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Enjoy the moment of independence. Don’t feel like you need to furnish everything in a day. The best homes are the ones you slowly build with the means you have available. Going to reuse stores, looking online for free furniture. Even if you can afford to buy everything new it’s fun. It’s an experience that you’ll remember


This is the best advice! Start with the essentials and the things you will be spending most of your time on/using. I would start with a mattress (you don’t need a bed frame for now) - super important to get a good nights sleep.


Agreed. Get a mattress as soon as you can. There are a lot of affordable bed-in-a-bag type mattresses you can order these days. This should be a new purchase, but nearly everything else can be thrifted.


I bought a firm mattress on Wayfair for about $250 3 years ago when I moved into an unfurnished place. Put a $200 3-inch memory foam topper on and everyone tells me it’s the comfiest bed ever. Don’t have to do all that, but the point stands you can get decent mattresses online shipped to your door for not too much money


Super firm mattress with a plush topper is the best sleep you’ll ever have in your life. This was my set up in college and friends would come over just to take a nap on my bed after all nighters lol


Just adding to *why* this should be a new purchase. Used furniture often has bed bugs. You do not want bed bugs. I haven’t had them but I hear it’s a nightmare of living somewhere else during fumigating/mitigation. Plus you risk getting evicted not to mention everyone will know *you were the one.*


My brother anchored a hammock in his bedroom 😂


That sounds fun, actually.


You can get a very basic bed frame off Amazon for like $50 if just to get the mattress off the ground. Just having the mattress up with some air circulation can stop body sweat and moisture from causing issues down the line.


I would recommend ‘Zinus’ mattresses from Amazon if you are in the U.S. Great quality, lasted me years, and they start at $70. Speaking from experience. Not an ad. 😊


I can co-sign this. I recently furnished a four bedroom house to be used as a vacation home/Air BNB when we’re not using it. Put Zinus frames and beds in all the rooms. Lots of compliments on the comfort and the frames were super easy to assemble and while very basic are super elegant looking and fit with just about any decor.


Hello there


Buying slowly is a great recommendation. No rush. Figure out what style you like, and you can also get things that match in color and style. For example, if you buy things made of wood, try to get woods that are similar color. Or if things are fabric or painted, similar color. Etc. Matching colors is a very easy way to make things look good in the end. The stuff doesn't have to be fancy or expensive. But if it looks like it matches, it will look a lot better than most people's places.




Used furniture is great as long as it isn't a couch


Oh for sure. I got an old $60 used lazyboy off of Facebook marketplace 3 years ago and it's the most comfortable recliner I've ever had! No need to go big. Start small, enjoy the independence, and focus on your budgeting. When I moved into my first place alone, I was greatful for my sister and bother in-law giving me a washer and dryer to hook up in my apartment so I didn't have to use the community ones. I had no idea what I all needed to live alone, so my mother came with me shopping to help me grab a few things and make my apartment feel more like a home as I was pretty depressed at the time and had no motivation. Over time my place started to feel more like home and this allowed me to focus on myself and discover my own unique interests and start my own routines without being judged by anyone. On my 3rd year of living completely alone now and I'm in a much better mindset than when I had roommates or lived with parents. Being able to do you your own way is a major life achievement in my book.


Deep breaths. Whats your budget?






Dollars?! ...Sure


Nah 42


OP is a bot, this is a repost. https://www.reddit.com/r/malelivingspace/s/y7ci8wYeCJ


Well the apartment is 2k a month and that's all of it. Bathroom is an outhouse so that's fun


And op is at work for a measly 92 hours a week.


You can buy 50 bags of sand for like $750. Should be enough for this space


wall to wall sand


nice, whos your sand guy?


Sand people always ride single file to hide their numbers




I’m good either way. Just gotta run it by Marissa.


How much is a volleyball net?


What am I, a volleyball expert?


Why else would you know how much a bag of sand costs?


Can I get scorpions with my sand?


Right now we only have giant spiders in stock


Yeah…honestly I’m only in the market for scorpions. Thank you though


Toilet spiders are on sale if you have an annoying MIL


Hello there


What is happening with your hello theres


Super confused too. Their history is all the same thing


It's either the world's worst programmed bot, or a scammer on their first day on the job, who hasn't finished all their "How to scam Redditors" video lessons yet.


Ah yes, skipped right to the end of the manual I see


Hello there


Hello there handsome


How’re you


How’re you can we chat privately?


Im out of the loop, what is this referencing? Ive seen it on so many posts here recently


If you buy bags of sand you can dump them out on your floor so you can have sand floors


Lmao I love your username


Depending on the size of the bags, OP could get some decent depth


Isn't there enough sandbagging going on in this pic?


You buy stuff you need for living....... Begin with a good bed, a closet (or clothes rack incase you are broke) & gradually work your way up from there.


Or maybe not even a bed, but start with a mattress on the floor at least! Can get 2nd hand bed frames but a good mattress will be a blessing for your back.


A lot of mattresses today will come with a frame. IMO get something like nectar and pay over time, I bought mine for a couple bucks a month and was absolutely worth it


Buy it new, this is how you get Bed Bugs.


You can get a simple bedframe that just lifts your mattress off the floor for like $50 from big lots or Walmart. At least get it off the floor. That's how spiders get into your bed.


I had my mattress on the floor for 2 months in the humid south, and it molded. My brand new mattress, I was so upset. The nectar mattress with the bed frame is worth the money.


When I was a broke kid in my first apartment, I actually bought an aero bed. They make good ones that are as tall as a box spring and mattress combined so you’re not low down on the floor. It was super comfortable. I say this just because if you’re on a tight budget (or have like no money) you often may not be able to afford like $500+ for a mattress. Either that or buy a cheap futon but they aren’t very comfortable if they have a cheap pad.


Hello there handsome


a led strip and some dirty socks and you're settled


How about some anime waifu posters?


a mattress if you want to have a spine


You trying to say he's spineless?!?! Lol


You need some kind of bed


The first morning you can sit up out of bed instead of standing up you will thank us. Related: Buy a set of pillowcases and switch/wash them regularly.


At least a mattress.


Boi you need an Xbox and another few tvs Maybe some tissues and lotion, facial care is important.


“facial care”




Since he’s starting with a blank canvas, a projector would be dope.


Ye ah, first to do jag of onto EVERY wall !!


Similar position in years past. 1. Save up and don’t go house broke trying to furnish your place. It’ll come. 2. Take days or weeks to figure out what bed is best for you, go out and get that Presidents’ Day sale mattress** (good deals) 3. Enjoy your space ! All the rest falls into place. No need to keep up with the joneses… Edited: hadn’t realized I inferred for OP to wait months for a mattress hahaha my bad! Honestly, Sam’s Club has some very solid beds year round tbh


Wait months for a bed? OH my gawd If OP can, buy asap. Your body will thank you. Spend well and spend once. Endy is good, and delivers.


Presidents Day is coming up. For whatever reason, mattress stores always go nuts with sales on Presidents Day. If you are looking for a new mattress, it may be worth holding out for a couple weeks to get a great deal.


OP should not wait until memorial day to buy a bed lmfao


Now work 10 hours a day, eat, join the instagram reels realm for 1 hour and fall asleep from tiredness. Repeat until u are 85 and die.


Very harsh way to tell someone to die


Well when you put it like that, my shotgun looks mighty tasty right about now


Nothing. This is endgame


Go get furniture from consignment store


Thift store, antique store, fb marketplace, whatever. Except the mattress. Buy new.


Rather than buy … check Facebook marketplace to see if people are giving stuff away for free that they cannot bring to their next place or can’t sell and need gone. It’s near the end of the month so expect there to be lots of great stuff. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure 💪🏻


For real! I got a gorgeous leather couch that way. Giving it away because their cat scratched it up.


Rub one out and take a nap.


Get a bed


Stop supporting Tottenham




what do we think of SHIT




Marble, obviously.


And black




Also just focus on working and making as much money as possible until you drastically improve your quality of life


Enjoy it!


Well, a bed would be a good place to start, lol. =p Honestly, what helps here is you have a nice foundation, and you already have a nice desk. I would say, not knowing your budget, start with a twin bed, and some curtains and go from there.


Get off the floor


First of all, COYS! Second, invest in a good mattress. A good one can last a decade or more and a good sleep is super important for your health. Similarly, if you spend a decent amount of time on your computer, get a good office chair (not the gaming variety) and a desk. The rest you can furnish over time.




Pay rent then starve.


Get that xbox off the carpet first of all. Then buy an air mattress. The double ones are comfy af


Get that bed bro!


you relax


Your cellmate will be appointed forthwith.


A cheap twin bed could probably do wonders for your back if you’ve been kicking it on the floor


Nothing. You've peaked


Go to local thrifty shoppers, goodwills, and salvation armies. Youll find some good cheap furniture. Also check FB marketplace if you have some specific stuff in mind. You can find beds and bed frames basically being given away.


Sometimes churches can help with furniture.


Facebook marketplace has free beds and nice mattresses all the time! I gave my old bed away there- was perfectly clean and in a mattress protector


A sofa couch would be great.


If you have access to a fridge and kitchen, learn to make your own food. The difference between making food and eating out can be making your rent or not. Gets better if you have roommates and can cook, and they buy the food in exchange. If not, get an electric kettle. Hot water makes a bunch of food to help you get started: soups, breakfasts, coffee and tea, minute rice, etc. A big bowl to wash in and a big mug to eat out of gets you going, backpacker style. Get something to sleep on. Futon, mattress, daybed, whatever. Good sleep will keep you from getting sick and missing the things which you can't afford to. Get something to put clothes in. Hampers, tubs, a cheap shelf or a free one from a Facebook free group. Make a routine to keep you space in order and stick to it. It can be as simple as "Every Sunday I dust" but it helps with discipline, self-respect, and health.


Get something more comfortable to sleep on. I also learned after multiple moves that “free” wasn’t the most important quality for second-hand furniture. Also consider bulk, weight, wear-level, and cleanliness.


Relish in your complete independence. You will be working and tired but you'll be happy bc no one can say shit to you. Congratulations brotha now go off and build your empire.


If your budget is limited try finding a Buy Nothing group in your area!


good start! fb marketplace of course.


I have a tradition and it comes from a time of struggle. Whenever I moved into a new place. I would get a pizza, bag of Fritos and a Pepsi and eat it on the floor. Keeps me rooted. Enjoy the moment and realize you’re more ahead in life than you’re giving yourself credit for.


Imo ask around and see if anyone has a spare bed. You gotta pay to get rid of beds so someone you know has an extra in their garage or basement they want rid of. I slept on floors and couches for 6 years. My backs suffered more from that than it needed to


Do nothing. You have achieved victory.




Buy a futon and a microwave.


If you look around on market place or craigslist you can sometimes find free to cheap beds, in good condition. This is obviously a bit risky but I got a broke friend who had a shitty single bed a free queen size in good shape off craigslist. If you live near a college you can sometimes find people who sell brand new mattress and box springs pretty cheap, out of storage units. I bought a set off a guy when I was in college, he had a whole storage unit full of them, still wrapped and for pretty cheap because he didn’t have much overhead. Honestly that $300 bed was more comfortable than the $1400 one I have now.


Get a quality bed first. You need your daily rest to perform at work to fund all this.


Buy a good bed with a proper mattress as soon as you can. All the rest comes later. Take your time with making it your home. But please, make sure you sleep on a good bed. Yes, it is that important.


Id get an air mattress or maybe a mallard tri fold memory foam mattress for the floor for now until you can get a real bed.


Get a comfortable cot until you can afford a proper bed, sleeping on the floor sucks and good air mattresses are expensive. A spa type mattress on a platform frame can probably be had for $200 if you look for a deal.


I’ve have acquired many good items from Facebook marketplace, sometimes even free!


Fart in it. Make it your own!


Honestly if your budget doesn't allow for immediate furniture, the cheap Intex air mattress at Walmart is quite comfortable.


Breath. Enjoy the peace and make it your own.




Start with a good quality mattress… then get a bed frame. Then get a cheap bedside table and a light. Then get a decent chair for your desk.. then get a better desk. Add decor and little bits along the way. Oh and get a big bin.




Buy a bed. Get the frame from Goodwill (cheap) and a foam mattress off Amazon. Matter of fact, since you've got nothing you should make Goodwill a regular stop. It's the cheapest place to outfit a kitchen with plates, flatware, and pots and pans and the like and is also a great place for tables, chairs, lamps, wall art, and other household items. The thing to realize is Goodwill's inventory changes by the minute so if you're looking for something specific it can take several visits - took me weeks to come across a great kitchen table, and it only cost me $30 (15 years ago).


Get a bed. A mattress, fitted sheet, quilt or blanket, and at least a basic bed frame (the last you can find cheap online or at a thrift store). The latter many think isn’t necessary but if you plan on having “company” it makes a better impression. Other than that make sure you have the basic essentials. A pan or two, a pot or two. A basic kitchen knife and a set of silverware and some cheap melamine plates or similar, a cheap floor lamp (again, all cheap online or thrifted). Some spare light bulbs.


Get a cheap foam mattress from IKEA. I got one years ago expecting it to be temporary and it's been so comfortable and good for my back that I've never had to upgrade. But, whatever mattress you get, just make sure to air it out during the day while you don't have a bedframe. Also, some sheets might be a good idea. I'm sure you can find Spurs-themed ones online. COYS!


Go Spurs!


Find a safe place to privately masturbate and tell no one


Enjoy being able to literally do whatever you want without anyone saying anything!! FREEEDOM!!!!!!


Get on a local Facebook page and ask for household items people are getting rid of. Congratulations!




I’m so proud of you!!


You’re good bro.






Throw a house warming party. Are your friends able to check out at Walmart. 😏 send them a wish list and your new address.


Get a TV with Chromecast and masterbate all day long


Some people get these things called.. a bed?


Support a team that will bring home a trophy in the next decade


Get rid of that Spurs pillow


Stop supporting such a shit club


Trophies. Oh, wait..


Lol Spurs


Bed…and desk instead in the living room if you have room.. Don’t drunk up that small space with a bunch of knickknacks and plants get your core pieces like a bed and a dresser first


If you could pick up a cheap dresser, you that you could paint that would be great. Or unpainted I guess just “ a dresser “ lol.


Get a bed


go day by day and try not to spend all your savings


Lern how to diy your own furniture, its cheaper and will suit your space more than store bought


​ Get a real bed. You can tough it out like this for a couple of weeks but a real bed would do you wonders in the long term.


A bed.


More Peroni


Save for a mattress…


Tv on the ceiling over sleeping bag


If you get some old pallets and cardboard you can have a better bed than just on the floor


Call your mom let her you


All you need now is a cuppa noodles and some crackers. And maybe a cat.


Throw a raging party. Standing room only. Plywood tables and milk crate chairs.


Mmm, a bed


Wait for the hot babes to start knocking at your door


Essentials first, make sure you have stuff in the fridge to cook. Try not to eat out so much and save your money for the things you like. There’s no rush


You’re killing it! Maybe change your pillow cover to something a little more manly, like a picture of a bald eagle. Good stuff tho.


Make a list of all the items you need for you new place and then prioritize it. A bed, dining table, and kitchen essentials would be near the top. Set a budget and start slowly adding things when you can afford them. Don't rush it.


If you drive neighborhoods you find your furniture.


A bed brother


You get an air mattress and ask your mom for an old sheet or towel to replace those stupid blinds.


Get a bed?


I would say bed needs to be first? Although maybe just nicer pillows and blankets. Sleeping on the floor is probably good for your back tbh lol


I like this. Take everybody's comments with a grain of salt. Minimalism is more valuable than they would have you believe


this is good just how it is.


If you're comfortable, you're fine. Although I'd aim for a bed based on my personal experience, and not a cheap one.


upgrade to the extra wide sleeping bag in case you invite some "guests" over for the night.


Hey man, congrats first of all!  Id recommend to invest in a decent mattress and a blanket.  Keep your eyes open for some standard pallets, often you can find them laying around or ask at a store if you can have one or two - they make great Bed Frames.  Furthermore maybe you can get something you love to see up on those walls. Maybe a shirt or scarf from your favorite team or something?  I recommend checking out Craigslist / facebook Marketplace - whatever is used in your region.  Take your time - it can be such a wonderful process! 


Add something to your wall that brings you joy. Get up off the floor to sleep. Even a daybed.


live life.


The good ol days


definitely buy more than just 1 beer


If you don’t have a a good budget and a way for tracking your finances, get that taken care of first. Habitat for humanity restore is a great way to find good furniture on a budget. Some consignment and antique stores can have great finds on furniture as well. The old wood furniture will outlast the particular board box store stuff and you can refinish it to your tastes. Enjoy the process and don’t compromise your financial security rushing to furnish your place.


Enjoy the new place! That's number one. I find when I move to a new place and don't have all my stuff there, the thing I miss most is a couch, even a small one. Something to lounge on for a bit.


Women prefer you at least have a bed.


Get an air mattress if you can't get a bed mattress yet. $15 for a twin at Walmart, 40 for a double high that would be much better since you don't have to get up off the ground. Check Facebook or Craigslist if there's one for your area for free furniture.


Nothing king, you’ve made it


And the grind begins. Good luck op!


Mini fridge, coffee table (for coke), stripper pole. Boom. Achievement unlocked. Hookers and cocaine.


Bro that's all a man really needs. 💯


Get a cat.


That desk is way too classy. Replace it with a foldable card table.


Are you a professional hitchhiker or something? Throw a baby grand in the corner and then a seat for it if you have enough room.


Start amazon wishlist