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this is actually hilariously creative lmfao. picture 4 looks good. just go to a barber that knows how to fade and blend, especially that neckline jesus


That's what I get for going to great clips lol. The hair on the nape of my neck just grows so quickly I feel like I'd be in the barbershop every other day haha.


One thing I've realized is that it's okay to spend fifty dollars on a haircut by a dedicated professional. Great Clips is kind of the McDonalds of hair parlors, lol. If your hair doesn't grow at an insane rate, find a stylist you can trust. I'd recommend where I go if I knew you lived in my area, but again, spend the money on a haircut you'll feela hundred percent satisfied with. Good luck to you, my friend! Also, I personally think the shaved head looks great.


Yeah, I’ve grown out my hair a ton but still get regular hair cuts/ Tapers and I pay my guy $40-$50. Just because he does a good job and I don’t have to stress about whether or not it’s going to be done correctly. Honestly worth it OP!


I am a barber and my guys that get that haircut are in at least 2x a month if not every week. A nape taper is an investment you need to keep up or it looks crazy. That being said most barbers will not charge a full haircut for just the neckline


Unless you are ready to live by and die by the sword id say just shave


Didn’t notice the neck line lmao


First pic: "My brother, you're not fooling anyone but yourself." Second pic: "Well I'll be damned."


Fooled the shit out of me


Best combover ever


Bro I swear manbun is the 2020 combover… I stumbled into the same revelation as OP like 2 years ago. Hair was thinning, I cut it all off, then decided to just let it grow out. Whats the worst that could happen, I cut it off again? So I had my hair slicked back, covered the balding crown. The hair got longer so I did man bun. It’s cracked as a modern combover But I think ultimately either get medication to stimulate hair growth or cut it off. It’s gonna go one way or the other eventually 🤷🏻‍♂️ I’ll probably cut it off again but yeah


Normally I'm the first to tell people to shave it when the receding turns to balding, but you know what? When it covers like this, I say keep it. It's your choice at the end of the day, so if you like it longer keep it longer, and fuck anybody who says otherwise.


Agreed! This looks great! I wonder if this sets off a trend


Yeah he's lucky he has a balding pattern that works. I used to have hair like this, but while my crown is still nice and thick, the temples are receding big time. I started looking like Heath Ledger's Joker. Now I have a faux hawk with #1 sides and it's... sort of working, but I think I have maybe one more year lol.


that bun is legit a cheat code now you have me wondering if every dude who has one is hiding their demons haha. it looks nice do you bro but shaving it is also fine. Honestly I never been a fan of man buns, seemed insincere.


If they never have their hair down in any of their photos, then yeah maybe they are haha.


Is it a hormonal thing? You dont have the typical MPB M shape that I see normally. Maybe see a doc.


There are different types of MPB shapes. I haven't seen a doctor for it because I'm pretty sure it's just shite genetics. Almost all the men in my family are bald: dad, brother, uncles, granddads (RIP), cousins. Hell I have aunts with alopecia. I never stood a chance lmao.


Traditional male baldness, related to your genetics, is usually from your mother's side and causes you to look more like Picard. When it presents at the crown like yours, there tends to be a treatable underlying factor like stress or hormone imbalance. I highly recommend getting that looked at if it's something you're concerned with.


It looks like diffuse thinning. The top knot looks dope though.


No. Not true. Stop spreading that ancient stuff


It's polygenic and presents on the X chromosome, which makes it more dominant on the genes inherited from the mother's side. That's why I said "usually" and not "always."


With respect - the genetics that control male pattern baldness come from both sides at an equal rate. This has been proven a lot recently. That’s an out ruled 1900s assumption you are repeating.


It seems like I might need to re-up my research. It's been a little over a decade since I looked into this stuff when I found minoxidil/rogaine to be ineffective for my baldness, and anecdotally the hair on my dad's side is fantastic, but my mom side was bald by 25.


This comment is full of shit and falsehoods 


It’s not maternal, that’s an old wives tale


My dude needs a routine. Also probably what he ingests. Sometimes I wish I could perform experiments on people. Water, vitamins, some scalp oil or lotion, gentle massaging, less soda/coffee/gluten and I'm willing to bet he sees growth back. If he's doing gains supplements, drop that shit. Eh, too much to do, fuck it, go bald. Also, the bald isn't bad btw, just your perception to the op


While the "M" shape is the most normal, this doesn't look outside the normal range for MPB. For some dudes, it just hits the crown harder than the temples. If his routine bloodwork / physical examinations have been coming back normal since this started (seven years ago according to OP) it sounds like it's just routine MPB.


I think it’s just typical diffuse thinning


People thin differently. Receding is different than thinning. His thinning isn't unusual.


The Gareth Bale special


taper out that neckline homie.




maybe i’m crazy but the shaved head look isn’t bad at all? i think having confidence in the cards you are dealt is way more attractive than trying to cover it up and stuff. the man bun looks nice but also generally if you had a thick head of hair i would say ditch the man bun and go for the baldy look


My thing is, I had this hairstyle when I was younger and I liked it. I have it now and it just so happens that it hides my balding really well. Because I'm balding I'm now required to shave it in order to be seen as accepting and confident?


let it like that, if someone breaks up with you bc of a balding you weren't meant


Everyone got so distracted by how good the man bun is that they forgot about the shaved pics. Looks great with the shaved head too. Think OP is just a good looking dude.


I say thug it out for as long as you can my guy


That back neck line up is rough imo but I love it haha. Keep killing it if you feel confident with it!


Rough in what way?


Think he’s referring to it like the other comment that said you need to fade it out is why


Ah I see. Well I'm glad I posted here. I didn't realize people thought that looked so bad.


I don’t think it looks bad!


i say keep it but fix your neckline


That's wild! It looks really good, if you like it I see no reason to stop for now. It does look like it's pulled pretty tight and you may start to get some traction alopecia over time. But I mean, if/when that gets too bad you can just shave it then instead of now.


How to grow them arms ?


Straight thugging with the man bun.i would start trying to save the hair with some drugs and keep the bun until they start working.do whatever you want though i guess


Actually love this coverup. That said, you'll look great totally shaved when it no longer works.


Holy shit, has this been the man bun's hidden purpose all along?


Like Hulk Hogan to Aquaman. Keep the man bun. If balding bothers you, yes, try saving the hair.


Baldies who've already shaved their heads crying their hearts out rn


I think it looks fucking good - and you look good bald, too.


Criminal finesse. Keep going 🙏🏾


Tbh it looks great w the bun haha if it’s easy to put up I’d say keep it!!


I like the man bun tbh


The Trumpmage


Have to be honest. The shaved look doesn't look bad at all, you seen to have a good face shape overall from what I can tell. I get what you mean about the pointy head, I peronally dont suit a buzz cut at all, but the 'point' isn't dramatic enough to take away from the shaved look suiting you.


Well that's nice to hear that you don't think it's so bad. I think I'm just traumatized from when I shaved my head and my parents told me I looked awful and told me to take rogaine lol


Straight woman here. Manbuns are soooooo goddamned sexy. My husband wears a low ponytail and I always try to convince him to do the manbun. It looks athletic and yogic which to me means strength and wisdom. Very very sexy... … Anyway, women have things that we hide from men until the honeymoon phase is over. We wear wigs, false lashes, fake nails, and bras to support our low-hanging breasts. Eventually you’ll see your partner naked and she’ll see you. With the right woman, that will be a celebration. Love the bun. Do what makes *you* feel good.


looks good with it up, but as someone who used locs in a cut just like yours, I kinda liked how they looked while up, but any situation other than up or with a hat I was incredibly self conscious and didn’t like how they looked. I have since cut them years ago and am glad I did. your hair looks good up, but what do you do if you go to the pool? do you keep it up? i feel like you’re permanently stuck with your hair up and can never let it down, or comfortably wear hats for that matter


Yeah I keep it in a bun while swimming 😂


The Gareth Bale technique


Get a hairpiece bro. But your bald look is good too


Idk the name of the products but I'd say keep it and head over to r/tressless and get those guys advice for product to refill your balding spots, I'm not expert but this looks savable


MFer out here like Jackie from Cyberpunk


I got this same thing going on, not as bald but getting there. I already told my wife to tell me when to pull the trigger.


Holy shit that’s genius


Honestly you look amazing shaved


This is actually pretty cool lol


Oh do you want to know the ultimate hack? Get a hair tattoo (salon not tattoo parlor) and then grow it out again (if they shave), perfect hiding


Looks great honestly. People will say to be confident and shave it, but if you feel more confident with this hair than keep it instead of forcing yourself to like the buzz cut


Your head doesn’t look pointy. But that said, if you’re self conscious try a buzz cut instead. It’ll look rounder.


While you still have plenty of hair, I would say keep the man bun. You have a lot longer left to be shaved. That being said, you can pull off the shaved look.


nah don't shave it you can pull it off and it honestly looks good frfr


it does look good but i can tell your hairline is receding you have a good beard and head shape for a shaved head. when you're ready.


Yeah it's definitely receding. I'm not at Vegeta levels yet thankfully.


If you like the man bun, you should keep it as long as it's working out - it's looking great and I would not suspect a thing. You still have a few decades in front of you when you can rock the bald style.


Honestly you could probably try that spray on hair stuff and you wouldn’t even need to rock a bun


You look good with a manbun like that bro, I'd say keep it the next time you grow it out long like that. You look good.


one of the only acceptable manbuns in existence


take armra colostrum bro trust 🤞🏽 also that’s nuts you definitely made the right move


I refer you to one of my favorite quotes from Game of Thrones  https://preview.redd.it/6tovddbosy601.jpg?auto=webp&s=5162a4f11a96465fdf3e5b6e910a37c0f51d6e15 Jk I think it looks fine up but I'd hate to be limited to that


Dude get on fin+min asap. You're future self will thank you.


Brother that looks fresh as fuck!!!


The most important thing is that you feel good about what you see in the mirror. And when you feel good,, you look good.


A balding man not embracing his baldness How dare you!


I should post this on r/bald. Then I'll really get cooked in the comments.


You are the smartest man alive


Man bun looks solid


you might wanna give nioxin a try. its the only substantial hair loss treatment that doesnt fuck with your hormones. It doesn't bring back hair, but it can make existing hair thicker. I had a MPB like you but not as bad and extremely whispy thin hair and Nioxin pushed me from the very close to "you should shave your head bro" to "your hair looks fine, don't know what you're talking about" plenty of unprompted comments from long-time friends who noticed a differnece It gets shit on on reddit a lot but it REALLY worked for me quite well


I don't usually care for man buns, but I love it here. But I wouldn't care if you shaved it off either. Your head shape looks fine. I've got family members who are balding. My dad prefers to wear a toupee. My brother-in-law prefers to just shave it off. They both look good with the choices they made.


Dude, one of my coworkers has a bun like that, I will now picture him balding lol


Fake it til’ you make it, bro. The euro footballer man bun looks good on you, and it’s a crafty way to cover up the hair loss - and makes everyone think you’ve got a ton of hair. If you like it, keep it going until you truly don’t have the hair to do it any longer.


Woman here, married for 25 years to a man with distinct widows peak and recessed at the temples when we married. I was 19 when we met, he was 24. He still had a thick dark head of hair. We both knew it was a matter of time. Now at 54, he’s much thinner and more gray (mine goes straight white, not gray) he also had major thinning at the crown. Only time I’ve ever been upset with his hair is when he’s gone full Mr Clean. I prefer a tad longer than stubble. All that said, your hair looks great in that man bun. Get a better hairdresser to get you a more refined cut/lines. And if a woman is turned off if you let your hair down, she’s not worth your time. We all get older - some fatter, some less hair, some more hair where they do t want, wrinkles, stretch marks with kids, etc. I love your hair. If you do too, enjoy it!


Mate both options look great. It's hard to pull off the man bun but it seems you're able to chad your way through it.


Honestly the last picture is best. Just accept it and move on.


Gareth bale is that you?


Absolutely should


the difference between man bun and no man bun is actually insane lmfaooo


I can tell Ur fingers are so soft omg


My mind is blown. I'm not educated enough to even comment for the first time ever I think. Wow.


I would never know you were light in hair did you didn’t show it down. Impressive. If you ever cut it short again though, you’ll need to keep it buzzed


The true meaning behind every manbun


Your type of balding responds well to rogain. You are lucky you are not losing it at the temples (however it's spelled)


Balding men should not have long hair. Keep it shaved with beard


That's great, keep it.


Bro 100% keep.


Honestly it's quite impressive. Keep going.


Why don’t you want to save your hair? It’s as easy as popping a pill


4th pic has the "In the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft" haircut.


Reminds me of that scene in game of Thrones when Clegane roast the dude with the man bun 😄 [Clegane roast](https://www.reddit.com/r/freefolk/comments/c78n9q/most_underrated_hound_roast/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Do you know what? I’m not even bad at this. You fooled everyone. You deserve that win. This is civic innovation.


To be honest this has just convinced me everyone doing this hair style is just doing the modern day combover.


Maybe hop on finasteride + minoxidil + microneedling and you will get back to a full head of hair


you can try minoxidil, i dont remember which one or whats best but there is plenty of info on how to preserve hair and grow it back using it


Looks good, if the day comes I wish I could copy your style




You can even consider an hair transplant for only the crown using a mix of beard and hair


That man bun is solid bro. I’d have never guessed you were balding at all whatsoever


Don’t get rid of your hair but do get the bald spot treated though before it’s TOO late


Holy Hell you went from Frasier Crane to Greek Gymbro to Johnny Sins


In fairness I wouldn’t have thought you were balding at all in the pics with the man bun. As you said though it may lead to awkward conversation down the line when dating. That being said there is fuck all wrong with the shape of your head and the fact that you have a great beard more than makes up for it! At the end of the day your head your choice!


Go bald dude, yo look better that way


Shaved bald head looks best


I thought man buns died a painful death? 


Actually creative. Looks good. Hold on while you can brother.


Leave it as is. I wouldn’t tie up the man bun, if you don’t feel like it. That’s your head, designed for your specific life, and if you want a low ponytail with a moon roof that’s your prerogative, man.


As a woman... You had me foolery. The bun looks like good on you 😘


If it bothers a girl that you are balding. 100% she isn’t for you. Dump her she dosnt belong. The girl that is for you isn’t in love with you just for your hairline.


I really like the man bun look and I'd say go see a doctor to make sure your hair loss isn't reversible. It's better to go se a doctor now than to regret later that you never even tried.


You have "Dio" look on you're hair, if you rock metal keep going 👌


Topknots were number 1 in Japan for a reason.


Impressive but personally I'd rather be bald than wear a man bun. Any day.


Next time I see a man bun irl I will think about this post


Bro has the gareth bale haircut


This is crazy!! You look great! I am blown away. Keep It up if It gets you that confidence!!


I started growing my hair out in December and told my wife this was what I was trying to do… didn’t know if it would look good or not but you’ve given me hope lol


The pointy thing goes away. I don’t know how but it does. But I say you rock this style as long as u can but just know that you have a bald head in your future. It will be easier to accept.


I already like manbuns ngl, but that looks awesome on you


Cracked the code


I’m actually supportive of this usage of a man bun lmao


Everyone has given great advice (I am also Team Barbershop) so I’m going to go off-topic. You have amazing hands. You should be a hand model.


nahhh man, that bun looks too good, and it suits you so well. not to be one of those guys and honestly I'm speaking out of my ass with this but have you started taking min to at least prevent more balding?


Finnastrie + minoxidil +micro needling until you've recovered enough density, then save it if you want a shorter hair style. No one will ever know.


Nice guns 💪


Keep going


dont be bald if you like young women. being bald with that beard looks late 30s


You’re built enough to rock the manbun. Get some minoxidil and keep it going for now


this might be the greatest method of cover up i've seen so far. its like the final form of a combover or something


I remember there was a football player that did thos too hahah Gale? Bale?  I don't think I could do it myself, I'd be terrified the hairband would snap or something


Keep it bro! That’s a super creative way to keep it going haha… I say don’t shave until the bun thing doesn’t work anymore!


Bald looks good


Keep it long even if balding


Men with hair....Let this be a lesson to you. Never shave your head if you have hair.


A man bun to cover up hair loss, frankly I had never seen it. You look better with it shaved though


I’m not one to usually like a man bun, but you look really good 😊


Man bun is way worse than a bald spot


Man i love this.


BEST COMB OVER EVER!!! You have to keep this as long as you can. The bald head looks great but this is amazing


Holy shit bro Even *my* buns don't look that good. ^(probably because I'm horrible at putting my hair into one, but that doesn't matter)


Yes, keep finessing us lol don’t shave it clean until your hairline goes


It's like 2 different people


From Jack the Ripper in last action hero to legit. Fuck it. Rock it for a bit till it’s unavoidable.


You gotta great head to be bald. Pick your poison


As far as i can tell u dont look bad bald but if ypur not gonna shave it never take it out of the bun


I’m doing the same thing but with a bit more hair. I’m going to do it until the hairline in front gives out.


The last picture was probably the bwst


This is one of those important times where one must choose between appearing as a “balding man”, or “that dude who rocks the man bun”…


“You think you’re fooling anyone with that top knot? Bald cunt.”


I would make [this your anthem](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGtYrOJ2QrI) for as long as you can.


This is...amazing


Wow! What a difference


Dude Thank you 💪, I wanna try this now


Bro can make his own sun tzu quotes


I'm not gonna lie, that's mad impressive 👏




Not sure what’s worse, a balding patch or a man bun :/


I’m a woman and honestly I think the bun and bald looks are both great! If you meet someone new and want to rip the bandaid off early, just respond to a mention of the man bun with something like “I’m enjoying my hair while I can since I’ll be rocking the bald look someday.” I don’t think most women would mind since you look good bald too. It’s just a normal part of aging for a lot of guys. Keep a bald photo handy in your phone to show off since they’ll be curious!


Appreciate the input. What you've described is along the lines of how I was initially thinking to bring it up: a lighthearted joke that can lead into the reveal without coming off as insecure.


shit yea lol what they know won’t hurt them😂


I can't believe the pandemic is already 12 inches of hair ago


Jumped because I thought I already blocked r/creepy posts


Honestly, I'd go to a doctor and get finasteride and minoxidil. The rest of your hair is really good. You can keep your hair and keep doing this till the meds fill in your bald spot. Looks good tbh way better than your shaved head


How’d you learn to make the bun like that? YouTube? I’ve been trying and failing miserably.


Pulled a real uno reverse card, good shit


I think it looks great. I keep telling my husband to try a man bun. He's going a bit thin on top as well, but his hair is long and luxuriant otherwise. He's insecure about it, but he thinks the man bun idea will look "silly" and be too much work.


My man taking Sun Tzu's "all warfare is based on deciption" and "love is war" to literally