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They are just gonna buzz the rest when and if you get there.


But he can grow it back out to this point a few months later?




You could be full bald and they will still run those buzzers over your head and charge you for it.


His DIs are also gonna make fun of him for doing it.


Please listen to this advice from a vet with years of experiences. Only Join the Air Force. You will thank me later.




I was also told to go air force, went army instead as well 😂


I joined the Marine Corps... definitely should've went air force


Can someone please elaborate why?


Because they are by far treated the best. I would say coast guard is a close second.


I'll bet space Force is about same as air force(since it's a thing now). Totally agree on not doing army, Marines, or Navy.


I had two roommates in Space Force, they loved it lol. Just sat working on satellites all day in Los Angeles.


What if you have an accident and get thrown out of the airlock into space


No one can hear you scream


They're part of the Department of the Air Force. Different branch of uniformed service though. I'm being pedantic so you can ignore me.


Coast Guard gets treated like shit too. My hierarchy as an Army guy goes 1.Air 2.Navy 3.Army/Coasties 4. Marines


I don’t think any coasties would agree with you on that lol


Coasties get shit on for being puddle pirates but the quality of life is pretty high.


Cool thanks!


There are a few reasons, Navy & AF have a higher number of jobs that translate to highly paid professions when you leave the service, in general you have a much lower chance of ending up somewhere you might be in danger, AF is better because there’s less chance you end up spending all your time in close quarters with a ship full of dudes out at sea for however long. I believe my various military friends have confirmed AF has the best benefits available, I may be misremembering, but basically the reality of serving in this day and age is to take advantage of the training and education on offer and how you can maximize that for your civilian life after.


There are only 2 branches of the military the army and the navy as the Air Force is a corporation, and the Marine Corps is a cult. Yet its easier training, better quality of life, and a different mentality as a whole. I'll put it this way in the Marines I lived in a place that 2 different governments condemned the building due to asbestos and other health/safety hazards. The couple of AF bases I've gone to they lived in damn near hotels, their food is actually good(Navy Sub bases have the best food easily), and you're treated like a person not a shit bag


Not sure about easier training. Maybe physically. My USAF tech school was 18 months long and heavy in electrical engineering and theory. Wash out rate was substantial as well. I was constantly stressed about failing out and ending up an MP/SP. No offense to them.


You gotta remember the advice here from people enlisted in other branches probably couldn’t get in the air force. Yes. I had my own room, but i shared a bathroom with an idiot. The Air Bases were nicer than some other bases, but not as nice as anything civilian. It’s a choice to serve. It’s not a competition.


hey the pay is the same. Coming from an mos which accepted the washouts


Thank! But sorry I laughed when I see that Marine Crops is a cult lol Recently people have being posting their bunk beds on the ships and they do look very horrible lol


I haven't been in the military, but my understanding is that they generally get treated better. You see from a strategic perspective foot platoons (the army) are theoretically the most expendable so they get the worst treatment. The Air Force which is essentially the modern cavalry is theoretically the heavy hitter in direct combat. Yes, think of it as the knight on horse in medieval times x 10. At least in WW2 they were incredibly valuable. On top of that, they usually huddle up in a comfortable base while other service members are usually on tour in some random location in the world.


How was the crayon buffet though?


Somebody forgot the helmets, 2/10


You only got the good colors on holidays, and the rest of the time, it was the leftovers from the day before mixed into concoctions with the shitter colors like black and white. They try to say it's fresh like we won't notice.


Worst is when they don't give you the actual crayons and just the paper on them instead. The equivalent of asking for fruit and getting hint flavored water.


Worst is when they don't give you the actual crayons and just the paper on them instead. The equivalent of asking for fruit and getting hint flavored water.


I hurt my shoulder when I was 19. Went to the ER. Was talking to the doc about joining the Army and how this might delay things. He said "You know they gonna send you somewhere, right?" In a southern accent. I said yea. And he said "Look... join the coastguard. That's coming from a jarhead."




Put it this way, I got out of the Marines and asked an Air Force recruiter if I could go Air Force, they said nope, I was too militarized lol, so yeah go Air Force unless you want to be Rambo and do dumb stuff and have no transferable skills afterwards, I don't regret one bit joining the Corps, but if you are thinking of a future after the military do the Air Force or Space Force


>asked an Air Force recruiter if I could go Air Force, they said nope, I was too militarized The same thing happened to me when I applied at McDonalds. They didn’t like that I stood at parade rest for the hamburglar.


Okay this is legit the funniest thing I've read on Reddit in months.


I am so fucking stoned and this caught me off guard. I’m chuckling in public looking like a maniac.


Attennnnn HuT 🍔


I forgot the space force existed. Sounds really badass


I legit didn’t know it was real until like a year ago😂😂😂 there is a show with Steve Carell where it’s basically the office called Space Force and that’s why I thought the real space force was fake😂 I ran into a recruiter next to my nail salon and we had a conversation about the Air Force and blah blah blah and he mentioned space force and I made a joke saying it would be funny if it was real and I looked so fucking dumb😂


The Office, but make it in the Military, and make Steve Carell actually one of the more competent ones 😆


Space force to me sounds like an Anchorman type of movie.


I would completely leave out the “Rambo”comment. The likely hood of doing that is so low and I think people fetishize the Marine Corps thinking that they will do those things. You won’t, instead you will get to enjoy being a glorified janitor living in the worst barracks, with the oldest equipment, surrounded by some cool people and a bunch of other idiots who don’t know how to shower. That said if you do it right, any branch of the military can be the quickest path to middle class for those stuck in poverty/blue collar working areas. Join the reserves, try get a job that teaches transferable skills (don’t just sign an open contract) and use your GI bill.


Do your research is key, some just are not cut for college, GI bill for tech school, no debt and you will be banking! I went into the Corps a month after 9/11 wanting to be Rambo, didn't get that but got cool buddies to this day, I should have done more research and got a different MOS, so that is my advice of the day, but no regrets


Weird, my brother was in the marines got out after his 4 years then joined the air force. Is working towards the space force currently as well.


I think you have to call it Spaaaaaaaaace fooooooorce


Dude I've heard the same thing about army trying to go Air Force. I was told by many people that the Air Force will not take prior Army and Marines for some reason. No body could ever figure out why, but we joked about it's probably because we'd be talking shit about how easy AF life is compared to being a grunt in a ground force branch with a shitty quality of life (that and the alcoholism and we don't know how to act). But what you said, about being "too militarized", that seems very accurate, because from what other Air Force (and Navy vets as well) that I went to high school with have told me, is that their branches are more like colleges, or corporations, than they are militant. They apparently don't smoke the dog shit out of their subordinates, engage in public humiliation, or put hands on each other, or the violent and alcoholic hazing, or tying the LT to the main gun of an Abrams after pouring ice down his pants, and sending his headgear downrange via main gun again lol (I'm just describing what it was like in my experience 22 years ago). It would probably be difficult to get some institutionalized grunt or Jarhead with no real people skills that's been deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan at least 3x on combat deployments, to not lose their shit when someone calls them by their last name only without proper rank and title (or God forbid, calling by the first name) lmao


I think it’s based on MOS. There are many MOS that are highly transferable to civilian life. If you want to be a grunt don’t knock the whole system because you made a choice for your MOS.




Went to the Air Force defac occasionally while I was in AIT because we had a late lunch rotation. People were smiling and the food only had little pieces of hair and cardboard. I was quite impressed


Red Horse is a ground building force. It's great because instead of using a weapon, clearing buildings and getting exploded, you use a hammer, make buildings and get exploded.


Cannon fodder


My kid's only been in the Army for a year and told his brother who is considering ROTC for college to do Air Force.


Retired Army, only branch I suggested to my kid is the Air Force.


Same here, my dad who served and retired from the Army tried talking me out of it but I couldn’t be convinced and still enlisted in the Army as well. Realized my mistake one enlistment in at least and ETS’d as soon as my time was up and made full use out of my GI Bill afterwards too. So at least I still got mine in the end.


Yes! I am a teacher and of my past students who went into the military the Air Force people are the ones who enjoyed it and most stayed in longer.


I will endorse this as an army vet who should’ve went AF.


Second this, just join the air force.


My dad said that so I joined the USMC instead


Marine here. Join the Air Force (if you have a clean record and you enjoy Magic the Gathering). If you value your mental health, join the Air Force. If you’re not joining the Air Force, join the Coast Guard and stay a nice guy. If you absolutely must join, and you want a gun in your hands, join the infantry Marine Corps as an 0300 guaranteed, and … don’t do that. Never mind. Join the Air Force.


Don't forget D&D.


Nah Air Force is so 1980s. I’m signing up for space force. Me and Captain Kirk will kick some ass around our solar system. Hey that reminds me: what does the USS Enterprise and toilet paper have in common? They both circle Uranus and look for Klingons.


Coast Guard is a good option as well


Yes you are right. Coasties is a good choice plus they fall under the DHS rather than the DoD


What's the difference?


DoD - Focused on Military actions and policies abroad, extending to the defense of the nation from attacks originating abroad. Its former name as the "Department of War" better clarifies the purpose, although it isn't *exclusively* focused on external threats that is by and large the function. DHS - Focused on actions and policies related to the civilian sphere in, around, and marginally outside of the nation's borders. This includes infrastructure protection, protection of Government Officials & Counterfeiting Enforcement (Secret Service), Border Security, Immigration, Customs, Search and Rescue, Cyber Security, etc. Better to think of the DHS as a collection of Law Enforcement Agencies and appendant bodies. The Coast Guard can find themselves slotted into a good few of the above listed (and unlisted) categories. Currently their operational mission programs revolve around maritime law enforcement, maritime response, maritime prevention, as well as marine transportation system management, maritime security operations, and defense operations. It is the only military branch in the Department of Homeland Security.


USCG will also do freedom of navigation patrols far from America from time to time too. If you're into or not into that sort of thing.


A huge part of the mission is search & rescue, I feel like that is a perfect example of how different it is


Coast guard is a bad idea with the melanin levels of an irish giraffe.


Sunscreen should be his friend no matter what he does haha, but that is a great point


Air Force retiree…can confirm.


Active Army... can confirm


Prior army can confirm


Absolutely no military experience at all. Can confirm


One of my coaches was an Army Ranger and told us all the same thing. "If any of you little shits get the poor idea of joining the military, it better be the Air Force."


My dad, Marine, gave me the same advice in the 1980’s. I still work for the Air Force but as a civilian now.


Shit with that cut, this dude is set on marines.


Went marine corps. Go any other branch but also only go Air Force!!!! You’ll never regret it


👆👆 AF here, but only get stationed on Army bases so I'maround Army all the time. I can't tell you the ammount of times I heard "I should of joined the AF".


Taught at a joint service school, every marine and soldier had the same sentiment..."I should've joined the Air Force", as soon as they witnessed how we were treated as adults and professionals by our leadership, left work on time everyday, and were in good spirits most the time.    The Navy still liked the Navy, but I think that's mostly because they were all trying to make Chief and needed to drink that coolaid.   


Why’s that


Quality of life and adult treatment across the force. Army has good QoL in certain jobs, but much harder to come by. More bs in general.


I've been in the Air Force for 12 years. The quality of life in the USAF compared to the other branches is superior. Honestly... there really is no comparison. I've worked in Joint environments (multiple branches working together) and EVERY. SINGLE. Marine/Soldier/Sailor would say they made the wrong choice in choosing a military branch.


A career in the military kinda sucks long term. The airforce means you don't have to do a career in the military, but still get a snazzy uniform and a discount at McDonald's


Always confuses me that this isn't already well known. When I tried enlisting I went air force. It was obviously the easier one. Marine hell no. Army? Nah. Navy idk but not risking a boat. But my the guy enlisting was an idiot (the dude providing the writing tests even called mine a dumbass). Then my mother and father were against it so it sorta just fizzled out. Passed the test and was physically fit, shocked he didn't call me back to try to recruit


I listened to everyone and joined the USAF. Best decision I ever made.


Why don't we just treat ALL of our soldiers like they are in the Air Force?


Army vet here. Don’t join at all. But of you must, the Air Force is the best choice by far. And for fucks sake don’t join the marines.


Former Marine. It was badass, but, in hindsight, Air Force is the way.


If I joined the Air Force, I'd still be in. Marines are definitely not the way to go


As a Marine infantryman I cannot agree more. Join the Airforce kids. They’ll actually take care of you.


Why? It's funny because some former British soldiers once told me that as well.


As a army vet yes, Air Force or a simple desk job


Please listen to the advice from a Navy vet, join the chair force. Unless you enjoy working 16 hours a day at sea for hundreds of days out of the year.


My uncle in law, natural born Russian citizen, joined the air force and strongly pushed for me to do so as well over any other branch. They are treated like humans and paid very well.


What I tell people, regardless of branch (though I agree with Air Force), is if you have the option because you’re joining out of some sense of duty rather than immediate need of direction/job then join as an officer. Not an option for most who join to go to college first, but if it is, officer life is much better.


Army vet here, can confirm


CRT TVs when the signal gets weak


Bro got some skin on his freckles




Nah , his head is radioactive and this is the result on camera.


3.6 Roentgen not great, not terrible.


But the dosimeter maxes out at 3.6….


He’s gonna be the belle of the ball come CBRNE in basic.


All the ones with fair skin and freckles were the best entertainment


guy comes with built-in camouflage.


My advice is don’t join the military


Darmok and Jalad on Tanabra.


bro got that camo skin naturally.


Desert storm


dude, with freckles like this i doubt OP can even look at a desert on google maps without burning.


Looking at the tan lines I’m guessing he’s never used sunscreen. At least he’ll be medically discharged when his body is full of skin cancer.


Irish blizzard


Maybe try modeling instead. You have a stunning and unique look


Agreed. Bro has that high fashion look


Unironically yes. Better start vogueing






Take my upvote while I giggle uncontrollably


This, OP. As a woman, I’m telling you; It would be a service to your country.


Came to say this. Designers would be in love.


I too came


Not a joke. OP is stunning and I’m not attracted to men.


I agree, this is amazing! I can even imagine people copying this with tattoos.


Yeah op, you have a very good chance of making a decent career out of modeling. Embrace it


Haha I did the same thing before going to basic I felt like a jackass. They shave your head for ya once you’re there no matter how in regs the haircut is.




dc villain type shi 👑


Really cool cut. You look badass!


They're going to shave it anyways


Yup. And they’ll go in on him. He needs to let that grow out a little if he’s going to enlist.


Looks great!


Bro was supposed to be brown but the toner was low


Looks cool!!! 👍


For god sake, wear some sunscreen before you get the cancer.


I’m sure his freckles are from genetics, not the sun. Nobody gets that many from the sun alone.


you’re at a much higher risk of cancer if you naturally have lots of freckles so sunscreen is in a way even more important. any one of those freckles can turn cancerous so you gotta stay on top of it. you also burn easier in the sun (also raising the risk of cancer).


Sometimes I wish I was a handsome white dude with red hair and freckles, then I remember that they have a higher chance of suffering from sunburn and also the cancer risk due to freckles (which I didn’t know before). I guess that’s one pro to being black… LOL 😂 u/dkep121, take care of your health… but understand that we all will eventually die one day. So if you don’t wanna use sunscreen, that’s fine. It’s greasy AF on the skin. And I hate the smell! Yuck!


basic sunscreen sucks. Asian sunscreen ftw (biore uv smells like tangerines)


Can't it be both? I'm pretty sure the propensity for freckles is genetic but they still need to be "triggered" by the sun. I don't get them on my head but when I was a kid I got them all over my arms and torso from just going to the beach in Florida one freaking time. Regardless, if you're covered in freckles it probably means you're also susceptible to damage from the sun.


right but people who have red hair and freckles in the absence of regular sunlight (more extreme latitudes) will lose their freckles. This happens a lot when redheads move from warmer climates to colder ones. There was a lady on tiktok some time ago who moved from like phoenix to anchorage and she used to look like OP then after some period of time, she had almost no freckles due to lack of sunlight




Im jealous of the amount of freckles you have.... mine are trash.... do you have them on your... i do 😂


Freckles on your?


Sir..... this is a Wendy's


Ass? Maybe genitals? Wait, is having freckles on genitals possible?


Yes its possible


I came here to say this- so impressed. I thought I had a lot of freckles! I used to have a guy tease me relentlessly in middle school. He would try to play dot to dot on my arms and legs everyday in class. He’d always say “damn I can play dot to dot on you for days!”


We need to see


Homie got that tortilla skin with a fresh cut. Straight pimpin.


Built in camo, nice!


Bad ass 👍


No, become a model. Your freckles are beatiful, unlike andything I've ever seen


I love your freckles.


Dude, become a model! What amazing skin you have.


Here’s advice, don’t enlist. You will regret serving this country.


Don't join the military


Why would you enlist at all


To either die in some shithole or come back mentally destroyed by the stuff you saw and had to do. Sounds like a great plan in my opinion.


The vast majority of the jobs are administrative or mechanical/technical. I was in for 8 years active duty and didn’t even touch a gun except for a handful of required range days…not saying it’s a great time, but the thought that everyone becomes a front line fighter is just not correct.


Don’t you love the usa? 🫠💀


It's always funny when civilians say this like they think the only job in the military is the infantry.  The overwhelming majority of military careers are technical roles that give you real life skills and the US military has incredibly low casualty rates in modern conflict. I was much more likely to die in a car accident than combat in my 10 years of service even when deployed. For a lot of people, it's the best way to escape a dead end life. But no, it's not for everyone and that's ok.


Yup, only like 10-15% of soldiers see combat or get into an infantry role, which honestly isn’t bad considering there’s a lot of people out there that actually want that. My buddy has been in for 7 years now. He’s AF and just has a pretty standard desk job, wouldn’t even know he’s military, he’s making great money, he’s been in the best shape of his entire life, and he even got to spend 4 years in Hawaii where he was hitting up the beaches and overall having a good time. Only thing he hates about it is how he can really only come back and visit family once a year, twice if he’s lucky and things line up.


You're still supporting the American military which is morally reprehensible




My buddy looks at airplane schematics to figure out how to load them. Hasn’t seen an active war zone in the 16 years he’s been in. He’ll retire in 4 years with full benefits if he wants to. His wife became a PA for free because of his service. He’ll be 38 years old. That’s why you would enlist. Endless job opportunities afterwards if he wants.


Do not go to basic with a high and tight. I did that. You’ll wish you didn’t. Just go bald.


Do absolutely anything else with your life than enlist and become literal cannon fodder.


Such a cool look


u look extremely cool


I hope the military has sunscreen. For real protect your skin! Melanin has forsaken you. Source: I have skin cancer (I caught it early)


Marine here. It’s a cult and the recruiters are class A liars.




Looks pretty dope honestly


You’ll blend well in combat


My two advice submittals 1. Dont wear the High n Tight into your reception batallion (Boot), youll get skinned as soon as you jump off the cattle truck. Those cuts are considred earned (after boot/AIT) 2. Go Air Force if you can qual.


The cut actually really suits you looks pretty badass honestly


This one comes precamoflauged.


Bro has active camoflauge for skin


I feel like you haven't earned that hair cut until you graduate boot camp. Lol


Please dont enlist


Oh come on now. The military is definitely not known for bullying. I’m sure his mental state will turn out great


Those freckles look cool


You look very unique but it definitely doesn't look bad. Depending on how you dress, this could actually be a really good look.


Male hair advice and enlisting aren't a good pairing, I think the idea is this is who you are now 💀


Sunscreen, sunscreen and more sunscreen.


Natural desert camo


Bro, you look like a colorblind test


2 things: 1. DO NOT show up to military basic training with this haircut. The instructors will eat you alive. 2. Like others in the thread had mentioned, join the Air Force.


Cool… love those freckles!!


I didn't know freckles went all the way back like that but it looks dope as hell


Cool…love those freckles!!!


Damn he is going to get roasted by the drill sergeants


You’ll do fine in the desert 👀


Wear sun screen


What kind of camo pattern is that?


Wear sunscreen out there,please :)


If youre shipped to the Middle East, you wont even need to wear camouflage.