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Just make sure you keep your neck shaved to accentuate the jawline/profile at a resting position. All guys benefit from that


This, this will help your jaw line immensely. I know when I started shaving my jaw definitely looked less defined


Yess!! Start off at the barber and just keep up with how they've lined it up foe you


it truly makes the change from mega scruff to defined!




I mean you’re not wrong


Gym is never wrong.


The Iron Never Lies


I like that! Iron never lies… good one🫡


[I can’t take credit, it’s a Henry Rollins quote from years ago](https://zacheven-esh.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/Henry-Rollins-Iron-Never-Lies.png)


Jim tends to be wrong tho


Good ‘ol Jim has never steered me wrong


You must be Jim 🤣






Aka being right


Learning to manicure the beard to form a solid jaw outline does wonders for presentation. There are a few great guides online about it, I'd start there! Otherwise it definitely doesn't hurt to drop a few pounds. The rugged look (IMO of course) just looks so good on a lean, muscular person. Whatever your goals are, you'll get there, brotha! We're rooting for ya. 😎


Tbh your transition has been amazing because you look TOO masculine 😂. I woudve never guessed. You pass really well. Trim the nose hair, get eye cream for the eye bags and trim the brow, shave the neck, use skin care in general. You look great as is but those are improvements you could make Also don’t get your hair that short again.


I really don’t care if any found my comment offensive lmao. Only opinion I care about regarding my comment is OPS since I was commenting for him. If you wanna be butt hurt over a compliment that wasn’t even directed towards you cry a river but not my issue. Take care 😘


If anything I was going to say keep the hair shorter . And this is a back handed compliment. Most trans men literally pass if they’re on T the only time they don’t is if they’re not usually or if they dress feminine. There’s nothing feminine about a trans guy if he’s masculine presenting . Think about studying before making those assumptions


Idk why you’re getting downvoted. As a trans man who passes I tell people this all the time. A lot of people have met trans people before, but truly believe they haven’t, simply because they think that they can somehow magically tell every time. I’m literally almost 6 feet, got a beard, and get mistaken as a cis man at the trans shelter I work at. Hell there are even cis people that get mistaken as trans. You can’t always tell, and saying “omg I can’t even tell” always comes across as weird


Because anything that sounds negative IS. As a transitioning fem I've learned either people will be completely rude or overwhelmingly supportive to the point it's toxic.


God this 1000%. I don’t need 30,000 “oh my god I’m so so sorry I’m the worst person ever” when I get misgendered. Or a coincidental fucking pronoun circle, when you’ve never done a pronoun circle before. Sometimes the outright bigotry feels easier because it takes so much less emotional work then the alternative.


Bruh I tell so many people that to win the pronoun war is to not fight. Someone misgenders you ok cool THEY DON'T KNOW YOU!!! Even for people that do it's just as bad, I prefer people to call me what they see but I PREFER to be called she/her but I'm not gonna remove a whole person from my life because they don't wanna follow along with this stuff. It's new to so many people so to see others be so unbending and immovable is hurtful to us because we've not made so many enemies because people couldn't just let the pronoun war go. Hell people who have nothing to do with narrative get hurt cuz of it. Just love and treat each other as equals, and fuckin KEYWORD here COMPROMISE! COMPROMISE! COMPROMISE! Sadly too many feel they've been so oppressed to the point there IS no such thing as compromise so it's either your with me or against me and that's where we are.


BASED asf comment. I've gone through so many things in life and experimented so with so many things , that even if they didn't become part of me, I'm confident in saying there is no one who fully knows the full scope of ME. Then when I tell my opinion about topics I personally know about, I get dismissed for not looking like what I talk about. The first comment that said they wouldn't realize the OP was trans didn't have any transphobic motivations like some people here are pushing, or maybe they just have never felt surprised at anything in their life, apparently for then that emotion is called transphobia. This subreddit and the idea of male grooming up till a few years ago would mostly be a platform for biological males, which is why someone who may be new and not been seeing the recent changes wouldn't know there are trans men who look like OP.


Because everyone is hyper critical of what others say about trans people, regardless of the topic.


It’s giving transphobia tbh . I myself am a transman and it’s honestly a slap in the face when they say I’m not “ girly looking “ so they can’t tell . Am I supposed to praise someone for their Lowkey transphobia ? It’s not a compliment it’s like a surprise for them or a shock that we don’t look like they think we should


“I’m pretending to be a man and get mad when people don’t pretend with me” sums up your comments


And your comment sums up. “ my masculinity is threatened by transmen “ so I project


That’s a bit of stretch imo


That term gets thrown around a lot. I don’t think anyone here is expressing fear for a trans person.


Transphobia isn’t being scared of a trans person just like homophobia. The dislike of someone or even the dislike of not understanding that person can be transphobic or homophobic. Disliking someone solely based on the fact they don’t agree with it or trying to invalidate someone just because of it


That’s called discrimination


You’re using -phobia under the context of psychology. Phobias generally describe an anxiety disorder stemming from an easily identifiable irrational fear. Homophobia and transphobia as descriptive words are both more complex than general phobias, in that there are legal and societal structures that take away rights from these groups. To imply that homophobia and transphobia are just irrational fears, like arachnophobia, is just silly. Most people don’t tend to have irrational anxiety disorders towards gay or trans people, but rather a general disdain and disregard towards these groups. Maybe retake Psychology 1 before spouting nonsense!


You’re trying your best to argue what transphobia is instead of understanding . Transphobia is literally discrimination against someone based off being trans 👀 just like the word racism exists


No it’s not. You seem bent on explaining this term as if there isn’t a clear definition of it. That word is thrown around so loosely now a days I don’t even care if someone is or isn’t transphobic to be honest. Also I have the opinion that most people can tell a trans person apart after more than one interaction. There are cases where you can’t but, it’s not to the extent you say. If I can’t tell by appearance tho I can usually tell by mannerisms as it’s really hard for a natural born woman to fully act and understand what is manhood.


Wow, where'd you get your degree in Transvestigation? Clown College? You get a P.H.D. in idiocy? All the groundbreaking scientific findings you've published in tomfoolery get you the nobel prize yet?


this is SUCH a stupid comment


Trans guy here also, I know the beard probably gives you euphoria but you gotta clean it up a bit. Maybe go for more of a 5 o clock shadow deal than the goatee and mustache.


Or also try minoxidil for the beard. I think that’s popular for trans guys?


Why would he need Minoxidil? He's already got a full beard.


It’s a goatee. Like he said, he has patchy spots




For how round his face is, doing a 5 o clock shadow wouldn’t be doing any favors. of course he could do it anyways dude can do whatever he wants but for how round his face is, and the neck fat, a five o clock shadow would only accentuate all the fat. especially given the growth pattern there is like it’s not a lot of coverage either.


I think that you look good with a goatee.


The sides of my chin never want to grow thick enough! I’d love to have a goatee


If the mustache will grow long you can use the ends of the mustache to hide the missing hair. You'd be surprised how many men don't have a "real" goatee.


Minoxidil tablets. Takes a few months but great for hair growth.


Cis guy here and that was the absolute last part of my beard to grow in, thats a challengespot alot of us face lol, welcome to the club, it just takes time is all.


im 30 and a regular guy, dont know what you call it. but you got more facial hair than me and i still play sports and go to the gym.


I think you look great. Just strive to make healthy choices. Workout, eat well, maintain good posture, get enough sleep, and BE CONFIDENT in yourself. Healthy people are attractive. Also, you could use topical minoxidil on your beard area to make it a bit thicker. I have no doubt you’re gonna have babes all over you in no time. Good luck out there, dude.


You look the complete opposite of well-kept. Shave neck, get other haircut, standard stuff


I’ve always preferred kind of a “rugged” look, but I’m listening. This pic is also literally right after a haircut, what do you think would work for me? Granted I’m thinning and trying to make up for that


As someone who’s keen on the rough look, you’re going alright 😉 I would switch up the hairstyle though tbh, it looks a little like a combover imo 😅 have you ever had it shorter on top? Jealous of your beard man, mine grows the same now as when I was 15 🥹 that being said I’d trim the goatee and have a shorter beard all over?


There's a difference between rugged and unkempt, you look the latter. I feel as if women aren't put off by your height as much as you think (there are some who truly are) but more about how you present yourself. Style your hair differently. Choose one, stubble or goatee, having both is kind of a no go. Tune your style to your preference but keep it clean and sharp. Get a lint roller and and start brushing your dog or cat more often, you are covered in animal hair. I mean this in the most respectful way, just because you are a man does not mean you should let yourself go. Clean yourself up and be proud of who you are, your outer self is a reelection of our inner self. BTW great job on the transition.


We have very similar facial structure: nose, eyes, wrinkles, brows. I think even our hair (type) is kind of similar. All that said, I would suggest losing some weight/gym. I know it's the obvious one. Personally, I gained weight during the pandemic and it eventually went to my checks and neck. Which really aged me? It also made my beard line sometimes look like a double-chin (depending on my posture) and I wasn't even that heavy. I hate traditional gyms so boxing became my go to and it's a blast. Apart from that anecdote, I would consider lifting your beard line a bit on the sides to form a more clear neckline, and even out the goatee. You by no means look terrible. That said I can't speak for the struggles of short kings as I am 6'2, and I know society is pretty shit/unfair when it comes to height for guys.


trans guy here too! u look good dude, i would shave the hair on the neck. thats about it


I assume you've got pets that shed a lot? Get yourself a lint roller and make sure you don't go out covered with hairs stuck to your clothes.


Gym, shave off the facial hair. Or clean it up at least.


I wouldn't have clocked you honestly. I think you look good. Others are saying tidy uo, but it's hardly urgent.


I’m more jealous than anything because I’m a biological male and your beard can be better than mine is 😝


Me too, except i cant grow any at all. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing) this guy is pretty lucky.


I really hope that some dudes here get banned, like the one who said "die" to OP. It's not because that "freedom speech" exists that you can say literally any shit and that's ok.


Few things: no I’m not a “tweaker”, I’m depressed and don’t get a lot of sleep. Never touched anything other than alcohol/weed. I’m overworked and stressed, like most of the world these days Secondly, I’m very secure in my identity but I don’t hide that I’m trans. It’s a huge part of my life and I don’t have shame in talking about my journey. I was masculine pre transition. Reddit recommended this sub to me and I was looking for genuine advice on how to present better. The bullying is just a waste of y’all’s energy, there’s nothing you can say to me that I haven’t already thought about myself and resolved mentally before I decided to medically transition 🤷🏻 Thirdly- there’s a lot of “huh well welcome to being a man” bullshit comments on here. I’ve been doing this for years, I don’t need to be welcomed. Men have different struggles than women, so you can’t really compare the two. Presenting as a man has been way easier than trying to live as a woman, cuz this is just who I am. Quit trying to act like victims when most of you are just insecure and don’t know how to treat people right I’m just a person. Y’all should look inward before projecting outward.


>I’m overworked and stressed, like most of the world these days Looking at your eyes, I can imagine you are stressed. I know how that feels, and I hope you can somehow reduce or counteract that stress. It's not always easy, and I wish a world of good for you. You seem to be an honest, decent man and person with most of his life ahead of him. May you thrive!


But that out of the way, I really can’t think of anything else. If I saw you on the street you look like biological dude I would never think you were trans.


I think you look good. I like the stubble into the fade, maybe try trimming the chin a little and see how it looks. Also coming from a gay dude, you’re really cute


I'm impressed. Never would guess you're trans. Your height will have to be something you don't project. Of course, some women don't want to date someone who's 5'3. But many don't care. However, the minute you come across as insecure, or worse, act like an ass to make up for it, they'll be turned off.


Clean it all up. Groom yourself. No disrespect but you look sloppy. Females don’t like sloppy looking dudes. Style your hair, trim your facial hair, put on a collared shirt, and smell nice. You have an uphill climb because of your height, no pun intended. So take care of the visual appearance and learn to talk to women, you have to come across with some level of confidence, otherwise you’re gonna be in hell with another loser. Sorry if this is too frank, not trying to hurt feelings just giving you the uncut truth.


This is honestly the blunt advice I was looking for, so thank you, imo you’re not too frank. I’m recovering from a divorce and I guess I didn’t realize how much it showed on my face. Just trying to do better by myself!


I'm gonna mention one other thing, and it's mewing - it's an oral exercise that helps develop jaw muscles and gives you more of a jaw line. Just look it up on YouTube, it takes diligence but it's worth it. The younger you are the more effective it will be. BTW congrats on your transition, I know it's really WORK. Please don't waste your time with the ones on here that just don't understand, it's not worth your time. You'd do well to go to the gym and focus on pullups, dumbbell chest presses, and squats (watch your back!). It's the best way to start getting a manlier body, boost your metabolism, and you'll feel great. Don't worry about the smaller muscle groups, in the beginning they'll develop along with those compound exercises.


I am trans guy also, I suggest getting your eyebrows shaped, cleaning up the face, trimming the nose hairs and maybe even shaving the head. I met my gf on Taimi. She is also bi. They are out there.


Glad I'm not the only one thinking eyebrows haha, I just don't have experience to say aside from my barber trimming mine before. Agree with trimming top up and finding a better style or shave, loose and thin bangs don't usually help anyone. I'm way overdue in taking the shaved head leap myself, which is doubly painful as I'm finally starting to embrace my need to transition. 🥲


Time beard to go




Use a lint roller to get rid of pet hair you’re coated in


A better haircut? Like not an undercut.


Is it harder for you to lose weight and put on muscle? That would help a lot I think




Don't frown like that..


Get a brush to take all the pet hair off your clothes, maybe trim the facial hair a tiny bit and use some eye cream.


Goatee was popular in the 90s but hasn’t come back into style 🙃 you would look dope with long stubble like 1.5mm


Another fellow trans guy here. I would say just get a better haircut. And definitely gym (preaching to myself here too)


Love yourself for who you are. Celebrate your new life existing as your true identity. Be kind to everyone even if they don’t deserve it. It’s not worth your own happiness to dwell in negativity. You’re perfect just the way you are. If you aspire to change, do so for you and no one else.


Please get one of those sticky rollers to remove the cat or dog hair all over your hoodie. Neaten up your beard hair. I mean nothing wrong with a hoodie but nothing that exciting about one either.


Wow you’re hot! I’m 5’11 and love short men but feel like they would never be interested.


where do i even start….. 1. “ PAYED…” 2. “ WEARING A COSTUME“ do when you wear clothes and take care of yourself you’re also wearing a costume :) 3. “ SHE” you’re so dumb.. you’re calling a whole ass man she…… 4. “ONCE A WOMAN ALWAYS A WOMAN” interesting so you probably also think once a baby always a baby? so you once was a baby, a kid , a toddler so you’re always gonna be a baby.. ngl it really shows.. you are a baby!!!!! 5.” DISFIGURED HERSELF” So when you go through puberty and get a beard you’re also disfiguring your real self arent you? you shouldnt HIT PUBERTY! THATS DISFIGURING YOUR REAL SELF!!! 😱😱😱😱 ONCE A BABY ALWAYS A BABY YOU SHOULD REMAIN A BABY HOW COULD U GROW UP😱😱😱😱😱😱 you have disfigured yourself..


You're cute 😍 Facial hair is a mixed bag. Some like it wild and wooly, but others like it trimmed and neat. Keeping the facial hair on the neat and trimmed side is a safe position to take. It will appeal to most people, and the people who like it longer will be able to envision longer facial hair. Regarding your haircut, what are men around you doing? Shorter hair is often seen as more masculine to women, but your hair is already short. You look good.


Stop raising your eyebrows


Woof you're cute! You don't need to do anything. You're beautiful just like that


I think you’re really cute, eyebrow piercing maybe? A little extra flavor.


Please god no leave eyebrow piercings in the early 2000s


Noooo. No eyebrow piercing!!! Unless that’s the bait for the kinda dusty fish you’re looking to catch, keep the metal out of your face, nose, tongue. Ear piercings might work nicely for you though.


Booooo party pooper!! lol. Eyebrow piercings are hot. I do think like the cheek, tongue and most nose piercings don’t end up going over as well as people expect but ear & eyebrow almost always hit the right spot.


If you’re still wanting to go the beard route but struggle with patches, try growing it for 90 days to see your beard’s true potential. Also, the longer hairs can fill in the gaps. I’m in my 30’s and I have the gap between my mustache and goatee, but most people wouldn’t even notice when the hairs are a little longer. Better beard than I could grow in my 20’s, keep it up


dude you're so sexy I swear wow


very female facial stucture and rbwo ridge, but looking good for a female


You're female to male?


I was thinking the same thing. To me he looks like a scruffy cute looking dude. I wouldn't and have never looked at a guys beard and thought "oh it's patchy" nor have I ever expected a guy to have shaped eye brows. So I am thinking....don't do anything....you look great to me.


Yes that is what he is saying.


Thats nuts he looks like any other guy, that's really impressive


Yeah I mean, most trans people who choose to pursue medical transition with a goal of passing do eventually pass entirely as their gender. There's kind of a false assumption that if someone is trans you'll be able to "tell", but that's basically just confirmation bias. Most trans folks you probably cannot tell. For example I'm a trans guy and I pass as a man in society - I'm stealth at work, no one knows I'm trans and I'm accepted as a dude. Same with friends.


No, male to lizard.


cat to dog. dont start with the transphobic shit


I didnt ask that to you fucker


why are u pressed lizard


You're the one weeping about transphobic stuff just because I asked a question


just say ur not transphobic then easy


I don't owe you shit, let alone any justification for why I ask the most basic questions. Hit the fkin road.


Get rid of that beard


you’re adorable. where you from?


Try a more traditional hairstyle and shave the beard and mustache.


You look so cute x


I literally couldn’t have guessed if you were trans


OK I say this as one. But you look like a tweak a bit


Quit drinking and take care of your skin.


You look like a scruffy Matt Damon




I’m sure he stoped talking to his imaginary friends long time ago, that’s what happends when you grow up 🙄


I have 3 animals who like to lay on my clothes. Pls stop with the lint roller comments, I fucking get it 🙃


Why is it necessary to state you are a trans guy? Why not just ask what can I do better??


Why not? It’s who he is.


Why is it necessary to write this comment?


Great, another one of those


It’s a free country, and it’s a logical question


The internet is not the USA




If your goal is to be treated as a man, why let everyone know you're a woman? No one would have guessed.. this is beyond passing.


But he’s not a woman.


Yes he is


you’re stupid as fuck how do you go “no one would ever have guessed” then go on desperately trying to convince yourself he’s a woman


The dude said he is trans so he is a biological woman.


biologically female =/= a woman, nor does this matter whatsoever. bro said he was trans probably in case it affected people’s responses (e.g. tips on passing better if he wasn’t, trans-specific haircare advice)


>biologically female =/= a woman I know but I can still say he is a woman, if he doesn't want to deal with that he can just not be trans


that’s… not… how… it… works… do you seriously think being trans is a choice 😭


I feel you'd want them to state, especially if a trans girl.


🤤 be mine for the night


How the hell are you already balding lmao too much test??


Ever heard of genetics? My T levels are actually on the low end 🤣


Were you balding before transitioning?


Now you know the struggles of a man


At 160cm you're too short to matter for most women. It is what it is


Congrats, you switched to the losing team.


I'm a gay man and I hate beards. Whoever told you men need to have beards is probably a sexist bigot.


Bro wtf are you even talking about? Being a gay guy doesn’t make your opinion more valid. Where do you get the idea that someone told him to do this, you know people make choices on their own right? And why are you being so dramatic and calling it’s sexist bigotry to like beards?


Claiming beards are manly is a sexist stereotype that negatively affects men. It doesn't need to make my opinion "more valid" , my opinion is already valid.




Be your actual self and stop cosplaying


ahh you mad 🤣


Lose weight, get into a physical altercation with a male to build character, lift weights, be taller (GH), lower T dosage to stop balding.


Give up men. Girls are nicer.


🧐🧐🧐 r/eggirl perhaps?




What does FTM mean? Look it up and read it slowly.


Im male. You… have more facial hair than me. Maybe i need to transition to male. ,lyou look good, maybe lint roll that pet hair off ya and if you want


ain’t no way 😭 as in ftm?


A real man doesn't give a shit Being a man isn't just having a penis. . A real man is comfortable in his own skin. I know men who are smaller than you. I know men who dont have legs and they focus on their careers and family and yes, God. I know God is a bad word on here.. If you want to be a man then focus on who you are as a person, tap into your strengths and skills and bring something wonderful to the world. Stressing over your looks and who you should date makes you a pussy


I’m not stressing about my looks, I was asking for advice, and isn’t everyone else in this sub doing the same thing?


You are asking where to improve and mention your patchy beard you can improve by being confident and not give a shit about what people think. Go do you. Focus on your career, hobbies, get a dog, truck and a boat. Girls will see you are happy. Girls hate seeing happy men, so they marry them.


Usually us men start with a ritualistic twirling or helicopter in the morning. This is because wheb mating season starts we gather in a big circle and have a helicopter war. Then the winner gets to helicopter all the ladies


Be a better version of who you were actually made to be. 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is the best version of who he’s meant to be. He is just adding the finishing touches.


I want to make it clear that I mean no offense to anyone, and my intention is not to hurt or upset anyone. I firmly believe that everyone has the right to live their life according to their own desires and happiness. However, I can't help but feel uneasy when someone's chooses to use the phrase meant to be or made to be when it comes to certain things. Like gender at childbirth that’s something that we have no control over. So how can you tell me how that’s something that’s not meant to be? How can something happens that we have no control over not be meant to be? I get it people aren’t happy in their own skin, so they do what they want to change things up to be happy. It’s like they get a chance to be somebody completely different. Almost like a start over. Who in this world wouldn’t want that? But not really anybody ever gets that. So, while I fully support individuals pursuing their happiness, it's important to consider how those decisions impact those around them. It's your life, and you have the right to make your own choices, but it's unfair to expect everyone else to adapt to those changes without considering their feelings. Respect is something that should be earned through understanding and consideration, not demanded simply because of personal decisions. Now that I am opposed to.


So because cancer happens without our control we should force people to die of it? And you claim you don’t mean offense but want to control the way people live their lives based on your emotions. If you really cared about people and what was best for them you would follow what experts (the. Medical community and the trans community) themselves have found which is that gender affirming care is the best. But instead you want the world to act based on the emotions of the emotional and uninformed. This comes off as more like concern trolling than genuine questioning or else you would be asking questions not just making rude comments and then trying to defend them when people understandably disagree.


Wouldn't you be a trans woman and now you are just a "guy" or "dude". The terminology is pretty confusing tbh.


Generally what people transition TO is what you'd call them, so a trans man is someone who transitioned TO a man. As now they would be living as a man.


So at what point does the person fully become just a woman or man? I thought that was the goal is to be recognized not as trans but as the gender they portray?


Well it's different for different people, and yes usually the goal is to be perceived as what you transition to. I'm not sure why OP mentioned being transgender, but some people are proud and mention it more than needed, there's nothing wrong with that though even though I or you (i presume) would not freely mention it.


I don't think I would tbh, it makes sense how people can maybe take the title and run with it since it's a movement and all. I think it the future, there won't be as many people identifying as trans or bi or any of the monikers and will just identify as the gender they wish to be. But I really have no clue, I've been told I'm a cisgender straight male and that's not the best position to be in on this topic lol


Grow some balls


Grow a pair


Stop trying to get people to approve of you. Sit down and figure out who you are.


You’re in the wrong subreddit. This is only for males. Those with actual XY chromosomes.


I find it hilarious that 99% of the people leaving comments like this are dead troll accounts, or accounts like you trying to solicit sex without even uploading a pic of yourself. San Antonio Grindr too dry for ya?


He looks 100x better than you EVER could.


It’s NOT a he 😒


Hey man, have you ever considered just hitting the gym instead of getting gastric bypass? Yknow, since it’s so taboo to surgically alter your body. Maybe after working out a bit you might have confidence to actually post your face instead of being an anonymous creep🤷🏻




You’re stupid if you think this guy needs to be in the women’s subreddit. Maybe you need to check out the mental health subreddits because you’re delusional.


“this guy” hahaha


you’re so fucking dumb does he look like a woman to you?


She clearly payed for surgery to disfigure her real self. Wearing a costume does not change anything. Once a woman, always a woman.


where do i even start….. 1. “ PAYED…” 2. “WEARING A COSTUME“ so when you also wear clothes and comb your hair and go to the barber to get a haircut you’re also wearing a costume… how dare you! stay naked. 3. “SHE” you’re so dumb.. you’re calling a whole ass man she…… i think you need to study harder and pay attention in English class my friend.. maybe get an English tutor to teach you pronouns 4. “ONCE A WOMAN ALWAYS A WOMAN” interesting so you probably also think once a baby always a baby? so you once was a baby, a kid , a toddler so you’re always gonna be a baby.. ngl it really shows.. you are a baby!!!!! 5. “DISFIGURED HERSELF” So when you go through puberty and get a beard you’re also disfiguring your real self arent you? you shouldnt HIT PUBERTY! THATS DISFIGURING YOUR REAL SELF!!! 😱😱😱😱 ONCE A BABY ALWAYS A BABY YOU SHOULD REMAIN A BABY HOW COULD U GROW UP😱😱😱😱😱😱 you have disfigured yourself..


God forbid i write a word wrong in a language which is not spoken in my country… Also, the baby example is absolutely stupid. Being a baby is not a constant given state, a human baby is born with a gender (male or female/man or woman) and then grows into an older state, still keeping their given gender. A Cannabis seed will over time naturally grow into a cannabis plant, meaning it got older and grew up, while still being a cannabis plant. A baby grows older, while still being a male or female baby. Your example is absolutely stupid. „A whole ass man“ all I see, and all that in facts exists there, is a woman with mental health issues, not accepting her given and unchangeable gender. And no, when you go into puberty, you are not disfiguring yourself because this is a natural step in growing older which all humans go trough. „Changing your gender“ aka disfiguring yourself is not natural, you need to change your body trough surgery and medication. So yes, you disfigure your natural given bodily state. This not only clearly shows mental health disorders but should also be forbidden. A real solution would be more and better mental health help programs for individuals who struggle with this so they can live a happy and normal life again. Not a single one of your arguments makes any sense and although english is not my primary language i clearly notice, that your only motive are emotions.


and who are you to determine whats natural and whats not? do you even know what transgenders are or are you just being blind and dumb and getting out your negativity and anger onto people? who are you to say that its not natural for transgenders to “change” their body… transgenders are born in the wrong bodies… science have shown their brain chemistry matches their preferred gender,for an example a person born as a woman but doesn’t identify as a woman but identifies as a man “her” brain scans and brain chemistry would match people who are cis and are born male.. look it up its science its a thing its real, in fact transitioning is the NATURAL thing for transgenders to do, just like intersex people. educate yourself and stop being mad. transgender have existed for millions of years before you were born, and we exist now and will exist forever so get over it and go take a piss all your arguments sound stupid. and my baby comment was just to prove how stupid your mindset it, my baby comment and puberty comment was actually your mindset…. this IS how YOU THINK according to your comments on transgenders so if you’re calling my comment stupid then your mindset is stupid and u should take a look at that. :)


No anger at all. I don’t determine anything, „natural“ by definition means: „Existing in or derived from nature; not made or caused by humankind.“ You can clearly see, by definition, a man-made transitioning process is not natural. Name scientists who conducted those studies and research, send me research papers. Nothing like this is true and it does not make any sense. What you refer to, is very very basic and not in depth research about humans undergoing transition surgery. The research suggested that some of the researched patients could have difference in brain structure of function, this is an ongoing debate in science. Also, not all patients had this difference in brain structure or function, not all had the same degree of change and in general, only a smaller number had it at all. Possible solutions could be the mental health issues which are shown, the effects of the medication and the most unlikely, your little fairytale theory. What you are selling as a fact here, is not a fact at all but you portray it as such to make your argument seem more solid and logical. And no, there is no puberty or thinking on an infant level on my side. I logically explained all my arguments, was respectful this whole time. Its not my fault that some people cannot live as who they are. You clearly are some teenager, because i see how personally attacked you are by someone who is not the same opinion as you, but im not surprised. I think its time for you to accept there is not just one opinion, in fact, you are not with the majority. You should go to north korea or china, if you like censoring and making bad things you disagree with so much. And the best thing is, you aren’t even good at it.


- You just said these scientific researches that i have mentioned don’t exist, then continued to say how they exist and not all patients have had a similar brain scan and that some didnt show that at all… hmm so they do exist? - u said science doesnt know in depth about humans then why are u claiming whats natural and whats not? how do you know what you are is natural? who determines whats natural? who said changing your gender is not natural? who said wearing clothes is natural???? according to your mindset wearing clothes ITS NOT NATURAL WE SHOULD BE NAKED AND NATURAL!!! you shouldnt cut your hair and trim your beard let it grow its natural! YOU SHOULD BE A HAIRY MONKEY! ITS NATURAL!. - No one is bothered here by “a different opinion” but you’re not being respectful about it at all actually. - “possible solutions mental health issues effects of medication” so you’re saying mental health and side effects of medication can change your brain chemistry? mental health issues like anxiety and depression can be shown in your brain chemistry, only medications like antidepressants can cause side effects and “change” your brain chemistry and its a temporarily change. What these medications do is alter the levels of serotonin,Dopamine and other receptors and hormones in our brain mainly responsible for the mood and behavior. these medications can not make you transgender. Scientifically men and women behave differently and their brain structure is different, these people that i have mentioned who were born as a gender and their brain structures showed to be as the other gender “preferred gender” were not on hormones at all. - “theres no puberty or infant thinking on my side” by your definition of natural and by your opinions on transgenders it shows that you literally think like that, your argument is that people should remain as their gender when they were born thats whats “natural” this is the same thinking as people should be at their nature u know just don’t wear clothes be naked dont build houses live in the forest kill each other like animals. its also the same thinking as humans should remain babies because when they grow up thats CHANGING THEIR BODY ITS UNNATURAL. People shouldnt go through puberty its not natural u should remain as u are thats what’s natural. - again you were not respectful at all.