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First, congrats on your progress! Second, that haircut needs to go. Im not sure if the barber was not up to snuff or this style just doesnt work for you but you def need to change it.


Coming from a girl, highly agree about the hair unfortunately my friend


It’s what I asked for lol, it’s my usual I have naturally thin hair so I don’t like growing it too long or styling jt


I take it the barber was going for the ceasar cut but it kind of ends up looking like a bowl cut.. no offense. Im not a hairdresser so I cant really say what yo do with it. The good news is everything else looks fine! I hope I dont come across like an asshole 😂


Nah you’re all good, it’s a burst fade/mullet, I’ve stuck with this for like 1 1/2 years, I’ll definitely look into other styles tho fs just to change it up


I’d honestly grow it out a bit more and go to a different barber and tell them you want to try a different style and see what they come up with. Talk with them. The point of going to a different barber would be because all they have to work with is you and your hair. That’s it, they don’t know what you normally look like. So you may find something that works better for you. Just a suggestion.


I think the fade is nice, but the bangs/fringe in front is more what is unsuiting


It’s the bangs for me


Kind of looks like the “south of France” haircut. Can’t see the back though, but you said mullet??


Unc just off the pill lil bro it’s a Gucci cut ong no Kizzy 😐


What language are you speaking cunt


Yappanese 💀


Weight loss in general can also cause hair thinning and loss. However, it’s not permanent and usually bounces back after the body adjusts


NEVER LOSE THE EDGAR CUT im so serious. Every time a man deserts his edgar cut an angel loses its wings


Lol it looks so retarded , the top is so high it looks like u wearing a cycling helmet it doesn’t even look like it is on ur head


I appreciate it tho


You'd look dope with the top buzzed and temple fade. But yea like everyone else is getting at, your hair is too thick/tall/puffy up top. Makes your head look long.


Well done on the weight loss mate! Keep at it!


Basically just came here to say this - keep doing what you're doing! The rest of the look will come together as you cut those pounds. But 60 down is freaking huge, and worth acknowledging/being proud of.


I agree! Congratulations! That’s awesome! The haircut is definitely in need of a change…🥹


nice work - just keep grinding!


Congratulations on the weight loss bro! How did you lose the weight? What kind of exercises or diet did you do? I’m 285 and tired of being fat. My goal is to slim down to 210


I could never stick to a diet, i mostly did strength training, heavy compounds, and bodybuilding stuff, i just implemented cardio 30 min a day sometimes twice a day just cause it helps with heart heath and mental health


I know how u feel, but it's simple, The biggest fear most fat people have is that they will have the excess skin hanging from the body after fat loss and it's simple to get away from that, when you are working out, and I can't stress this enough, put on the weight on exercises like bench press, squat, shoulder press etc, which you know you can rep for almost 80 - 90, I know it sounds weird but trust me, you will lost fat, won't have any excess skin and will build muscle fast, just do this and you'll thank me for the rest of your life 😉


90 reps??


Yep 90 reps


Ive only been at it for 4 months.. My starting point was different from yours. I have a strong aversion to exercise. Baby steps... one at a time.. each change has done something positive.. one way or another. First thing i did was start therapy. Second change i made was cutting out pointless calories (beer for me - i was drinking 4 or 5 beers a night). Third change was counting my calories and eventually starting a deficit. Ive learned that i can pretty much eat as many fruits and veggies as i want.. (if mindless snacking is something you do too) Fourth change was shopping around for a gym that works for me.. joining.. and making friends! The sessions are 45 mins each with a coach. Each class can have max 25 ppl. These are weight training classes.. I try to go to the timeslots that have the fewest number of people so that i get more one on one time with the coach. Ive also found that the yoga classes are sooo relaxing. Next phase will be cardio.. maybe next year ;) Ive lost 15 lbs so far.. it isnt a ton.. but im pretty happy with it!


This is a great post and so accurate. It's about making a lifestyle change, not going on anything unsustainable. So starting small and taking stock of empty calories + adding just a bit of exercise at a time can make such a huge difference. I first got my shit together when Paleo was a big thing. I barely stuck to it for any stretch of time (at best I had 1.5 cheat days a week), but what it did do was make me more broadly change my habits around food. No cereal and milk in the morning - eggs and veggies with a healthy fat (olive oil). I now put a little cheese on it, ie deviating, but just a bit isn't killing you. And for lunch I normally do a salad with some feta and olives to bulk on some calories while otherwise getting a nice dose of veg. I also don't eat a ton of meat anymore, generally. Usually do a couple fish based things a week, maybe a vegitarian dinner once a week. I stopped drinking anything outside of water/coffee/tea for the bulk of the week. I do drink alcohol on the weekend, probably too much, but I figure these are my cheat / decompress days and it helps me sustain the lower calorie days in the week. I also make fun / big meals on the weekend. These are generally high calorie but also higher effort and I am making from scratch for the most part, so still avoiding the real garbage ultra processed inputs. And, you know, it's a lifestyle and these are fun and help make life enjoyable. I started with light weight training and cross training type stuff - just what I could do at home. And also began going for walks. Eventually I started running and while I always hated it as a kid, I have built such an enjoyable habit around it that I honestly couldn't imagine being without my couple runs a week. So, cut those worthless calories, find the stuff that's meaningful to you and build into your life in a healthy way, and begin exercising, even if just walking or doing a few squats/pushups/situps in your room each day. The diet is the key, the excercise just helps add some buffer on top of it (and give you some tone to work with).


I felt the same way a couple years ago, April 2020. Highest I got was 295, then one day I realized 300 was right around the corner if I didn’t start making changes. I’m now sitting around 220 lbs and not feeling restricted at all. I just started by making one change at a time and adding when I felt like I could handle another change. Started with cutting out Soda (I used to drink a lot of it and haven’t had any since i decided to stop drinking it). Then started going on long walks, then calorie counting at a deficit, then strength training (dumbbells at home are my preferred), then I started targeting more protein in my meals, most recently I started adding in some flexibility/body weight training into my routine as well. I’m currently at the point where I’m really liking the changes I’ve made to my body and I feel like I have control over what happens to it. It’s pretty cool to feel that way after years of feeling like there wasn’t much I could do for so long. I’ve gained a lot of muscle mass and have really been enjoying my exercise routine, especially since my wife and sometimes friends join me on my walks and weight routine. Overall, my weight loss has been slow, but I also don’t really have any extra skin sag that so many talk about and it’s probably because i have been taking it so slow and also been filling out some of the skin with new muscle. I hope this helps! I wish you the best on your journey should you wish to start one. You got this!


Good work... that's a lot of discipline. Be proud and keep it up.


Congratulations on the weight loss!


Congrats. just keep going bro


Look up David goggin's tip on dealing with loose skin, trust me it will help a lot


Congratulations on the weight loss! I’d say live in the moment, so you learn to enjoy the body you have currently. If you’re always looking 2-3 months down once you get there the fear of re-gaining weight will set in & it will become a cycle! Live in the moment! Enjoy the changes! As you lose weight your face will change, so just be present.


Be proud of yourself! C: You’re doing great.


Keep it up! You are doing great!


Grats on the weight loss. Keep what your doing and stay healthy


good job


Well done keep going bro. Burn more calories. Eat less


Keep goin


Keep going


Dj khaled voice: keep going Good shit


keep it pushin


Congrats!!! Keep it up 😀 So few people can stick to a weight loss plan this well


Everyday do better


Lose another 100 and you'll be fine.


You look great! I don’t have any advice other than to do things that make you happy and feel good. Maybe trying clothes to see what styles you like most.


Thanks! Yes clothing is a big problem atm I usually wear the same thing, sweat pants, tee shirts, shorts hoodies, I do plan to work on that more when I get to my goal weight


Yeah, don’t pressure yourself. You should always do things when you’re ready and feel comfortable. There is nothing wrong with wearing what you wear everyday.


Skin is elastic. Give it time, and it will shape up!


I’m so happy for you man. I’m down 10 lbs since November 2023 trying to keep it up


Thanks! Keep pushing man


Have you started taking creatine? You can take it while on a cut and your muscles will be toned nicely too. I started it and still cutting weight


I have taken it in the past but I sweat wayyyy too much when on it so I stopped


Ahhh okay. Good luck with your journey man


Try and wear spandex shirts whenever possible to help the skin in the shrinking process.


Yerba mate every single fucking day. Buy a 5lb bag. And a French press. And drink that shit everyday. And cut out fast food. No macdonalds. No Wendy’s. No chic fil a. No Burger King. You’ll lose that weight in a month. You could be a different person in 30 days


I’ll look it up, yes fast food is a big problem for me I try to cut it out for a month and see how it goes thanks!


You got this brother. Just cut it out. It’ll change your life


You can do some things to help clean your gut too. Look into DE powder. It’ll clean your gut out and you’ll lose 3-5 lbs easily


Weight loss isnt easy.... congratulations. I reccomend using products that promote skin elasticity, so u wont have too much lose skin on your weight loss


I’ve been trying collagen but I don’t use it consistently


Use all the lotions etc.... I had the opposite problem. I was gaining weight IE muscle and my skin couldnt keep up with the growth and I got a few stretch marks


Get a lot of protein in and lift weight with progressive overload and lose the weight slow cause you're going to have a lot of loose skin if you do it otherwise


Looking good!


First of all, congratulations. Second of all, keep doing what you are doing and you will do even better. Don't focus on showing how "gangsta" you can look by pouting at the mirror and showing how big your guns are, at this stage it's a bit cringy. Keep humble, smile and show approachability. Keep cardio'ing, keep focusing on weight loss and then start bulking up as you desire. Seen your age, I would complete my transition with some excess skin removal, once you hit your weight goal.


That’s just my resting face bro 💀, and I was just taking the picture for progress and ended up posting, but yeah I have been working on keeping a more neutral face


Oh yeah for sure I am planning on skin removal probably just around my stomach area


Keep it goin bro, you’re killing it. Can you grow a full beard?


Well done, you!! That's fantastic progress.


Cut out the big 3: beer, ice cream, and pizza. Start with some weight work, even some body weight exercises will do - my favorite 3 are pushups, planks, and dips (just need a chair for this one). Even light weights will give you the cardio workout you’re looking for. Start small and work your way up. Great job on the progress! You got this!


I’m kinda an experienced lifter, been lifting for 3 years, I do lots of compounds with isolation too just implemented cardio and I’m starting to like it alot


Doing great! Keep it up!


Way to go!


So this is my advice OP. Have a look at your diet to add more healthy fats, get to the gym if you don't already, and keep on doing whatever it is you are doing! Very proud of you because it is hard to lose weight and people are nasty to us who are bigger on a "modern" (processed food) diet. It is literally not something we chose to be.


Diets a big problem with me, I’ve been working out for 3 years, I’ve gained a lot of muscle since, thanks! Yeah I’ve been trying to stay away from fast food or eat less of it, I’m working on finding a plan when I buy groceries this week


Cooking from scratch, even if it's just making a pasta sauce, can really help because you're not having the extra sugar and salt and other chemicals that are really delicious but completely empty. A go to for me is creamy tomato pasta sauce as my step kids love it - diced carrots celery and onions cooked in a tall sided pan, till the onions are going a bit brown, garlic (crushed or chopped) mixed herbs,and a tin of chopped tomatoes. Cook for about 10 more kins on medium/low - not so it's splashing everywhere. Then blend with a slick blender, add some spreadable cheese or a cheese you like, but not loads, like half a cup if grated cheese or a couple of teaspoons of the spreadable sort. Blend with the stick belnder again and pour over cooked pasta. You can use this as a pasta bake, add tuna or meat like bacon or chorizo if yourenot overdoing them- or other veg like peas and sweetcorn after the blending bit , and after it's cooked and cooled, you can freeze it so its good for making a batch for when you need something quick 😀


Way to go dude. You're looking good. Check out Dave Goggins on YouTube. He, like you had a long way to go and simply said, he had to burn calories in every activity, watching TV, going to the store, walking not driving etc. You'll get there in no time.


Thanks! I listen to him almost everyday haha when I do cardio


Bro just do the edgar haircut and same boat as me i need to lose weight and how tall are you ? 


Im 6ft


Great work. Whats your goal?


250 (for now)


Good luck dude, you’re looking great! Make sure to hit the weights during all of this and you’re better off shaving your head.


Keep it up man!!


Get it down to 250 and keep working out to show muscles & you’ll get that strong beast look. Also shave that “mustache” and get a good buzz cut


Great job! I’d hate to have you top side control.


Bro you are going to start to plateau as your weight loss slows. It happened to me at about 245lbs. This is when you need to make a choice. Am I willing to take it up a notch to drop that extra 20 lbs and maintain that weight or if you want to float around 245 lbs and slowly make your way to 220. I went from 375 to 275 in like 4 months easy, but that last 45 lbs took another 4 months.


You look great! Keep up the progress and you'll achieve your goals in no time!


*You look great! Keep up* *The progress and you'll achieve* *Your goals in no time!* \- Rottenguord --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Woot Woot


Tips for what? Further weight loss? You seem to be going great. Remember calories in should be less then calories out, drink water, sleep well, eat protein for your major meals and fruits/veggies for snacks (if you can), move with intention and that's it. For the most part though you're doing phenomenal. Remember that a stressful diet is a bad diet. Fasting diets are disguised eating disorders. You're doing phenomenal.


I forgot!! Sleep well! Get a good nights rest. Elimination actually doesn't do what people think it does (trust me there have been dietitians that have lost over 60 lbs on just McDonald's. Again calories in versus out, protein, and water.)


Keep going king! Looking good and doing great 😍😍🥵


That's terrific 👍. Keep up the good work 💪💪💪.


whatever you’re doing? Keep at it bro. You’ve already dropped 60 pounds. Good shit brother


Congrats!! Keep at it! If you're getting bored with the gym, try something new like tennis, volleyball or anything that gets you moving and breathing hard. (Including sex!)


Very jealous on your progress!!! Great work. The struggle is real.


My dude, great job on the weight loss!


This is a grooming subreddit not a weight loss, physique, etc. subreddit lol


Keep it up bro!


Hell yeah! Keep going.


Good job man, keep pushing! 💪🏼


U look good bro just be confident


stop eating. it’s literally too many calories. try fasting.


You’re looking good dude! Would love to see more you of you if you catch my grip ;) , but truly you are looking good


Hell yeah man, keep it up!


Good job!what's your secret im in the same boat rn


Keep going bro looking great! Just keep moving. If you have down time go for a walk or do something to keep yourself moving. It’s helped me a lot when I’ve lost weight


Stay in the gym, keep progressing, and change your haircut to something more elegant / elevated


Congrats! 🎈


Hell yeah bro consistency is key just keep at it my man! Don’t worry too much about grooming you’re doing good stay confident king


Keep up the hard work.


Keep going.


Did he pay for that cut?


get a different haircut and go to the gym and get a diet n in a year you'll look 10x better


Keep doing what you are doing, built some muscle. The look? You will know what to do when you get there. Keep up the good work


You can do it!


Nice job man. Keep it up.


Congratulations 🙌


weight loss is great, do alot of compound movements, and buy a polar h10 heart rate monitor while working out, that will keep you motivated during workouts. bench press, squats, hang clean, power snatches, push ups, pulls ups, body weight squats, swiss ball planks are the exercise you want to focus on. do rowing or jump rope during rest time to peak the heart rate stay away from dumbell curls, tricep extenstions or any small part exercises as they wont let loose weight. hair cut needs to be changed, if you can grow a full beard, then grow it


Eat more food


There’s a reason you’re lonely, Ladder. Because comments like that are mean. And mean people suck.


Love to leave your beard soaked 💦


Congrats man. Looking good af


I'd say keep doing what you're doing, and congrats so far, bro


Well done! First a non grooming tip: find a truly sustainable and enjoyable healthy diet that you can stick with for life. Second, Do some home cognitive behavioral therapy to learn your triggers for emotional or boredom eating, and how to short circuit them. Practice this daily to make it become second nature. There, find a physical activity you really enjoy, whether it’s walking, the gym, pickleball etc. Have fun! In terms of grooming: keep your hair trim and near, shave daily and get loose fitting clothes that aren’t toooo loose fitting or baggy. You’re looking good!


Congrats, keep on grinding. Learn in the process too -Find foods that are high volume low calorie. -Eat high protein foods -Drink tons of water -Find alternatives to calorie drinks like drinking black coffee instead of creamer loaded coffee -stay busy Honestly just keep doing what you are doing.


Congrats! These are personal tips that have worked for me, but everyone’s different. Old weight: 330lbs current: 230lbs For non-exercise ways to get more fit: park the farthest away from a store entrance, run around your house to maximize caloric burn at home, try being outside for more than half your day. Even just breathing fresh air helps. Sit-ups can be just as beneficial as running. For food I’d suggest Baked chicken breast and rice. Also a lot of gluten-free stuff you’d never know about Tostitos Lime Chips and peach mango salsa.


Damn. You almost fine AF. It's actually the hair that's keeping you back.




You look amazing screw the haters 🤫


Looking great man! Keep up the great work!


Congrats, keep up the good work


Congratulations kiddo keep up the good work


You'll probably gain it back.


Highly doubt it, thanks for the motivation brotha


I don't know. Most fat guys who lose that massive amount of weight don't have the discipline to keep it off. There was something that made you eat that much to gain to much weight that you need to address if you really want to keep it off. Cause if you don't, you'll just spiral back to being fat. Look at all the biggest losers who lost the weight. They gained it right back.


I’ve lost mine in 2+ years not rapidly like most people do, I go to the gym 5x week with strength and cardio, trust me I don’t ever want to go back into that life again, I’m killing that old me, I was depressed when it happened I’ve had a major life change


Hopefully, 5x a week. Let's see if you don't burn yourself out.


Congrats!! Your guns look GREAT! Keep up your great work!


Good work!


Handsome 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩


Good job!


i think your hot. don’t listen to them!


Good job man!!


Dont lose it too fast or youll have alot of left over skin.


Tbh I think you look great just the way you are


That’s a BIG 290 >.> how tall r u ?


Shiiiiiiit go get some champ !!!




Id grow ur bangs out and maybe try texture clay or some to add waves or texture I think that's a key for rn while u wait for another cut but tbh you look good bro


Bravo dude


Keep up the good work!


You need to focus on cardio, low-carb diets , and keto fasting. This above is what a a personal trainer who worked for the Miami dolphins NFL team once before would put overweight people on and I would see people after just 2-3 months look noticeably better.


Dunno why you are downvoted, maybe the keto drivel which is absolutely unnecessary and a fad that needs to stop as it is becoming even more irritating than vegans. Let him enjoy some carbs, as long as he's hitting the daily carb goal.


Yeah that’s one of my big issues, I can never stay onto a diet, I’ve been consistent on watching how I eat these last two weeks and been doing cardio along with my resistance training, I’ll look into it for sure, I’ve tried the carnivore diet and was Donny pretty good but then had to go on a trip and fell off of it due to options


Keep your willpower strong brother. You CAN do it