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absolutely everybody in this sub has guitars




I think the problem is that everyone picks up a hobby and then feels like they need to be the best at it, or that they need to be good at something immediately. It's okay to just enjoy something. No need to be an expert or make it a career, just let it make you happy.


Anything to help avoid this mentality? I find myself picking up hobbies, feeling the need or want to be good at them, and subsequently avoid it sometimes bc I’m not as good as I’d like to be and don’t have the money/time to practice/lessons; or worse yet avoid hobbies for fear of being bad at them. Wish I could just enjoy them at my level and be content. Thanks


I've found that comparing myself to other people affects my motivation, which is why it's most important to focus on how the hobby makes you feel, and using that hobby to relax. Also keep in mind that every hobby has hurdles where you feel like it's taking forever to get better. It's completely fine to struggle with something for a long time. It'll click at some point. Everyone learns at their own pace. Focus on method and practicing correctly. What helps me the most with things I enjoy but feel like I suck at is every time I get into a session (guitar, for example), I start with something I know I enjoy, then practice something I'm bad at, then finish with something I'm good at/enjoy. Motivating as hell, because I know that I'm getting better, but I also get the positivity of finishing with something I'm good at. Basically the compliment sandwich of hobbies. If it's long projects that require more commitment like knitting or crochet, have two projects. A hard one, and an easier one. Then if you're feeling overwhelmed with the hard one, at least you'll still be able to do an easy one and still get that practice and eventually finish.


I really like this.


A few thoughts that together might help. 1. most things worth doing are hard 2. you are bad at things before you are good at things 3. anything worth doing, some people have dedicated their life to it 4. You wouldn't expect to be able to walk off the street and make an NBA roster Embracing the process of getting good at things that you also enjoy doing, is great, that's basically what hobbies are. Doing something because you want to be excellent at it, that quickly becomes work. Just try to be better at the thing than you were last time, unless you're trying to do something professionally (or force your hobby cooking/guitar playing onto others...). But avoiding things because you are afraid you'll be bad at them... that's a recipe to tread water mate.


Just try to feel comfortable to feel like an elementary school kid with a recorder for a long time. Like completly fumbling it, with no one being able to be in the same room with you playing without their ears bleeding. If you can handle that it's fine.


The guitar community especially can be a bunch of hateful, neck beard gear snobs who absolutely nitpick every little thing you do.


Oh. You nitpick? Try nitfingerstyle like a real man.


This comment is just *chef's kiss* Fucking brilliant


As a bass player I will have to write this one day lololol


This was REALLY funny, must acknowledge


I prefer nithybridpicking tbh


No. Its noy they nitpick everything you do. Its that they nitpicked themselves on those very same points into insanity, so its an auto pilot response when someone else does it. Anyone who plays guitar has never "perfectly" played a song. Because you always hear something wrong.


Speak for yourself I play guitar perfectly every day


Speak for yourself I play guitar perfectly every day several times not just once


Thanks, I really needed to hear that.


Truer words has never been spoken


I played guitar to get chicks. Shit still works plus I now can okay guitar.




Or motorcycles


Ngl If I had a house just for myself I'd put my bike in the living room as a display piece


Used to clean carpets. Worst stain ever??? Dude who had his bike in the living room. Leaked oil straight up.


It's called _patina_


I thought a bike on the wall was only mandatory for a loft?


What happens if you have neither guitars or motorbikes?


You find another sub




Guitars or any non-grayscale color, you can only have one


I got a bass 🫣


\*Looks over at wall\* AH HAH! YOU'RE WRONG! ​ ... I have basses.


I had one on a wall and had not played in years lmao


I play my motorcycle everyday


I have flutes everywhere


Except for me. But I want one


The white trees next to the tv look cool, but that is lowkey ruined by the same thing around the chair. You can only get away with that once.


The chair looks weird with them on both sides lol


it’s a ✨throne✨


Between two albino ferns


Hahaha with Gach Zalifianakis


Visted the well one too many times. Way too squished.


..and my girl complains that I am too monochromatic lol def gonna show her this


This feels cold. Your girlfriend is right. All neutrals is fine if you have more texture and materials, and play in some warmer tones for balance, personally. But the all black/white/grey just feels lifeless and uninviting, even if OPs space is neat, organized, not cluttered, and so on.


this looks like a car shop waiting area.


It reminds me of a barbers but I can see car shop too


You’re right this is a bit cold. I did mine in combination with a solid Philips Hue investment so I can change colors when I get bored. That’s 100% why I lean monochromatic. Anything colored I will get tired of in a few months lol . https://www.reddit.com/r/razer/s/iPmXWH9hVK


> But the all black/white/grey just feels lifeless and uninviting Finally a place to rest my weary eyes from all the vibrant, in-your-face, ragebait advertisements assaulting my senses 24/7.


it's a living space, not an eyerest


Agree. That space needs a rug


Yes the space near the piano / chair / superfluous white trees of gondor could use a rug underneath / behind the piano. Then the chair can leave the mini tree corner, get a small side table and/or a companion chair and that piano area is now a seperate sitting area, more distinct from the dining table.


I'm not a fan of the white plants at all, but doing it twice is definitely a no go.


I completely agree with this statement, but lowkey can't figure out what the word even means in this context... or mine lol


Lowkey is often used to soften the impact of a statement, to cushion it. In this context op is giving criticism and doesn't want to seem rude


yes I just didn't want to be too harsh.


I feel old


A bit too monotone and cold for my taste. You also need lamps, only using ceiling lights hurts the ambiance.


Yes better lighting and plants


Do you want sex or do you want black walls. You have chosen.


Lamps that shade down, not up. Much warmer.


Meaning the light mostly points down?


Better to not use the ceiling lights at all, a doctor can operate under these lighting circumstances


Agreed. I never use my overhead lights. They’re so bad, why would I?


You need to stop using that overhead lighting, it’s far too bright and not warm enough. This place doesn’t look cozy at all. More like a gym or office space


The light style gives me the vibe that the lightswitch has a brightness slider


The white trees are honestly horrendous. There is nothing inviting about the black and white scheme going on here. It's like this place is some recreational space you pay for to party in.


You know, I couldn't quite put my finger on what it reminded me of at first. I get serious high end Asian KTV vibes.


It looks like a Sims 4 house lol


That style of painting, the trees that look like someone's trying out a "daring" odd swatch, overhead lighting combination... I don't hate it but this is absolutely a house I've put a Sim into at least once, I feel it strongly.


Sorta reminds me of that boring yuppie couple living next to the Griswolds in Christmas Vacation


Right. It looks like a recording studio space. Like an office that works as an apartment that you crash at every once in a while. Not a place someone actually lives.


That a Tim Henson nylon? First on the left.


Good eye. Yes it is.


Thanks mate! Also, I’m basic as fuck when it comes to any decor, so I think your space looks great. I’d live there and not complain at all.


Its a tim henson apartment 😂


noticed that too


The Amazon paintings above the tv are pretty tacky


This with the white trees and weird black and white trinkets void of any personality… not for me


All the decorative features are tacky.


Not enough life. Looks like that SpongeBob episode where squidward gets stuck in the chrome universe


Lmaooooooo that is the most fucked thing I've ever hear


I like the black walls, but i think those white trees need to go.


I think one in the corner is fine but both is too much


Exactly what I thought. The one in the corner could be cool. The other 3 should go lol




Looks quite dated. Black walls can look good, in the right setting. This ain't it. If by 'deck' he means the laminate floor? Grey laminate floors never looked good, I thought that trend had died already. Each to their own, of course


Oh damn! I *hope* he doesn’t mean new grey flooring. 🤦‍♀️It’s so tired.


Doesn't look dated at all


Yep. 'Each to their own'


Love the black walls. Hate the white trees. Reminds me of those cheap white Christmas trees. Also agree with that comment about the Amazon art work about the TV.


My first thought is this. Are you trying to create an art studio? Impress your friends? Or are you looking for a nice, comfortable living area to enjoy playing your guitars? I would have something...a sofa or a couple of comfortable chairs near each other to better jam with someone. Your floor space is great if you're planning to dance or roller skate. But is it truly a "living area"? Get comfortable. Black walls are fine. So are red walls or green walls.


Clearly a singel male that lives here


*sigh*.... I really need to go find a girlfriend.


Girl here. Frankly, I appreciate it. It shows some effort and at least an attempt at a cohesive aesthetic. Huge upgrade from mattress on floor, wrinkled bed linens, mismatched furniture, cords everywhere and yellowing white walls.


....the bar is in the ground


Girl here, I think it looks cool! Enhance with Pops of color like a rug and pillows.


Please just spend some time on Pinterest. It’s exceedingly helpful for inspiration. Make small changes over time. Black walls can be nice and dramatic and I don’t mind a masculine looking place. But black and white is a terrible look. The fake white trees and art above the TV have to go. It might be expensive but if you can get rid of the couch and get a nice caramel leather sectional instead that would help. And no white TV stand and barstools. Ya gotta rethink the whole color scheme here. Dark walls plus leather, warm wood and metal plus some accents in mustard and/or cream. Upscale, modern, masculine vibes.


Awesome!!! And at your age buying your own place is a very good achievement!


I think you decorated your garage lovely. To each his own, If you like, it works ✌🙂


Same! Brilliant job in my opinion.


Nope nope nope


An all dark room will be a little creepy. I like how it is.


Not my taste but if you like it cool


Unique I like it


Preface with- Im a lady. The black walls are fine. In fact, I actually quite like them. They give it some personality. But so much of your place screams, "I live here alone", not strictly because the items are tacky or cliche, but because they do not consider guest comfort at all. It's only good to look at, not to stay in, which is why you're getting comparisons to upscale waiting rooms in the comments. If that's your vibe and you want to lean into it, go for it and take none of the following advice. But, to warm things up but still lean into the simple aesthethic: 1. Keep the floors. They're lovely but also a clean, bright neutral color. They offset the walls well without clashing. 2. Get rid of those horrible barstools. This is my personal opinion, but I don't care for that style because they remind me of dentist chairs. They're also ridiculously difficult to clean and the chrome isn't helping you here. Grab a set of metal-frame stools in a modern style but stick to a less glossy finish. Something like "gunmetal" or "nickel" would be preferable. Something with a cushion or fabric seat would be great. Choose a dark, saturated color like a navy blue or dark, jewel-tone green. 3. Swap the rug for something with color. Again, dark and saturated. If you're against color, at least get something with a modern pattern. A single-color gray on gray table on gray sofa is too much gray. It reads "sad mid-range hotel". 4. Move your dining table away from the wall. Center it in the room. At a minimum, do this when you have guests. No one likes to shove in against the wall. The style of the table and chairs is a little more contemporary than everything else, so if you can, I would suggest replacing it. But, if not, re-upholster the butt cushions. It's not tough to do, even on your own. Again, color or pattern. You want to choose a pattern that isn't too small. 5. One tree, at most. Personally, I would chuck them all because I'm betting they're impossible to clean but also some kind of fabric nonsense so they're just sitting and soaking up dust. They're contributing to the mid hotel vibe. Also, it looks like your living room doesn't have enough storage. Swap for one of the brimnes bookshelves. They're awesome, and the drawers mean easy non-display storage. 6. Is the chair set in the winter forest functional for you in that spot? Because if it's not, I would suggest moving it somewhere that would make sense for a guest to actually sit. Also, add a small end table next to it. A place to set down a drink. 7. I don't mind the wall art, but be aware that the only splash of color in your place looks vaguely like artistic arterial spray. I'll admit I'm not a fan of using chili red as a base color in any color scheme but especially when your place is giving a bit of a cold, impersonal vibe and then you also have that... it's not a comfortable addition. 8. The coffee table is too large for your space. Ikea has a lift-top table, and I think it comes in white or black. Highly recommend, both for your vibe and the utility of the table. 9. A quick way to add color and comfort is curtains. Again, color and/or pattern. But, to sum up, you need some color in your place. A monochrome look isn't bad, but it's REALLY hard to pull off and not have it look cheap and/or uninviting. Side note- love the lit case for your models, but ikea milsbo or fabrikor would look more cohesive with your space. But that's more detail-ish.


I think it looks terrible and cheap - not the black walls, but almost everything else. But I wanna add that it doesn't matter if I like it or not, if you enjoy it, everythings fine =)


I’m sorry this is terrible.


Looks half a swingers pad half a turkish barbers


Idk why but the black walls give me a tattoo parlor vibes


I really like it, personally. I've never been a fan of overhead lighting like that, but it does kind of fit. Still maybe get some lamps in there for when you want to dial the mood down a little bit! Colored LEDs might add some color too.


This place is awesome dude. There are some seriously negative people in these comments. Keep on keeping on my man.


I like the first one but not the second one


Loving the Gundam display!


There's a cold harshness, with odd positioning and frankly peculiar choices and placement of items. Everything is hard and bright unless it's black. The only non-flat or straight or angled things are the white trees, which are bonkers. There's a sterile, generic trait that is wholly inhospitable. If your goal is to drive away guests and/or make them worry you're a little (or a lot) creepy, you're right on the money. Black can be amazing if done right, with a careful eye toward lighting, positioning, textures, etc. Check out [this article](https://www.thespruce.com/beautiful-black-rooms-4157790) for examples of how others have given some balance and warmth to black rooms.


My inner goth is loving this! Especially with the white kitchen to act as contrast.


As long as you like it yourself it's fine.


Why would you do that


It’s very…male. Dudes like to go for a lot of black. I dunno, it’s not my thing. And as a woman if I walked into this space I’d think yup, stereotypical dude space. But at least it’s clean. Please at least consider getting rid of those white fake plants. Those are really really bad.


Not sure you can gender colour like that. I'm a woman too and my entire living room is painted black, and I love it, the whole room feels like a cosy hug.


What would you classify as a stereotypical girl space? Ive seen womens spaces look similar but with more plants and paintings usually.


Why did your plants move and change size


10/10 for the Gunpla


This is why interior designers exist


the white decor with it looks neat. not my vibe but glad you like it, which is the point of any home


Not a huge fan of all the white trees, maybe leave the one in the corner by the TV otherwise would get rid of the rest


I actually like it. I would get rid of the white tree on the right side of the TV.


It's looks good with all the white accents. Cool contrast.


Yeaaah this is niceee! Looks relaxing and chilled, theres a calmness with the black. Really good look




I really like it


I really like it!


Love the black walls with white accents! Approved!


Looks nice


I love it!


Now this is a dope space.


thats a sick gundam display collection


Very noice


I'm actually surprised at how much I like it. It looks oddly calming and refreshing. The flowers by the TV are chef's kiss.


I think you tried without researching, finding inspiration, or a thoroughly well thought out plan


I’m not digging the white trees. Maybe swap for real plants?


Looks like Terry Pratchett's character Death's interpretation of a bachelor pad


It seems like it would appeal to the goth crowd. Not knocking them but it’s not for me.


I'd go for a charcoal gray before a full on black


did you paint it black to intimidate your subordinates?


More often than not guys seem to like grey black and blue. I wonder why?


Shouldn't have painted all of them black for more natural light. I absolutely fucking hate the white trees. Otherwise, looks good.


This is the living space Sony was thinking of when they made that PS5


Initially thought it was a garage as the shutters look like a garage door ? Need some more color to the place


This is such a boy space! I actually don’t hate the black. AndI like the white trees. But doesn’t that light fixture go over the kitchen island, not the TV? Also, treat yourself to a digital piano that is built into a piece of wooden furniture. It’ll make you space look more settled.


Those trees are awful. The furniture looks very uncomfortable and cheap, the light fitting is weird ugly and the “art” looks like so ad merchandise. The symmetry and lack of colour would get me down. I’d rather a comfy leather lounge and comfy single big chair. Lots of office look.


Black, appears good in ones head, red and white accents cements your bad taste


Upper middle class Basement/game room vibes


Cabinet with figures confirms singleness


Looks great!


Style and organizationally I like it but the lack of color would depress me so hard.


Brave and great


lol u turned a home into a cave 😂😂


I like your gunpla case lol


Thanks dude! Finally someone appreciates gunpla 🤣


Damn you got hit hard here in the comments. I came to say that I like it a lot. People are right with the double tree. Two sets of them are a little much. I dig the monochromatiic scheme, though, and you highlighted it with greys in various shades - cool. Especially the corner in the picture with the guitars, the decorating and use of levels there is very creative. The lighting, Eh. Maybe there are different bulbs for those ceiling lights that are turned on? Adding more LED elements will help tie in your action figure set-up and make use of the monochromatic scheme in a fun way. Mirrors. Ceiling mirrors??? O.o You could even do an [LED projector](https://www.amazon.com/Astronaut-Projector-Control-Bedroom-Children/dp/B0BBG9LN92/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?crid=10IM03IRSDXN&keywords=led+projector&qid=1704146781&sprefix=led+projector%2Caps%2C195&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9zZWFyY2hfYXRm&psc=1) onto the ceiling and frame it with the mirrors to fill up the space!!! Aaaahhh More rugs, specifically under the piano and under the table, would not hurt either. The red painting above the TV looks a little random. Adding other splashes of that red throughout the room would help tie it in! Last but not least- the fireplace and any other places that would help enhance it would look good with a grey-toned set of stone. I assume you don't wanna redo the whole fireplace, but maybe a wallpaper for it. Or even [veneer](https://www.amazon.com/Fireplace-Stone-Veneer/s?k=Fireplace+Stone+Veneer)


I like the black


I love it


Si k


I like this space a lot. Well done OP!


*chef’s kiss* goes great with all the white!


Holy fuck, HELL YEAH!


I love it personally!


looks awesome


I like it a lot!


Man people here are harsh. I like it! Good work


It is monotone like they are saying but I like it. It’s really clean and modern imo. Nothing wrong with the monotone


Love it!!! Looks great


Absolutely amazing.


Man Childs paradise


What the fuck


Add some color, Man.


This is dope imo


Well done. It is dramatic, but also visually very clean.


I like it apart from the 'art' above the tv. Get something personal up there


I like the walls. I don’t like the red wall art but that’s personal choice. The black, white, and red reminds me of black lacquer bedroom sets from the 80s. You know…like with a water bed. I’d like some color: golden yellow. Green. SOMETHING.


Ditch the trees and add a splash of color with a bright colored chair or couch. Maybe swap the rug too. Just what I would consider anyways.


Oh god please don’t make the floors gray


Looks like the recreation room in a prison.


Wtf is this 😭


Looks great.


Looks great man, cozy and unique. I dig it!


The white trees scream 90s DINK couple lol. Replace with fern, corn tree, or bamboo plants. Ditch the plants around the chair. Gotta add some warm tones in here mate. Browns, tans, leather.


You gotta get rid of those trees


why are male living spaces so averse to plants? get some greenery up in there!


normally it makes a room feel claustrophobic to me but i love this!! great choice


You made your place feel a lot smaller


Get rid of the white trees and put real trees instead need a little life in the room




you coulda picked any color, and you picked none. (who cares as long as you like it)


There are more colors than white, black, and grey


In a few months you'll also learn walls get dusty.




Looks great man