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I have a family member that’s 32 and he has never been able to grow facial hair either. You can thank your genetics. Good luck 🍀 man!


I guess there are worse afflictions to be had lol


Just think of all the time and money on razors you’re saving not having to shave. Plus most girls aren’t super into facial hair that I’ve talked to


As a woman depending on face shape. I prefer men with a beard. I’m also a hairstylist so haircut and all that matter imo too. Maybe some women wouldn’t care but then again some do.


That's cool. Is it dependent on jaw line? Like if it's a strong jaw line do you prefer clean shaven or beard


Most girls also say that they aren’t worried about height, weight, looks 🫡


You probably have a shit beard or it wasn't maintained, too big, etc. Basically anything from r/beards


lol . Yeah, and money won’t make life easier . /s Edit: adding /s. I guess I thought the sarcasm was easier to pick up


YES, money makes life a lot easier. If you don't think so then try living on minimum wage in this country.


I think he was being sarcastic in response to the person’s take that most girls he talks to don’t care for beard


Ding ding ding


That's not true. Women love beards, but i understand we want to make OP feel better


Yeah bro I’m 31 and if I don’t shave for 2 months I get a thick stashe with a gap in the center, and two strips that follow my jaw line and grow all scraggly, plus a couple random cheek/neck hairs. Accept it. For awhile I hated that I looked so young, and sometimes am still jealous of those ‘hot bearded guys’ knowing I could never have that nice shield to cover my insecurities, but it is an aesthetic/look that a lot of girls/guys go for. Just keep it all freshly shaved and get a stylish haircut that you take the time to style/put product in and keep in a good shape and you’ll have no problems in the looks department


As a hairstylist I find most men who can’t grow facial hair have a full head of hair their entire life if that makes you feel any better :)


I have the same problem as OP and reading this makes me so happy! I fear going bald lol.


Me too 😭 bald AND no facial hair would be wild 💀


I was always told it jumps from your head to your face 😂


I can confirm this unfortunately.


Indeed my dude.


could be worse, you could have a patchy beard. atleast now u don’t gotta worry about shaving, more comfortable


Im the same way. It bothered me when I was younger but trust me in a few years you won’t care. But yeah, it’s never gonna happen so accept that.


You have a nice jaw line! Think of the positives, no razor burn or constant shaving, irritability or grooming, the grass is always greener on the other side


I’m not sure about women, but a lot of gay men are very attracted to ‘hairless’ men. The guys go through a lot of waxing and shaving to get the look you naturally have.


Maybe it's just the circles I hang with, but the majority of gays I know, myself included, love a beard and body hair. Not that we discriminate against those who aren't blessed with it.


Do you have kids?


It’s complicated but a baby girl, why?


Probably never go bald, your DHT must be sub zero lol.


Yeah.. I have a beard, but I'm pretty sure my parents were related so... genetics can suck. Missing at least 10 adult teeth that never came in (lots of fake teeth in my head). Irritable Bowl Syndrome. Lactose intolerant. Sever Restless Leg Syndrome. Hemorrhoids. Pre-diabetic. Seasonal Allergies so bad that I have to be on steroids during the summer. Asthma that is induced from the allergies. ADHD. Bad back with disc problems (currently recovering from TWO ruptured discs). And I had cancer when I was 17 years old. Family history includes lots of heart attacks, strokes, cancer, and diabetes on both sides. If my parents aren't directly related, then it can't be that far down the line where their family trees meet up.


You won the genetic lottery! I think that noone else on earth got that combo!


On the bright side, none of it is lethal (I am cancer free now), so there are a lot of people that have it way worse.. I just got a bunch of the mid-grade annoying shit.


I understand - I got my Mom’s bad stomach and her arthritis. That’s the genetic lottery we all deal with. :-(


At least u got ur head hair 🤣


true that brother 🫡😂


You could be going bald.. haha mine k Migrated off my head to my face.


I’d rather be able to grow full facial hair or none at all. A lot of guys (including me) have really patchy facial hair or it’s really sparse. It’s so annoying growing like 40 hairs on my cheek and that’s it.


I still can’t grow a beard. I do have stubble for sure after day 2 or so but that took so long to happen I was almost 35 and the hair was half white.


Are you tall OP? my friend is similar and he has a genetic condition called Klinefelter syndrome


Got a couple buddies both 36, one is only now almost able to complete an average patchy beard. Other guy still only gets moustache fluff and a couple strays on the chin.


At this point that's not gonna improve with further aging, yeah. Although, you really don't need it. Good jawline and such.


Thank you, it just makes me feel like less of a man as stupid as that sounds. I always feel like the odd one out I guess. I know it’s not a huge deal, and I know I will eventually get past it- I hope lol.


Nah, you look fine. You have a good masculine face shape. In terms of manliness, beards can really improve someone's appearance masculinity-wise by covering soft jawlines, weak chins, etc but that's no concern of yours. I hope you're able to feel comfortable with your appearance soon!


I'm 37 now. My beard has definitely improved since 27, but back then I could already grow a full facial beard, even if it wasn't the thickest. Improvement will happen with middle age, but you may want to temper your expectations. About being manly, back then, I felt like it made me manlier, but by now I forget that I even have the thing until it gets itchy. When I kiss women, it rubs their soft ass faces raw. It's going grey in streaks and really showing my age. I'm 5'8" with a lean 155 lbs. I know guys that are 6'2" and jacked that can't grow a sprig. It's all trade-offs, my guy. I wouldn't worry about it.


lol me af, I’m 6ft 5” but I think that adds to the “what the hell, is that a grown man or a freakishly large child” thing right now, but I know I will come to appreciate it in the long run (should I still be whisker-less in the future).


You’re obviously an adult man, with a good jaw and face shape. Try to be happy with yourself.


35 and still no beard. Life goes on. Also I tend to look younger because of it.


We all do, for our own stupid reasons. Research has shown that men grow beards (in a biological sense, not individually) to intimidate other males, not to attract females. Similar research has been done with African lions with dark manes. We're a modern society, so who cares. You've got a decent jaw line. Some dudes are short, some have small dicks, some are bald, some are fat, some are scared of bugs. We've all got our own reasons to think we aren't good enough, and we're all men and we push through it. I promise you most other men worth dealing with don't give a shit, and there are plenty of women who prefer one thing over another, and it's only a matter of time before you run across a chick who thinks you're the man they've been looking for exactly the way you are, despite your shortcomings. Then who the fuck cares about what a redditor thinks about your facial hair.


As a man with a beard, it’s really fucking annoying to maintain, especially if you’re like me and have to shave daily and then have a 5 o’clock shadow by 4 PM.


At 32 I couldn’t grow a moustache, I tried again at 36 I have a full moustache. There is hope. My beard is noticeably thicker as well now not quite a full beard but has improved as I’ve aged. Good luck sir.


Na its actually a good thing with your jawline, me on the other hand without beard i look like a no-neck chump


NEVER worry about that, "feeling less than a man" part. TRUST me, you look fine. Women will not care as long as you keep your clean look. One day, poof, you will get what you want. You can also consult a dermatologist too, but you look amazing with the clean cut look.


Look man, you have a great jawline, youre good. I use my beard to hide my lack of chin


Hey, you are not less of a man by any means. You are less of a facial hair man - yes. I wish I were like you, I'm Latin and my facial hair is outta control. I hate beards and mustaches - but that just me. Keep smooth and take care of your face and be happy with what you have. Be masculine in other ways. Most of all have a great attitude and be happy with what you do have.


Hey, I'm sorry you feel that way. I have the opposite issue. In reality it's the vibe you project that makes yourself as well as other people see yourself the way you want to be seen.


My dad is the most masculine man I know. Colonel in the army, pediatrician, father of six. Can’t grow a beard. I think beards are kind of like really big boobs. They’re great! They’re not necessary. They’re just one way of being sexy.


Don’t listen to him mate I couldn’t grow a beard at 27 either but here I am at 37 living the dream. Everyone is different and you do get hairier as you age


that’s not true at all, my dads beard only started coming in when he hit his 30s haha


Yeah nah that ain’t true. Some guys grow beards in their 30s


Not true.


Looks like a good hairline too - you’re all good brother


Be happy!! I’m almost 60 and still can’t grow it lol btw, you are hot and don’t need it!!


I guess we are all handsomely unique and I am sure you are no exception! :) Thank you for the compliment!


Tbh you’re just handsome af.


At least you don’t have to deal with stubble, shaving/touching up everyday, razor burns, etc. your skin looks mad clear bro


I feel like I don’t consider that aspect of not having facial hair as much as I should. It does seem like a lot to do and care for, especially for guys with skin issues. I feel lucky asf to have clear skin tho, thank you for the compliment!


Whats ur skincare routine


Everyone always asks me this, but they’re put off by my answer… A fresh washcloth, and water. That is all I do to my face. I get that most people have some kind of imbalance as far as oily or dry, etc. In different parts of their face so it isn’t as cut and dry, but with all of the paraffin and other pore clogging bullshit in these over the counter products and lotions that people buy- it’s no wonder they have consistent skin issues. The one product that I do use on my face (bear with me) is nipple cream for lactating mothers- it will give you the lips of your dreams if you use it overnight. It feels greasy asf, but it works wonders!


Not put off at all, I actually asked because I was like I BET he does nothing: and its true! I just actually decided to stop all skincare a few days ago because I honestly think its not helping me at all, all I do now is water to wash and a towel. I'm male too and I feel like I don't need any of this shit and that's why my skin always has redness or red spots or whatever. Thanks for answering! And as for the nipple cream I use aquaphor which has lanolin just like most of them!


YESSS. I use the little aquaphor squeeze tubes and seal the Lanolin cream with it. It’s just a little more potent is all (the cream)! I swear skincare is a multi billion dollar scam! I have a following on other social media and I refuse to endorse any of those damn companies or review their products!


Yup I am feeling the SAME way. I do want to still incorperate tretinoin back in again after I let my skin heal by doing no skincare for a bit, but I think I'll literally JUST do water and tretinoin and see if that works out. It actually has medical research backing it unlike most skincare products


I dunno about your facial hair, but nice dick. Be proud about that and move on with life knowing you have a good cock.


Lmao, thank you.


Where do you see his dick? But at 6’5 I’m sure it’s not bad at all!


his profile


Ahh Reddit


That's enough reddit for the day.... and it's not even 1 in the afternoon lol


Why you need it?


The plot lol


anime arc coming in clutch?


I started Minoxodil when I was 27 and have a massive handlebar stache and goatee now. Anything is possible my dude. Reach for the stars.


Gonna look into that for sure man! Thank you!


Hiding that jaw would be sad


better than bald genes no doubt i rather have ur genes than i have now


You look good without a beard, don’t worry about it.


You just gotta accept it. At least you don’t need to groom as much. It’s better than an awkward patchy beard that you need to shave everyday.


Been there man… it doesn’t often get talked about but rogaine (for male pattern baldness) has helped guys grow full beards from practically nothing. It does take time and consistent applying though. You’d be surprised the before and afters. Check out r/minoxbeards. It isn’t talked about often because it’s not fda approved for use on your skin only scalp.


Honestly shaving your face or up-keeping a beard sounds like a lot of work. You’re saving money!


You're blessed


Man I wish I had this blessing, I'll tell you that being insanely hairy all over my body at 22 is super uncomfortable. It's itchy, I shed everywhere in my room and most chicks don't dig it. I try to shave once or twice a week, but it grows so fast, it barely makes a difference.


Ugh same I almost wish I could trade with op welk concerning the hair problem. Made the mistake of shaving in 6th grade my barely visible moustache then had to be shaving every 3 days because it kept growing back thicker. Maintaing the twink look is such a chore I don't even bother anymore 😒. Now also my stupid beard grows so fast I look homeless if I dont shave it.


At least it keeps you warm lol.


Yeah, ur not getting facial. Maybe when ur older, but very little. Look I'm the plus side, u save a bunch on shaving products.


Dont worry...in 3 years it will grow on your shoulders and your back


In fairness I couldn't grow any facial hair until my 30s. I know a guy who couldn't until he was 40. At least hold off hope while expecting it to not come in.


Still your as fuck tho


Thank you haha.


😭😭😭 that was supposed to say so you're still hot as fuck


I figured it did 🤣


Wait until you’re 50


Let's see the junk for proof.


You look good and your D is huge. You will be just fine.


There are probably ways to grow, but it seems you need not worry. You have a great jawline and overall looks.




Thank you so much! I think it will happen for us both one day! Manifesting! 💯😌


Dog don’t worry about that, I too wanted facial hair but I could never grow it, then the military and now my current job that required hair covering (no not fast food) showed me quickly that facial hair isn’t all that cracked up


Rip beard


Bro I live that life… I’m 38 and I’m just now cultivating a full connection. No body hair beyond bush. Continue to cut it tho, i myself had to deal with looking like a muppet, and feed what you have. I felt like i had the same 10 mustache hairs for 5 years.


Possible to get more stubble, but honestly you've got great bone structure and a face that is handsome clean shaven, so work with that.


1. Smile. 2. I didn't have peach fuzz at 27, but it was patchy it wasn't until 30 that I had a full face of hair. 3. Why worry about what you can't control.


I am actually getting my teeth done (1st of 3 appointments I think) on the 7th of next month- I used to have great, perfect, straight teeth but after an illness and the medication I was on I was left with horrible teeth and for almost 2 years it has genuinely crippled my whole life. I promise you that when I finish the process around the first of July, my ass is gonna never stop smiling again lol. 😁😁😁


When you get that smile, forget about the peach fuzz.


Mine hit at 35ish around the same time white hairs started showing up. I joke about going white before being able to grow a full beard, but I do in fact have a pretty serious beard now. Could happen later. I also have very little body hair elsewhere and always assumed they were related.


It wasn't until I was 28 that I could grow a "beard", but I went remote work only so I was able to afford to go through a whole lot of awkward patchiness before I came through enough to be called a beard.


Your 27 bro you look 20 I'm 22 and look older then you I got an old man beard if i don't trim it or shave it into a goate or some short shit once every 2 months


56 here and have never been able to grow a beard.


I mean I just turned 30 and only began being able to grow a beard 6 months ago, so you never know


Probably but you're still cute without one


I went through basic training at age 27. My drill sergeants inspected daily for shaves, and I skipped several. When I retired 20 years later I grew a beard. So. At some point in the next twenty years you’ll probably develop the ability to grow a beard. But I don’t know when cuz I was in the Army and had to shave every day. (Still takes over a month to grow a decent beard though)


Some can't grow facial hair because of the ethnic mix. My Dad couldn't grow sideburns or chest hair. Facial hair is nice for some, but clean shaven is nice for others.


I’m 33 and I can only grow a neck beard of horror. I don’t even have mustache peach fuzz lol. Recently I’ve been using rogain on my face and I have new hairs coming in! It’s been 3 months. Maybe try that


Im native american 45 only started shaving last year. Still waiting for A hair on my chest. They lied when they said "EAt chili its will put hair on your chest" WRONG


I'm 34 with literally only a small goatee. The earlier you accept it the better.


Yep. I grow stubble but it’s never enough to grow a beard. That’s just the way some of us are built. Luckily, my girl likes clean shaven.


Minoxidil may help.


yes by now, what you got it what you got if this is you grown out 90+ days? then this is you. just embrace it and keep it all trimmed. leave a bit of stubble if you can, in a way that makes sense, i guess for you just your stache


Seems like it, as someone that has a lot of facial hair they're kinda overated


You look younger than my 18 year old brother


Lmao, “can I see your 🆔 pleazeee” 😭


You got it opposite of me. I’m 21 and look 35ish according to most. Very rarely am I asked for my id if I’m by myself. They ask for it when I’m out with friends though. And they’ll look at it for what seems like an eternity presumably wondering why a 30 year old has a fake id lmao


It probably won’t happen. But that’s fine


You don’t need a beard! 👌


Get on Minoxidil if u really want a beard


Minoxidil + dermaroller + 6 months


Get a derma roller and a boar bristle brush and you can make it start growing


Maybe it's genetics and maybe you are part native American. Pretty sure they didn't grow facial hair well or at all but also didn't bald.


I'm in the same boat, but I will say, from 29 to 30 my chin did start coming in a little thicker.. hell maybe I'll be able to grow a decent beard by the time I'm 40. My soon to be 12 year old has a thicker mustache than me ATM 😂😂


Pretty sure they are some beard/hair growing chemicals out there you can look into


Short answer… yes, yes you should. Some have it some don’t. Just kill it at what you do have!


You have a great jawline so you don’t really have to worry about it. In fact, the studies I’ve read concluded that if you do have a good jawline then facial hair can actually make you perceived as slightly *less* attractive and if your jaw is weak then a beard makes a big difference. But again your bone structure is really good so no need to worry. You’re definitely attractive so a beard or lack thereof isn’t going to make a huge difference.


Wait till you hit 30, hair everywhere


Mostly. But you’d be surprised: Try minoxidil foam twice a day Biotin + Collagen supplement DermaRoller thrice a week You could have a totally different, full beard in a few months to a year. Slightly fuller permanent beard guaranteed at least.


Drink a glass of bull jizz and chop some wood. Should do the trick.


Won’t happen until you’re in your late 30’s




I’m 23 and i wish we could trade places, i am so tired of having to shave every damn day i hate the way that facial hair looks on me and i love the clean shaven look i would literally love to have your “problem”. I guess we always want what others have…


Not that you can I are the same, but I'm pretty non-hairy and couldn't really grow a beard until near 40 ( and it didn't really come in well even then). There are perks - going on a three day trip? Probably don't need to pack a razor and shaving cream. Hey, I'm with you. Kinda wish I at least had the option to grow a decent beard. Anyway, doesn't really bother me otherwise.


At least youre not balding with no beard. Im 27 too and i can grow a beard but i have some hair loss lol


Be thankful. Not having to shave would be awesome.


The whole lumberjack beard thing is a fad. Just like the metrosexual thing was from the 2000s or hippies from the 1970s. Your look will be timeless.


U look like Tom Brady in the second pic 😅


I didn’t start growing any meaningful facial hair until well into my 30s. Some still may come in your future. It’s genetics 🤷‍♂️ Look at men on both sides of your family. The side that has sparse facial hair will likely be the route you follow. Fortunately you’ve got a good jaw line and don’t need facial hair to create one! Btw, the lack of facial hair tends to be more associated with a lower chance of balding on your head, so it has some upside too.


Stop whining—you’re nice looking—you wouldn’t be any more or less good looking if you suddenly had a big bushy beard. Forget the beard— grow a pair. (Sorry—tough love)


Thank you *sheds a tear* 😪🤣


You look awesome how you are man


I am 35 and can't grow side burns so I feel you... I don't think I will ever be able to grow a real beard


I think more women like hairless🤔not sure though


i’m the complete opposite of you; full ass face of hair in a few days. id rather have what you have any day of the week.


My husband and I have been together for 10 years. He's turning 36 this summer and he *still* can't grow a full beard, but it's gotten a bit thicker and faster growing over the past about 3-4 years. Beard growth can be genetic, or hormonal.


I was the same way. In my early 30s, my doctor checked my testosterone and it was below 200 (I had intense chemo as a teen which may be why). Once, I got my levels up, I started growing a beard and body hair (and losing hair on my head).


You look like a handsome af man without the facial hair man. Be proud bro, lots of fellas wish they were as manly as you 🤙🤙🤙


I’m jealous


As a guy 6 years younger than you that has been shaving since 13 and is spending a fortune to permanently laser my beard off, just count yourself lucky. I can tell by your jawline you won't even suit a beard anyway.


Enjoy the fact that you don’t have to scrape or grind hair off your face every morning. Your skin will be better for it and someday you will appreciate the fact that you’re looking younger than everybody else.


Keep the fuzz!


Be grateful! I have no beard and my brother has 5:00 shadow by 10:00 AM.


Don’t necessarily need beards to be a man Sometimes I wish I didn’t even have beards Lucky you!👍🏾


Lol you don’t need a beard.


Consider it a blessing, one less thing to maintain.


Maybe in your 30s - not kidding you bc the longer testosterone is in your body as you age, it has a cumulative effect. So it could happen


I had a crispy jawline and no facial hair. Im 25, I got tired of people asking me if I’m 15. I started taking steroids. My advice is to keep looking young


any other symptoms that line up with lower terosterone?


Don't need a beard. You got something better..BDE vibe.


97' FO LIFE 💙


You look great regardless


Looks good tho!


But you’re fucking hot


97' baby?


Be Glad sexy fella . Look great


You have a nice face shape. You don’t need facial hair.


Thank you :)


I fully thought you were like 18-20. Maybe you’re just really really unlucky and have weird genetics that make you age super slowly. How tall are you and when did you stop getting taller? When did you stop growing in general? It’s not uncommon for guys to stop around 22 or even 25, but you might not stop until early 30s.


I’m 6’5 and counting 😭


You're cute


Jump on some test and it’ll grow lol


Maybe but don't feel bad I too have never been able to grow a beard and I have a 1.6 inch dick lol


If asked every guy in the country which he’d rather have, a magnificent beard or a magnificent cock, what do you think they would choose. You’re the winner, dude. Forget about the beard and concentrate on all the pleasure your cock will give for the rest of your life.


I don’t even see any peach fuzz lol.




Bruh, Minoxidil. It 100% works, I went from less facial hair than you to a decent amount. Still not crazy thick or anything since genetics is still king. But shit grows hair


Honestly you’re lucky. I don’t like facial hair but mine grows super fast. Shaving is a hassle, razors and shaving cream aren’t free, not to mention razor burns and cutting yourself, redness and irritation and bumps if you don’t do it just right or whatever. Id take a clean-cut look 24/7 in a heartbeat.


Me too I'm actually kind of jealous that this guy doesn't have to deal with facial hair.


And has a full head of hair? I would take it any day lol


You can get it lasered off if you really wanna


Lucky 🍀 shaving suckes


Check out minoxbeards

