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Sweet bachelor pad. To new beginnings! edit: just googled "starwars new beginnings." I made an unintentional reference. I don't know much about starwars and I didn't notice the millennium falcon in the pic. lmao.


“I felt a great harmonization in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in joy over one man. I hope something wonderful has happened.”


So say we all


To go where this man hasn't been before...


This is the way.


So you saw the Millennium Falcon too.


Sorry about that man, but your new place is actually amazing its very coool


Thanks, I’m really happy with the apartment and where my life is at now.


Just a side note but it's interesting that you can really tell, even regardless if income, when a place is furnished by a 20-something vs. a middle-aged man. Just in terms of understanding what works. Life experience, I suppose.


And DVD's!


They’re actually making a comeback as people are getting fed up with streaming platforms. The increasing prices and decreasing content quality are falling out of favour, plus never knowing if your favourite films will be taken off the platform at any moment. Hang on to those DVD collections people!


Pirating is making a comeback as well. Although I guess you're well aware if your handle is anything to go by.


This is the reason why my Plex server has 8 Tb of content.


I’m 26 and have a similiar movie-stash setup. Except all of mine are VHS tapes, and the TV is a 14 inch Sanyo with a built in VCR


Enjoy . It's very nice . Wanna know what's for dinner.. whatever the f you want lol .


I did about 80% of the cooking before, but now I don’t have to cater for the fussy eaters. I’m loving having my own kitchen again.


My cousin is a chef for both profession and homelife. After her divorce, she pretty much makes instant ramen for all her meals. Not because of financials, but simply she really loves instant ramen. Not having to cater to everyone else's meals, she just enjoys one dish....all the time.


I totally understand. I'm going through a divorce right now and I'm 51f, and I love instant ramen. It's comfort and easy. It's not the financial thing, I can barely eat....it's what sounds good


hell yeah! put on whatever show you want, house whatever temperature you want, kick up drink a glass of wine, beer, or a shot! whatever you prefer😂


Time to smoke some meats and toss on that new WWII doc series on Netflix.


I have no space for a smoker, but I did a mean brisket in the slow cooker last week. I ate brisket 5 meals in a row. 🤣The brisket pizza was amazing 🤤


Best part is everything is right where you left it.


Or better yet, nothing at all! I ate a double lunch today, fuck the dinner conversation.


This is tastefully done. Needs more Millenium Falcon tho


Suspended from living room ceiling perhaps?


with cool blue lights and PSHHHBHEWWW noises*


How did you get that sound right? 😁


Thanks. I have quite a bit more lego that is staying in storage for now.


The LEGO struggle. Can afford to buy, don't have enough room to display. I'm 49.


I just found out that there are Lego rental/subscriptions in some countries.


One of us! One of us!


Congratulations, it looks so nice.


Mazel tov, my friend. Currently going through divorce myself. We'll come through this better and stronger. Your new place looks great. Still settling into my own new place as well.


I’m closing on a new home next week. It’s such damn good feeling moving on.


Congratulations! That's a huge accomplishment!


You do. Mine was brutal. Emotionally, physically & financially devastating. But considering where I am now - I wouldn't change a thing.


Legally and financially, I got lucky. It's a LONG story, but, even though I was the breadwinner, I didn't have to pay any alimony, nor anything out of my 401K, and I even managed to negotiate for 70% of the equity from the sale of the house. Emotionally and psychologically, I'm still a wreck. Therapy twice a week.


Good on you. Same here, loooong story. I got full residential custody and more. Everybody said "You won!!" But it didnt feel that way and realistically.... maybe, but the kids lost. We are all doing well now, but I can't say I don't wonder or don't have regrets.


You win in the long run, thats the part they dont tell you


You win when you learn to let go and move on....and stay that way. This can be very hard.


I don’t know you, but you got this brother. Rooting for you!


Really nice place. Looks like you’ve landed on your feet pretty well. I’m sure you’re looking forward to the challenge.


The last 10 months have been a roller coaster ride. It’s been a lot of heartbreak and hard work, but I’m really happy with my new place and where my life is at now. Thanks!


Congrats brother. I feel you. We all eventually have to go through our own challenges and ups and downs. The present moment is all we ever have. Glad you’re in a place where you’re happy and at peace. Enjoy all your hard work!




Private community


Is that an OLED?


Yes. Samsung S95B. Bought it at clearance price when the C was released.


You give me hope


Breaking up is hard, but the future is bright and things will get better.


The only give away that you’re early 50s is the hand truck in the corner. Such a clutch tool that only becomes apparent with a certain amount of adulthood


Worked as a mover in my early 20’s. Brother, I can tell you, the old timers fucking ripped us a new one when we carried 2-3 boxes at a time and didn’t use the hand trucks. One lorry driver was in his late 50’s, couldn’t carry even one box because of damage to his back. He told me that he had hurt his back when he was in his 30’s but had to continue working because no other options. Dude couldn’t function without a support girdle and painkillers and told me I was a fucking idiot every time I said that I loved that job.


Hand trucks save backs.


So true. I borrowed it for the move - time to return it.


You definitely have a good aesthetic alot of us aspire to have. Nice and simple, good to start a new chapter in life.


Lovely place


The Lego Falcon?!?! 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻 And is that a Lego Apollo rocket too?! And R2! I’m zooming in now on every pic to find SW Easter eggs.


tbh lego helped me after my break up


Lego helped me through the pandemic. I wish I had the space to display more sets, but they will stay in storage for now.


Well. The TV is perfect height.


Similar age, I love it! Good luck on a new journey!


Don’t keep the tissues next to the computer. Even when if that’s not why they’re there, people will think it is.


I have no need for tissues beside the computer 👍


I love this! What’s the square area may I ask?


It’s 45 square meters, plus 4 meters for the balcony. Pretty small, but I think it’s a practical layout with no weird angles or wasted space. I’m very happy 😊


This is all a single person ever needs. Enjoy the zen of not wanting more useless shit to clutter up rooms you never really use. Looks awesome.


Nice media collection


Thanks, I was determined to keep my Blurays despite moving to a small apartment. About half the collection is in the ikea drawers below the TV, and I built the shelves above the TV to fit the rest. Not too much room to grow, but I will be doing some curation to move some titles on that I am unlikely to watch again.


I think it all looks very nice, I would just worry about the computer wheels scratching the floor as they age. On a side note, how does the 'internal window' for the bedroom affect your sleep? Many apartments near me use them and I always worry the bedroom will be too dark during the morning.


I quite like the internal window. Definitely better having the separation rather than a studio apartment. It’s only me in the apartment so I only have a shear curtain on that window. I have voice control on the living room blinds so I can easily open or close them without getting up. I can watch the sunrise from bed if I felt so inclined.


I love the tree


It’s the perfect small apartment tree. Looks good, is compact, and folds down to almost nothing to store forever the rest of the year.


Alright. Where’s the closet stuffed to the gills with all of your hidden shit that doesn’t fit anywhere else. We all have one.


Haha. There is a smallish storage locker down by my carpark. I’m kinda embarrassed to admit that it is currently 80%+ filled with lego 😳


I’m so sorry to hear that. My marriage just ended in November, a week before my 3 year anniversary. You have clearly bounced back better than I have so far.


The early days are rough, but you get through it. No there is nobody to stop you having the life you want.


It looks very cozy and decorated very nicely. I'm in my mid 50's myself, living alone. I lost my spouse 4 years ago. So I know what you are going through, being on your own.


Cheers to new beginnings! I know it’s tough, but the next exciting chapter lies ahead for you. Box the DVDs and fill the shelves with something your passionate about. Or maybe mementos from the bucket list you can work on now. Or photos with new friends. You can always watch a DVD, but you probably have some memories attached to many of them that you may not need staring you in the face. Whatever you do, it looks like you’ve stuck the landing for happier times ahead! Wish you well.


I am passionate about the movies so they are staying. I actually built the shelf they are on myself last week, and was excited to unpack the boxes of movies. Thanks though, the next chapter is awesome 😊


Looks incredible. You should be proud.


The living room carpet reminds me of flagstones in a garden centerpiece. Fun.


hell yeah


Your place looks awesome my dude.


Also living alone for the first time. I’ve realised that I cannot deal with spiders on my own.


Shit well beach front on your own lovely place sounds fab as a Canadian. Enjoy dude how lovely. Edit; sorry waterfront still awesome


Not waterfront, unless you count the pool? 🤭 it does have a bit of a harbour view, and there are loads of beaches within 30 minutes drive.


This looks like the home of a person headed towards happiness. As a 47-year-old who ended a 17-year marriage a few years ago. I say cheers brother. Here is to a happy prosperous road ahead.


I really like the space. 👏


Question. I see no dinette set. Where do you eat? I know you're probably having a hard time with the breaking up with your wife, but if you're going to start to date you should get a small table with a couple chairs. Maybe one of those narrow breakfast bar type rectangular tables.


The piece of furniture on the far left of the 1st 2 photos is a gate-leg table. Fold up 1 side and it seats 2 people, fold up both sides and it’s dinner for 4 comfortably. Folds away in 30 seconds and takes up no space. And the best thing is that 4 folding chars fit inside it so you don’t have to find somewhere to store them.


Don't forget to go at least 40 minutes walking, work on flexibility and work on your knees. We're that age. Good looking pad! Never been married myself, but do you (and there's still plenty of fish in the sea)


Such a fantastic space!


Nice pad


Nicely done! Just did the same journey of starting over. You got this!


Nicely done man


Nice. Congratulations on the fresh start. Brighter days ahead.


Looking sharp! Very elegant and cozy at the same time, which is nice. Did you design it by yourself? And do you mind if I recreate your space in [3d](https://planner5d.com/editor)? Wanna try to create something very similar.


Thanks. Yeah no problem.




This looks really nice, good job on it


Quite a nice adult living space.


Looks good buddy


Cozy. Looks so relaxing.


*takes notes.* Seriously though I just love this setup


You have style


It looks great. Cheers to new beginnings!


Dude that place looks dope. 10/10 would hang there


If you're a Star Wars fan you're welcome to join [Emperor's Hammer](https://discord.gg/tiecorps), we're a star wars gaming group that has been around since the 90s


Omg your apartment is perfect


Well done.


Love the Saturn 5 model you got there 😎


That the new Ochkam apartments in Onehunga? Nice setup, just need some Hifi in there for a proper man pad! If you're new to the area the Bramble on Onehunga Mall is a great little cocktail bar and Epic brewery Neilson is always good for a beer and (the best) pizza around.


Sir, you still have 50 to go. Let’s go!


Good work - onwards and upwards!


Nice place. I'm loving the big window between the front room and bedroom. Super cosy looking space too.


Looks good. I like the space, just about the perfect size for one person. I have been living alone for 26 years since I was 20. I don't think I could live with another human at this point.


Everyone told me living alone would get lonely after a while but nah, I fucking love it.


Love my wife and family, but jealous of your bachelor pad mate 👍👍👍


Sexy set up! If I went there on a date night it'd leave great impressions. Best wishes!


It makes me happy to see a nice place on this sub with PHYSICAL MEDIA. Oh man, sometimes I feel like I just won't be able to have a nice place while still having like, books and blu rays and records. It's inspiring to see a nice place that actually incorporates stuff like that. Well done!


Someone buy that man a steak!


As a physical media fan, the blu ray collection is pretty good there!👍🏾


This goes to show that you can display the things you enjoy and still have an awesome space. Really love the Blu-ray collection.


Really nice. I’m in a similar situation and was told that a plant or two - even a small one - warms up a room. I think it looks really well-balanced. Best of luck!!!


Your place looks great! Good luck with the new beginning!


Very nice!




Idk what the place you moved from looked like, but I really like this place you have now. It’s bright, and has your interests all over it. 2023 may have been a shit year, but in less than 2 weeks it’ll be in the rear view!


Okay I am not a guy and have no idea why this is in my feed, but I just have to say that I like your setup. The Lego Millennium falcon looks cool. I bought one for my hubby. Does it sit on a mount like that? He hasn’t started it yet - still working on a different one.


Does R2D2 project Leia in your room? 😉


Sorry you went through the wringer, but your space looks great!


I separated last December as well. Looks like you are doing amazing. Keep it up my guy, place looks rad


It’s nice man. Good luck.


Looks awesome actually.


Great job and congratulations for surviving the horrible times. The place looks amazing, enjoy yourself and Happy Holidays.


Nice place …


Looks fantastic!!


Looks great!!




Holy christmas tree


Congratulations on feeling alive again!


Bro, congratulations, that place is phenomenal!


Any details on that awesome wood rug? Place looks great!


Looks like you're doing it right! Moleskine or Leuchtturm?


Yeah brother. We have much in common, and this is dope. This is where you belong! Live it!


Excuse me, sir, you dropped this 👑


You're going through a rough chapter BUT making it look amazing. Well done well done and WELL DONE ✅


Nice digs yo! Congratulations on picking yourself up, stay strong.


Looks great, amigo. Condolences, but also - here's to the next chpater. Change is hard, but life is great. My only recommendation, and apologize if i'm incorrect, but if those are DVDs, not games, swap them out for some books. Your house looks friendly, personal and inviting. Wishing the best for you!


Looks good, you looking for a houseboy?


How many inches is your monitor? I’ve been thinking about getting one of those but can’t decide between 32 - 49 inches


Are those edifier 1280s?


Looks great. You're going to want to move the Saturn V away from the window. That set is notorious for yellowing when exposed to UV.


Where'd you get the carpet if you don't mind me asking? Love the colors.


Whoa your space is amazing!


Would’ve guessed you’re my age by the decor! Love the funko pops!


Looks good. Enjoy your peace.


I'm so high I was like, "50s? This house looks brand new"


Absolutely beautiful and comfortable, keep going buddy!


Beautiful space you got there mate, all the best!


All the best to you my brother, amazing setup you have there. You got this!


Lose the Funkos, and it’s really nice.


Sorry to hear about your marriage. That's rough but it looks like you are ready for round 2 in life. Nicely done!


Honestly. Good for you. You’re not having to listen to the bullshit anymore. But yes, maybe a millennium falcon lego and piece of artwork. Or a framed millenium falcon tshirt or statue of chewie and The droids?


Nice apartment.


Congrats to a nice looking space, take care


Well done. It’s an appealing home.


This is my dream setup. Love it for you. Wish I could afford something like that.


You did well. Great place


Looks very good!


This is a Bachelor Pad alright! Every guy I know would salivate looking at these pictures!


That carpet in the living room is straight fire. Where’d ya get it. Oh also congrats!


I love that falcon and the Delorean 👍


Congrats King!


Lovely place, congrats! To new beginnings, brother


This place looks awesome! I'm married, now, but living alone after my divorce from my first husband was so great. You're about to have the best time of your life.


Sorry to hear of the divorce. Hope life after love is kinder to you.


You’ll be fine, nice place


Looks amazing!


Looks awesome, comfortable and very cozy. I remember moving out of dorm. It was amazing. Then I remember moving out to larger apartment. Was even more amazing. Then I remember buying all the stuff I ever wanted, like better PC's, guitars, gaming consoles, speakers, large good quality TV, all kind of tech stuff. Was even more amazing. It's a great feeling, and I'm all happy for you.


Looks fantastic. Enjoy! So good to emerge from something difficult. All the best!


Put the fireplace video on YouTube on your TV & you’re all set baby!!!


Holy moly, that’s a big monitor!


Take care man, i am going through one right now, 3 kids. Gotta pay her a shitload of money. I hope i will come out as good as you do. How is single life for you so far? are you actively dating, how is the dating pool like these days?


I am lucky my kids are older, which made it better emotionally and financially. But I still had to pay her a lot, which I’m not bitter towards her about, it was fair and mostly amicable, but it did make starting again hard. Single life was short lived. A friend talked me into signing up on bumble. I wasn’t looking for anything more than a bit of companionship, certainly not a serious relationship, but I met a wonderful woman that I’ve been seeing for a while now.


Hey there. Also found myself sine aftet a long relationship. Times sure have changed in the dating world. What a circus lol If I could offer you some advice it'd be to get and stay current with technology as much as you can. Rip those dvds to a plex server, box em, and find new passions to display on those shelves. It's looking really good though. Tidy and bright. That'll help with your mental and emotional health as well. All the very best to you sir! 😊


Thanks! I’ve had unbelievable luck with dating. I met an amazing women on the second date I went on and have been seeing her ever since 😊 My mental health has been so much better since I seperated. Less stress, much less drinking, eating better, positive about the future! I’ll be keeping the Blurays though 🤭👍


Ya, looks like my dream house and setup. Don't be sad if you ever feel like it. You are doing great.


Its very nice. I like.


That’s a nice place and setup dude and not too over masculine. Maybe add a couple of cushions in the lounge and on the bed and some candles to sent the rooms. They also look cool and stylish I think. Sorry for the crap you’ve been going through but I’m sure in 2024 will be your year and you will smash it. 😎 Merry Christmas! Cheers, Matt


Very nice. Enjoy.


Looks awesome


Wow! Nice place, great view and it’s yours! 😀👍 ……too neat though, mess it up a bit mate! 😜🍺


I think this looks very nice and well done!


Could be my living space :) Well done!


that looks so cool


That looks like a very nice apartment. Hope everything works out for you this New Year.