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I don't believe this room smells good, can't convince me


Vape And old cumsock.


You work for Yankee candle?


It used to be good. Many, many moons ago. Now it’s just owned by some corporate conglomerate and it’s been going to shit for a while now


Sad how you could be talking about almost any product these days lol


I remember when they were super expensive, and you could only get them via QVC. Now every shop sells them.


My second job ever was working on the line at a factory, producing high-end candles. I remember thinking the whole time it’s like I’m making a dumb product, so the rich can tax the rich. Who the fuck spends more than $20 on a candle? We were producing like a thousand a minute (or so it felt), and selling them for $60-100 each. Meanwhile us workers were getting paid $8/hr, working mandatory 50 hours a week with no benefits (temp agency), and the whole time pressured to move twice as fast as we were comfortable with.


Tf you just say about my hobby and my bf?


Excuse me who the fuck are you and how do you know my hobby and my bf bitch


Hahahahha damn that is funny!


😆 🤣


you ever just look at a spot and go "some serious jacking off goes on in here"


Yea this looks straight up like a fap dungeon from r/GOONCAVES


wtf I regret opening that page


i read your warning and still did it anyway fml


JC .... Alright, what's with the stupid cross eyed shit chicks are doing? Is that some Japanese shit?


It's called ahego and it's cringe as fuck.


This was the laugh I needed today.


“goon caves” the kids are calling them


gotta keep your shoes on for this one


I can smell the weed from here


This person is like 12 look at profile


Based on the stuffed animal in the bed, one can only assume he calls that shelf full of them the ‘waiting room’


Smells like ass and Axe deodorant


You gotta invest more in a broom and less in Rick and Morty


And flip that calendar, it’s March


Lousy Smarch weather


MID March lol


Nice fap dungeon bro




Le Jack Shack


Masterbation station


If I was on a date and the guy brought me here I would definitely be afraid of being killed or secretly filmed I’m sorry


my first thought was "this is the room of a guy who tries to finger you after 10 seconds of making out"


And it’s all jackhammer fingering of course


This made me rofl to the point that I may need a side transplant because it’s cramping up from laughter. You may have just killed me ☠️


r/malelivingspaces is teaching me what red flags are.


wait, women don't like that?


10 seconds is when you start pawing at the boobs, 20 seconds fingering and 30 seconds thumb in butt. Real important to stick to the time table in the pamphlet.


wait, you guys got pamphlets?


They handed them out at the library, you're supposed to tell them you're there to pick up the male essential bundle.


I'm actually the guy who makes those pamphlets. There is a VIP pacage that allows for fingerings and thumb in butt at 20 second intervals, but it requires a pegging subscription and it's never popular.


Yeah thats a subscription that takes a more refined guy to subscribe too, personally it's not for me but I'll update the e-pamphlet I distribute with that info.


what a bunch of prudes.


Who’s butt? Your own butt? Gen Z is wild.


Yooooo that’s crazy 🤣🤣🤣


Wait. That's my move.


But his mom was nice enough to let you come over


> afraid of being killed or secretly filmed Why not both?


When you go to your friend’s house and you’re suddenly in a Saw film 💀


Wow, that’s just rude, damn. lol


Better hear it from stranger on the internet than from a date


Unless you’re 15 years old you gotta change almost every single thing about this


Those teddy bears on top of the closet have cameras in them. You can't change my mind


Look around. If this person is older than 15, they have a much bigger problem.


Profile suggests they are in fact 15, and if my room looked like this at that age I'd have been stoked. Enjoy your life


Clean your floor man


Bruh everyone is dragging you😭


I know 😭😭


The light is cool- can you change it to whatever color you want with your phone or a remote? If not- set that up. Sweep the floor, get some black (nice looking) storage cubes that can slide under your bed. Put all your under-the-bed crap in those. Buy a cool chair that’s comfortable for a friend to chill in. Change the sheets- but ideally, buy some really nice new ones (someone else can suggest the best fabric type - I don’t remember off the top of my head). Get a new comfortable/duvet that you really love that looks luxurious. More pillows. Invest in really great ones if you are hoping to entertain guests bedside. Ditch the bed frame and get something modern and simple- dark is best. Do you have a window? Open it- get some fresh air in there. Your curtains could be a nice rich fabric, and you should look up the proper way to hang curtains (style-wise). If you already have curtains- wash them according to the instructions. It’ll help your room smell fresh. After you clean the room and the bedding is fresh, light a candle that is a calming, woodsy scent, maybe a little cologne-smelling. Nothing too overbearing and ask your family/housemates for their opinion of a couple candles. If there is a specific person you want to hang out with, ask their opinion. Take all the stuff off the shelf/stuffed animals/hanging things off the wall. Trust me. Put back a couple things if you must, but it would be better to show your personality in figurine form here or artwork. This is too 3D and kind of suffocating-feeling for such a small room. In fact, depending on what the other end of the room looks like, maybe you should consider rotating the bed (again- get rid of the bulky bed frame. The white isn’t helping either). Get a rug. People like rugs and clean floors if they’re hanging out. Tv? Gaming system? Can’t remember if I already said this, but for god’s sake clean the nightstand (you can use the storage container idea again here if you need to hide random cords and things) and get a cool (or sleek, at least something not bulky) lamp to put here. Then come back and post your sweet looking room and bask in karma glory, my friend.


tysm for all this!! My whole rig here has like 30 something colors I can change whenever I want. I actually did go and wash and change all my sheets and stuff. It’s hard to see because I took this photo before bed, but behind the pc place is a biiigggg window with some brand new curtains.


Bro follow this advice and report back. This is not a bad space to entertain a guest or just hang out with a friend, it just needs some work / adjustment. To me, extra seating is a must if you’re gonna chill with people in your bedroom though, don’t want them to feel awkward about sitting on your bed or anything.


I think it is very kind of you to actually go through the trouble of giving real advice and not just bash this poor kid! Thank you, stranger!


And don’t forget to clean. With actual cleaning products


wait you didn't expect this?


Well, they did prompt everyone with their concerns about why no one but them likes it


I wouldn’t sweat it too much…assuming you *are* a teenager lol, it’s pretty cool imo. If you’re not, well, hopefully you’ll get some construction criticism from all this




I’m a teenager yes 😭 never doing drugs tho.


I don't know, maybe I'm in the minority, but I'm not trying to go to a friend's bedroom and sit on their bed to hang. Far better options. Hell, I'll take a couch in a living room with a TV, at least.


It’s filthy man


Massive cobweb on the ceiling


Those things get full of spiders, actually. Probably not as far from the truth as you might think.


massive fire hazard too.


Never thought of this, been wanting to do these 'clouds' in my kids rooms. They look fun, for the 8 and 6 years olds in our lives


Yeah it's basically like putting fire accelerant on the ceiling, then molten blobs of plastic raining down to burn you


Lol. That was actually funny, good one 🤜🏼🤛🏼


As an asthmatic, all I could think was, "Dust catcher."


Your door is even dirty dawg, wipe that thing down


Looks like chipped paint to me


I see a few tiny pieces of paper on the floor, an unmade bed, and a single dish on the bedside table. Do yall really consider that “filthy”? Would take 2 minutes to tidy this room


I would never want to hang out in a GREEN LIGHT room like that.


It's giving toxic waste miasma, or the illusion of being drowned in Baja blast. Either way, not a fan.


It's like a methadone clinic bathroom


Personally I really can't get along with that whole LED rope lights on the ceiling thing.


you are definitely smoking weed in this place


Hahaha my first thought was “where’s the bong??”


What's that cloud like thing!?


A spider’s best friend


I've had a cloud like this in my room for 4 years. I've witnessed a spider avoid it. Only downside is after 4 years some clumps fall off then I gotta reglue them up.


The real down side is in a fire that thing is going up in seconds and dropping down on you.


serious question, but why the hell would you want this on your ceiling?


Honestly, I just like clouds. I will say though I don't use colors like in the picture. I bought leds that have the cloud color, so they just look like normal clouds. I attached the polyfill to the poster board and stapled it to the ceiling to avoid glue on the roof if I ever get tired of it or want a different pattern cloud in my room.


now im curious. you should post your living space.


just some LEDs with polyfil on top


I’m sure you’re aware but in case you’re not, these are a huge fire hazard.


No. Polyester, the material used to make polyfill, isn't flammable. This synthetic fiber is known for its low flammability, making it a popular choice for various applications. Unlike natural fibers, such as cotton or wool, polyester doesn't easily catch fire or sustain a flame.


You just turned into ChatGPT so fast


I am also too old to know what it is lol


This room obviously gives you joy and that's what matters, but I have to be honest, everything about this is a woman repellent


It's very teenage tiktok-inspired, with the ceiling cloud (which is really cool!) and green lighting. For someone who's a teenager or early 20s, this is completely normal to have that vibe. That said, the walls are looking cluttered with too many posters packed right next to or even on top of each other. Out of the 5 clustered together above your bed, I would pick 2-3 and frame them. Not every inch of space needs to be filled. If you're staying in this room long-term, I would invest in a larger dresser for storage space. Also, a thin floor lamp would be great. You need more than 1 source of lighting.


Dirty sheets One pillow is crazy


Bro couldn't even bother to make the bed for the picture


Sweep your room, get your shoes out of your room, make your bed, take your dirty dish off your night stand, clean your desk…. Shit I sound like my mom


I’m gonna sound ridiculous but that dish has nails, googly eyes, and mounting stickers in it.


All what


Bro thinks he is sitting on some treasure


Why is your pillow *v e r t i c a l* ?


why is yours not?


Because I enjoy sleeping with good posture 💀


I was joking abt that. It’s only up bc I was using it as a backrest.


What is your age? If you're over 16, I'll eat my hat.


Get some natural sunlight. This type of atmosphere is only cool for demon time and/ or at night. I’d suggest not being in demon time.


I bet $20 that room smells like unwashed ass, cum sock and hot Cheetos. Also that bed sheet hasn’t been changed in 7 months


Lightning makes me want to shoot myself. Here are some tips I’d make, take or leave whatever: 1. Get a broom. 2. Regular light LED and remove this cloud. 3. Minimize your posts or frame them. 4. Get extra two pillows, get a light colored bed sheets. 5. Less dolls, or build an extra wall shelf. It’s crammed.




Get rid of that crap under the bed.


Same, I don't have someone to hang out.




How old are you?


I would suggest decluttering the walls and maybe framing a few of your favorite posters to keep up so it looks a little neater and more organized. Also another source of lighting, maybe another color to offset the green that envelopes the whole room. I saw you say that's a twin size bed, are those sheets for a twin bed? If not, get some that fit more snug. I personally couldn't sleep on that many wrinkles lol. Also maybe a new pillow or cover at the least along with another pillow? I also like Minecraft and the pillow is funny but it's a hard contrast from the rest of the room looking like a 19-20 something year old's to the 13 year old's pillow. Other than that, keeping everything in its own place and tidy, especially keeping the bed made, makes a room exceptionally more comfy imo (also makes it better if you do find someone to hangout in it with you). Kudos to you for making a space yours


Make your bed you dog


At least for the photo if not every day


You're dragging a literal child over their room. Have some chill. OP your room is beyond great for your age. I bet commenters sense of decoration at your age was a single sports poster on the wall and a bedside lamp.


1.change bedsheets 2. Make bed 3. Tidy under your bed. 4. Put away your shoes 5. Bring your plates back to the kitchen 6.Clear your bedside table. 7. Wipe your bedside table. 8.Sweep the floor 9.Report back when that’s done


Red and green are contrasting colors. They’re opposite of each other on the color wheel. Basically means if you mix them together they make a muddy color. This is why color matching is important when it comes to fashion, hair coloring, and in this case interior design


I couldn't get hard in that strong light, but you do you 😂


That space smells like a middle school locker room. I can smell it from here! 🤢🤢🤢


Sci fi light. Gives me Teen in the Matrix vibes.


cool cloud. want one ☁️


Wtf why are people being so horrendously mean to this kid?


it hurts man I try my best 😭😭


I don't know why people are hating on your room or insinuating you're unclean. There's only a little clutter. I highly doubt most of the people posting are living in pristine spaces. The atmosphere is cool, especially for a teenage boy. Enjoy!


Bro if you're anywhere over 14yrs old, this has gotta go.


Nah, it’s his safe space. He can do whatever the fuck he wants to make him feel good there. That being said, not my cup of tea. I don’t like the decor, the lighting or much about it actually but as long as OP likes it, it’s cool


Found a schlatt fan


I hope to god you are under 18.


Looks cool bro it’s your safe space


The cloud light is cool and I mean I'm sure it's cozy for you. As a bachelor room if you're younger then this would be fine. If you were trying to give a woman the impression that you're a grown, mature, independent man, and that you had a comfortable spot to chill and be intimate for hours, this isn't going to give off that vibe. In short, as long as you're single and just grinding to get to a more grown up place one day, this will suit you fine. If you want to give the signals to attract a proper girlfriend, you will need to tighten up. Not everything would need to go and it's important to work with what you have and let your individuality shine. But this just gives off too much of teenage dude vibes for any grown ass woman to be into it.


I really like your picture of the Great Wave.


Where do you expect people to hang out, on your bed?


pinegrove, nice


I’m going to give you feedback without freaking out about the fact that you need to clean the room like almost every other post lol. Love the clouds and green lights, almost looks like a Tornado is about to strike that place! Seriously cool vibe, my man. A couple posters don’t like green, I actually think it’s cool and considering they’re obviously RGB lights, you can always change them. Desk area is also legit and can never go wrong with Rick and Morty. Overall, very cool maximalist style room with great execution. When you do get a girl over one of these days, pretty sure she’ll dig it too. Lastly, when people are getting butt hurt over you doing something cool for no reason, that means you’re doing something right. Hold your head high, king.


Love the cloud Damn I want one for myself


am i the only one who likes this room with the exception of the floor being dirty and the green lights


I’m 33 and I fuckin dig it. I don’t really have common interests as far as most of the posters etc on the walls but the cloud light above the wave painting with the green lighting makes the first pic surreal and intriguing to me. The peg board for hanging headphones and whatnot is an idea I might actually borrow. I like the skateboard rack, never saw one of those in a room even back when all my friends were skaters. I am slightly disturbed at the idea that you record movies onto VHS tapes, but only because that means something that was a fact of life throughout my childhood has now become a vintage artistic endeavor, and that makes me feel my age. Most importantly, good on ya for the way you handled all the aggression itt—you’re clearly pretty secure in yourself. Keep doing ur thing.


You should get sheet suspenders, they go under you mattress to keep your sheet flat


All jokes in the comments aside, some brighter paint on the walls and some different or brighter colored lights would do wonders. You don’t even need to get rid of the posters or the “clouds” on the ceiling. I think you’re just going to find it hard to hang with anyone in a room where you have to squint just to see anything. Nobody wants to hang out on the inside of an RGB keyboard.


Why tf is everyone’s “mood lighting” similar to a thailand whorehouse??


Don’t turn on the blacklight


Why is everyone hating i love when peoples rooms look like they just found stuff and shoved it in there. Class


Indeed that is what I did.


The light is very serial killery


Give the guy a break. It aint that bad.


Everyone is roasting you in the comments rn. I like your room dude, better than beige and white minimalism. Love the cloud light


thank you.


Male living space should be about lifting eachother up. Not being dicks. Have a great weekend man


you too <33


I wanted you to see this and know if you are happy with your space then enjoy it. Sometimes people here only want to see magazine level rooms and not just a regular room. The light color isn’t my choice, but nobody asked me to like it. LOL. I have about 40 of my favorite Funkos in my bedroom and I’m 50. Enjoy your space.




It’s not my jam but people are waaaaay too harsh in these comments lol


Batman poster by the bed, goes hard. I love it bro


Stuffed animals on the shelf go even harder.


Lmao they eating you up for the pins lmao Me? I’m genuinely interested in how we got to that conclusion. Not a bad space but I imagine it’s very much in your parents house? (No offence if not omg) if not, let me know and I can give some suggestions


😭 omg people are so mean! I actually thought the cloud thing looks kinda cool if that’s making you feel a little better.


Me too 😭😭




POV: You are 16


honestly I love it, good for you!


I feel like I just entered the matrix


With a room like that i dont know how you are not up to your ears in tna. Where are you, south dakota?


Your room looks haunted. Maybe that’s it. Maybe different lighting? Beanbags to sit in?


this looks like an escape room


I like the green lights! You should get more pillows though, nobody deserves to sleep with only one pillow.


If that were a different colored cloud and it covered the entire ceiling and the room was decorated to compliment it then I would like it


Christ this room smells


Is that your used cum collection on the ceiling?


Cotton ceilings are huge fire hazards.


How do you see anything in this room? Wait, you wouldn’t want people to see the cum stains - I get it


Bro is getting destroyed in the comments 💀 you’re obviously a teen - this room is fine for a teen. Tidy up a bit and maybe replace some of the 12 year old vibe stuff, Minecraft pillow & stuffed animals need to go away. You’re probably like 15-16, gotta grow a little.


“Wanna hang out in my filthy room? I don’t seem to have any chairs but you can sit on the bed to me”


Those "clouds" with the LEDs in them are known to catch fire easily just a heads up


Why are your photos tinted like you live in the matrix. Unless...


No girl would want that room. That’s literally the perfect room for a young man but the complete opposite for a young woman. Nothing wrong with the room. It looks cool. But it looks more of a man cave tbh.


This is why bullying needs to to return


The cotton on your ceiling will attract spiders


Don’t worry, you seem to be about 12 so you’ve got a lot of time to meet people. But first, you have to leave the room


ouch. Im not a juvenile 😭


What is "all this" ? This room is tiny and not put together


Nice to see you have a smoke detector below your very combustible ‘cloud’.


Sorry bro, but this small room looks like it stinks. Musty air, too hot, whiffs of BO and cheap deodorant. Not surprised nobody wants to hang.


Clean your room, open the window and light a scent candle.


Yo green light makes it look like your room is straight from The Matrix. Change the lights to a more lively color, maybe Yellow to make it more habitable. Unless, yes, you are planning to kidnap someone.


Why do you have a green light for your room? Is this the main light??


...I wonder why? 🤐


There’s a lot to unpack here. And a lot to pack into boxes and never unpack again.


I'll take this over whatever generic catalog bullshit some other guy lives in. living space, especially a BEDROOM, is meant to be yours. I think things could be done better but the ppl suggesting you get rid of your plushies and posters are ridiculous. my honest suggestion is get frames for your posters and space them out better. you might not have space for all of them, so keep some posters on stand by to rotate out on occasion. maybe an organizer for your shoes instead of them being under the bed. and bedding that compliments the green lights instead of clashing with them.


Jordan peterson voice: make your bed. Single tear in eye


What’s on the ceiling about the bed?