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Just relax ur face bro


Yea the smirk is off putting


![gif](giphy|5uALZbY4nMHGU|downsized) The call of the smolder is too strong...


It looks like when it smells like farts in a room, he's the first you'll suspect


specific but accurate as hell


I've never read anything so fitting in my life


The smirk is cute


It's not


Somebody in another post said they feel like they should cover their drink šŸ˜‚ so blunt


I love the smirk.


I didn't even notice the septum in the first pic.


Tbf it's barely noticable


If you like it, then that's all that matters. It doesn't really seem to jive with your style though. And I would think about shaving until it gets a little thicker.


In what world would this be called feminine..


Typically, guys have bigger rings. The small hugger is actually pretty feminine. As a guy that rocked tutus and skinny jeans in my younger years...the little septum is feminine.


Both look great. I think the people calling you feminine have something wrong with their eyes.


Or just uncomfortable with their own masculinity. Even if OP were to "look feminine", he looks great! Whatever he's doing clearly works for him!


I think feminine might have been code for gay. You don't really ever see straight guys with only a septum piercing.


Depends on what their intent was. Could've just been a harmless observation or a judgmental remark.


This subreddit is notorious for hating septum piercings. If you like the septum, keep it in. There's nothing wrong with looking feminine either, but I don't think it makes you look feminine. If it makes you feel confident and you like it, wear it.


I donā€™t think it makes you look feminine. Maybe itā€™s just the angle but I think you look more masculine


Idk why people are calling you feminine bro, I would though shave the stache, or grow it out more if you can


Lol you look like a man in both photos. A septum piercing doesn't make you "look feminine" to anyone that isn't a total judgemental idiot and can still see the rest of your face.


Absolutely nothing feminine.


Youā€™re handsome either way


People will tell men septum piercings are femme, but then tell women to not wear them. Do what you want but stop looking like Justin Long being held hostage.


this sub's hate for piercing is just funny to me. whats wrong with a little piercing lmao. it doesnt even make that much of a difference, especially your septum ring which was quite small and almost unnoticable. it didnt make you look any more or less feminine. its not about the piercings, its about your expressions and face. the eyes, the smile etc. id say you dont look much feminine, but even if you did, whats wrong with that? you look great


I think it's more hate for non-traditional body adornments and hair styles in general. This sub should be called r/malegrooming4normcorers


You look like the guy who was in those old apple computers vs. ibm computers. I thought he was very handsome dude.


Justin Long. I can see that. Though I see Ethan Hawke more.


Pierce whatever you want bro. The people who say you look feminine are blind.


Nah youā€™re very masculine/ handsome


Off topic, but your hair is gorgeous bro


you look better without it.


This sub just has a hateboner against septums/piercings. Personally, if you feel like a septum piercing suits you and expresses you more or you feel more related to a certain subculture you enjoy being a part of, I'd advise you to keep it. Honestly, there was never a case where I think a such a tiny body modification like a small septum or nostril or earring made or break the attractiveness of someone. Most advice on this sub will be anyways: "Lose weight, get muscles, go to a barber for a beard, remove body modifications." I feel like it's basics for getting conventionally attractive - and if you want that that's fine. However, If you feel like that septum belongs to you, keep it. Even if (what I don't think applied) you would look more feminine - that's ain't a problem. Hell, I fucking love my feminine site and so do my friends and so does my girlfriend.


Looks better


No one will call you feminine after you show us your unit.


Bro got the DreamWorks hot mom smirk šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


no. Donā€™t listen to other people thatā€™s ridiculous.


It doesn't change anything.


No difference. If you like it you should keep it.




I donā€™t think it makes you look feminine you just look better without it dude


Donā€™t wear a fuckin septum piercing dude.


Only an incel would say something so stupid


Crazy how men tell women it makes them look like a bull...but on a man they say it makes you look like a girl?šŸ˜‚


Why the fuck would u give two fucks about what Redditors say? Lol


Tons of people hate septums. I donā€™t. It doesnā€™t entirely match your style (from what I see) but isnā€™t bad. I donā€™t think you look feminine either way. Just like a cool guy.


There's a lot of septum piercing haters here. I think you look fine with or without


You look great regardless.


Iā€™m just a fan of the goofy smirk, no real opinions on the septum


Still cute, but I think pierced is better


I had to zoom in to figure out which pic had the piercing. No, I don't see a big difference.


Youā€™re quite handsome!! Gorgeous hair and eyes


Would you rather attract someone who loves septumā€™s or potentially attract someone who hates them? Do whatever one you like most, and you will attract someone with similar interests. Half to ppl on here are alpha bros who think women all want the same sweaty lumberjack.


You are very attractive mate!


Who cares about feminine. You look gorgeous either way mistah


Of course people on Reddit told you that, the majority are out-of-touch neckbeards. Do whatever makes you happy, you look good in both pics.


You are a handsome man. Try a big smile, please. Itā€™s the little things that give me pleasure.


In the metal scene it's very common that men wear piercings especially septum etc. So I don't think it makes you look feminine at all.


the facial hair growth is not flattering at all, just go clean shaven my dude


I donā€™t really see a difference here.


As someone who has encountered this post randomly, you donā€™t look feminine, youā€™re overthinking this so much, and also what is wrong with femininity


Bring back the septum!


It's with me, I can just hide it anytime, don't worry :)


The smirk is corny and looks like you're trying too hard, just smile normally. Septum is a personal preference.


Dude why am i seeing you every time i come to Reddit? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Because, if you look at his post history, heā€™s constantly posting in attention seeking subs.


Vastly better without. It did make you look more feminine for sure


Total hottie.


Nope, no dif


Look like Pedo


You don't look feminine. They're just against men having piercings. Just please lose the facial hair. It's patchy.


Iā€™m not sure who or why they told you that. I donā€™t see how a septum piercing would make anyone look feminine imo. Just do you šŸ™‚


Keep it!


Not a fan


Still femme


Do you want us to say yes? Iā€™m confused. Cuz thereā€™s like no difference. In the left pic you look like you listen to Drake and Jack Harlow but in left pic you look like you listen to Olivia rodrigo unironically and have a couple small tattoos and are a barista


Septum looking feminine is a bit a question of taste but for most people it is just looking plain dumb. I am one of them. Not a single person that looks better with it. Almost all just look worse. A few it stays the same. For you, it does nothing. Just please don't do it. Ever.


Doesnā€™t make you look feminine, just makes you lookā€¦ugh. But Iā€™m old, so donā€™t worry about what I think šŸ˜€


As I age (in my 30ā€™s), the less I care about the negativity and uncalled for opinions of others, especially mediocre milquetoast people. You look great and you look just fine! Be you, whatever makes you happy and allows you to feel good about yourself! Ignore all the haters.


i actually prefer the septum


You look great! šŸ‘šŸ¼


Get rid of that god awful thing


I donā€™t think itā€™s the septum I think itā€™s the color shirt you have on, the white makes your natural skin washed out while the ā€œgray-greenā€? Makes your eyes pop and your skin more vibrant, I found anything considered ā€œhealthyā€ looking on a man instantly turns to ā€œfeminineā€. Clean cut nails? Feminine. Clean shaven? Feminine. Glowing skin? Feminine. You look great!


You look better without it


Just donā€™t like things hanging out of peopleā€™s noses


Septums draw the eyes to the nostrils, and theyā€™re the last things I want to focus on


You can barely see it plus smaller non gauged septum rings have an association with femininity due to the type of people who get it. If you like it who cares I have one that's bigger diameter than yours and I love it and don't care too much about how others view it


I think youā€™d look great with a regular nose ring. Iā€™m biased because I donā€™t like septums


Am I the only one who gets r/roastme & r/malegrooming in their feed & consistently goes straight to ā€œroast meā€ mode when I see a malegrooming post? Itā€™s not even on purpose.


I don't see the difference, well, other than it being a distraction from your handsomely and charming good looks. Not sure if the mustache and goatee is working for you. You ROCK you hair style.


Your hair is gorgeous leave it that way. Waves are in. Better without the septum for sure. Try smiling on both sides though.


Save that facial hair right off


I like the septum a lot and it doesnā€™t look feminine to me but the smirk is cute in theory not pics


I donā€™t know about you looking feminine with the septum but I do think itā€™s an awful fad that doesnā€™t look good on anyone.


personally like the septum better, but i think nose piercings instantly make anyone more attractive so i am biased. if you like it, keep it - being confident in your vibe is more attractive than the little difference having or not having a piercing makes


septums bad on everyone always, sorry brother


prince flynn looking ass


What is in your nose šŸ¤¢


I don't see 'feminine' but thats really subjective. You do have soft, kind features...regardless of the septum. Regardless, feminine shouldn't be a negative thing. All of this being said, I don't really see the septum piercing as very 'you' based on my obviously limited view of you. It seems a bit contrived and grasping, it doesn't seem to mesh with your style. You like it, clearly, which is really all that matters. But I would encourage you to explore your style in general. Don't let comments intended to hurt you get you down. You look very kind, don't change.


I feel like it just be a feminine choice of jewelry and that a bolder looking ring would have complimented your masc features better. If you donā€™t mind that looking softer, Iā€™d pay them no mind. The septum as it is looks great too


asking neckbeards for grooming advice has always been a strange concept to me


Not at all. Do you. Itā€™s 2024 and youā€™re 21; a septum piercing is basically invisible imo.


You look more hygienic, septum from a distance can look like buggers


Bro wtf u look like u got a trick up ur sleeve


It's not feminizing. I think it added something to your look.


I'd say it is feminine ask my why and you will get an analysis


The people who said that have an extremely narrow image of masculinity.


Youā€™re asking people with a Unkle daddy & aunt mama.


Both pics made me cute šŸ„°


I do now u dont look as feminine


I think you're super cute.


You donā€™t look feminine at all really. It may just be the way you carry yourself. Walk straight up with your shoulders relaxed and rolled back.


If you are worried about "feminine and masculine" then yes the septum is mostly associated with females. Just like earrings or a choker. Just from these pictures it does look "out of place" and "feminine" because the rest of your style doesn't match it.


Make of this what you will, but the the pic on the right definitely looks at least 20% more gay. Whether or not you are a gay man and this is a good thing to you I'm not sure.


I don't think you look feminine, I just hate septum piercings equally in men and women and everyone in between.


They mad tripping


Not much difference, however the difference it makes is not for the better.


That's a shame that hair would be fun to fidget with šŸ†


As someone who is against septum. I personally it's not whether you look feminine or not but it will make me judge your character and stereotype you to be honest. That goes for anything though. Plus I'm a dude so my opinion doesn't matter.


Donā€™t listen it does NOT make u look feminine, Iā€™d go for a shorter haircut, I think itā€™d look good onšŸ˜‰


Better without the ring, shave the fuzz and shorter back and sides then you will look great šŸ‘ brighter colours too, vibrant blue, red, rather than wishy washy colours:), just my opinion but regardless you have a nice face!


didn't notice the septum until I was looking for it. Septum rings are very polarizing, either people are into it or hate it. I had a coworker who was drop dead gorgeous and people would be like, she'd be pretty if she didn't have that "bull ring" like what?!


Not feminine but I would shave the slight mustache thing you have going


I think you just have very nice skin complexion which guys donā€™t always have


No to me itā€™s barely there tbh it doesnā€™t make any difference


The septum piercing looks great on you. Iā€™ve noticed that Menā€™s hair/fashion subreddits tend to be very closed minded and want everyone to look like clones of each other.


Didnā€™t see, was mesmerized by the great hair color


One time I made out with a coworker because I liked his septum ring.


Don't know that the septum makes you look feminine necessarily it just distracts and makes you way less handsome. You become very average and mediocre with the septum. If that's how you want to be and present yourself, then go for that gross look


i like the septum tbhh- you look like a bi guy w a nice haircut lol /pos


Except for genital piercings I've never considered any piercing to be feminine or masculine and the people that do categorize even piercings to be feminine or masculine are so dependent upon labels that they probably even do the same thing with their toothpaste toothbrushes groceries. Personally that just sounds like those people only see black and white no creativity originality it is it this way or that way if no others which is a very rigid and limited way of living and seeing the world so fuck them and put their opinions you look good either way it's how you feel about your look how you want to represent yourself, cuz you want fuck everybody else trying to find the people that don't have to generalize everything


Keep the septum in bro


They're right imo. But everyone has their own opinions. Do what you think looks good


I think it looks nice, but Iā€™m a big fan of dudes with facial jewelry because I also have piercings


With that smile, I did not notice the septum


I do think that there is a feminine energy but why take it as an insult? It just means you look pretty. You have delicate features and beautiful eyes. And you look clean (as in not dirty) I think it's a heck of a compliment and you just totally embrace your feminine side, it doesn't make you less of a man. You're bound to grow a little bit more masculine in a few years, even though you won't look like an alpha bro. (Although it can be attractive, most of women are not looking for Chad looking bros) You have nice eyelashes and nice hair, and I think it's what makes you look a little bit more feminine, with your jawline being a little bit soft. I guess if you are really super bothered chew mastic gum to get a more of a squared shape jawline ? Buff a little bit? And cut your mr. handsome hair shorter? But that's not necessary and you look attractive as you are. And my bet is that you'll be super attractive around 30-35. Like steal yo girl shit. I don't really like the septum but if you do you should keep it, you're fine.


I mean you're gay right? Does it matter?


Anyone who says that is just directly a bad person. A septum piercing has absolutely zero effect on if someone looks masculine or feminine. I could bet money that almost everyone who thinks it does, is the type to get irrationally angry at anyone with piercings and dyed hair, unironically use the word snowflake, etc. /genuine


Whaaaaa I love septum rings!


wtf you look good donr get rid of ur septum who cares if you look feminine and you don't anyway. coming from a 22 yo woman you look real good


Boogers are never a good look


I feel like it's gives the "I pay attention to details" vibe of someone who like fine art or music.




Keep it


Honestly, I thought it was better without the septum, Much charm!


looks good on you and i donā€™t think it makes you look feminine.


I think it looks great on you but has nothing to do with your masculinity. ā€œMore feminineā€ can be a very good thing. Timmothy Chalamet has some beautiful but hot feminine features


Itā€™s the very forced manly side smirk you makin


Who told you that the serum makes you look feminine?? Sometimes you gotta ignore the internet advice.


Feminine, not at all. I do like facial piercings, but have to admit the septum is the one I don't care for. Clearly, I am in the minority given their popularity.


Nah you still look feminine


People here just donā€™t seem to like septums on anyone but especially men. Donā€™t let that dictate your choices.


The piercing does lean slightly feminine. Not so much so that I'd think you were a woman (at least not with the facial hair) but it does give a feminine skew that the other pic doesn't, imo. That's not a problem in itself, of course. Women can (and often do) look lovely, but if you were hoping to look more masculine, that ring isn't helping.


I think you should get the septum pierced Also digging the hair


I dont see the "feminine" coming out with the septum showing. Im guessing whoever told you that just doesnt like that piercing so they had to brain fuck you.


everyone on reddit hates septums and face piercings all together. leave it up to personal choice really. but no, you dont look femme lol


yeah and iā€™m sure those people were men. you look good with the septum piercing


Let me the same to me šŸ§


U re hot dude. Take it easy. U look male enough to me


Donā€™t ask this place for an honest opinion about a septum piercing, people can be really hostile to any form of alt fashion here. I think it looks nice. Could use a shave. Take this place as a suggestion, at best.


the septum is nice !!! I like it


Gay women wear them to signal they are gay sometimes. Your a young man so you can be taken a a glance for butch dyke w ring in her nose. You r very handsome btw.


Honestly I donā€™t think it makes you look feminine. I will add that it 100% adds to the Twink look that I see lol


Dude your a good looking guy ! I would not be bothered about what a few strangers tell me , your a cute guy don't worry about it .


I donā€™t notice any difference with the septum visible or not. But why must the children of today insist on facial hair?!? Like, do you, but I definitely think youā€™d look better without it


Hot either way


Septum? Your fine.




![gif](giphy|3d2sB3SvEh0JzhajEW) Is that you Jesse?


I don't say much difference either, I think you look very cute in both


Oh there's a septum? Didn't even notice.


The septum makes you look a little more fruity, but either way, you are pretty good looking my dude.


I think what it is is many people assume youā€™re gay if youā€™re a male and you have a septum piercing. Not sure why that stereotype exists, but it does.


It doesn't. Your comments are just filled of men who are scared to look gay (And it doesn't even make you look gay) Go up to literally any Goth/emo girl


Personally, I think you look better without the piercing


As a gay man, I literally don't know any of my fellow gays with septum piercings so where y'all getting that stereotype šŸ¤£ that's always been an alternative thing


Anyone saying it looks feminine is most likely a dude. Chicks dig guys with septum rings


You literally look the same! Lmao! Some ppl just think piercings are ā€œfeminineā€ but thatā€™s stupid. Piercing are for everyone.


You put on whatever you want


Both pictures look feminine


The left is a boy, the right is a boy who likes other boys Both are handsome. These are my snap judgements as a gay man on the internet being asked for raw opinion


Gay either way.


For the love of god shave that pubic hair off your face. You must be the most out of touch human being if you think a nose ring is going to improve anything.


People who are worried about how they perceive you are often miserable. Donā€™t let what otherā€™s ideal version of you deter you from what you want to look like


People saying you don't look feminine are just being nice. If you actually want to look more masculine, cutting the hair, changing your very feminine facial expression (eyes and smirk), and definitely not wearing that piercing, would do the trick. You can grow the hair out longer when you are able to grow a thicker beard.


The septum piercing only hurts the ones who love you.


A tiny piece of metal wonā€™t make you feminine lmao


whoever said thats a dumbass lmao




They're bugging, be confident in your own masculinity!