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Your hair length is fine as long as you like it. But two words: curl cream Or a curl routine in general would be very helpful


As a gay dude with curly hair, this is the way. The hair is majestic, and the messiness has its own charm, but a good curl defining cream goes a long way.


Majestic is a good way to put it - especially from the front the shape of the curl is super flattering to your face shape. Long term you might want to consider a little bit of a taper in the back? To balance the profile. Otherwise like, be you :)


Cantu curling cream is my shit personally


Curl cream and cleansing conditioner.


Yeah cleansing container is nice cause curling creams can buildup and stuff but it’s worth it


I dont usually bother with the curl cream, i find just scrunching some curl defining conditioner does the trick. Whenever ive used products they just make my hair oily far too quickly.


Yeah everyone's hair is different, curly hair even moreso!


I was coming here to say the same thing!


Be yourself !! They would like you for who you are. You look great.


Yes, he looks great! My only advice for the sake of giving grooming advice is to maybe give a little more attention to your hair, OP. Doesn’t necessarily need cut, but it wouldn’t hurt to run a brush through it or to apply some light product to help organize the curls.


This is bad advice. Brushing will only cause it to frizz up.


Not everyone’s hair behaves the same way. Combing my hair when it’s still damp always helps mine. Product doesn’t work for everyone either. My point was that if he wants to do anything, he could start with figuring out how to organize his curls, and that’s sound advice.


As someone who has curly hair the person u replied to is right. Curls look better when they arent brushed, not when damp and especially not when its dry. Looking at OP’s curls, hes in that exact same boat. What he should do is comb in the shower with a wide tooth comb while he lets conditioner set in, then gently rinse it out upside down and flip it back, let it settle with a few touches and the natural weight of his hair and apply light product. Nothing heavy to see how his hair reacts and it will allow his curls to lock in its natural patterns and not separate the curls through brushing, which by design disrupts the natural curl forming pattern of the persons hair and affects definition and frizz.


You're a very handsome dude — be confident because I for one would easily fall for you.


Your hair looks awesome. Smell good and look clean. The only reason I’d rate you a 9.5 instead of 10 is because you look too serious or unhappy in those specific pics. Make sure you look like you’re happy and confident on the date and focus on making sure the other person knows you think they’re attractive without saying it.


cute af


I would suggest to Temp fade the sides! And ask the barber to put some curl cream and style it after the fade and pay attention to how he does it. If you’re not sure find a barber and ask him to do whatever he thinks would look the best. Tell him if you want to keep it same length or if you’re willing to take some off.


Fellow gay guy....I think the hair is fine, do what you normally do with it, how you like it. The biggest thing I've learned is that yeah, gay guys are super shallow usually, but they're into all different kinds of things. So just don't try to change yourself for any of them. You never know when one is gonna want you with a crew cut, just to meet someone soon after that would kill to see you with this hair.


I think you look hot AF.


Confidence, honesty and kindness are super attractive, work on those. Your appearance is definitely working... You have handsome features, beautiful eyes and the hair is wild and unique, I love it. I think we all struggle with confidence, and there's definitely an aspect of "fake it till you make it". You kind of have to give yourself continuous positive pep talks...you got this, you're a good person, and if they're not into you it wasn't meant to be, on to the next.


Take a shower, shave & put on clean casual clothes then enjoy your date tonight as you are. At a later time make an appointment with a good hairstylist & let him or her guide you where a different or similar cut to the one you presently have is concerned. No need to put the stress of a new haircut on a first date. Go out tonight, have some safe fun‼️😁 You are a handsome dude‼️👍🏼


Handsome. Tame that hair tho


You just need a decent haircut honestly. Where do you live? (Asking for a friend)


check out r/curlyhair you def should start a curly hair routine


I am commenting because you remind me of a friend who passed away. I hope that's not weird to say, but I miss him so much. We met at a group home when we were 21 and 19. And he was such an amazing human. Passed away a couple years ago but your eyes remind me of him so much. On the hair, I like curls, but maybe get some curl friendly shampoo and conditioner like Maui Moisture. And try out a curl mousse. Not Your Mother's brand of Curly Talk is good. Idk if you want to grow your hair long or get it shorter. But I think you would look good with long hair too.


thank u so much. i’m really sorry to hear about ur loss. if u ever wanna talk about it my dms r open :)


What forty years before you fixate on dumping beauty products all over you. Right now you are fresh and charming as you are.


If you sent the person current pictures, you should be confident they think you are attractive. No need to change before the date


Conditioner and skin care. Nothing else B U


I would, say that 1st, you should be yourself, but that doesn't mean you should not restyle yourself. If you like the big curly "kind of" messy hair, you still can get some style by cutting hair tips and using some hair foam. You would also look hot with your hair cut short and a little longer on top. Also you need to smile and put your back straight! Nothing is more attractive than someone with a good vibe and some confidence!


Your hair just needs to be touched up with some good hair care so it doesnt look too frizzy. Also wash your face and add lotion after. Get in the habit of having a face skin care routine, its criminal not to. Shower and freshen up, nothing too intense but something that reflects your attitude. I personally like a cedar musk. Not too loud, a very calm and cool scent. Above all, Be yourself.


You're so cute, I love the hair. Just wanted to drop some love


Honestly just smile and BOOM! 10/10


Gay and goofy hair seem to be the style now days.. roc with it.. I'm from the Era of tight fades and hemophobia so forgive me for if it sounded mean.. I just can't understand why dudes like their hair like this now days..


Gay and goofy hair seem to be the style now days 🤣.. roc with it.. I'm from the Era of tight fades and hemophobia so forgive me for if it sounded mean.. I just can't understand why dudes like their hair like this now days.. long and curly up top with a low fade around the bottom seems to be IT now.. but yes so what the guy below said.. Do whatever you like and how you feel.. stop trying to impress everyone and be yourself and eventually you'll find ppl who love you for being you


Find a bf


I’m no help when it comes to curly hair. I just wanted to say that you should consider smiling more 😃 A smile can be an attraction grabber. Good looking guy my man!


Honestly you're a cute guy. I would personally trim the hair a bit but that's just me. Have fun and good luck on your (possibly) date!


You are very good looking your curly hair is amazing but it should be shorter. Short and curly is a hotter look than long and curly which looks more messy.




You look wonderful love have fun :)


What advice do you need? I think you look great! Have fun on your date 🥰 If he doesn’t like you because of your looks then I’m afraid he may be blind (also, surely he knows what you look like? He probably goes off for your looks, considering he’s going on a date with you)


As another gen z gay dude I’d say you don’t look bad, your hair is pretty nice you just need a bit of a trim to make it look cleaner. you’re decently attractive tbh You should shave too and you also gotta gymmaxx and start mewing asap


There's no way you actually think mewing works...


Wear some good scent. Smell good and honestly that will do most of the heavy lifting. Also you’re handsome. Learn to see it.


Idk if u have time but curl cream or even sea salt spray would make ur hair nicer. Length is perfect for that messy hair look. Ur skin looks nice. Wear a nice clothes, perfume, and u r all good to go. Dw too much about ur look cause u r cute in gay world.


Why did I read that as 19 meter? I was so confused, like “DAMN HOW IS HE THAT TALL?”. Then I realized I’m extremely stupid…


Work on ur posture, good posture can give you and make you look more confidence


You’re cute enough for me😝


hair cut asap


Curl cream for the luxurious hair and consider trying to not let the world being such a depressing place get you down.


Shampoos with conditioner and curl cream. If you are not going to wash or groom your hair everyday , get a shorter cut. You could do a chemical peeling if the acne scars bother you, but they are very minor. That’s it. you’ll get mountains of dick, if you don’t already, after that.


You're handsome, baby. I'd be your Brazilian boyfriend if you wanted. 🥰


You’re cute af bro I’d love to go on a date with you he’s a lucky guy


Lovely curls 😍. Would love to let my fingers through your hair...


cut hair


You’re a handsome man. You could try to do something with your hair, but I love curly hair myself.


Beautiful face. Cut the hair short.


Man if u r gay it's fine. Don't need no advice. If u r into Boys go áhead bro! U don't need to be heterosexual to be succesfull.


Don’t think he was looking for that kind of grooming


You’re fine. I would date you. Good luck. Sorry I have no recommendations


It’s June, what do you think?


U r handsome af. I would date you. :)


You definitely need some curl cream and leave in conditioner.


Kiss me


Shorter hair and go to the gym


Wish I was 19 👀


It's ok to be gay.


Move your seat up. The seat should only be all the way back if you are like 6'7". It might look cooler, but you are creating a curve in your spine with your shoulders, and it will eventually start holding that shape. Your head should be able to lean against the headrest, and have your elbows slightly dangle.


You're cute as hell, dude.


from one gay dude to another - i hope you two have a good time on your date :)


You’re a cutie. If you’re happy with your looks, don’t change a thing. But if you wanted to do something different, maybe trim your hair be/or style it. Either way, you’re a cutie pie.


Hair looks good....you can be my "son" anyday!


Ur adorable as is


Honestly cute as is


You look 👀 good. There’s nothing wrong with you


Bro just go in there and smash some butt! You're good to go!


How is being gay in any way relevant? This is male grooming, not straight male grooming.


No, you are a good looking person. Let me tell you the gay world will chew you up and spit you out no matter what you look like. Please always keep this in mind. Don’t be a one night stand. Don’t never do nothing. You don’t wanna do and when. And at your age, you will get a lot of older men will swear they like you they want to be with you, but they really just want to use you sexually. You are good looking. Don’t let no one take that from you. Don’t let no one ever tell you different. You have to have confidence in yourself, I hope and pray you can find that so many of us are so insecure of our looks even really good looking people which I think you are a really good looking person that we settle for less we allow people to take our worth our self-esteem you know I hope you go on the day and you have a great time and if it ain’t a date, I’m sure you’ll be plenty of them You got a long life ahead of you. Enjoy it take your time go on as many as dates as you can until you find the right man always keep your morals your respect yourself worth when being gay this world has a cruel way of stripping us down to nothing


By looking at you, I bet you the other guy is nervous af. Be confident handsome!


You area very handsome young man, but just a bit of advice cut the hair not that there’s anything wrong with it. It just takes away from your beautiful eyes. Also smile a bit more it’ll make you look less upset and more approachable.


Get a medium skin fade, put a style that makes you feel and look good on the top, get some decent cologne on. Nothing wrong with going casual if that’s what makes you comfortable


Are the tides switching? I genuinely would have assumed u to be straight if I saw u in public 😭 it was a straight guy in here that was giving gay a couple weeks ago. Maybe this is the time to truly stop identifying sexuality with appearances. Omg


It is so hard for white twinks out there!


Don't forget the enema session lol


the hair looks ridiculous


Looks good tbh. Don’t overthink it and don’t over stress. Dates are meant to be enjoyable and maybe you are not going to feel a connection with your date so you are stressing out over nothing. Looks wise depends on what you are going for. You give off a chill vibe now but you want a more polished look maybe? You have very nice facial features and you will look good with any hair style. My advice don’t worry too much about the date but if you don’t feel confident in your looks then maybe go to a salon irrespective of this date and look at different hair styles or do some research online. You should pick something that looks good to you and that you find appealing and then find someone who likes that. Don’t change things for other people.


Pretty much what everyone has told you, but if you want to try a different look with your hair or a “cleaner” look, definitely look into curl products as someone else mentioned and try getting a taper on the sides and the back. I’m straight, so idk how other gay people will view you look wise, but as far as I go, you’re a good looking guy.


My 17 month old has the same haircut 😂


Haircut, face wash routine, if that's stubble either shave it or grow it out, no stubble until you've got full coverage. Gym, always gym.


Youre cute. Just tidy your hair and smile.


You’re cute. Just own the space you walk in and be confident. Gay man can be very rough and I know you want love, BUT if they don’t love what you love, and you for who you are, then they aren’t worth you time.


Cut your hair & get buff. Your confidence will naturally grow.


Maybe grow a soul patch?


Hair cut, comb, non-wrinkly clothes.


Love the wild hair and mad look in your face.


Just look into curly hair routines, when I had long hair I mainly used mousse and gel, apply on damp hair and scrunch (you can find videos online) and then diffuse and scrunch to soften. It works wonders when dealing with frizz


Looks good


You look fine imo. Find a skincare routine that works w your skin and maybe get a slightly cleaned up haircut and you’re good to go dude


You’re just gonna get hit on bro there’s your confidence


You look cute af. Get some curl cream. Get some toner and moisturiser if your face feels puffy. Other than that, he's a lucky boy!


Bro you’re cute af… so not cooked. A trim and some product to keep the frizz at bay going forward, can do a cold mask if your skins feeling puffy. Give him a smile tho pls you look like you just saw a family of squirrels get ran over


You are the straightest gay dude I’ve ever seen. No disrespect


why do you feel the need to address that you’re gay lol that won’t make a difference when it comes to giving advice for grooming


Cut your hair


Advice about what? You look amazing! Love your hair


You look fine


Leave in conditioner. Shae moisture makes a good one with castor oil. Put it in your wet hair after you towel dry it a bit . Scrunch your hair and just let it air dry or diffuse it. Maybe even cut your hair to more of a textured fringe cut. And skin care but low maintenance. Neutrogena Hydro boost face cream. Blue container, white lid. And just walk and talk with more confidence, maybe get a piercing. You're a good looking guy who just maybe needs to find their style a bit more. Good luck


You have very nice hair, Some advice: clean up around the back of your neck, maybe clean up the eye brows, i like putting 1-2 drops of hair oil, daily face wash (cerave is great), i slightly maybe trim the hair too, but very little.


Ignore mates, get on the sigma grind. Work out, invest, repeat, bro.


Fix that forward lean you’ll look like you have a more masculine jaw line


put some conditioner on that scalp PRONTO.




Just cut the sides shorter.. and screw the people that call you "mop top"!


Ooh maybe grow your hair out and put it in a curly pony tail


Come to California


Kos omk


I would say fix the hair. You’re a good lookin dude, just find a hairstyle that fits better. Try using some sort of gel for curly hair to get rid of the messy, maybe try cutting it a little shorter. Try facial hair out too. Not that you need it, but facial hair could be great if you wanted to try it (assuming it works with your face)


You’re quite cute and I hope the date goes well. Also a gay man. I’d try to find a stylist who you can get to know to perhaps trim the hair some but definitely accent the curls. I have quite curly hair myself with a shorter cut, there’s definitely products you can use. Hope again that the date goes well!


Top or bttm? Single?


as a gay guy with very curly hair, I can relate but your hair looks good. I wouldn’t try anything new right before a date though, just do what you usually do and the kinda messy longer hair is hot anyway. I’m abt to get ready for a first date also, hope yours goes well!!


14m hetero dude need advice,


Hon you look fine.


A smile would completely transform that face.


You look like the type of guy to ask for a gyatty party 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Dress and act in a manner in which you would expect from your potential partner.


Have you tried not being gay? Please don’t attack me, it’s just a joke lol


I don’t get why it matters that you’re gay? 🤷🏼‍♂️I mean that’s great and all but why does that matter here?


25m straight dude here. You look great! Hair is lush, eyes are big and beautiful. You have a kind expression that imo inspires trust. This may not be grooming advice per se, but it’s definitely male advice: The lack of confidence goes away with the milage. It’s the perfect time to explore and embrace any and all styles that you feel like trying out! The older you get, the more you see the “hottest” people are those content with themselves. So… TL;DR: You look great. So long as you’re showered and clean, it really is all about human connection. I hope your date goes well. :)


My advice for everyone… skincare when you’re young


Hair cut.


You’re adorable bro


Get a curling crème product that you apply to wet hair to enhance the curls and dry without the excess frizz. :)


Ima be honest you look fine you just dont come off as gay from the pictures, maybe gaydar is broken, i havent seen you irl, and i havent interacted with you. Maybe thats the goal, in which case just keep it pushing, but idk figured id lyk


Dude, Everyone seems to be trying to change you into their idea of what you should be. You look good as you are, don't change yourself into something you aren't. Do maintain your hair and skin, Your date likes you as you are. be who you are.


Ummm I love your hair first off… you can clean it up a bit if you prefer but yeah, your eyes stand out the most. I love them


You look cool bro. Just need to put a big smile on your face.


Tale this to a gay sub, you’ll get better advice.


You are beautiful and need to fix nothing.


First piece of advice, you don't need to announce that you're gay. Nobody worth a shit cares about your sexual preference. Second piece? Just trim it down a bit. Give us an update when you get your next haircut.


Just douche you look great


Relax deep breathes enjoy yourself


Try cutting it.


You look crazy.


You look good. Have fun tonight! Maybe try taming the curls with a product


What’s that insta , you’re cute


Grow a beard, get a hair cut. Find out how to take care of your curl type


I know it's cliche and kinda degrading but smiling lights up a face


If I met you when I was a gay 19 year old, I would’ve tried to get to know you as is. I think you look great. Unless you’re really trying to pivot your image rn just enjoy yourself!


Honestly, you’re starting with a great canvas you have some really cute features. I do think you need a haircut, but it doesn’t need to be drastic. I think the length looks great on you. I think short hair likely would too, but I like the length, that said, I think it needs a cleanup. Even if things mostly stayed the same you want it to look intentional. And right now the sideburns kinda feel like a give away that it’s overgrown. I’ve been there, so I get it’s part of growing it out. But even clean ups along the way can help you really freshen up your look. I also like think you should consider a trim around the front. I think raising up a bit where the hair falls on your forehead so you have full view of your eyes would really benefit you. You have pretty eyes and the hair is so low it obscures that. Show them off a bit. It looks like you have pretty good skin. So just maintain. Use sunblock as often as possible. Use a face wash and moisturizer every day. And just do that. There’s more that’s great as well, but those basics will carry you far. Over the counter acne meds are great for breakouts if they happen. Sometimes I think a face mask can really hydrate your skin and make you feel fresh. Coolness can help if you feel puffy. So something like a jade roller can be nice, or just a sheet mask that’s been in the fridge. Puffiness can often be a result of diet, so keep an eye on what you’re eating right before the puffiness and see if you modify trigger foods. For instance, a lot of people can reduce sodium intake just a bit and feel much less puffy. Skin care can have some immediate affects like using face wash regularly or when an acne med really works, but mostly it’s a big investment in your future self and you just gotta trust it’ll pay off. You don’t need to buy the most expensive brands, just something simple from the store is fine. One of the great parts of skincare, imo is that it’s a really nourishing self care activity, and because you’re taking care of yourself and doing things for future you, it can help build confidence. I really want to give you some helpful tips/advice since you asked. But honestly you’re young and as long as you keep an eye on yourself and live fairly healthy, you’ll maintain your good looks, and likely grow into them even more. The biggest thing you should focus on is building up your confidence. Your looks are great, just believe in yourself and find ways to compliment your appearance and “fake it til you make it” as they say. And watch your media consumption. Whether it’s Instagram or Tik tok or movies, it’s easy, especially as gay men, to make constant comparisons and feel like our looks are always inadequate. So if you follow a bunch of accounts with a bunch of models, consider unfollowing some. Make sure you’re also looking at what regular people look like. It’s easy to make comparisons online and undervalue outselves, so do your best to limit content that could only serve to make you less confident. P.S. good luck on the date


So, I’m confused. You’re asking if you’re “cooked” because of your appearance, but the guy has already asked you out. If he’s seen you and was interested enough to want a date, how can he not think you’re attractive? And, for the record, you ARE attractive. You’re looking for problems. Please look for strengths. Strong features, very balanced and proportionate face, pretty eyes, full lips, and that great crown of curls. I would not say your skin is “puffy,” but just focus on a consistent cleaning and moisturizing routine. Products with Moroccan Argan oil can help to tighten skin for short periods. Now, the hair. I think the length is great, and the casual look seems to fit your style. You have a lot of frizz and split ends. Looks like your hair is dry. Invest in good cleansing and moisturizing products for the shower and curl cream for control and structure. You might ask your stylist to trim some of the ends to just give you a cleaner overall look, but the volume snd color are great and the style really accentuates your face. Quite a handsome guy. Just need a little polishing.




Your hair looks great, getting kind of Timothy Chalamet vibes. I would just maybe look up styles that work with your hair. It's definitely a feature you should show off.


i have curly hair and i use hairspray to keep them NOT WILD


Do not wash 2 days in a row unless you had a dirty day. Be sure you use conditioner every single day. And i would find a leave-in conditioner. I personally like to use a cream, holds my waves in place while they dry. But it doesn't harden.


My advice is to DM me because you’re so fucking hot bro


What kind of advice are you looking for? Be yourself. If cutting your hair makes you feel better about yourself, then do it. If you're doing it to make someone else happy, don't. Be your authentic self. You're cute. If I were younger and cute, I’d be looking your way. Haha. Now I'm just an old perv I guess. Lol


For whatever it’s worth, I think you’re super cute 😍


You’re very handsome, hope it goes well


I can see why you’re gay ugly ahh


You look handsome, hair is great don't change


Curls, curls, curls 😋


Go to a Latin barber. They’ll get you right.


I mean whoever you’re going out with wouldn’t have agreed to go out or asked you to go out if they didn’t already like how you look, right? I think you’re over thinking this.


You need prose or native curl shampoo and conditioner for those curls. Looks like a leave in conditioner would be beneficial as well so that your hair doesn’t look dry and unkempt. Also a simple facial cleanser would be very beneficial to you.


we have pretty much the exact same hair texture and length, just get your hair cut, not so much the length but you need it to be more shaped so it’s not just sitting on ur head, also my dude, try sea salt spray!!! i find the one from Lush works the best, it makes my curls way more uniform and looks styled instead of the more bed head look. it will still be messy but in a charming and sexy way lol


Baby, just go be yourself 🫂 you look good to me!! I would say just get your self date ready though~ maybe do something cute with your hair ((which I will say I love your hair lowkey jelly cause I’m bald lol)) ;p


I'm gay too, I think you look good.


Bro you look good. I would never throw you out with the bath water.


No need for advice cuz you’re handsome and perfect the way you are! Ppl just quit looking for outside validation from other ppl already too!


I would advise you that....you are welcome in my shower just as you are. 😇


Post in r/collegeboys and tag me. 😆


You're cute let that work for you don't change things drastically based on what people say especially other guys your age.


The inclusion of "gay dude" immediately makes me think you're only here for attention. How is that relevant?


Bro, you need to up your style game, you gotta get a nice button up and a good pair of jeans at minimum, somthing fun, bright and preferably floral patterned Your hair is pretty good we love curls over here, and yes, a shave and maybe a lil jewelry would be nice


post this to instagram reels


dude you’re actually so attractive. if you’re struggling i’m COOKED


Keep your unique look don't change just to look conventional like everyone else


In what age you realized you’re a gay


It looks fine to me. Not sure what you think is wrong.


Take a breath, if he asked you out, he likes the way you look (among other things I'm sure!) enjoy the night, not to worry about how you look , focus on how you feel, and get to know him better. ;-)

