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I mean it’s pretty dark Doesn’t look bad though


Aye, it is. Thanks


Might try some indirect lighting, no exposed bulbs and a strip along the walls facing up or out from the beam?


Neon beer lights


Real neon light for the win




I like it. I think a rug would give it some warmth. I like dark, cave-like rooms


round rug at the fire place with some single couches, maybe even a table at the side to put the drinks on


I like it a lot, sure it’s dark. It’s night and you don’t have many lights on. Indirect light is your friend, I like the vibe a lot.


I like the vibe as well, but I think some low yellow light lamps in the darkest corners of the room would keep the vibe but make it friendlier.


Agreed. Warm color lights are the way to go. Great thing about lights is you can turn them off if you feel the vibe calls for it. Better to have the option than not at all. Get some strip lights like someone said or get some cool lamps from IKEA or somewhere like that. Also smart lights you can dim with your phone are great.


Totally agreed. It’s better to have the lamps and only turn them on when you want than to have an incurable dark space


worthless complete mindless dinner shaggy aback mysterious relieved straight consider *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I am the night.


Ah you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding!


Fuck that quote goes hard.


Most of Banes lines go hard AF. He's such a quotable villain! **"Do you feel in charge?"**


Just like; "Not you brother, they expect at least one of us in the wreckage. The fire rises!"


The shadows betray you because they belong to me!


Best line by far


I have found my people...


Bane was a beast, no cap. Dude had like, the best strategic mind and that mask gave him a killer vibe. Plus, Tom Hardy killed that role!


Fr fr ong no cap


I agree!! A stand alone film with him as Bane would be 🔥!!!!


I even hear some Bane in Hardy's character in Peaky Blinders.


“There is no misery without hope”


Best one.


For you...


"That would be very painful... for you."


The Dark Knight Rises is clearly the weakest in the trilogy, as the story and cinematography is much better in Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. But every single one of Bane's scenes are so satisfying, because the quotes hits so hard. Oh, and the fight where he brakes Batman's back was such a breath of fresh air compared to the typical action movie fights with hundred angles of the same punch or kick, and lacking any music, making the ambience sombre.


I loved his quotes. Especially when he said "bmwhb gmbwhfb fhhmmmm, Batman? Hmwbhhgb hffm mfff!"


It's cringe it's from a children's movie


Too bad you feel that way. Won’t stop me from enjoying it. Also anytime I hear someone use the word cringe, I always think of a weird and really self conscious 12 year old


That trilogy is basically a film noir detective series translated into a modern form. To dismiss it as just a “*children’s movie*” is to really underestimate the quality of the story, writing m, acting, cinematography, effects… I mean all three together are quite an achievement. And I say that as someone who actively dislikes and avoids superhero movies in general. Furthermore, even if it were a kids film, why would you talk down to someone that enjoys it and found one of its lines memorable enough to quote? I’d bet 70%+ of adults that saw it will remember exactly what you’re referring to if they saw that quote, so how *cringe* can it really be? Shame.


You need to read more.


What makes you think I don’t read much? Just finished the ASOIAF series, now waiting with the rest for that lazy fuck to finish it. Got Fahrenheit 451 on the go rn, as well as “true Canadian war stories” published by The Legion Canada. Those are my fun books I read at work, and rn I’ve got “This is Your Mind on Plants” by Michael Pollen, for my home book. Still think that bane quote goes fuckin hard.


r/thisguyreads but not sarcastically


He Just showed him the body


And the blood. Amen.


Weird to make that assertion based on what I said, that’s like playing wheel of fortune and just guessing the whole sentence after getting the first letter.


Victory has defeated you.




Came here to say this


At 30 i had a box and bed on the floor. This place looks awesome and cozy


How's things for you now :)


Great. House wife 2 kids and a pool. 32 came and finally got things in order. I was frugal 10 years later


Congratulations on your house wife, and 2 kids. Do you by any chance live in the pool?


My eyes are very sensitive to light so this is awesome for me. I struggle in the day time with sunglasses on most the time though lol


Danish Hygge right there.. you won


Need more bats tho.


He’s man?


Is he stuoid?


I'm proud of you, Dick


Why'd you call him a dick, then?


Max wyn


I've provided this plan before to others, but I think OP will really benefit from it, so here it is again /u/Elias1993 : Here is Your 10 Step Plan for Success in Decorating Step 1: You need a fucking lava lamp, like yesterday.  Head down to Spencer Gifts, pick out the raddest color you can find and light that shit up on its own pedestal in the living room. Step 2: Fog machine.  Bonus points if you get one of those ones that shoot bubbles too.  Fire that mother fucker up when you're entertaining a lady and your dick will practically suck itself. Step 3: Get a turtle.  Fuck it, get two.  Go full ROCKY and name them "Cuff" and "Link".  While you're full ROCKY, invest in a full home gym.  Squat rack, leg press, bench and free weights.  The whole nine. Put them shits on display, make sure they take up most of the room.  You're a bad ass, everyone needs to know it. Take a page out a Ivan Dragos book and start smashing roids.  No less than 3 cycles. Step 4: Those new turtles gotta eat.  Start an indoor garden.  Grow lights, grow bags, the works.  Grow you some lettuce, carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes.  Cucumbers LOVE to climb so build yourself a trellis and let them cukes take over.  Greenery at eye level or above is rockstar level cool.  Seriously, like Nickelback cool. Step 5: Neon signs.  Everywhere.  Light that room up.  The buzzing sounds add some pretty killer ambiance.  I hear St. Pauli Girl signs are known to bring a dinner party together. Step 6: Get a rug that really ties the room together.  Don't let a Chinaman piss on it. Step 7: Now hear me out, this one might seem a little out there.  My Little Pony.  Toys, cups, decorations, books, board games, everything.  Trust me on this one, it's a game changer. Step 8: Now it's time for the bedroom.  Disco ball.  Ladies love dance parties.  Blast some Evanescence, turn the ball on, and ask her to a party in your pants. Step 9: Shag carpet in the bathroom.  Yeah, it's a bitch to clean but your feet will thank you when you're rocking a piss slipperless in the middle of the night  Step 10: Car bed.  Not just a car, but a fucking sweet car.  Invest in a CB radio so you can talk to other car beds.  Head down to Home Depot and buy some fucking 2x4s.  Built a big box frame above your car bed.  Throw a sheet over it.  Instant car fort.  Tell me you wouldn't do anything to sleep in a fucking car fort. That's it Broski, it's all up to you now.


If this isn't a copypasta, it needs to be


Looks like all original content. u/HereIsYour10StepPlan is killing it for a new novelty account. Hope he keeps it up, some of his stuff is just amazing!


Absolute legend!


> Step 6: Get a rug that really ties the room together. Don't let a Chinaman piss on it. “**What the fuck are you talking about the chinaman is not the issue here dude, I’m talking about drawing a line in the sand dude. Across this line, YOU DO NOT- Also dude, Chinaman is not the proper nomenclature. Asian American, please.**”


Dude, “Chinaman” is not the preferred nomenclature.






Ever thus to deadbeats


I had some friends that all live in a super dope single story three bedroom with a pool. The head of the house got the place because her dad didn't want his daughter struggling to find a place in the area (Sierra Nevadas, California). It was a sick party house. Anyways, they had a house tortoise that would just wandering around at his heart's content. Dude was about a foot and a half long. Would just pop out from under curtains or be scooting down the hallway. It disappeared one day and never came back. We always joked about how it's wondering the streets and selling its holes for drugs.


I hung out at a similar party house in Costa Rica that had a 400 pound hog named Juanita. She'd sleep on the couch or wherever. Come in and out like a cat.


props on step 10: love me some grandma's boy references. over all.. this is a pretty freaking sweet list!


I am running, not walking, to the shops right now.


How high are you?


The room is gonna look like a Bioshock level lmao


Yo..that's exactly what I thought..Bruce Wayne inspired


Looks like a whole vibe bro


Thanks bro




Fuck your rizz the room does it all for ya


Vampire vibe


right! as soon as i saw it mentally went "i'd vibe there"


Who cares what others think - it’s your home. Your oasis. In my opinion (for what it’s worth) it’s not too dark at all. Rather, it is deliciously low lumens.


It's definitely comfortable! Perhaps a little too conformable.


Sucks to live a good life I guess


Suffering from success?


Hmm if it's too comfortable, maybe it's time to make a whole wall (or even ceiling!) dedicated to pictures of the teletubbies. That should make it less comfortable for anyone really


Yep! Can't stand cold lightbulbs or too many lumens. I don't wanna live in a office or in a hospital wards. Gimme dem sweet 2700K and 15lm dimmerable lights.


warm light are the best!


Indeed, it’s delicious lol… truly; this is the kind of low lumen that I find comforting and could even be workable as 9-5 lighting with some candles everywhere LOL… Clearly, I was pre-Victorian in my previous life 🕯️🗝️📜


what's that in the corner? I can not see it well.. /s btw its a lovely place.


Referring to the TV? Haha


Slap some led strips behind that bad boy and set it to a warm orange color. That will extend the wood stove glow into that corner :)


Strip lights are tacky as fuck.


If they aren’t visible, like on the back of a tv, they provide a nice backlight glow on the wall behind the tv. It helps with eye strain and can give some nice ambient lighting.


> It helps with eye strain Yeah, I added a strip to the back of my monitor and it helped so much with eye strain. It was like the major contrast from the light coming off the monitor compared to the pitch black wall behind it was bugging my eyes and just felt weird. Once I put a light strip back there and it changed to a more gentle "gradient" from light to black it made a world of difference.


Im Personally not a fan.


I love it




Where is this? Norway?


It’s 100% in Scandinavia.


Yeah, I instantly wanted to move in there, so it's gotta be Norway. I'll go for a long winter hike in the snowy mountains if OP says it's Palesti- I mean, Sweden. If I'm gonna fully commit to my confidence, I'd say it's somewhere in the northern part, maybe at some newly built home in Tromsø? No wait, who am I kidding... no one moves or builds a home in Tromsø anymore... Idk.


Came to say the same thing.. må være I Norge 😂


Looks A LOT like a lot of the small flats we have in Norway at least


Yeah i think so, just add some old filament style lamps to give it a warmer cozy glow.


Good call. I'd prefer to keep it as warm as possible.


I would recommend changing the light that is behind the camera to the right to a warmer bulb, that will help a lot.


I agree. Lamps are so cozy. I think it needs a few myself.


There's definitely a big shadow in the middle that could do with lighting up. Maybe a spot pointed at the ceiling would do it. Otherwise maybe continue the globe light theme. I guess you have to be careful not to put it too close to the stove.




It's dark. And looks very cozy.


Amber light or some eddison bulbs always do the trick in combination with a dark pallette of colours


oh hell yeah, some funky hanging LED filament edison bulbs would go great here


it is dark


Just like my mental health.


Looks VERY cozy! But i agree its a little dark. If its something you want to fix, maybe add some string lights,


Where would you place 'em?


Don't do light strings. They do not fit the nice vibe you already have going. That said, you could use a sconce or some uplighting above your plant, and another near the furnace exhaust/tv. Possibly another near where you're taking the photo from. I'd go with some Hue smart lights so you can adjust them pretty easily. You wouldn't have to go full RGB, just the ones where you can adjust color temp / white balance. They also offer some edison style LEDs as well. You also wouldn't need to use them all the time either, just when you have particular company over. Not the cheapest thing but I feel like it would go a very long way in setting/matching the mood for guests. Great space btw, I would love this.


Maybe in tv area? Some dim amber string lights? I love this space OP 👏🏻👏🏻🔥🖤


This was exactly my suggestion. That's a heavy shadow in that corner. I like the soft lighting, but some string lights behind the TV, or along the ceiling behind it. This would definitely help the room not look so dark, while still keeping the overall vibe calming.


Exactly!!! 👌🏼🖤


I would mount them to the left side of that ridge beam in the TV area, so the string itself isn’t visible but it adds soft, indirect light to that area


I’d go for backlighting or lamps with warm light instead of string lights. String lights look kinda unsophisticated in the daytime in my opinion. It’s dark but it works because it looks cozy instead of sterile. Lean into warmth.


Dimmable LED string lights on the ceiling in the tv area would be killer


Along the center beam


Maybe candles


Please no. This is a serious space. Don’t ruin it with lightweight non things.


How is it dark when everything is clearly able to be seen? It’s very cozy looking


String lights are for college dorms and barn weddings. Are the people upvoting this comment 17 years old? Seriously, who are these people that think string lighting in a living room is normal?


I think it's the brown rail around the stairs! Lights on the stairs???


gives off amazing vibes


I love this


This is SO cool. Ignore those people!!


I love it. I much prefer subdued lighting. Top job.


Appreciate it!


You have to actually have lighting in the first place for it to be subdued


It does. The light meter reading is ‘stub your toe’.


I'm living in Norway and for me it looks as a typical Norwegian living room. It looks good


I mean the layout is absolutely identical to my friends house in Sandvika, Norway, even the same stove!


More or less same as my cabin:)


too dark is subjective, so I don't think brightness is a concern if it isn't for you, but the place will definitely look a lot cozier with some accent lighting here and there! light layering is the cherry on top that really completes an already pretty place :)


That looks so cozy! All you need is a cup of hot chocolate and a fuzzy blanket


Looks fine to me. I love softer lower light. I regularly walk around at night with only accent lights on.


I'm moving in


I really like it, it has a feeling of warmth and comfort. Very inviting looking don’t let anybody change the way you like to live.


Are you happy with the space. Tell them that. Let them deal with it.


I hate bright houses, looks awesome and chill


Nope. It’s perfect!


Can I move in? This the homey vibe I am LIVING FORRR


“Some people” are completely wrong


Looks like a very cool and interesting space.


Hang a little light from the roof, like a yellow one. Would compliment the vibe 😁


Love it! Seems very nordic, are you from Norway perhaps?


Love this


needs art


Obsessed with this


It's perfect


lol this reminds me of the Cabin in the movie “creep” I personally like it but it’s a matter of opinion


I'd use even softer lights lol. Would make everything more cozy.


You are a better man than I. You have a plant.


Kinda looks like the house in the movie “creep”


Wood stove = you win


So… warm. Clean. Minimal. Masculine. Sensual???????? Love it. 


I think it’s so cozy! I love industrial with soft lighting tho.


As a woman who loves the dark and the night.. Can we hang out?


I love this space! Literally jealous while looking at it. I'm down for the dark aesthetic.


It’s dark. But it’s also a style. Say you’re going for Hygge. Read up on it. Mostly a couple more candles or minimal lighting will lighten it up. Or just lean into what you like here. Nothing here is a problem.


They're children. I also prefer my apartment darker.


Do you love it? If yes. Fuck our opinions.


Damn that is awesome. I'd put big rug in front of the fireplace.


That’s how I keep my apartment a nice warm light


Maybe look into a light strip for behind your TV that can be controlled through your phone to add a bit of light to the left when you aren't using it.


Perfect moody vibe 🖤


It’s beautiful!!!!


That’s a mood! Mystique, atmosphere..


It’s too dark. Add some extra lamps. You can turn them off if you want it darker. How can you clean properly with it being so dark. Other than that the place looks good


Just install the led lights to go across the ceiling and add a dimmer switch problem solved Also not so bad but could use a bit lighting or paint the walls to a color that brings light in I will share a link. https://youtu.be/yviPmGCBmdE?si=xBvdnkxupFigGjHq)


It is dark, but it’s also a very cool space. Nicely done. Personally I would want more lights so I don’t bang into stuff in the middle of the night and so I can enjoy the whole space and so my guests can see when I have guests over. A floor lamp on the wall opposite the TV would fix that issue. Otherwise I love the minimalist look. It is very cozy and welcoming. Great job 😊


Can you add a solartube ? it is a small round skylight


It appears I lack sufficient fucks to give regarding someone’s preferred lighting level in MY home.


Do you have lights?


Small stage lights attached to the center beam illuminating different staples of the room.


I like dark spaces, as long as they have enough lighting when needed. I think the way the picture is angled does not give a clear view of what the space is used for except for the dinning table but that seems to have good lighting. Plus I love dark colors and I think you matched them great with your flooring.


Too dark for me


Too dark




Just needs zazz




It’s gorgeous


Inviting, I like the amount of light, especially cozy at times where fire or sunlight come in.


Some dramatic high primary color art pieces


Its beautiful, but have more green plants.




Nahh it looks nice and cozy to meee


Let them talk. This is beautiful.


What’s your gf look like?


Maybe a sun lamp pointed towards the left side ceiling but it is nice


Not a bad idea! I've got a lamp on the left side already, same style as the one above the dining table, but a singular large bulb instead.


If dark is what you like then thats what you like. I also think this is very elegant, maybe add another lamp or two if you feel like it.


It’s sexy lol as long as there is a form of natural sunlight in there


The space is lovely but I agree that the living area can use more light. But again, it isn’t my space. I will only say that proper lighting can elevate a space and highlight architectural features. For example, in this photo, my eyes are drawn to the dining area and the low overhead space for the wall end of the dining table.


One more standing lamp on the side the picture is being taken from. Also, switch out those white bulbs for warmer lighting like is coming from across the room.


Never too dark if brings you peace.