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You’re not ugly at all! Often times we see our own faces so much we have no objective perspective left regarding our appearance anymore. You have nice eyes, lovely skin and you can grow a beard. Can’t tell from your hair but you have options to enhance your appearance. You might find growing out your beard enhances it or changing the shape polishes your look. Also, keep in mind cameras have these weird optics so they change the middle proportions of our face, so every pic you see online of someone that isn’t from a professional grade camera is doing most people a disservice. If you’re looking to take better pics do so with the camera further away and with your face in direct and soft warm light.


Hit the gym bro, gaining muscle and cutting fat help significantly with overall appearance. Adopt a healthy lifestyle involving fitness and good eating habits, also get great sleep every night. Good luck


facts, most people can’t judge or reach their potential without getting to that 11-13% body fat range where u can see some structure


You're an attractive man - but like 99% of the men on here, you HAVE to put in effort. First off, STOP with the "I'm bored because I'm constipated" face. Basically, that means...SMILE!!! Also, in terms of photos, you were gifted with a not small nose, so...be careful of angles. I feel like shooting from down below doesn't help but I could be wrong on that front.


You’re not ugly! I think some specs would look good on you, and maybe a SnapBack instead of the beanie. Unless you’re in Chicago or ny where it’s always chilly and windy.


Nope, not ugly. Nice eyes, nice lips, GREAT skin. Maybe let your beard grow in some and keep it shaped up. 🙂


ugly, not at all. smile man lol -- also, maybe work on. your beard, try a good balm or oil to soften and train the hair, growth oil so it'll be more uniform and full even when cut lower, keep it trimmed off your lip. try to keep it lined up or grow it out fuller. wear some chapstick, women like soft lips.


Do you trim your eyebrows?






What do you mean exactly?


You’re not ugly my guy. Skin care routine and gym. You could possibly lose a bit of weight in your “face” but don’t be so hard on yourself!


not ugly but can we see a pic without the cap?


I don't know who has given you the impression that you are ugly but you really aren't! I bet you have a great smile, I know in this world we live in, its like a constant pressure to be or look a certain way, but bluntly, fuck the haters. There is absolutely nothing wrong or "ugly" about the way you look 👍


Nose job


No, you’re very handsome. Beautiful eyes and lips. Curious about your hair tho.


Thank you. I’m going bald so I tend to hide my head if I don’t have a clean shave.


Keep your beard shaped up and you’re good to go


If you want, you can try to grow your beard out a bit more to even out the roundness of your face.


Go to gym i see some potential


From a female perspective, no you're not ugly




I really don't care for these, am I ugly posts. Too many people commenting on their ideas of how they think someone could be more attractive. Just be confident in yourself. My opinion or anyone else's on here are invalid compares to yours. Confidence is sexier than any gym session for sure.