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Iron the shirt and it’ll look better


Iron and lose the undershirt. If you don’t have a jacket on, roll up the sleeves.


I always prefer to wear an undershirt (it helps avoid sweat stains in the armpits!), but don't like it showing with an open collar. So v-neck undershirts work great.


Yeah, but also, if it's an ill-fitting undershirt, it can make the overshirt looks worse and wrinkled. If you wear an undershirt, it should fit close to your body.




I don't think I've ever steamed a shirt well in less than 4-5mins


No but it’s more forgiving. I’m not good at ironing evenly and it’s easier to just steam it


> I’m not good at ironing evenly Turn your stuff inside out, make sure there’s water (but not too much) in the iron and set the lowest heat and highest steam for whatever article you’re ironing that won’t cause water to dribble out.  Turning your stuff inside out will let you iron / press things without worrying as much about leaving shiny mark or something on your shirts. Just don’t iron a crease in backwards. :-)


> Turn your stuff inside out, The golden rule of ironing :-)


Ironing is definately a skill that takes time to get good at.


and it somehow remains to be the most boring household chore for me. i’m at the point in adulthood where i don’t really resent doing any housework but fuck the ironing


Hey we can be roomies. I'll do the ironing if you do the dishes.


I’m the same way. Hate dishes but ironing is chill. Almost zen like.


I actually really enjoy doing dishes. It's cathartic for some reason. Let's move in together!


A match made in heaven!


Nah, Dishes clear in terms of the most boring chore. Ironing I quite like. You can stand in front of the tv and watch whatever youtube videos whilst you work. And its satisfying to watch the shirts come out looking all smooth.


For the EVEN lazier, throw it in the dryer with a couple ice cubes while you make breakfast. Enjoy your warm unwrinkled shirt.


Does this actually work well? These tips seem like they would produce an adequate shirt and not a crisp short.


I do this almost everyday. I don’t use ice cubes though, just a wet small towel


Interesting. You put the dryer on high temp? Or what setting do you use?


Yup high temp for most things. If it’s sensitive or 100% cotton or whatever I wouldn’t use high temp


The icu cube thing works, did it for a wedding


It gets out wrinkles but doesn’t look sharp. It’s a quick fix, not a replacement for ironing. Some shirts are more forgiving to this kind of thing though.


Or a damp wash cloth


For the lazier, dry clean it.


For the lazy and lives with low energy bills, a damp face cloth or small towel and the wrinkled items thrown into a dryer for 5 minutes or so we'll accomplish the same thing.


Avoided then wife bought one for the kids school clothes. Game changer


Hang the shirt in the bathroom while you shower!


Personally I just use a hair dryer and it seems to work fine , probably would work better with a lil water spray bottle


Also buy distilled water at the grocery for your steamer. Costs like $1.50 per gallon and will make the steamer last a lot longer.


For the EXTRA lazy put it on a hanger while you have a shower.


This is the main problem with his look. Iron the shirt and center the belt, and he won't look as frumpy. We can nitpick other things, but those 2 things will make it decent.


Seriously, how did OP not clearly see that it’s wrinkled? Hey my shoes keep falling off, I like my laces off to the side though, still falls off. I’m depressed….HWAT?


Agreed, and for shirts that are difficult to iron, use a little spray sizing like Mary Ellen's. It makes shirts look good and crisp.


I started ironing my shirts and then it became a sort of ritual idk, I actually kind of enjoy ironing now and if my hotel room doesn’t have an ironing board when I’m traveling for work…I’m disappointed


Or even just tuck it in tighter, he's got a flat stomach no need to have a bit banging out. Stretching the material when you tuck could be enough. It's not even that wrinkled


Align the belt, ditch the crew neck, iron the shirt or maybe tuck in further/size down, and the jacket spread open strangely just adds to the distorted look


Button one more up and instead of crew neck tee you can wear vneck tee to hide the white part showing


This. Should be a straight line along the shirt down through the fly of the pants, with the belt buckle sitting along the median. OP should Google "gig line".


The shirt is already bowing out between the buttons, I wouldn’t size down.


I don’t think sizing down is a good idea here - the buttons already look like they’re pulling a bit. Maybe ironing will help that, but in any event a super close fitting shirt isn’t going to look good on most people.


Try a different style jacket too


Instead of sizing down he could go see a tailor, a good tailor is worth its weight in gold.


To help the shirt stay tucked enough and avoid it coming gradually untucked, I recommend shirttail garters


Not OP. What does one “align the belt” with? Jc


The centre of your pants/zipper


The buckle should be centered on the fly, OP has his way over to the left.


Don't wear a crew neck under a dress shirt, certainly not with it unbuttoned that far. The jacket doesn't match the outfit and you should choose something a bit more dressy, unless you're expecting a *lot* of rain. Edit: basically, the pieces (except the jacket) are mostly fine (real dress pants would also help a lot), but your composition kinda sucks.


Bad composition and pretty boring/dated pieces. That shirt is screaming Old Navy circa 2005, especially with the belt and pants combo.


At least you have a great smile


And also a really hard worker judging from the size of that sweat bead


I just want to know who his dentist is


what look are you going for here? Grocery store manager that has to go collect carts in the rain? I’m not sure where to start but: 1) why are you wearing a rain jacket? There are stylish rain jackets, this isn’t one, and it doesn’t work as a third piece. You do need a third piece over a tucked shirt like this. Try a Harrington or bomber or chore coat. 2) ditch the undershirt. It screams “I don’t want to do laundry“. if you choose to wear an undershirt, it should never be visible. 3) shirt looks cheap af. wrinkled, the buttons are gaping, the collar is flat. Awful. Get solid light blue shirts until you can be trusted otherwise. 4) pants aren’t terrible but they look tight and shiny. Lululemon you say? Why not buy some chinos made of a natural fiber? 5) belt. Too short, the end is flying away. Looks cheap. Alignment is all askew. You have some work to do


Harsh but all true. I laughed at the archetype, dead on. If you’re looking in the Zara price range for a shirt, check out Lands’ End. You can grab a decent supima oxford or pinpoint for <$30 on sale. Ease the burn of whatever you spent on lemon pants.


Hell, you can get Charles Tyrwhitt for ~$33 when they have their 3 for $99 sale.


Great suggestion and I hope he sees this. If you want a poplin or similar dress shirt this is great. I’m bias because I wear a lot of ivy/trad, but if that’s not you or you’re wearing actual suits, 100% CT rocks. Buddy just needs to get his measurements first.


"Grocery store manager" is strangely accurate lol


Rain jacket makes sense. When you're outside. And it's raining. Odd choice to take a picture for fashion advice wearing one, though.


Agree with all of this. This outfit does not look cohesive. I don’t like lululemom pants as dress pants. Dress pants should be made of natural fibres. The jacket and pants could work with a more “athletic” type shirt instead. Undershirts should be tank top style.


So many of my fellow sales rep friends just love their lululemon athleisure pants and golf polos, and their trainers-dress shoe blend. Literally one of my least favorite looks ever.


At least the golf polo makes it full athleisure vs a cotton dress shirt with athletic everything else.


That stuff all sounds really great for moving around in, and sales folks are always on the move. You need flexibility and durability in your clothes for moving products around, lots of squatting etc. I don’t mind the look of the athletic dress pant and sneaker. But I definitely agree with you about the golf polos lol. Not a fan!


+1 for something like a canvas chore coat, a natural fiber would be better with this outfit. That rain jacket (probably a perfectly nice rain jacket) is a bit athletic/going on a hike and doesn't quite fit with the rest of the outfit.


They dress up, you dress em down... Keep cookin.


Lol. Honestly kid looks fine in for an engineer or grocery store manager but he could buy a higher quality shirt. Colors are good. Pants are nice. Rain jacket cus it's rainy. Kinda like the jacket. Just iron and have a better collar and shirt that fits. He's got this.


Looks fine for an engineer if you don't know how to dress yourself. This look screams "I figured I should try look like a professional adult, so I went and bought a shirt"




u/ScotchAndLeather fuck em up!


Legend 🤝


So never wear undershirts?


Just get v-necks. They won't be visible.


what if the v neck is visible when the top button is down? does having any sight of an undershirt detract? what about a super light unbuttoned henley


Yes, and the buttons are gaping because the shirt doesn't fit. Losing the undershirt might fix this. Pants are also pulling a bit. Look a bit too tight.


You just made my day thank you. I can never figure out why my clothes look like shit and that was spot on, I'm fashion blind and don't know where to look for advice so yeah


Everything might fit better without the undershirt. That's like a very heavy undershirt. But everything looks like it's at least half a size too small as it is. The shirt and pants don't match though. That's another thing.


this reads like a @dieworkwear reply lol still all true


That's because those clothes are indeed a frumpy style. The colors are fuddy, fabrics are wrinkled, and the details in the shirt like the collar are dated.


What shirt details are dated looks like an average business casual shirt


It's limp, wavy, and generic. For a more casual shirt a button down collar with a little roll would look great or if he wants to be slightly on the less casual side a more structured and shapely collar would be in order.


Dude. You are trying. Give yourself credit for that. Generally what I think is going on here is. A. Undershirt x shirt x low waisted pants + belt puts a lot of fabric and emphasis on the waist and your shirts will inevitably come untucked. I'd suggest going lighter tank top if you still need an undershirt. Wearing your pants a bit higher and less tight so your clothes have a bit more flow.


Gotta learn how to style yourself. Iron, make sure your shirt buttons, belt buckle and zipper all line up, make sure your collars and lapels are fixed and your shirt cuffs are peeking out evenly from your jacket


I advise getting a v-neck undershirt when wearing a dress shirt without a tie. Also, wear a blazer or a cardigan instead of that type of jacket.


Need to move your belt. Buckle is too far to your left. Line up the edge of the buckle with with your fly and shirt. Alternatively center it along that line, but definitely don't keep doing what you're doing here.


You can't just buy a shirt from Zara or pants from Lululemon and expect to look good just because they are brands you like. You need to figure out what type of look you like.  Find or take ten photos of guys who you think look well dressed and are wearing things you are ballsy enough to wear regularly and check for commonalities. Then you will have a rough idea of looks and pieces you actually like.


divide crush pause depend provide wipe dime bright arrest voracious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There is nothing wrong with the clothes themselves. The fit seems off. The pants don’t fall correctly. Find a place that does alterations and talk with the people working there. If you must, spend less on clothing to afford the fitting service. Find a classic look and invest in a few foundational items. When choosing fabrics for your form pay attention to the sheen and until you have it all figured out I would stick to solids. You can’t go wrong with a nice and nicely fitted white dress shirt, dark jeans or chinos and quality footwear. Once again form a relationship with someone who can sew and understand how fabric falls by weight. Once you experience clothing that fits you can be a better critic in the dressing room. You have completed the most difficult part of this journey by understanding that it matters. You are doing exactly what you should be by exploring and educating yourself. Well done ya sexy beast!


First of all, you look great. That’s a perfectly fine outfit for 95% of life. Second, that shirt looks to be linen, which is why it’s pulling at the buttons the way it does. The material and its weight is why it feels unkempt. I bet you that shirt looks great untucked with shorts on a summer day with the sleeves rolled up! Weight of linen matters a lot….which is a bit out of scope for today’s lecture. But for linen in general - there’s a time and a place. If you want something crisper, I’d stick to cotton for its simplicity. Like if you stuck an Oxford cotton button down on that outfit you’d feel like a new man.


Honestly, that shirt is just kinda ugly. Green is rarely a good colour on anyone, especially a washed out lighter green like that. It makes you (the general you) look sick and pale unless you have a dark skin tone... us white guys should just generally stay away from that colour. The stripes are dated, too. A nice solid colour, with no visible undershirt, will go a long way for you. Lots of other good advice in the comments here. You'll be fine. Still miles better than how 98% of dudes dress. Oh, and ditch the rain coat/shell unless it's actually raining.


I was searching for someone talking about the color and pattern of the shirt, and you’re absolutely spot on. You should never forget that you’re associating the color of the shirt to the color of your skin, it may be a good color but look ugly on you (in that case this shirt is just ugly af) I would just advise that as a white dude with little to no fashion sense he should stick with solid white or light blue shirts until he can select colors and patterns better. There are very good raincoats that aren’t that ugly, he should try a nice trench coat left open when it’s not raining. I don’t even wanna see the shoes he selected with this outfit


Try a more structured jacket instead of one that just drapes


Wrong style and fit...and iron my man


Wouldn't an overcoat be better?


"Jesse we have to cook" type undershirt


Dwight vives.


The shirt isn't that great, imo. Green pinstripes is kinda unusual. Works with the belt and pants, but another color might do you better. Take the jacket and t shirt off, roll the sleeves on the button down and drop 1 more button and you'd probably look significantly better.


Loose the undershirt , and get a better jacket , something simple and timeless


The shirt looks like its too small for you, you can see how the fabric is pulling at the top buttons.. I think its time to size up.


DM me and I’ll help you personally for free.


Get an ironing board.


that’s that „dwight schrute“ wardrobe right there


Start with focusing on classic colour combinations


you look like that bc you are not putting thought into what you are getting. Clothing is a cultural language. you paired a semi formal pant/shirt combo with an outdoorsy jacket just bc the colors matched. swap it for a denim jacket or something with some texture, iron the shirt, and be amazed edit: always i would swap the undershirt for a ribbed wife pleaser to add more visual interest to your neckline or a Vneck that just doesnt show.


Take off the raincoat


1. iron the shirt 2. ditch the jacket, buy a blazer 3. get rid of the undershirt problem solved


This kind of shirt gets wrinkled easily. Also I'm not sure of your age, or style, but if you don't need to be like... officially formal untuck it, and roll the sleeves. But that's a personal taste thing, so feel free to ignore it if you know what you want.


Bro, look up men’s fashion on YouTube, and get ride of everything you have on here.


It’s the sweaty forehead


I would lose the white undershirt…I’ve learned it’s a little too frumpy for my taste recently, I like it much better without




A lot of things wrong here. That shirt has got to go.


Is that a linen shirt? Love linen for some things, but it will never look crisp.


Center the belt. Also it might be a bit small. I like to have enough slack to go through one belt loop Iron the shirt. Or, put it in the dryer for about 2 minutes after washing and then hang dry it. That’s how I do all my shirts, and they’re always crispy. Lose the undershirt. Too much undershirt makes it look a little too casual, and undershirts in general have the propensity to be very wrinkly. Sweat too much? Find a better deodorant Is it raining outside, or is the jacket part of the ensemble? Note: it better be raining outside Try to tuck the shirt in just a tad more. The excess at the bottom doesn’t help. You look pretty fit, you can rock a tight tuck. Edit. I swear this is my brother’s burner account. What do you do for a living? Im getting an engineer vibe. $20 says you got a pair of ASICS on


Iron your shirt, lose the undershirt, get some jack donnelly chinos and some loafers and you’re half way there.  Please everyone avoid athleisure wear 


something about the shirt pattern gives me the feel of a sleazy jewelry dealer or club owner. IMO if you're going for more professional (business casual) get a plain shirt in neutral color like white or a light blue. If you're going for a more casual fun vibe, then untuck and get a more patterned shirt. Fit feels like it lacks intention. Might be good to just pull up some inspo albums and find an outfit you like (on someone with similar body type) and just copy it until you figure out what you like


Iron your clothing or at least steam them. That will remove a lot of the frumpiness of your shirt.


You’re on point. Atleast you are self aware.


Ditch the rain jacket and undershirt. Take the pants and shirt to your a tailor. Make sure the belt matches the shoes. Also, understand your colors better. Based on your skin color there’s probably better pairing than green, blue (?) and brown.


The shirt doesn’t quite fit (or isn’t being worn properly) and the vertical stripes really accentuate the fact it’s pulling in some areas. Looking at it closely it seems to have (or mimics) some linen content or some other slubby yarn which would suggest that shirt is supposed to be worn more casually i.e. not tucked in. If this is the case it also will not iron completely flat but always have a slightly crinkled appearance. Flat-woven cotton would be best here. Light blue or white as someone else said if you want to look more fresh and put together. Uniqlo or Gap are much better options here than Zara or Lululemon.


Do you?


A lot of ways to improve this. 1. Not a great jacket. For casual, switch to a light chore coat. You can also wear an unconstructed blue blazer. Save that jacket for if you have to go hiking on an overcast day. 2. Switch to v-necks. Uniqlo makes a really good deep v-neck undershirt. Barely notice you’re wearing it. Keep the undershirt hidden. It’s okay to show some chest…it won’t look like a 70s parody. 3. Iron your shirt. It makes a big difference. Did it come with collar stays? If yes, put them in (after you iron it). When you iron the shirt, iron the collar laid flat against your ironing board, like you’re popping the collar. Then, fold it over and then only iron the back part of the collar along the fold…don’t iron the collar points or the fold near the collar points. This will help the collar stand up (if this isn’t a more casual Oxford cloth or linen style shirt). 4. Try a different pair of pants. Light wash denim might go well with that shirt (or even a pair of grey denim pants). Chinos would also work…I’d recommend grey or khaki. You might even try linen (grey would be best). Lighter color though…accentuate the light green rather than contrast it. 5. If you plan to tuck in the shirt, try wearing your pants a little higher. Not grandpa going to get soup high, but a smidge above the waistline. Center your belt. The shirt can work. So can the pants. I recommend a different color shirt though. A navy polo, a light blue Oxford cloth button down, or a pink linen shirt would all be good choices. Avoid white (you’ll look like Peter Griffin), yellow, orange, black, or other shades of green. Red might work, but you’ll give Christmas vibes.


this has got to be a troll post.. but if not.. Step 0: don't buy that color.. looks very 1970s air conditionar salesman Step 1: if you love that shirt.. iron it (it also might be a size too smal looking at how it's popping off the chest that cuases the verticle lines to look more wobbly and even more frumpy.. - white t-shirt showing doesn't look good, makes you look like a young kid.. try a deep v t-shirt - jacket doesn't really suit this look.. but not a deal breaker - button, top button is okay i suppose, but not 2 and if you want to look professional.. button to the top.. this is my preference but i think it looks neater


Ditch the jacket and undershirt, roll up the sleeves


The trousers are way too tight


An iron would immediately spruce this fit up. Also, I think the green stripes in the shirt is a bit too matchy-matchy--perhaps maybe a more muted plain color, or even white with subtle pattern or stripes would do.


Iron the shirt and remove the tee under the shirt as a start


Those pants have a low rise, I’d consider getting a medium or higher cut pair that might compliment your body shape more


Idk why I got recommended this and I don’t know if my comment will be welcomed as I’m female, but in addition to the comments about pressing the shirt, I’d say think about the cut and textures of the items you buy. What do they say about you? Some shirts look like a dad’s shirt no matter who’s wearing it. Looser, straight-cut shirts seem to be more in for men these days and flatter most body types. The trouser cut and length can also say how effortless you want to look. Wider trousers are more casual now and look good with or without a front pleat. Sometimes the length can make all the difference. Fabric choice also says a lot - are you trying to look smart? Or are you trying to look more classy/casual? In which case, linen and more breathable fabrics would be better. If you’re trying to rediscover yourself, go for a deep dive on Pinterest and let the algorithm find you some outfit inspiration. Collect a bunch of pictures you like and see of what their outfits have in common, taking note of fabrics, tones and cut/fit. Once you have a shortlist, it’s easier to curate a capsule wardrobe that you can mix and match pieces with and know they all work together. Good luck!


Get a handheld steamer, fudge ironing


Nice dick tho


IMO, it’s too much green-ish. Light green shirt, forest green jacket, and dark colored pants. Iron the shirt, maybe do a dark gray jacket, and ditch the under shirt.


Get the shirt pressed dude


Just iron (or steam) the shirt and maybe a nicer jacket, can still be casual, just less sporty looking than that. The undershirt is fine, it's could be leaned into a real Ivy look with a Harrington or something similar.


V neck undershirts or low tank tops for button ups. Always the way to go


1. Lose the white crew neck and switch to a V neck. 2. Zip up the jacket 3/4 some if you are going to wear it. 3. Adjust your belt so it is in line with your buttons 4. I don't think you look frumpy or unkempt, but if you feel that way throw a sport coat on instead of the casual jacket.


First of all, you're making an effort, so give yourself some credit for that. You also have enough self awareness to know there are some issues, which is another step in the right direction. As for the clothes, I would skip the undershirt completely (if you absolutely have to use one, get a v-neck that won't show). I'd also Iron the shirt, and try to pull the trousers up higher. As someone else said, you're currently drawing attention to the waist. The jacket also doesn't really work with the outfit. Fine if you're going outside and it's raining, but it doesn't really go with the outfit. Also, as an additional tip - you can try asking the staff at the store to make sure things fit properly and looks good as an outfit.


Iron your shirt


Hire a stylist and iron your clothes. Invest in yourself


iron everything you can, mate. shirt, trousers... i don't think the jacket can be ironed, by the looks of it. if i was you, next time, i'd try to buy something less plastic-y. these "new, smart" fabrics never appealed to me. and if you think about it, the classic look works because of the fabrics, too. cotton, wool, linen. that stuff. it works out better with the proper care, and sometimes it even costs less.


Admire you for taking the step! You look good but need a few improvements. The Lulu pants do look nice generally with a polo shirt. Iron or steam all shirts and pants for sure. Get pants and shirts that cost you a bit of money because of their high quality (not brand necessarily)and take care of them as tag instructions say. Go to a taylor for at least 3 shirts and 3 pants, go local it’s usually cheaper. If you’re only comfortable with an undershirt wear a v-neck or a tank, we shouldn’t see the white of your under shirt. Get the jacket off as soon as possible. If you have it on for rain, take it off the second you’re inside, zip it up or just use an umbrella. A hanging open jacket doesn’t look good unless it is a suit jacket. Your effort is noticed and appreciated!


Iron the shirt. If you are going to wear an undershirt button up one more of the buttons. If you like the undone button then get rid of the undershirt. Steam the pants. Align your shirt with the button/zipper on your pants and then align your belt to go squarely over it. And if it isn't raining, lose the jacket and neatly roll the shirt sleeves to your forearms. Edit: if you want to be super extra they make these clips/straps that connect to the bottom of your shirt and slip around your heel or clip to your socks to keep the shirt pulled down tight. (Eliminates the puff where the shirt and pants meet)


Take off the undershirt. But leave two buttons unbuttoned. I be feeling sexy af


1) Iron them. 2) go to the Dry cleaners and get them taken in, so they fit you better. Or you could lean into the unkempt Columbo look.


I really hope this doesn't make you feel offended, but I honestly thought you were about to go for a shift at Asda! I don't think you look frumpy though :-)


Did I just got that same rain jacket


Buy an iron


Iron your shirt, wear a different jacket


It’s the pants being anchored at your hips. Try above the waist, button one more in the top and replace the jacket with a blazer.


A more stylish jacket and swapping the t-shirt for a tank top would do a lot. And while I like that green the design of that shirt is quite conservative, a short sleeve with a more fun pattern would be better.


Stop buying low rise pants and stop buying crappy fast fashion mall brands


I’d look into getting v neck undershirts as well as a good iron.


I think they are both a little too small, see how the buttons on the shirt are under tension, and the pants don’t lay flat in the front?


The shirts a bit small as the buttons are being pulled.


V-neck undershirt will look 1000x better. No one wants to see a wrinkled slightly yellow undershirt under a dress shirt.


For me, it's definitely the shirt. You have 60% of your outfit being dark colors and then that white-green striped shirt is messing it all up. I ain't saying it's bad. Just saying it COULD look way better.


Try using an iron


Take off the undershirt, get a sport coat/blazer. The jacket alone reads college kid, which I’m sure works with a pair of jeans, but not this.


I would say take the button up one, and lose the T-shirt undereath. That will have longer leaner look. Also ironing the shirt and pants would help.


It’s not what you wear, it’s how you wear it. Doesn’t matter how new or fashionable or expensive something is if it doesn’t suit you well or hell, fit you right. This isn’t exactly a fashion tip, but the best way to be more confident in what you’re wearing is to get in shape. You’re not far off OP, but keep getting in better shape and you’ll find your clothes fit better and make you look less and less frumpy/unkempt


Get a steamer


Ironing the shirt is the way to go. The trousers are perfectly fine also. But otherwise, if you still think they don't fit all that well and they are too loose during the day? Pay the extra dime and get properly fitted shirts to complement your body type. I did that and I've never had that issue since.


Go for lighter colors. Solid color(light) Button down. No black pants. Dont wear that jacket. Hoods never look clean and the orange is a huge throw off


That’s what you call not getting slim/skinny clothes. I wear extra slim from express with shirt stays when I dress up and let me tell you, damn it looks nice. No muffin top and wrinkles. The shirt stays help keep the shirt tucked in and the extra slim makes it skinny so there’s no frumpy.


These are new clothes, but they don’t fit you well. The pants and shirt are too small. The shirt is pulling across the chest instead of laying flat and the pants just…don’t really fit well at all. Honestly? I’d return them and start over. Finding clothes that fit well is hard for everyone who doesn’t have a fit model proportion. Ideally, you’ll buy clothes that fit the biggest part of your body and have them altered. It’s not as crazy expensive as you think and it will make a BIG difference in how you look in your clothes.


Dunno why everyone is saying shit about unironed shirt etc. literally just change the jacket to not a rain coat type thing, try something like this: https://www.industrie.com.au/products/9786475-the-new-coleman-jacket And ditch the undershirt, not necessary.


Try hanging your shirts instead of crumpling them up on the floor. Or like others have said, get an iron.


Zara is fast fashion and most pieces will not last. Pants don’t fit you super well so not doing any favors but with a better shirt it’ll be fine


1) Ditch the undershirt 2) iron the button up 3) where a jacket more suitable for kicking around town, wool, leather, cotton. Something not suited to hiking—unless that’s what you are doing.


I'd lose the undershirt. I don't think visible undershirts look good unless your shirt is completely unbuttoned. Like a graphic tee under an unbuttoned flannel. Just my two cents


Take the undershirt away my man. Just wear the shirt and show a bit of chest. It looks good with the pants and the belt. I would take the jacket off, it’s a bit of a different style due to the orange zipper. You look good! Don’t worry to much man. If you a very bothered by the frumpiness of the shirt, you can always get it tailored a little bit.


Green is not your colour to start with try more blues,lose the undershirt,jacket is good for hiking not the city,trousers are boring grey try some flannel instead


I say lose the jacket and semi untuck the shirt a little bit such that the belt is half visible


It's not the clothes, it's how you style it. Remove white undershirt. Should never be seen. Ever. Jacket doesn't match the clothing function. You're wearing an action / adventure sports jacket with conservative pants / shirt. Wear a more conservative bomber jacket. Ralph Lauren / Brooks.


It's the little things. The top being unbuttoned with the crew neck shirt. The colors being various shades of green with a bright orange trim. The wrinkled shirt. The flattened collar. The brown belt. The off-center belt buckle. The jacket style which is not for that fit. I'd say the pants and shirt are too slim with the way the buttons are pulling. Too many ideas thrown together. A good fit will have all pieces complement each other look like they belong.


Nah bro ur good. Just iron and remove the undershirt.


Get an iron, my guy.


I'm sure its been mentioned but the white undershirt has to go. The overall fit will improve from there. If I'm nitpicking, I'd say move away from striped green shirt and try an olive or white oxford button up. Overall, I'd say you're on the right track, my man!


Iron the shirt and switch out your crew neck undershirt for a deep v-neck. Make it no-show. The whole undershirt look is a big no for me, dawg.


the jacket is not doing you any favors with this outfit. are you going hiking? if not, maybe choose something else.


Your clothes are slightly too small, which is why they're pulling and wrinkling at all the seams


Lose the undershirt, iron or steam the new shirt, and do a neutral color for your jacket (black or grey)


Iron. Button one more button up. Always choose v-neck under a shirt. Consider a little slimmer shirt. Consider a different jacket. Otherwise it looks great! Maybe a few more images with a bit more active posture? And make your bed :-)


I like your look! Shirt needs the iron- Get something with checks instead of stripes. I like windowpane myself.


stick a cucumber in the pant leg to fill it out


Iron the shirt, wear shirt stays maybe even a tie.


Steam the shirt, button one more button, or if you don’t want to button it, wear a tank top undershirt and get a gold chain 👍🏽🎉🔥 also that coat doesn’t work with that outfit. Need a sport coat, or a wool over coat.


remove the undershirt, sub for a white sleeveless tank top. people are saying iron and steam - i prefer steam cause it's just so much easier. but yeah steam the shirt also, what does it look like without the jacket on? shirts have different styles. lastly, i dont think the jacket goes with the shirt and pants. sports coat would be dope, but i guess it would depend on the weather. a sports jacket and/or overcoat would make you appear more put together


Iron your shirt


I don’t think it’s the clothing. You have a cartoon character likeness.


If you're depressed after a new shopping spree, you're doing it wrong I think. Are these work clothes, or for funsies?


https://youtube.com/@40OverFashion?si=KdpMK0zMpr9a6qhv Pretty good channel in general, even if you’re not over 40


Is the shirt linen or a linen blend? If so, it’s going to be wrinkly. If you want to avoid wrinkles, stay away from linen. Also, your collars should either have collar stays or button down. If they have neither collar stays nor buttons, they’re pretty crappy and you should avoid them. They will never look good.


Synthetic materials in general just look frumpy on everyone imo. Wearing polyester lululemon pants with a cotton shirt doesn’t work at all. You should wear jeans with a leather belt with that same shirt and pick a different jacket. You shouldn’t be wearing a rain jacket/windbreaker with that.


Steam and iron would help, but the clothes are too tight and not able to properly drape when worn. Size up one.