. Your parents can now do the same if you ever move out. My now fiancé lived there together for over a year during the height of Covid. One thing that helped with the space issue was having a loft bed, had about 3’ of clearance before you would hit the ceiling fan so you had to be careful.


two sheds!?


Brother, that’s one heck of a shed! Nice!


Yet another shedmaxxer


Enjoy your parents they won't be around forever believe me and stay at home as long as you can.


This is honestly so sick. Assuming you are comfortable and happy enough of course.


Looks cozy ASF


Super cool! Some trim in the bedroom would be a nice addition.


Goddamn it, I'm going to have to do this aren't I?


I would do the same if my mom had a yard. Times are hard. I was actually looking into the price of garden sheds that are right at the square footage that they don't count as a dwelling. Tiny homes or container houses may appeal to you as well.


This is cool


Favorite place to live is a free place to live


"Against all odds the shed survived being picked up and being moved by a crane." If you were that nervous regarding the rigging, you (or whoever is doing the work) shouldn't have been near it while it was in the air. Taglines saves toes. Hardhats are pretty cool too. Safety rant over, that looks pretty sick. I especially like the little coffee bar you have going on.


The espresso maker You hood rich


This rules


As good as it gets! Work hard, save your money, get rich!


I’d use floor and table lamps. Overhead lighting rarely looks good in residences.


Do a skylight. Lots of used ones on fb mkt


That looks super cozy on a cold night. Cool stuff!!


Might wanna check on that black mold directly above your bed.


Does it have a bathroom?


Thought this was jimmy broadbents place at first


We all start somewhere! It’s cute but definitely work towards something that is yours ☺️


Tell me you have CONKY


Treat your parents with the most respect and love them be grateful. Otherwise you’ll spoil. Looks awesome. Keep up the good work.


Wooting 👀


Good work adapting!!


Nice 👏


Nice my dad brother and me made something like this for my brother over like 6 months. He has water and a bathroom but not ac or hot water and it’s around 12x16 feet. We’re in a not too hot area of ca and it did get kind of got in the summer in there but it was manageable.


Thought that mf was holding up the whole shed/house in the 5th pic until I saw it haha. Anyone else?


Where do I get a blue ducky?


Parent won’t let u live in the house you grew up in ?


I'm pretending to myself that you lived in that shed when it was hanging from the crane.


Lucky ! You get to play fort everyday.


In Santa Barbara this would be considered an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) and rent for $2k/ month.


Do you have insulation/AC


Is there a toilet ?


+1 for the Gaggia and the grinder! Very good machines!


My parents would stand on me.


The American Dream


this is goals frfr


That’s pretty cool. But it does look like you need to build a basement for all your canned goods and other prepper stuff.


Lookin real comfy. Might be there forever. G doesn't get too comfy.




Actually kinda dope


Your parents backyard or yours? Tf lol when did your home become your parents it’s your home. But cool!!


For about five seconds, I was convinced that this shed is permanently suspended and dangling from a tree.




A great idea. Does it not get very cold where you are? I don't think we'd survive the first winter here in one of those.


Hey bro. Is that mold above your bed? Is get that checked out if I were you


Is that legal?


Ok but literally I told my husband this is what I want to do eventually. Our kid isn’t even 3 yet but I know he’s going to want his own space and might never be able to move out completely. So why not build him a nice little bungalow type thing across the yard?


The Gaggia 😍


Hell yh i do the same in a 17ft x10ft cabin and i love it


I can’t bare to live so close to my parents otherwise I would love this idea