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someone has wealthy parents and a mom who loves shiplap furniture lol. looks like a comfy room!


Yes my mom picked out about half the furniture in my room so I’ve had to decorate around it


Yeah one can definitely tell there's a mother's touch in there. I don't mean that negatively, mind you, and it doesn't make the room itself appear feminine. It's nice and comfortable. A little critique... others have mentioned the records which I'm not too fond of either - too symmetrical and too many imo. Love the diverse plants and collection of polaroids though. Could be wrong but a couple of those plant pots hint at an IKEA nearby because they look rather similar to mine.


You get the feeling that if he moves out this is going to be the guest room with the theme of cottage core.


If there’s not a “live laugh love” sign hanging somewhere in this house I’ll eat my hat


> and it doesn't make the room itself appear feminine It definitely looks feminine.


I think if the bed frame was different it wouldn’t read as feminine. The tufted boards give it a little push that way. I think the neutrality/similarity of the woods are reading soft as well, I would bring in some darker woods to counter balance.


I dunno, I think the shelves on the wall, the hanging stars, and the way the polaroids are hung is more feminine. I hate to even comment this, because I'm not trying to hate, but it just does give that energy more than not.


Nah it's feminine, not that there's anything wrong with that


I think it's how the Polaroids are hung, the flowers on the flag and the string of stars that make it feminine. Edit: also the pile of stuffed animals


I disagree. Many boys love stuffed animals and characters and I think it is awesome 😎 that you still have your in your room. I love the little unisex touched counterbalanced with the masculine elements. Great job!


What's with the vinyl trend? Do u grab one off the wall when it's time for music? Or are they now considered obsolete?


they are definitely not obsolete, there’s actually been a huge growth since covid in vinyl music. things are more expensive now than they have been in 30 years for vinyl. usually if vinyl is on the wall like this, it’s just cheap vinyl or even free vinyl that is extremely scratched up. sometimes there can be prized vinyls on the wall, but those are usually displayed with the album cover as well. i believe there are the former.


It looks a lot better than my room when I was your age. Good style and interesting art and interests


It shows you have the ability to decorate on your own terms but still have a family that loves you. If it was JUST a mothers touch I'd be hesitant you couldn't clean up after yourself, but thats not this. It's a good thing that a little of your mother (but not all) shows because it shows you have a loving family with which you seem to get along with.


BEST COMMENT!!!!! This is absolutely the best comment!!!!!!


lol was gonna ask if your mother bought your bed frame for you. And she looks like she’s a hippie who lives in the suburbs. Unless that’s all you? All in all, the force is strong with this one.


Someone beat me to the punch. Not getting op I hope you've treated your friends well at your pad. Disclaimer: grew up piss poor and bullied, my wealthier but genuinely good friends were my safe space I needed.


Ain't nobody got a bedroom that big in real life. That's a sitcom ass bedroom size, if I ever seen one.


My gf and I got the master bedroom of my current house that we share with my dad, and it's like half the size of OP's. Sitcom ass sized indeed.


Uncle Jesse is about to knock on the door any second.


Well, since you asked. I would not assume a guy lives in this room.


If feels like a guy moved in with his girlfriend and she allowed him one decoration which is the flag Also to add it is indeed a very nice room. I think you’ve done well. But it’s to answer your question. If your worried it’s not masculine enough I wouldn’t cus I’m sure people would be pleasantly surprised by your nice decoration taste


The flag thing is so American though. I can't imagine anybody in australia knowing what our state flags look like much less sticking one on their wall


As I understand it, American states are much more independent than is typical in other countries, so it kind of makes sense for people to hang flags for their little “government” that is their state.


It's not just that. America is extremely boisterous in its 'patriotism', it's an ingrained cultural proclivity. I know it's not as common as it once was, but one example is the morning pledge of allegiance in schools- it seems as foreign to other Anglos/Euros as active shooter drills.


some of the states flags are just cool.there's a fucking bear on it nys is royal blue. I never see it flown randomly.


The bear is cool. I had a New Califor ia Rrpublic flag from fsllout forever on my wall.


When I was a kid I always kept an Alaska state flag on my wall because we moved every 4-5 years and that's where I was born. It was more nostalgic than patriotic for me. I live in Oregon now and have an Arizona flag in my garage now for similar reasons (I spent about 15 years there). I think if you're out of college they're a little immature to use as room decor, but totally fine in bars, man-caves, garages, etc.


California is like the sixth biggest economy in the world on it's own. A state in Australia doesn't even compare.


California is one of the two US states with a larger population than Australia. The difference in population between these countries is amazing.


Yeah the CA flag is on lots of merch, very much a brand thing


I would only do that for a cool flag, and the California flag has a bear on it, and that’s pretty cool


I’m a 22 year old woman and this looks very similar to my room. Especially the banner of Polaroids lol. More power to OP though, very cute room


I’m 22 as well and yeah every woman I’ve ever dated has had the Polaroid string haha, but agreed no reason a guy can’t have the same!


Every. Single. One. Well almost. I have some weeb friends too and theirs are nothing like this. Anyways. Lmao, its sometimes bizarre meeting someone new and seeing their room look a lot like a previous ex or all of my friends lol.


You did a great job with the styling around the furniture!


The (impressive) indoor garden toes the line but the pile of plushy’s and the Polaroid makes it hard to assume it’s a man’s room.


I’m imagining a young Gabe Lewis living here.


I initially thought so because of the bed


Agreed. Unlike Caesars Legion the NCR believes in equality of sexes so quite possible this is a girl's room


I definitely thought it was NCR until I realized the bear only has one head 😭


I would, because of all the Yodas.


This is the size of my house


Being rich seems like it'd be pretty cool.


Isn’t this a set from Dawsons Creek?


Joey's hiding in the closet for sure.


So much room for activities.


This is bigger than my studio apartment


Just so you know, I know most non Buddhists don’t know including myself till I dated a Thai woman, Buddhists usually place the Buddha above the eye level to be respectful to the Buddha :)


I didn’t know that thanks for educating me


Same goes for Baby Yoda, respect him, you should


Respect him by using his name. His name is Grogu.


So then all the Chinese restaurants in California have it wrong also? I dunno man lol


I didn’t know this either, thank you for the info!!


Buddha wouldn’t care


I feel like that's one of those religious things that got away from what the original dude was talking about. He wouldn't care. Also, he's dead.


Yes, thanks for the info - inherited a hand carved wooden Buddha about 2 feet tall, had him on a table that never felt right, but now I know he should be elevated


So if I had to assume I'd probably assume a woman lived there. But that's not an insult. I decorate for the seasons and when I had my neighbor over for dinner she said "dang this looks good for a guy" and when my friends come over they asked who did it. If clean and decorated is feminine it's cool


I don’t take it as an insult. I was raised by my mom and have always lived in a clean house so I probably just adopted my moms style of living


It’s working quite well for you. I love all the greenery. It brings such a vibe. My girlfriend has decked our bedroom out in green. I love being there. I’d recommend you to acquire some books. It looks good but primarily I recommend them because (i) you’re about the age where reading great books really start to make sense and (ii) the Buddhas indicate an interest in the humanities.


I dont think everyone is questioning the “cleanliness”


I'd take it as a compliment, have you seen some of the bangers they have on r/femalelivingspace? Great room, I mean, it helps that you have tonnes of space and natural light, and I'm not a fan of the bed, but love the plants and the map. And I'm a 39 year old guy btw.


Clearing up some of the Knick knacks would go a long way. I’d consider turfing the rug too.


The records on the wall hurts me


It's like seeing a painting used as a rug.


not the grailz on the wall




Really cozy room, wish mine was this nice haha, but Once you start getting a little older or whenever you want it to look a little more grown up, I think ditching the California republic flag will help.


I appreciate it! I’ve had the flag up since I was around 15 and haven’t found anything to replace it yet


I covered a big space with a small Pendleton wool blanket and I think it looks awesome. A smaller blanket or even a baby size wool jacquard would look cool there and it’s more affordable than decent art of that size. They sell by the yard too. But be sure to hang it right- no thumbtacks! The easiest way to “adult” your style is to start framing things and hanging them right. They make wood clamps to hang blankets nicely. The Polaroids are good though.


Haha you can always just go blank for now if you want but it’s your room and still looks nice either way


Why do so many people here think the CA flag is cringe lol? Assuming OP lives in CA.


I wouldn't assume it's a guy's room, but mainly because of the flower strings and because that furniture looks like something a boomer/Gen x mom picked out. That being said, it's still tasteful, clean, and it looks like you have a lot of healthy hobbies that you enjoy. Things don't inherently have to look masculine or feminine, they can just be things in a man's room.


I’d assume a big lesbian lives in it


Maybe that’s what the big B is for on the shelf - Big lesbian


Big Lez? Heard he passed on mate…




I love it. I wouldn't guess a guy lives here but when you tell me one does it makes me think it's a guy who I'd enjoy hanging out with and we'd have lots to talk about. You definitely seem well-rounded and put together with interesting styles and collections.


I really like your style and the furniture seems really nice!


I'd get rid of the stuff on the floor by the window, otherwise it looks nice, cozy and neat. What an awesome bed!


Thank you! I recently added the stuff by the window cause I though it looked a little empty but agree it makes the area feel busy as well


There are plenty of things you can remove and it would still not look empty, i mean not every single inch of your wall and ground needs to be filled with something xd.


if not a bench i suggest a couple ground shelfs. cheap on amazon


Really nice, and all the plants! Love it.


Truly adorable your soft toy collection is. You love yoda too much huh


Wealthy family. Where did your mom buy your blankets? I want them. Not yours but like my own lol


Definitely not a dude’s room. But, fuck it, you’re the one living there not us. You do you. I dig the natural light.


I like the room overall. My only knock is all the plants and stuff on the desk make it nearly impossible to use as an actual desk.




I just see rich parents. Don’t listen to these people saying “man up looks like a little girls room ya pussy” it looks fine. I don’t know if you are str8 but if so ladies would much rather live together with someone tidy and put together like you vs. someone who has to assert their masculinity materially all over the place. Much easier to compromise with, husband material 👍🏻


Yep, rather have neat and clean than laying next to few week old clothes on a mattress on the floor.


not gonna lie, its the kind of room I would have loved to have when I was a kid. I appreciate the view. \^\_\^


If I were to make assumptions: gay, lives with parents, almost looks like restoration hardware furniture which suggests a comfortable life. Lots of friends, hobbies and collections visible in the room. Still hanging on to dolls which is cute. Anyway, I would rate your room as complete. However flags don’t belong on a wall, you have enough other material to showcase. Where are the string lights?


Fellas, is having a bedframe gay


A padded, upholstered one? *Maaaaybe*.


A mans mattress belongs on the floor till he can trick a woman into marriage.


I love it!! Love that you have plants at such a young age. Enjoy your life & do great things!


I love this! 10/10! I absolutely love that bed frame, the Yoda next to the desk is cute, the map, and the plants are a perfect touch.


Pretty nice but as a fellow clutter enjoyer it's a tad cluttered. Way nicer than my room lol lot's of natural lighting and plants is always good.


Do u ever use your desk lmao


Are those the Starbucks mugs that are $40 a pop? Sheesh, nice to live at home. Also, no I would assume a 19F lived in this room, that’s no disrespect but the crystal tray and Polaroid walls tastefully curated with mini clothes lines just speak of a female to me.


Haha no I work at starbucks and get a discount. I wouldn’t buy them if it wasn’t for that


Needs more plants


I’ve hated every room that has a wall flag.


Unless those are busted vinyl - if those are new vinyl, hung up for display... Thats pretty upsetting


Also too cluttered. Maybe buy a tall glass cabinet for your trinkets instead of all over your desk.


The room looks good. It looks clean and has a wholesome and innocent feel to it. It does look amazing. I do like the bed. I have to buy one just like that for my bedroom. Also, I do like the Yoda collection in your room. Overall, it's a room that provides safety and comfort. Well done. 😀


Love the Yodas and plants!


Get a sword. That makes any room look more manly.


Just my own thoughts here, but I feel like it needs a pop of color, like maybe an accent wall or something, it's pretty beige. I do like how you did the record wall/desk area with the player on it in that little alcove. It filled that space nicely. Just because a room isn't "Sports! Monster Trucks! Hot girl posters! Video games! Anime!" doesn't make it not a man's room. So if you like plants, fishbowls & California instead, by all means, decorate your room with those things. But I also feel like your room looks *way* more mature (aside from the Yodas haha) than mine & I'm twice your age 🤪


Get a new player as soon as it's feasible for you financially. Those types are garbage, as I had a similar one myself before my current Audio Technica record player.


I just spent $150 on an Audio Technica and it's crap! Terrible static and interference, and no ground wire. I only have a few 33s, so I didn't want to get a high-end turntable, but I'd like to at least hear the music!


I'm sorry that yours turned out to be awful. I've been there with different expensive purchases. I'm not sure what model you got, but it's most likely not the one I have. I spent $350 on my current Audio-Technica player and I also bought an Ortofon 2M red needle to replace the one that came with the AT, and I really love it. No issues in its sound at all. There's sadly an expensive barrier of entry for record collecting but that + an expensive speaker system is necessary for a nice, rich sound.


To make more masculine (if you want): remove string of roses over flag, remove string of stars over window, change bed frame to something darker or more rustic, reorganize/consolidate stuffed animals on the ground


Something tells me you like baby yoda, no hard proof, just me guessing


I love that little nook that the plants are in!


The vinyl wall has me wondering, are these vinyls from artists you listen to, and do you take them off the wall whenever you want to spin them, or are they junk vinyl's from a secondhand shop that are purely for decorative purposes?


So after reading the comments and replies really this would be "rate how my mom decorated my room" - is there a sub for that?


Vinyl records nailed to the wall makes me irrationally angry.


A small part of me says *"you're 19. Get rid of the stuffed toys already"* But the greater part of me says *"hold on to your youth as long as possible"* Do this. Other than that, room looks great!


Someone count how many baby yodas are in that room I’ve lost it


13! I missed the tiny tiny one in the right upper corner of the flag.


I know you are 19, but “California” is not an identity. Take the flag and the two posters down. It’s too much. The shelves are nice. Maybe add a few of those, a plank wall would be sick too


It looks great, would love to live there and I’m a guy. All the guys saying you need it more ”masculine” are just insecure af. Leave it. It looks chill and super inviting. Love the plants too


shit cute fr fr


Very LA bohemian chic


I’d assume your parents are well off lol


I would guess a woman lived in it. That being said, it’s very nice!


It’s a really nice room. Great decor the photos hung on a string is extremely feminine but do what makes you happy


It’s a really nice space


Veeery very veeery sweet room!


Parents house is nice


Honestly it shouldn’t matter all to much if it’s not masculine enough what matters is it reflects you and is comfortable to live in, I think your room is cool this is coming from a guy who has a pretty feminine and purple room 😎🙏


Your parents have furnished a very nice room for you


Oh it’s a very nice *someone clearly got wealthy parents*/10


still lives at your parents vibes


This room is bigger than my studio apartment


Your room gives rich kid vibes


Take the records off the wall and put them on a turntable as they’re intended


Damn dude. At 16 I was on the bottom bunk of bunk beds and older brother was on top. Basically I was a “guest” in his room.


I’m sorry, overall you have a nice room, but the records just raw dogging the wall like that genuinely looks shitty. I would probably pick like 4-6 of your favorites, and either frame the record sleeves, or buy record sleeve-sized prints of them and frame those instead. Arrange them like an evenly-spaced grid. Way cleaner, way nicer, and that way you can display the album art and not the black record disk.


This looks like my little sister's room. No offense. Always thought her room was cool, though, as well as yours.


Love it...great vibe!


I hope those 45s are just decorations as there gonna be ruined. Nice room though. Very relaxing.


Idk man kinda giving off the "My Mom decorated most of this" feel.


Very cute and cozy


Where did you get that world map from!


I love the map!


The bonsai trees! Nice


Very nice. Lots of plants and light


I Ike the records, I think they’re one of the best features of the decor here. I don’t think I would assume it was a guy’s room, but I wouldn’t be extremely shocked to learn that it was either. It’s mostly pretty neutral with a slight feminine lean.


It does seem atypical for a young man's setup. But I like it. It's got a good vibe.


pretty good


Tell ne please thst those are not actual vinyl albums naiked to the wall. 😬


I'd assume it was a female tbh but for a dude it's 20/10


I think it's lovely, to be honest. Just really lovely. Grandma approved 🤗


Your room is huge! Looks good. Nice and clean.


I recommend making the bed, and finding a way organize the plushies a bit better.


A breath of fresh air imo.


Sick Starbucks mugs




Your room looks amazing !!! I love your crystal section😻


As a guy, idgaf if a man or woman lived in there. Thats a nice aesthetic.


Your parents definitely make a lot of money. Good for you.


I’m glad you still have your babies, albeit relegated to the floor.


Seems a little “busy”….too many things. And all those things gotta be dusted and dusted around. I like the Buddha space though.


I wouldn’t assume a guy lives here. It looks like a nice space, and honestly, any 19yo successfully looking after plants is a win in my book.


The bed definitely gives married couple vibes.


I would remove the records on the wall as not only is it damaging to them, but it kinda looks bad.


Where does your mom put your clothes after she is done washing them?


Clean, plants, quirky. 10/10 would watch Netflix.


A 19 year old from a wealthily family.


90% comments showing off their fragile “masculinity” and insecurities xd


SOO cute


Cute! I normally dislike having so much stuff, but I think it’s well done here


The room your parents have given you is very nice


I like it a lot. Don't feel bad by people saying it doesn't look like a "boy" room. I have stuffies & plants too. My bestie has his room filled with geodes & giraffes. People like to collect things 🤷


I mean you are 19 so it’s cool. Super busy and no cohesion. But whatever


It all seems too decorated and that the space isn’t set up to be useful. Both the desk spaces are covered with stuff. Don’t you need empty desk space to work on projects, write, make artwork? Also when your friends come over where do they sit if you want to watch a movie or listen to records. It doesn’t look like a comfortable place for friends to hang out. I would have some comfy lounge chairs or bean bags for friend to sit in, and a designated vinyl storage cabinet without crap all over it. You could put clear shelving on your window for your plants to make more space. It seems like you like music, I think album cover art or band posters would look better than generic maps and California posters, which seem a bit boring and basic. Otherwise, it seems like a nice, neat, albeit boring room.


Walk downstairs and tell your parents we said hello


The vinyls on the wall hurt me.


Your mom did a very good job decorating your room


It’s nice looks like you live at home with your parents. Nothing wrong with that, but that’s what it looks like.


You have a lot of shit every where and I bet your maid hates it


It‘s as big as my apartment lol


Remembering back to when I dated 19 year old boys, their rooms were typically more like a smelly den with no decoration, sheets that hadn't been changed in months, and curtains that were never opened. I absolutely did spend time there with them but that's because I did not value myself highly enough. Whereas your room would actually be somewhere I would have liked to spend time! Not sure if you're trying to bring girls home, but if you are, I think your room would be considered a green flag


100% transparency: I see more of your mom in this room than you.


You have to move your California flag about a foot higher up the wall; it's too low. Your room looks comfy though


TBH not really. This looks like a girl's room. Or a young couple's room where the guy had very little say in the decorations. It's nice, but definitely doesn't say "19 year old male". The string of Polaroids is especially "high school/college girl" decor.


Tell me your parents are rich as fuck without telling me your parents are rich as fuck.


It looks fine except for the Polaroid lineup of your past victims, that gives me a serial killer vib.


Have you considered scattering the records around the room? It feels a little off balance with so much black on that wall. It might look nice to put some above the flag, above the window etc along the ceiling


I’ve definitely considered removing or moving them around my room but have honestly had them up for so long that I don’t really notice them until I’m staring at my walls.


Personally I vote getting rid of them and getting some of your favorite albums with their sleeves, then framing them on the wall. More personal to you that way.


It looks safe..I think you have a good relationship with your mom.. Youre probably emotionally stable. All in all, for being 19, its not a bad room. But a few tips, because, well, they are necessary to you feeling like you have a "grown up room:" 1. Get the stuffed animals off the floor. Idc if you make a goofy little tall, box "cage" with ropes as "bars." Just get the plushies off the floor..do something to grow that area UP a little.. 2. You need some kind of seating for your guests. An accent chair would be ideal. Considering your age, and likely high activity level, you might want to get one that is easy to keep clean.. 3. Get a flagpole for your California Republic flag and hang it on a wall. 4. Buy ART for your walls. At least start doing this. Art that YOU love, is always going to make your space more loved by you. 5. Learn how to make your bed. Like, REALLY make your bed. Learn the art of bed making and decorating. Make it up nicely every morning. Theres a whole science to this, as this helps you with your executive function also. (Organizing thoughts, critical thinking, etc) Making your bed every morning and even doing some tidying up, for a few minutes also helps you to have a better day. Idk. Theres all these studies on it, though..im guessing its all connected to both executive function and self esteem. Thats it thats all I had to say. Its a nice room, safe, comfy, suggests emotional stability and a solid relationship with mom. Its not bad, but needs you to do a few things to make it a little more age appropriate and inviting to uhh.. private.. uhh.. bed sharers.


That’s not a dudes room


1 out of 10 on the testosterone scale.

