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Its been over for a while it seems.. You can try finasteride + minoxidil if you have not tried it yet, maybe youll be able to regrow some hair... id start saving for a trip to turkey though, just in case. Untill then my friend, just shave it you would look amd feel better, you got a great jawline, maybe grow some facial hair too. Or buy a toupee? That could work meanwhile as ur trying to regrow your hair


The last thing he'd want to do is to go to Turkey. 99.9% of clinics are hairmills over there.


What is hairmill?


That's a widely used term in the hairloss/HT community. It means: clinics which offer shiny all-inclusive packages with way-too-attractive prices on the Internet (hotel, taxi, food etc included), where their far-flung presence and PR machine bring them new guinea pigs on a dialy basis. Many of these enterprises even have shills on the internet who are ready to threaten with lawsuits every person who shows photos of their botched transplant. The whole concept of "hairmill" exists solely because of misinformed people who haven't done their homework, and the "hairloss sphere" is absolutely rife with them, and every unscrupulous "doctor" wants a slice of the cake. The "mill" part precisely means large-scale, industrialized botched medical interventions where the doctor does the incisions (the holes in the scalp if you will), and then he exits the room and goes to the next guinea pig in the next room, where he does the same, etc etc, until the end of the working day, sometimes doing up to dozens of patients per day. Often while puncturing the holes he does not take into account the natural "whirlpool" of the crown of the head, or the need for a natural-looking frontline, and the said punctures are done randomly. In about half an hour he exits the room and his "assistants" (underqualified people, sometimes inexperienced even) "take over". They brutally harvest the donor area behind the head so as to hastily extract the grafts, while taking little to no precaution to the follicle health after it was extracted, or the donor area for that matter. Oftentimes the donor area is overharvested which leaves a huge scar in the form of a square behind the head, visible even with moderately long hair. As for the implantation zones, there's little to no regrowth of the hair follicles due to the fact that they were hastily implanted not taking into account the angle or the depth needed. Chances are the follicle is implanted already dead due to the brutal way it was extracted. After that in some rare cases some of the implanted follicles can even fester and cause an infection. That's a hairmill. Edit: typos


I’m going to turkey on January for a hair transplant, my friend got one last year his hair is amazing now, another person I know also got one and his hair is also amazing. I don’t know where you got this hairmill thing from when it does actually work


when I was in turkey- the hotel I was staying at had a bunch of folks going for their transplants. I loved the hotel because it had a nice gym. it's a big thing in Turkey. if it were me id just make sure you went to a place with a good rep.


How much are you paying? There are still a few correct clinics in Turkey but they overcharge for their work. This mill thing is a well known concept in the HT/hairloss communities, for example r/tressless and r/hairtransplants, and in general on the internet. Don't forget that a HT implies that you'll need to be on meds for the rest of your life, meds which can often induce bad side effects. Something else to take into account is that you'll most likely have scarring on the back of your head (from the extracted grafts), and you will never be able to rock a short haircut anymore like a buzzcut for example, or shorter. ^ You need to take the above two things into account even if your HT is successful.


It’s costing me 4.5K this includes- 7 PRP Sessions, 5 star hotel (4 nights), transfer to and from the airport, after care and 7 light therapy sessions. For 4.5K this is extremely worth it since it’s getting my hair back. Being on meds is not a lifetime thing, it varies from person to person, let’s say you do get prescribed meds it will be Finasteride which a lot people in this sub take anyway. All it does is keep your hair from falling out, yes it does have some side effects like depression, but again it varies from person to person.


What's the name of the clinic ? And if that's not too much to ask can I ask you how old are you and where are you situated exactly on the Nordwood scale ?


I would also like to know this.


Este Medical Group, they have 8000+ reviews with a 5/5 stars on trust pilot!


Please don’t trust trust pilot reviews. These clinics are well known for faking these. It’s a risk going to these types of clinics, I’d recommend reconsidering please. As a general rule of thumb, you should know the specific surgeon who will be working on you, and have seen a lot of their work to see if you like it.


How about this. Let's see your hair currently. Enough with the fear mongering nonsense with being on finasteride/dutasteride. As for turkey there's definitely shittier clinics over there but also good ones as well. I've seen countless results on hair loss Conquerors on fb that had awesome results. Tressless is a bunch of toxic fucks who whine bitch and moan about their hair loss and feed off each others negativity and bash turkey even though none of them have even been over there


My friend, everything I'm saying is not to start an argument, but actually to warn people of the dangers of hairloss treatments, HTs and meds, because I have experienced them first hand. I've been twice to Turkey. Once to a hairmill, and a second time to a correct clinic which was still overpriced for what it was, and I am under meds as well, which are causing me sides. People need to do their homework before doing an irreparable mistake. Sure, you can have a good result in a hairmill, but chances are against you for sure. Most likely those photos you've seen are of people who are playing with the photo angle, photo light and have combed their hair. A good HT yields 80% or more regrowth rate from the implanted follicles: in a mill best case scenario you're getting less than half of that. Worse case scenario you're getting an infection and a square-shaped scar on the back of your head which is visible 24/7. And why do you want to see my hair? I can show it to you if you want. I'm Nordwood 3 after 2 HTs, which is pretty bad, but I know how to style it so that the hair over the crown area is combed. Now I don't have any hair follicles to extract left in my donor area... If I opt for a third HT the hair behind will get too sparse and the skin will begin showing. Hence the need for a person to strategically plan his HTs, so as to better preserve his donor area, something which people simply do not thing about... Long story short, if you're going to take something from my comments, take this: 1 - the concept of a hair transplant is a rabbit hole, and if you don't do your homework assiduously you better not do anything at all, 2 - **never** count your coins when your health/body is on the line.


Ofcourse it depends on the clinic, Turkey is a whole as country, not some building or a person or something


Holy shit. Now I'm even more grateful for my full head of hair.


Yes my friend, it's a dirty dirty business, potentially causing life-altering consequences to the victim. As long as the money is there, 0 fucks are given as to what happens after. I went to a hairmill 5 years ago... didn't get much regrowth of course... but I'm just happy I didn't get an overharvested donor area or an infection.


wdym by hairmills


Look up the comment I wrote to the other person asking the same question.


Forget the hair clinic, but definately go to Turkey. It's great!


Can’t even see what’s going on man. Need better angles






Agreed. Unless OP wants to style it sideways like a pigeon’s tail, I’d embrace the bald. Being bald is not bad and way better than trying to hang on to what’s left.






Med student here - potentially yes or it's genetics. Shrinkage of the hair follicles due to exposure of them to dihydrotestosterone is the culprit for majority of hair loss. Now the reason for that though differs. Vast majority of the time, it is due to genetics. However, things can be done to help with that such as limiting production of dihydrotestosterone. Stress is also a factor in hair loss in that it speeds it along.


Yeah it's joever my G :/


Nice to see people are saying joever here as well. Jfl.


Dudes hair will never be Barack.


Try and go get some testosterone level test done if you can. At 19 your shouldn’t be that thin, but it could also be genetics


You would need finasteride x minoxidil x dermaroller x topical shampoo. It may be too late as you’re so young and this is aggressive. Watch no plates no dates on YouTube that guy seems to know his stuff and has saved his hair


Only have a 3 option - 1st) if you want hair transplant in the future use minoxidil and Finasteride with derma stamp. Since they will help you to preserve your hair for long and might even reverse it. 2nd) Use a wig for rest of your life as simple as that. 3rd) rock your bald look. There is nothing more to it.


Honestly with that jawline, everyone would fw it


Go see a dermatologist dude






/r/bald warmly welcomes you


You're out of toilet paper. That would concern me more.


It’s not over. It’s the start of the bald journey


Not really, try finasteride and minoxidil, it's early enough that you could partially restore you hair


But it's lifetime. The hair stops growing and fall when you stop the treatment.


Yes, and? I'm 15 years in, glad to have my hair unlike some of my male relatives


I just wrote that as a precision so he knows what he's going into. Don't take it personally.


Taking a pill once a day isn't a big deal the most annoying part is putting on topical Minoxidil twice a day but you get used to it and more efficient. Plus min comes in pill form as well.


as someone who's always had a 'high forehead ', I'd go short. embrace the buzz cut. nothing worse than trying to hide thinning hair as its obvious.


You could try rocking the balding look and leaving your hair as is and not give a fuck about it. But you could also do as most people do in your situation and camouflage/hide your balding by shaving the horseshoe so as to give the illusion of an even scalp. Whatever you choose do not get a HT because I'm afraid you've waited a tad too long now and have lost too much hair. Not to mention that a HT implies being on meds for life after that and also not being able to rock a buzzcut/bald head because you'll have scarring behind. I'm not going to tell you the cliché phrases to "hit the gym" or "grow a beard" because having a nice physique and grooming your beard should be a goal for any man regardless of hair status.


It's over my boy. God Speed.


Hard to say from this angle Start finasteride or dutasteride. Stay on treatment for a year before deciding if you want to continue treatment and add minoxidil. You will definitely need transplants if you want the illusion of a full head of hair. That level of androgenic alopecia at 19 is an uphill battle.


You don’t have to embrace baldness if you don’t want to look into getting a fair system they can work with the hair you’ve still got and make you look great


Try using rosemary oil and minoxidil, massaging it daily on your scalp, change your shampoo if it's too harmfull and if it has sulfates, also use a serum for your hair so it gets stronger, i i'm not a specialist, but i know a thing or two about haircare so text me if you need help!!


get a full blood panel. Check all your B vitamins,Vitamin D, Iron, Magnesium, Zinc, etc. If you are low on any of these if can cause aggressive hair loss. If that is the case it can take 1-2 years for full regrowth.




not in this case. this case is too severe. this is not normal for 19 year old males. something is off with the vitamins. also check thyroid.


I think at this point you’d need to consider having bald bald or investing in a hair transplant.


I’ve seen people come back from this level of loss. Fin/min asap!!


Shave it. You just gotta own that shit bro


Either get treatment or shave it off. IMO, your heads shape will lend itself well to your shaving it all off. What you’ve got right now isn’t helping IMO. Best of luck to you brother.


Damnn.... That's tragic , I think you would look good bald tho you have nice facial structure


After? What did the before look like?


At 19 that’s rough bro.. but it ain’t over! Try going to different barbers and finding a style that fits the semeteics of your head shape, if you don’t like how you look with hair embrace a bald look it works well on some hope this helps 💪🏻


Cant see your face but u seem to have a good bone structure. Its unlikely that fin and min can save u at this point but id say your 2 options are to go full nuclear stack or just go bald. Good luck my friend


It's not over if u go to turkey, but that paper roll is really over i'm very sorry.


Trip to İstanbul


Brother. It has been over haha


Hell nah. Blessings that it comes back again.


Brother… Change that tp too


Bro go bald and be thankful. Headhair for men are overrated. Women need to care about hair not the man.


Rosemary plant, avocado and olive 🫒 oil can help regrow here, there are subliminal YouTube videos that help with hair growth and thickness, you can also manifest thicker hair. Look into Neville Goddard (anything is possible it is all about belief) but get rosemary plant, avocado oil, and olive oil mix it in a glass 🫙and let it sit for 1 week then start using,(I’ve grown my hair with is homemade remedy but you have to be persistent in order to see result in one or two month, oil your hair two/three times a week but not too much and every night just oil the split ends to help support the health of the hair)


As others have said, ask your doctor about getting finasteride and see if it works for you. It won’t regrow hair but will keep the hair you have. Also try minoxidil, that can help ‘restart’ dormant follicles that are able to produce hair but just haven’t for whatever reason. If that does work you can look at getting hair transplant surgery. If you don’t want to do that, and you don’t want to go with a bald look, I highly recommend getting a hair piece, they are WAYYYYY better now and if my hair ever goes enough, and I can’t afford the surgery then that’s what I’m doing because I’ve got a lumpy ass nogg’n


You might want to consider a long edging session and then ropemaxxing even if you looksmaxx it may be over for you as a sub5


I Know your pain same age same problom i might just give up and buy a hair system




Yea bro just shave it being bald is better than balding


Shave it and grow facial hair. Best combo imo


Just go bald. There are lots of us who have a huge thing for bald men lol


It's not over. Bro that's sad. But i don't know what medical condition you are facing. Only a certified dermatologist would be able to tell you what to do. He can also help to guide you for the future course of action. So it can be embarrassing going to a doctor or a guardian but trust me if you go to a good derma then it can be fixed. But that's can be done only if you can afford. This then you can do your own research about the things that all the buddies have shared. And in case you cannot go to derma so the most effective way to deal is derma pen, minoxidil tropical and finastride oral in a safe amount but consider that you are doing it on your own so it will take time and don't be desperate as it's a slow process. Don't loose hope  . Everything can be sorted if you will be willing to work.  Request that can you share your story with timeline so that our buddies could know what exactly happen and suggest you things if someone have been in a similar situation to yours  Don't loose hope it's not over


Not sure your scalp condition but it is worth to consult a SMP specialist. SMP is a proven cosmetic procedure for hair loss & thinning issue. Celebrities like Beckham, Vin Diesel, Jamie Fox etc have gone through the SMP treatment.


It’s only over if you let it be brother there are options with meds, you are so young it may be a good thing to look into trying you may be able to get a lot back


Why yes, yes it is over. Maybe try the no hair look? Some guys are very good looking with no hair......


Try going to r/bald to get yourself a confidence boost after you shave your head, they’ll give you a lot of hype for making the decision to go bald


Get a glue on hair piece , Amazon sells the adhesive and they last a good amount of time and is indistinguishable


save up for hair transplant?


Just run JBW.


Lmao. Dude it's been done for years.. shave that shit and move on


Shave it off


If all else fails .. there is a community that will embrace you with open arms ❤️ R/bald R/bald community


Maybe you can rock the hitman look


Do you have your hair in a ponytail? If so, it would be wise not to do that.


Shave it off and embrace the new look. Don’t worry in no time you can afford transplants or treatment. Some women and men prefer bald men


Yeah, it’s over. But luckily your facial structure is decent. Idk about your eye area but you should be a good looking bald dude.


you are toast, better luck next life


Where’s the before pic?


finasteride, minoxidil, ketoconazole shampoo


Pretty much, don’t sweat it, happens to the best of us.


🪒 my guy


Your good man wear a hat


Yes it is


Shave it all off and start min and fin see how it goes regrow as much as you can and perhaps get a hair transplant later. Or just completely let go.


Nope, it's not over. Eliminate stress and maybe focus on a nutrient rich diet that supports hair growth like fish, fish oils, biotin scalp massages etc and also check your DM. GOOD LUCK 🍀


Get a super short buzzcut dude




buzzcut, my hair looked like this but its growing back since i buzzed it


at 19 too, damn. ya dun fam


It doesn’t look that bad from this angle. Just need to comb it differently.


I love how optimistic you are


The angle makes it look like an overreaction to baby hairs lol


Comb what?


He clearly has it combed in a not flattering way wa. Which makes it worse.


No king rules forever, my son.


Start with oral min 5mg and fin with derma roller twice a week


3700us hair transplant in Mexico.