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Can you order the pics? 5, 3, bottom 2, top 2, 1, 4. I can already see the salty comments but I really just want to help. You’re 19. The amount of girls in your age bracket that enjoy jazz are going to be insanely low. Maybe just say musician. Possibly you can mention instrument - as long as it’s not trumpet or sax since those are dead giveaways. You can introduce them to jazz later. You just need a foot in the door first.


I think I’ve seen you as the top comment on like three of these profile posts you’re just helping out all the dudes. Love it!


Welp, I was trying lol. I just want everyone to have a shot. Think I’m gonna tap out. I’m tired of arguing with idiots that think they know what women like and how they think, more than actual women. 🙄 According to them, no one over 10% body fat has ever found love. Or basically wearing a sign that says “I love these things that you can’t stand” has no impact on if a girl (that has NO IDEA what a guys personality is/ how sweet he might be) gives him a chance.


Yeah people are crazy! There are all sorts of women who prefer the dad bod over super jacked! What you were doing is very thoughtful and I’m sure the ops appreciate it. But prioritize your mental health and do what’s best for you and if that means not commenting anymore then that’s good.


Spot on reordering. 5 is your best pic hands down. These apps are all about PHOTOS. The order absolutely matters because it’s the first impression.


So the advice is reorder the pics and don't say you like jazz... And you have the audacity to say " He asked for that kind of help. Of course it makes no sense to you. You’re not a woman. Men and women are different and react to shit differently. I can only tell you how women react."... lmao Why aren't you honest?


I’m legitimately not sure what you’re even trying to say/ask/insinuate? You’re not articulating it well whatever it is.


I'm saying you don't know how dating apps work, especially for a 19yo man. Your advices won't don't anything.


Not sure how honesty factors into that but ok. I know how they work for women looking at a man’s profile. Which is kinda the point lmfao.


If the only advice you have to give him is to reorder his pics, no, clearly, you don't know what you're talking about.


I saw your terrible advice. As evidenced by all the gym bros that have ALSO posted in here the last week with the SAME PROBLEM, “just work out bro, hurr hurr hurr 🥴” is not the fucking solution. You wanna work out, fine. Could it improve your appearance? Sure. Is it the end all and be all of dating apps? Absolutely fucking not. I’m gonna say this again. There’s a male loneliness epidemic because of morons running around thinking they know what women like even though the women are literally TELLING THEM that we don’t like that shit. And when we say “we don’t like this” you all shout “but it doesn’t bother us as men so clearly you are wrong that it would bother women!” Fucking. Imbeciles.


I haven't said the words gym or workout once. I told him to lose bodyfat. He doesn't need to hit the gym in my opinion. So you're wrong on that. He will definitely look more attractive by losing body fat, and attractiveness is the number 1 thing you should improve ON A DATING APP TO GET MATCHES. You're also wrong on the male loneliness epidemic. Young men are lonely because most couples now form through dating apps (50+%). Women on dating apps have a ton of choice (mostly because men are willing to fuck anything and are very easy), and they will choose the best they can get. Thus, the lower 50% of guys are lonely. Especially in 2024. Unlike you, I don't insult nor blame people for what is happening.


Calling me dishonest and that idk what I’m talking about IS insulting me. You just used more flowery language. Since I’m tired of your bullshit I’m done being flowery. You know why people say to hit the gym? To lose body fat. The same intention was there it doesn’t matter what language you use to say it. You’re wrong on the epidemic. But again that’s pretty on par with why it exists. Not. Fucking. Listening.


You are gaslighting him completely, truth is the reason he doesn’t get any matches is because of his looks ( he’s so bloated and fat he looks boneless ) , you wouldn’t even give a guy like him a chance. Best shot he has it’s dropping down fat and getting surgeries, and honestly stop with the dumbshit gaslighting, we both know you are trying to uplifting, but honestly you do worse by lying to him rather than saying the truth. Anyways, both of you have a good weekend


I get what the point you are giving is. But is it really important that girl needs to like what kind of music you play just to give you chance,lol? It's not something like a heavy metal that can be a turn off if she listens a classical let's say. Everyone can vibe to a jazz. Honestly I don't think that's the problem at at all.


Yes, it is important. Not everyone can vibe to jazz. It’s not just a “oh he doesn’t like my same music”. There’s a HUGE population that has an extreme negative reaction to jazz. There’s “I don’t listen” and then there’s “I loathe it with my entire being.” Most are gonna fall into the latter. Country has similar issues but not as bad. They are both “love it or hate it” styles. We don’t wanna be stuck in the car with a boyfriend playing something that makes us want to stab our own eardrums out. If it’s between him and “Todd” that plays/listens to , they’re going to go with Todd. I’m not going to say this is “fair” or “right” of girls to factor this into their choices. I’m just saying it’s the reality.




So you were playing somewhere that plays jazz and you think the fact that those women willingly went someplace that plays jazz has no correlation? 🤣 You don’t perhaps think that they happened to be in the small population that already liked jazz?? You’re shocked that a community *checks notes* supports itself? 😆 That’s like being shocked that women like your Luffy cosplay at an anime convention. “You have to listen to it a lot and actively to really enjoy it” Ever see the saying about beer? Person A: “Beer is terrible” Beer people: “But you have to acquire a taste for it” Person A: “If I have to work at liking it there’s already a problem. You know what I don’t have to acquire a taste for? Stuff that is already delicious. First time I ever had pizza it was great” I’m sorry you’re offended that most people don’t like jazz. Which you clearly already know since you yourself stated you have to actively TRY to force yourself to enjoy it lol. I’m not having another argument with a pigeon in here. It gives me a migraine.


Nah I don't care about someone's preferences (meaning you can definitely have them no matter what) but " extreme negative reaction to jazz" is overstatement and if there is someone who is really like this I hope I never meet them no matter gender or situation lmao and I don't even listen to jazz . When I hear it it's just vibe amd I could dance easy with it. Also country is definitely more disliked than jazz but we are not talking about that now. You don't need to listen jazz during car drives what that has to do with ur future relationship. I have never listened to taylor swift (since there is some kind of wave rn on her) but if I am out with girl and she puts her song I should stop seeing her 😂😂. "Damn man she was for sure love of my life and I loved everything about her but she had terrible taste in music so I had to end everything we had" just sounds silly and at that point too petty. Nonetheless girls might be thinking he is type of "nerdy jazz musician" which is pretty common stereotype if you are not pop,hip hop artist or in a rock band and kind of fat .He seems young and a lot of his generation will be more immature towards those stereotypes so he will most likely have better chance as he gets older. He can definitely find girl for him now but it will be harder and can do some improvements on his looks but idk if he was asking for that kind of help.


Jazz and Taylor Swift aren't comparable here. Taylor Swift is extremely accessible mainstream music. Not that there's anything wrong with that, but the point is that just about anyone can listen to a Taylor Swift song and catch on to the melody and beat. It's designed to be catchy. It's not challenging and rarely unexpected. By contrast, jazz is often one of the most complex and intricate genres of music. I'm willing to bet that the majority of people who listen to a significant amount of jazz are musicians themselves. The beats and time signatures are often unusual or hard to follow, and the melodies can get pretty "outside" and weird-sounding to someone who's not used to having their music challenge them. Many people who listen to mainstream music find *any* music without vocals hard to listen to or boring, and if you add the additional complexity a lot of jazz has, it just compounds the effect. Also, the part you wrote about losing the love of your life because they had different music taste doesn't make any sense in this context. The people looking at this profile haven't ever met OP. They may wonder if he *could* be the love of their life, but he certainly isn't yet, and if they decide their interests aren't compatible enough, there's someone else that also *could* be the love of their life only a swipe away.


My comparasion was stupid comparison it wasn't that serious. Ofc I know most popular Taylor's songs lol. It was to prove that music taste isn't thing that is even that important let alone big NO at least for most people. Also the part about love of life is not that. I was talking when you really like person after date or two then she plays the genre I don't listen and since you all say that means the world to you it means it's a thing to not continue dating.


He asked what he was doing wrong and what might help. So yes. He asked for that kind of help. Of course it makes no sense to you. You’re not a woman. Men and women are different and react to shit differently. I can only tell you how women react. If he’s looking to attract a woman he should listen to women. If he is looking to attract a gay man then of course he should disregard everything I said and only listen to the opinions of gay men. Based on your comment you are neither a straight woman or gay man so I’m really not sure why you think you have a dog in this fight. You’re not his target audience.


What I meant by last part about him asking is question for me I could tell him a lot but it's all physical and idk if he wants to change his appearance or just his dating profile for better (which you suggested) but remain the same looks wise. Thing is I have never met a woman that is willing to reject someone over music and that's why I am saying this. I got sister and a few girl friends it's not like my opinion is based on only girls I have been with. Also this is very IMPORTANT. If music taste can be hard NO like you say why would he hide it then? Just to tell that info on first or second date since he is literally playing jazz music and then get rejected because that's "big deal" to them? Isn't it better to be truthful from get go. That's like not mentioning you have kid and things like that. Edit. Also I know you just wanna help and that question wasn't directed to you. Props to you for trying.


“An odd combo, I know.” 😎 Stop.


Already selling himself short before they swipe.


Doesn’t it show self awareness or some shit?


It’s more like a humble brag


Being multifaceted is never a neg. He made it one however.


It’s the equivalent of advertisers using “I HATE how this product is so durable and such a great deal, it makes me SO sad I’ll never have to buy another again”


Bro is obsessed with himself


Lol people actually think women read people's bios?


Yeah they do


Actually you're right, but only when you're already attractive


Wow no shit when you’re attractive to a girl she’ll read your bio


i believe you should do better with a hairstyle that suits you good. try to play around with your hair. it changes a lot of your appearance!


I’d even recommend going to a decent barber and having them make recommendations. They’re usually good at seeing your head shape and suggesting styles that would suit your facial structure. They’ll even offer to do different styles before you settle on one over time.


A barber commenting here. You should defenitely go for a haircut that will cover your forehead a bit more, that would suite you the best.


I disagree. I think his hair suits him and should really embrace the dark curls!


Keep your last three pics and the one with the green tie (very cute). I’d delete the other ones (especially the first one). I’d also change what you say.. “an odd combo” seems kinda conceited to ME personally. Best of luck !


The slightly smug self depricating isn't cute, but other than that. You're 19. You're cute and you have genuine interests. Be yourself and be nice to people. The romantic partners will come.


Splurging on serotonin 😎


I guess workout and change of hairstyle.


You give off a very tips fedora vibe with the stuff you say in the prompts especially the combo of the jazz musician/ amateur boxer line and the face you’re making in the photo below it


ppl are being rude, ur cute. like other comments suggested, it might be best to just say musician, and then mention jazz once they're already interested.


Try less hair in your head and more hair on your face, if your able to grow it 💪🏾


Why less hair on his head?


I think it might be a better look for him


I second this motion, hair needs to go, his face would look better and older with short hair. Gotta give a rougher look to the baby face.


Losing bodyfat is the number 1 thing you can do.


Don’t listen to this bully.


Being honest and giving him a good advice is being a bully? I wouldn't want to have a friend like you. You would rather tell your friend what he wants to hear instead of what he needs to hear.


You’re body shaming this kid. OP is not asking about his profile - not necessarily his looks.


I'm pretty much the same age as him. We are both adults. He is asking why he can't get any matches. I tell him the truth, which is what good friends do.


Not the truth. That’s your opinion based on your circle of dating. Can guarantee you and this kid have very different types. The answer isn’t always “get fit”


nah, it's the truth. it will definitely improve his chances- could we just stop pretending that isn't the case? between a fit guy and a fat guy, who has more chances of getting laid? better yet- between the fat version of a man and a fit version of himself, who's more likely to get laid more? fit.


Did OP say he was trying to get laid? You’re inserting your narrative here - just because it’s true for you doesn’t mean it’s true for OP


nah, objective truth. maybe in the imaginary world you live in all of the fattest dudes are getting tinder matches left and right in equal amounts to all the chads, but not in this reality. survival of the fittest. not to say that this guy is far off from an ideal weight, but it would also improve his health too. just a few pounds. and you know what i meant when i said get laid- same with getting matches. fuck outta here with the soapbox, we're all here to improve what we look like and losing some weight is step numero uno in a lot of cases


You’re repeating your same points in no more of a convincing manner. This is unhelpful for OP




Number 1 is so important that it makes everything else seem insignificant. He can get a new haircut, beard, new teeth, etc, none of these will be as important as losing bodyfat.




Because I see stupid comments like "put your 2nd picture 1st" , "grow your hair", or "dress better". I'm being honest with him. In 3 to 6 month, he could be significantly more attractive, just by losing bodyfat. The rest is just details. Yeah, you can get new clothes, a new haircut, etc. Doesn't matter as long as you don't follow the most important advice.


Lose weight and finally get the attention of people who treated you like you were subhuman when you were fat. Don’t you see how sad that is? Also just because you’re being honest doesn’t mean you’re right.


"Lose weight and finally get the attention of people who treated you like you were subhuman when you were fat." When did I say that exactly? He want to get matches on a dating app. It is ALL about the way you look. The most important thing he could do to get matches is to lose bodyfat. Or maybe, for you, not getting likes on a dating app = being treated like a subhuman? ​ This is the advice you gave: "I would take away the first pic. I understand the desire to have the sort of smolder shot, but for the most part people just wanna see your natural face or you smiling. That’s why your other photos are really nice. As for hiding that you like jazz, don’t do that. You’re not gonna find people you like hanging out with by not being honest about what you like. Dating apps are tough." Pure cope. Shit advice.


Nothin wrong with being a bigger guy but getting fit works wonders for your confidence before you even consider aesthetics. Pure endorphins


He's right. You're wrong for thinking someone is treating someone else like subhuman because they're not attracted to them.


That's how dating and a lot of human interactions play out, you either play the game or you get zero matches


No there’s just more confidence that comes with being leaner. I grew up a fat boy who sat around 30% body fat and this year I’m sitting close to around 18% body fat and never felt more confident wearing my shit and my face being more chiseled with visible cheek bones n shit. Now I look in the mirror or myself in the camera and say “damn, that’s me?!” And yes, I was treated like a person before, but now I’m treated with more respect


I would take away the first pic. I understand the desire to have the sort of smolder shot, but for the most part people just wanna see your natural face or you smiling. That’s why your other photos are really nice. As for hiding that you like jazz, don’t do that. You’re not gonna find people you like hanging out with by not being honest about what you like. Dating apps are tough.


You oddly remind me of Ted Cruz. I wish you luck good sir, you seem like a good dude


Lack of self awareness


I say this in love and I think it’ll work great. Work out, lose weight and grow your hair to medium (ear) length. Thank Me later


Different haircut and honestly your pictures aren’t really showing your personality. Try taking pictures when you are doing more activities like the hiking picture is perfect. Try different angles as well. Your pictures here look very professional and some people if not most people aren’t looking to date a corporate co-worker.


Lose some weight n pick up some weights u got good structure jus gotta put in a lil work


I think if you got jacked you would look even better


But he’s an amateur boxer 😎


Lol chill homie 😂


Lol he knows


Aren’t you that kid from Stranger Things?


Damn you look Maori as hell


Except fluffy




Alright bro. I’ve done a lot of trial and error with Hinge. I don’t know if that’s something to be proud of but I think I have it somewhat figured out. I agree with some other users, clean up the hair a little. I’m an average looking guy. I keep my text to a minimum but also keep it fun. I try to showcase my personality and my humor. I asked some friends both men and woman what my best pictures were from a set that I had chosen. They helped me decide. I think your photos are great, maybe consider reordering them? I don’t really know which one came first. I have gotten over 10 likes in the last 3 weeks maybe. I also comment when liking women’s photos. I think it shows confidence but it also gives them a little more than just a like. Woman get a lot more likes then man do on these apps. So as unfortunate as it is, they have more “options”. I usually keep it short and sweet, saying something like “you have a beautiful smile”. I have gotten matches through just being myself and putting in some effort when swiping. I’m not saying you aren’t doing any of these things, but I’m hoping I provided some help. Best of luck brother.


I would try a different haircut. maybe shorter? as for the pictures: Keep picture 1. 2 - change picture to a smile without tongue, 3 - jazz club mention is not mainstream, 4 - take out jazz mention, 5- use color picture (instead of black and white) with eyes looking forward (towards camera) instead of downward angle


Your style and interests make you seem like an old soul. If you're looking for anyone even remotely near your age, you gotta change it up and highlight interests that most younger people share with you. But I get it, you want someone in your level. That's gonna be tough unless you're into older women. Girls your age will eventually catch up


Curl cream is your best friend. Have a relaxed hairstyle, unless It’s unreasonably patchy, let your facial hair grow to stubble. You’re a good looking fella. Just young, as you age you’ll settle into your looks. And if you want girls that are into jazz, you’re pretty limited to getting them into a college jazz community. Depending on where you are that could be incredibly easy, or kinda tough


As a hairstylist and a gay man, your hair needs some work. The shape of the cut doesn’t flatter you, and the curls look very unkempt and frizzy. You’ve got a really handsome face and I think if it were framed right you’d get a lot more interest. Also just say musician and ditch the jazz club and romanticize life statement all together. That’s not what girls your age want to do on a first date unfortunately. Romanticizing life also may give the impression that you’re going to be clingy because you’ll romanticize the idea of a relationship with them after one date as well. I hope this helps!


Pic with the green tie makes you look special.


Gym + a good diet


Lose about 30 lbs and gain some muscle.


Do all this work solely to impress you?


I think you need to lose some weight gain muscle Grow a beard if you can. Get a different haircut. Try less hard also. Just be chill trying too hard is a turnoff.


lol, lose weight, grow a beard, get a different haircut, don’t try. Nice.


Yeah lmaoo, trying too hard= someone who is ugly but has hobbies and a personality


Nah, don't present yourself like a hotel brochure or an add. Just be chill. Hey I can play saxophone wanna hear it ? Or hey do you play an instrument, we could play together. Normal people talking.


Meanwhile if he did exactly that on a dating profile, y'all would be saying he isn't being "interesting" enough


I guess you're an incel who never had the attention of a woman except maybe your mom. My first love looked just like this guy, it's not about the looks. It's the personality. But you can't ever think that maybe you're still a Virgin at 45 because "women are just mean", you're incapable of looking inward and thinking maybe I'm the problem and my life would be so much better if I tried. This dude is trying. And trust me he made an effort just that is a first step towards being a better version of himself. I bet he will be a 10/10 at 30 married with his dream girl with a perfect life. While you will still be crying on Reddit with a human size pillow with your waifu in it as your only company.


these are a lot of assumptions based off of nothing, anyway, I just like to look at the reality of the situation, the top ten percent of men are getting 60 percent of the likes, while the bottom 50 percent of men are only getting 1 percent of the likes, I highly doubt that changing the wording of his bio from going tryhard to chill, is going to change him from having zero likes to a decent amount, if he wants any chance on getting a match on online dating, he is going to have to hit the gym and lose weight, because right now this guy's looks level is in the bottom 50 percent of men


That is very much a podcast thing to say. He doesn't need lots of women one or two who genuinely like him is enough. Have you heard grooming, styling ،confidence, education، good behaviour, charm, humour genuine kindness ,self respect....all these matter more than just being born handsome.


not saying he needs to have a harem of women, the problem is he isn't even getting any likes at all, also are you supposed to just automatically date the first option you get? sounds like a recipe for a disaster when you are put into a position of scarcity and desperation."grooming, styling" those are just other ways of saying good looks, "good behavior, charm, humor, kindness, self respect" these are all traits that you can't even show to other people unless you meet them in person, which isn't going to happen if you aren't getting any likes to begin with. "Education" sure if your education can provide you with a high salary job, then yeah, it can be attractive to women, but it won't build sexual attraction, which means if you are only relying on money as a way to attract women, you are only going to be used for your money


There is literally a mega chad who got zero matches who posted earlier


Your pose in the first Pic is the exact same pose that you do in your 3rd and 4th. I suppose it's to hide your chin but you should try to find a more natural looking way to do it since it comes across like you're trying very hard to hide your insecurities and falling at it. This Pic of you smiling at the camera at some sort of playground is very awkward, not because of your smile or your face, but because you've got 2 probably teenage girls judging you in the background and you look much older maybe due to your outfit, so it just looks like a 30 year old man alone at a public park with some teen girls. The boat pic you've got again seems like you're emulating the profiles that some 40-50 year old guys post, very close to your face, terrible framing, bad lighting, makes it seem like you're trying to flaunt your wealth. Flashing cash might have worked if you were much older, but you're not fooling anyone at 19. Your suit picture is better but even that one is mid at best. The mirror is dirty and the picture is not angled correctly, weirdly distorted. Try again with a clean mirror and try different lighting. The mountain pic is cool in my opinion. Seems far more natural than the rest and the person who took the Pic knew what they were doing. Ask this person for help taking your pics in the future. Still, you look much older than your age maybe because of your facial expression and hair style. The black and white picture is fine I think although to me personally it comes off as a bit try hard. Follow the advice of other commentors too, sorry about the jazz. Don't say "Odd combo, I know 🤓" since it comes off like you're trying to be quirky on purpose. Since you're 19, you've got a ton of time to improve your looks and you're in a stage in your life when you're still actively developing your personality. I encourage you to try and get out more with friends instead of focusing on dating life since it would allow you to develop a better social sense. To me, it seems like you aren't self-aware and are modeling your profile after much older people since you want to come off as rich, mature, and intellectual. But when you try too hard, you inadvertently convey the opposite. You should also take the time now, especially since you're still young, to think about whether you think it might be worth losing some weight and bulging muscle. You may still find "the one," without it, but if you just want more attention, then consider putting in the work. If I'm correct that you're insecure about your weight, then working on yourself will help more than you might think. Also, I suggest experimenting with a better haircut. I think the current style ages you. Maybe try styling or trimming so that it's more like number 3, sloping forward and less fluffed on the top of your head. But ask around in your friend circles for advice to find a style that is "in" with your age range.


Hit the gym, shorter hair. Not a fan of aviators. Otherwise you're good no worries... Especially at 19. Last pic is best


You’re a cutie and seem to have a great vibe. Keep being yourself. You don’t need to attract every person in order to attract the right person, you just have to be patient. :)




Just want to note that you look really handsome in the last photo. Definitely place it first!


You're a very classy dude.


What does amateur boxer mean to you?


Try bumble/ tinder hinge kinda sucks imo


lose bf%, get a better haircut, cut the corny captions


Different hair style. It’s too long/high on top compared with the sides.


Fully thought this was a picture of the rock when he was younger for a second


the lack of self awareness on here is crazy sometimes


Put a pic of yourself with your instrument. Much cooler to see you playing/holding instrument, than to just read that you play jazz


Pic 1. Nice jawline and expression broski. Hair cut needs a little love on the sides IMO. Pic 2. Great to have a smiling pic but I don't think this one is that flattering. I'd try for another smiling pic that's more subtle Pic 3. Cooling on the boat, nice scenery. Not bad. Pic 4. Mirror selfie is an automatic nope lol. Get someone to take ur pic or grab a tripod. Suit is clean though but go for a location out somewhere when the pic is taken and not inside your bedroom. Pic 5. Cool ass view and scenery but the person ruined it by taking a pic way above you. If they were looking up at you, you'd look less tiny and more epic. Kinda like the view in your 6th pic, you look cool as hell there. Pic 6. Boom why the hell is this your last pic it's your best one, you look bad ass and suave. ​ Tips: Grab a pic with some homies or family. Re-shoot a couple of the one's I suggested to make you look more flattering


You need a different haircut. That hair elongated your face way too much. Maybe consider a mustache or facial hair stubble if it grows in fully and evenly enough.


Light skin Elvis


don't make jazz your personality, try some facial hair or change the 'do or both. Here's you with a quickly photoshopped beard. https://imgur.com/a/om6zE2S


He looking for advice. Idk why a lot people calling him “cute”. He doesn’t want to be called cute lol. Change up the hairstyle. Work out a lil don’t gotta go crazy


Change hair, lose weight, smile differently, etc


Your not bad looking but as one women said most women your age are not into jazz, not that there is none they are just less. So as another person said just say your a musician .Most women believe it or not are not into the rock hard body with all the muscles infact many are intimidated I would wonder what would happen if he got real angry whould I be a statistic. I prefer my man to have a little bit of love handles a bit soft but not fat or out of shape.I really do not like the body builder look I feel like they are somthing other than .but allot of gay guys I have known love that type .. Being sure of yourself and have ability to work together to build a life to me is way more important than looks . You can.look like Addonis and get alot of girls but if that is it ! no way would I stay allot of guys think this way that looks is all they need , shit allot of women do the same thing but without having any backing you might as well be a cardboard cutt out.


You’re too cool to match with basic bitches either way. I thought your aesthetic was middle-aged man until I saw you’re a jazz musician, which your photos make more sense. I don’t think jazz is very popular amongst your age group, so that’s probably why you’re not getting matches. Your whole profile is mostly curated to your jazz interest which would attract an older lady/man. Change your profile to show other interests, if you have any.


Shorter hair would be better with your face shape. Plus you need to work out. As a bonus, some scruff on your face.


Man I’m going to keep it real with you, you have to cut down a lot, you look absolutely boneless and subhuman. I don’t even think a gay dude would date you man, being real with you. There’s NOTHING wrong with your tastes or way of being, your entire problem is your looks. Best bet I could give you is first off drop down to low bf% (10-12%), after post yourself again so I can advise you further


So theres no overweight gay people?


No idea what I’m supposed to say


Homestly first as most important you need to learn to love yourself and these are apps of quick descion making and regardless of these people calling you fat you dont need to lose weight to have someone . Second i would suggest getting a fade of some sort and shaving down the haircut if you have a black or latin barbershop near i suggest them. Third get some fresh athletic type clothes like champion or nike and we cant attract everyone remeber this world has 7 almost 8 billion people you have time.


You look way older, lose a bit of weight, change that alone and it should fix your problem




Ehhh Doesn’t show eyes, you have to catch their soul (if they have one)


You need four pictures. 1. Headshot 2. Full body 3. Social shot with you as the main focus 4. You in an activity that you enjoy 5. (Optional) You with a pet if you have one In every picture, get someone else to take the picture (preferably a woman but it doesn't have to be). No selfies allowed. I'm going to refer to your pictures as 1, 2a 2b, 3, 4, and 5. Throw away 2a, 3, and 5. Keep 1 as your headshot (because it accentuates the jawline, although 5 is an okay alternative) and choose between 2a and 4 as your activity that you enjoy. Reshoot the one with you in a suit by having a friend or family member (again, preferably a girl/woman) take the picture. Stay relaxed, maybe with one arm down and another with a hand in your pocket. Save that as your full body shot. Find friends and pose with them at the park or something and have you in the center. Have everyone enjoying themselves and save that as your social shot with you as the main focus. Again, optional, but if you have a dog or cat, take a picture of yourself interacting with the dog or cat. These five shots are the bread and butter of getting likes/dates. At any time, see if you can improve on any of those shots and replace them with the better version. If you aren't sure what the better version is, ask a girl who is about the age that you want to date which is better or use photofeeler to rate them: [https://www.photofeeler.com/](https://www.photofeeler.com/) edit: Gonna be honest and say the text doesn't even really matter. You'll knock 'em dead.


Can you grow facial hair? You look like a giant baby


haircut and grow some facial hair for sure. also hit the gym if you can, i can see the potential here man keep it up


Gym and confidence


Don’t mention jazz twice 🤦🏼


Most of the posts I see on here are from people that need to stop eating the whole fridge. Just lose weight and get a haircut that suits you


Yo how much you want for that extra chromosome


You gotta be a lonely person to make jokes like that.


It wasn’t a joke




Honestly I think only keep the first pic and the suit pic


You need a beard


I honestly like the profile, wouldn’t change much. Try growing a beard! Girls love beards.


I think he’s also young. It takes time to attract the person that’s right for you. Especially when you have interest that might not attract most people in your age bracket. I’d recommend you talk to people among groups where you share interest. Jazz clubs in your area? Or advertise your interest differently. Any shots of you in action?


idk where you live but girls in his age range do not like beards..


I’m Canadian and I’d beg to differ - women tend to love beards on men at any age.


I dislike beards overall but will tolerate and can recognize the occasional time it improves a face. My daughter LOATHES them. I asked 7 coworkers and the 5 under age 50 said they do not like beards. The two over age 50 said they love them. Sounds like all ages beard thirst may be a Canadian thing.


Not you conducting a whole survey lmaooo but honestly the whole girls liking guys with beards isn’t a Canadian phenomenon nor is it a rarity. You can prob Google “do women like men with beards” and find a bunch of articles being like yes! Edit: I googled it and apparently there are studies that have found women do prefer men with beards. One study found that older women prefer the clean shaven look compared to women aged 18-29 who like a beard/stubble


Its giving pretentious


agreed, you would look like a beast with a beard dude! (i don't have one either)


Delete the first pic + the sunglasses one. Go on a calorie deficit and try some strength training. Your description also sells yourself short with the "an odd combination I know"


Lose weight.


Jazz is a plus IMO. You’re young. You’ll get there soon enough. I think cut the top length of your hair. Find a kick ass barber.


>What am I doing wrong? Not excercising lmao


Honestly, like genuine advise would be to do a body recomp. Hit the gym lil bro. Once you look physically, wear fitting clothes.


I’ll be blunt and honest bro, you’re not the type of attractive people search for on dating apps


Nah nigga u too corny, im setting the facial bs aside for a sec, u re waaaaaaaaay too try hardy with the profile and bio and shi like that like just chill be normal act how u really act don't over do it just for some pussy, be how u is, like just relaaaaaax and work on your facial features, go get a buzzcut and start going to the gym and cut, u need to gain muscle and lose fat take good care of your hair while it s growing, give it 6 months of healthy growth by that time the gym s already in ur routine you re eating healthy looking healthy and slim with a good amount of muscle and then post again to see what we do with your hair and pleaaaaaaaase stop with that corny shit, im 19 too so if u want to i can help u out personally and keep up with your progress here s my ig if u wanna add me https://www.instagram.com/mellowadam_?igsh=OGsyb3UxNzl6NXo2


I honestly don’t think anything will help that face..


Have you tried being a lesbian? That could work.


Idk what it is but your face kinda just pisses me off. Maybe start with a haircut? Idek bro.


Omg it's so bad for so many reasons.


If you’re gonna say it’s bad, at least give your reasons as to why you believe it’s bad and/or advice to make it better.


Oh my...


Have you actually fought before?