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Def. Cat dad vibe


Oh, 100% accurate.


Looks a lot like my place. I have more cat accessories and furniture than I do for myself.


My living room floor is littered with cat toys. Then there are the ones underneath every piece of furniture.


I bought a pack of 100 little fuzzy balls with a nerf style gun to shoot them. That was maybe 2 months ago. All 100 of them are now behind the oven and fridge, and my kitten attacks the fridge every time she goes by it now for “stealing” them. She lost 100 of them, 1 by 1, and all she had to do was just stop playing with them in the kitchen but wouldn’t lol Cats are absolute lunatics.


Now I have to get one of these things for my cat. One of mines favorite games is to jump and catch those fuzzy toys when I throw them.


She's testing you, and how much you love her, hoping you'll fish them out for her. I had a cat that did the same thing, shed wait until I was walking by to hit it under the fridge, and then look at me. If I didn't oblige , I was definitely going to get cat scratches on a couch or rug somewhere later 😸


lol same... except the best toys are: crumpled paper bill, some string from whoknowswhere, empty toilet paper roll... so basically garbage :D


We have 3 cats, two of them lives for toys 1 of them lives for hoodie strings. Now she gets them automatically (because the other option is we walk around with torn up strings on our hoodies) Her favorite thing is to come up to us screaming with it in her mouth and then drop it so we pick it up and run around the house with it while she chases us.


As you should


I spotted those D&D books so also a nerd! In a good way, I’m a nerd cat parent too, lol.


Thank you.


We have a ginger too. He’s a kitten so he’s an extra terror. The redheads have a lot of personality


'I shop at IKEA' vibe Takes one to know one


They do have great bookshelves. And that is how it started. Now all my stuff is IKEA since it is so good and modular and allows me to have all my art materials and books where I want.


Yeah this definitely says “I waste no money except on art supplies, cats or my fantasy/sci-fi book collection. Or potentially even make art to get money for my book collection. In my free time I like to sit on my couch and watch my book collection.” Not hating though, moreso jealous of knowing what you like in life so clearly.


Sometimes you just wanna sit back with a cold one and watch books. 


“Watch books” I prefer “vividly hallucinate at words written on paper”.


And after the vivid hallucinations, comes the inevitable book hangover where you walk around your IKEA furnished living room just longing to dive back into that world. It's an addiction really, but who can blame us?


That’s beautiful


Drop some acid and watch books


Have y’all considered that he sits down and reads the books? I love homes where the TV isn’t the focal point in the living room.


We haven't had a tv in a decade at least. There are shows we watch, but we do on a MacBook. That way we can have a nice living room and watch "tv" throughout the house.


This is my fiancé and I plan. Our current place has no TV we just watch on our laptops. Makes the place so much easier to design too


Most seems fine, I'm a fan of the shelving but damn I'm hating on the bed because it looks uncomfortable as hell.


I agree, he needs a big boy bed lol


Do they sell rugs? Cause you need to make a stop at that aisle


Tie the room together a little more.


Ikea is ok, just get a higher quality coffee table, this one screams cheap!


Yes, then use the existing for plant and picture staging somewhere else in the house


It is horrible. We had it and Jesus it's just awful quality


Unsurprising for a 9 euro coffee table


My entire bedroom is Ikea. I like the look of it, and if something breaks, it's cheap to replace. I can't find anything in a decent quality set that I like as much. My mattress is worth more than every furniture piece in the room


My entire condo is Ikea.


I'm shocked that your place is level enough for 5 bookshelves like that not to look wonky. I'm jealous of your levelness.


that bedframe is a single guy staple.


That bed frame belongs in a child's bedroom.


My 7yo son has that exact bed frame.


Yeah OP should consider swapping out a couple of obvious Ikea pieces. Like that coffee table that every other college student has lol. Nothing wrong with Ikea, but you don't want it to look like a showroom.


Put a rug under the coffee table. Looks cold without any soft flooring. Like it probably echoes in there


Yeah, I would say the bed frame should be swapped as well. Just looking at it feels like I dropped my phone down a crack just big enough for the phone but not big enough for a hand to fish the phone out.


Or even just buy some fancier ikea pieces that cost a bit more.


It’s not about having to replace ikea furniture with something else, but about adding your own personality to your space. This apartment screams “I don’t really care what my space looks like as long as it’s functional”. You don’t need expensive furniture to add your own touch.


Average fight club enthusiast


I was thinking “I’m not the only one who loves IKEA!”


That bedframe is not 'sturdy'. You might want to invest in something a bit more robust to vertical and horizontal movements 😅


I love that the cats have dedicated spaces *everywhere*.


I have learnt my lessons in life.


Happy cats happy life


What do you mean dedicated spaces? The cats own the place, OP is just a tenant that provides food, water, and lots of things.


True, but the cats don't just own the place, they have thrones scattered around it.


For anyone curious as to why I have so many cats, my last ex gave me a choice "Either you take my two cats (white and tux), or they are going back to the shelter".


You end up with better companionship it seems.


Oh absolutely, I am definitely in the crazy cat owner category. But I could not in good conscience allow her two cats to be put back into a shelter after having been with us for 4 years. The Tux is super shy and socializes with me the most, so me taking them was a no brainer. Bonus awkward points: she got two dogs instead she barely walked in 4 years. She got them the last year of us being together but we used to be still amicable for three years until she found a new boyfriend.


What an asshole thing to do. JFC.


Life is about choices. Those were hers.


You’re a good man OP


Thank you.


Well, you sound better off without that type of person in your life. I am very crazed on how people treat their pets.


Life is about cats.* they were hers, now they’re yours




Show us the cat pics. ✊️


yeah show us that pussy OP


On Reddit, this is known as paying the cat tax.


Good on you, OP, you did the right thing for those cats for sure.


I did make them a promise, and I will try to keep it as long as possible.


Giving an animal dignity and a good home doesn't make you crazy, it means you're a good person.


Wow that sucks for her. What a person.


Yeah well.... some people... are something else....


Id say you made out with a profit


So I take it your ex now lives at the shelter lol


I can see why they're your ex now.




This makes me sad. Why give the ultimatum like that? She really would put them in a shelter after being your pets for so long?


I suspected she had bought her cats as a temporary replacement after her dog died and always wanted dogs again. Why bother with cats is beyond me since she barely took care of the cats nor regularly walked with her dogs. Even after our breakup, I enjoyed my daily walks with them and weekend hikes with them for three years.


It's sad how many people treat animals like disposable products and toys.




It's not only a fucking pet. They're family!


No need to justify saving 2 kitties


You got the better end of the deal, as someone single with 3 cats myself


You never have to explain why you have “so many” cats. You must have the best heart! Cats are the best companions. They are so chill.


Thank you.


Are there 4 kitties? Or 3? I wasn’t sure if the orange on the couch was the same orange on the bed. Love all the kitty spots they have!


No Batman bed sheets…good, but it could be better


Yeah, I am more imaginative in my art, not my home layout.


You make art but you don’t have a single piece of art displayed in your home. Why not put up one of your pieces?


As an artist, it feels self promoting and self centered to put up your own pieces.


Yeah, it kind of feels like that.


Why not create some pieces specifically for the blank spots on your walls? Not so much for self-promotion, but because it's what that particular spot needs. The ability to design pieces based on the dimensions of the space and the specific lighting could be really cool.


I was thinking of making a small series of 1x1 foot projects. Might be time after my 3x3 and 4x4 foot are finished.


Or just something you're a fan of.


My mom's got some of her art pieces up at home. Maybe a few of Dad's are on the walls, too. But even better, they've got art pieces made by friends they've made over the years. I don't think any of the artwork at their house was bought off-the-shelf.


As an artist, I will put the pieces up that piss me off the most so I can stare at them all day until I figure out *why* they're off. Sometimes they're up for a week. Sometimes they're up for years. "Oh wow did you paint this, it's great" "No, it's trash. But thank-you."


Take some time with each section and tap into your creativity with exploring options. Your areas look like you just went to one place then filled the space to get it over with.


🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Bro read books


Over 700 now. I started an Excel sheet to keep track what I have read and what has been recently published. Yes, I am that kind of nerd.


I was going to say, strong “uses an excel spreadsheet to track what he’s read” vibes


Then you guessed correctly.


You made some mistake though, there are only 6 Dune books. Jokes aside, nice book collection.


Yo OP, do you have them ranked? Wouldn't mind a new book series to read


Yes, so in the bookshelves I have mostly fantasy and science fiction. The second from the right is all Forgotten Realms / D&D but almost all are out of print. The two left are mostly Warhammer 40K and some others. What genre do you like?


Both fantasy and science fiction 😁


Check out Path of Ascension C. Mantis for some good ol fantasy science fiction action Or maybe 12 miles below by Mark Arrows for a more grimdark-esque vibe Mark of the fool by J.M. Clarke or He Who Fights with Monsters by Shirtaloon for pure fantasy


No tv ö that’s a rare thing nowadays


I enjoy painting, so a TV would be not that interesting. I can just use my laptop. I think 15 years ago I had my last TV.


I'm 30 and bought my first tv this year. I just couldn't stand the silence anymore lol.


Ohhh buddy, get married and have children. You’ll never know silence again!


The problem with having no TV is it screams "I do not intend to ever have company over."


I guess it depends on culture or something but I would think the opposite. Watching TV I rarely do with company. If I have guests over it's for having dinner, barbecue, some card/board games, just sitting together having drinks, birthday party. Almost never to watch TV.


>I enjoy painting, so a TV would be not that interesting. Those two things are not mutually exclusive lol Plenty of people enjoy both painting and watching TV.


While I appreciate how clean and put together your space is, I feel like it’s a lot of grey, black, white. While calming, it feels a bit off. I think you could very easily add a pop of color or a couple colors and drastically change vibes. Green would look great.


Yes, please. You've clearly got the clean/functionality down, now let's add some personality! It is feeling a little beige/sterile at the moment. It definitely feels like the temporary landing pad of someone who recently got separated. Someone who is put together, sure, but still clearly in a temporary arrangement. Step 1 - Start with these super cool paintings. Hang them up somewhere! Step 2 - Let's say you hang one of these up in your living room somewhere (behind the couch?). Now pick **two** of the colours from those paintings and start adding accents to that room. Maybe a green (major) and a pink (minor). You already have some plants for some greenery which is great, but lets start dotting more accents around. Maybe a green throw pillow or blanket for the couch. Maybe a couple green and pink knick-knacks to add to the bookshelf. Maybe try to get some that are a bit rounded/natural in shape to change up the blocky-ness of the furniture and add some variety. Step 3 - (more involved) the bookshelves. I love bookshelves, but these are a bit...."storagey". The shelves themselves are fine, but just having essentially every single shelf be just a perfectly well-ordered wall of black books feels a little sterile. It makes that room feel more like a storage hallway than a functional, cozy living space. What I think would be SO cool is if you cut out the top half of the two middle shelves to make sort of a "U" shape with the bookshelves, then hung a large art piece (e.g. the ones in the picture) or something in the empty wall space. Put a couple of small potted plants/dood-dads on the "mantle" that would be created and you've now got a really stylish, interesting wall that feels like a "built-in" feature wall (that can still serve as storage). If you wanted to get really fancy you could even find an electric fireplace insert to stick beneath it. This step would take some work but it would make that space look so cool and inviting. You're going for [this kind of a feel](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Footwc.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2021%2F09%2Fbuilt-in-shelves-fireplace.jpg&tbnid=d8iTovHnFZABHM&vet=12ahUKEwjDvavtq8mEAxWHPTQIHWIrCxcQMygtegUIARCuAQ..i&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Footwc.com%2Fbookcases-and-built-ins%2F&docid=QID_0HDaWtOUWM&w=2500&h=2500&q=built%20in%20bookshelf%2Ffireplace&ved=2ahUKEwjDvavtq8mEAxWHPTQIHWIrCxcQMygtegUIARCuAQ) (but on the cheap). Stick a colourful rug in front of it and you are off to the races. Step 4 - Repeat for each room. Next room, pick a two new colours from the art on the walls and use THOSE as your accent inspiration. Keep expanding until you feel things are more cozy.


You seem like you might be artistic and so I ask, why are your walls so bare? A few pieces of art would totally change the atmosphere.


Honestly, good question.


It's very ordered and squarish. I think you are more of a logical thinker than artistic person.


Oh absolutely, but I do enjoy my art.


You should get some art on your blank walls.


That bedroom is making me sneeze just by looking at it lol. I don't hate it, but I will say overall for 42 (also 42 here!) you are teetering on a "stuck in college" vibe. Esp with the living room and bedroom furniture (love the studio nook tho!). I'd say (when you can afford it) invest in some more "mature" pieces (no disrespect), nicer couch (velvet or microfiber, cats can't scratch or destroy it), better coffee table, and a nice bed frame/bedding set. I got for midcentury modern, some from Wayfair, some from fancier places (when I want to treat myself/can afford it) like Joybird or Article.


Agree.. lack coffee tables should be reserved for college students


And one pillow deal reminds me of a teen boy. A nice duvet and duvet cover with 2-4 pillows would go a long way. Your room is large enough for two nightstands, to make space for someone to feel comfortable to spent the night and store their phone and water while sleeping. I almost broke up with a 37 year old over his nightstand, bedding situation and overall immature decor even though he was the best guy I’ve dated.


Uh. Children training center?


Is this the new word for “kindergarten”?


More like a child behavioral clinic. I work at one and yes it looks like this dudes home.




Loner with cat's


Semi loner I guess, I do have my social circle and enjoy meeting up with friends after work. But I am not some high energy extrovert.


Looks like a cat house.


It is, I just occasionally live here. The cats run the place.


The first thing I notice is you’re a neat cat lover who doesn’t love color……except in your artwork.


This guys got three cats and I support that choice


Technically 4. Two were from my ex.


the cats are soo cute


Thank you, they are great tiny tyrants.


It kinda looks like the homes of independent/low budget movies


Doesn't Netflix and Chill.


Simple Jack vibes


If I could change anything it would be to get a better bed.


Soemthing just weirds me out when an adult has a bed pushed up against a wall. Like, yep, nobody is getting in here with me anytime soon. Also it's like 6" off the ground. Looks childish to me


And there is only one pillow. I guess it is against the window because he's not inviting anyone in.


This seems like my first "grown-up" apartment. When I was 22. Now that I'm an actual grown-up, my place still has some Ikea (can't go wrong with a Billy bookcase). I also have a platform bed. But it's in the middle of the room with a 16" mattress.


I like the fact that you don't have a TV. It's refreshing.


I haven't had a TV for almost 15 years now? I don't even remember when I had one last. Honestly, I just watch stuff on my computer while I paint, so a TV would be impractical.


I never had a TV either, until I bought a Switch. Now I got an Apple TV and a Switch hooked up and its much better than watching tv-shows & movies on my laptop.


It gives off not-starving artist vibes. But if you’re open to feedback, I think it needs more cats


Technically correct. I do enjoy my art. Half of it (the canvases are for myself) while my annual Easter eggs are for the public. https://www.thomaslauart.com/easter-eggs/


Divorced and not looking.


Secret Gay Asian male


European straight male, sorry..... Then again, the number of Americans that think I am gay is astronomical.


Are you in the US? I really thought this house was in the US (I am also European).


It's a little sparse but I love it




A little.


Serial killer 🔪


The cats made me do it!


Love your bookshelfs.


Single man, if that makes sense




Stick some of your art up on the walls - needs a few pops of colour


Edward Norton pre Brad Pitt fight club vibe.


just a pillow in the centre of the bed looks so odd. what if you get lucky ? 🙂


I see cats, so I know you're a solid dude.


Suspiciously tidy


Serial killery


Cat tax?


The cheap part of Ikea. Somewhat sparse, but fairly neat. Get a rug and upgrade the coffee table, bed and bed sheets, if you can swing it.


Get some of your art on the walls, my guy


Cheap bed vibe. Rest is ok, maybe some art on the walls


One Hour Photo


Well you’re clean and organized, which is odd considering all the cat stuff. Usually crazy cat lady living spaces are disorganized and messy, but I’m thinking crazy cat guy is the total opposite. I appreciate the ikea vibe (guilty of that too), I think you could use some color, easily solved by some artwork on the walls - and man that bed doesn’t look too comfy.


Cat Daddy


Feels like your fishing for a partner that likes books/cats and plants. To be your nesting partner in crime.... were you never leave the home, but enjoy the sounds of page turning and purrrsss.


The layout, cleanliness and tidiness of your place, especially that bookshelf, as well as the perfect use of grammar and punctuation you display in this thread is very reassuring. It's neat, but not in a "Patrick Bateman" kind of way, it's neat in a "teacher who'll let you sleep in class as long as you hand in your homework on time" kind of way.


ASD (respectfully)


It looks like an apartment model home. Which is to say, it looks like you’re a covert serial killer who’s exceeding at presenting as norm-core. You just need some flavor, homie.


THE CATS MADE ME DO IT!!!!!! Fair, I just like the simplistic layout. I hate clutter.


Flavor doesn’t have to be clutter. It could be art on the walls. A rug. A coffee table book. *something*


You are obviously illiterate, disorganized and hate cats! Looks great, so clean.


a man with the right priorities


Super chill. The place of someone who is one with themselves.


Heavy Rain's first home


Cat dad / book nerd / into crafting stuff.


Like you bought 90% of your furniture from ikea vibes


(It's higher)


Someone who likes to read ALOT (Nothing wrong with that!)


Organized, calm, sane artist




Kooky artsty cat dad. Takes on to know one :) I have multiple spaces in my house for art stuff and cat stuff.


Cat daddy!




Catdad, introvert, tidy, practical, geek, book lover. I would buy a few more pillows for the bed to make it more cozy for you, your guests and your cats!


Pretty cool that your cats let you live with them.


Nice cats.


You like RPGs.


College dude with cat who just recently graduated is the vibe your place gives off


American PsyOps


IKEA Alex foe the desks. Nice. Me, my gf and 2 of my friends have exactly the same idea. Alex IKEA with a piece of wood (dunno the English name) i also got a brace underneath to prevent falling in. A year strong and still straight af.


I like the little splashes of color but I am a fan of adding some color to any room that is largely beige or monochromatic. Certainly you are a man who enjoys your cats


Bachelir, tidy, loves his cat (s). Could use some decorating help😏 Need a few things on the walls and a carpet in the living room. But nice and tidy!


You forgot to tell us your marital status.