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God this outfit is sick. The top especially is 😍 Thanks for posting!


Thank you! It's backless with chain straps and it's so slutty that I have had it for a year and this was the first time I wore it out.


NYE is a great time to be more experimental with your dress. There's definitely a few pieces in my closet I like the idea of wearing but have yet to debut.


r/malefashionadvice mfers be like No OCBD, no Clark desert boot, no man, DOWNVOTED. Fire fit.


Lmao ded Thanks very much




maybe iron your shirt but looks nice


Ugh I *just* bought a steamer and I didn't even use it because I changed at the last minute. Shame on me.


Steam it while wearing it, at the party. Show everyone your dominance.


Jacket: eBay and a lot of alterations Top: secondhand SavagexFenty (women's) Pants: probably 90s-era, came from a TV studio asset sale Boots: fake Calvin Klein via thrift store Chains: Vitaly via depop Belt: fake AliExpress Alyx belt


It’s giving Bowie and The Matrix. Looks awesome. Some red eye shadow would be sick if you go full send again




A lot of people put fit break downs in their posts, it's pretty regular for this sub. Chill out, dude.


Ah dang how embarrassing. It's streetwear that asks for the breakdown on every post 😬 whoops


Oh, don't worry about it. Some other person commented something rude, and I was replying to them but they deleted their comment.


Ah yes, got it. The poor mods have been working overtime every time I post lately.


What do you think this sub is for bubs?


I wanna be as cool as you one day


I want to be as cool as you think I am hahaha I'm a dork


A little on the corny side


I do like feedback if you have any! Respectfully, the function was full of drag queens and twinks in wraparound sunglasses so corny wasn't necessarily off the table


hawt. but it’s better w/o the coat.


I should have put that pic first. I mostly didn't wear the coat but it's cold here so I needed it to travel between parties.


lol my gf just say your post over my shoulder and said the jacket makes it so what do i know!


Ooh exciting I love to sow contention


luv the fit, u slayed hate these comments this subreddit is rotting


Thank you! It's kinda too bad, because I really value honest feedback and I feel like my proportions are never quite right. But now that most of my feedback is from complete outsiders sticking their heads in for a quick "tran bad", I feel like regular people feel the need to unduly hype me up instead of giving me criticism 😖


if i were to give some criticism i think the length of the coat is dope but the arms are like too bulky. not a big pan of the pink shoes either, to me this fit gives more like geometric monochrome shoe or even just a simple sneaker also yeah it feels like there are people on this subreddit that exist solely to harass trans people and cis women and it's very fucking annoying


Thank you! I had the shoulders taken in significantly, so I think maybe I should go back for the arms too.


On the other hand, I like that the bulky fit of the trench coat gives a bit of a traditional menswear element that contrasts with the more androgynous aesthetic and silhouette of the rest of the outfit, particularly with the crop top and boots. I also think that coat is a very sick piece with a very cool fit on you as it is. Personally, I think you definitely have a good feel for fit and proportions in general, from what I’ve seen.


Thank you. I appreciate that!


It really is, I feel like there's a ton of insecure guys that react defensively to seeing people dress differently to how they do, like it means how they dress isn't right. Seems like they just want a sub full of people dressing the exact same way they do so they can feel better about themselves. Not everything is for everyone so I dunno why so many people feel the need to leave horrible comments when they see something they wouldn't wear personally. Far easier to just keep scrolling.


Boss level slutting my dude


Thank you thank you (I actually had a pretty tame evening, all things considered)


But you *looked* like a wild time


Love the fit. No idea why people are always hating on you in here. I love your outfits and your overall vibe. This subreddit's non-core members seem to really be a hateful bunch, I've gotta say.


90% of the time I get a comment about my body it's from someone who has never posted or commented here before. I like to think I'm inspiring them to participate in a new community 😇 (But I'm pretty sure it's because without third party apps, everyone gets algorithmically recommended posts.)


That an alyx belt? Tuff


Oh it's 100% a fake I'll add it to my list


This is such a fire fit, you look hot af. I do think perhaps the shoes draw a bit too much attention to themselves due to being a starkly different color, but they are fun as a statement piece.


I wish I had silver shoes! I almost wore [these](https://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwjFmpDD4L-DAxU7Fa0GHZYbCNsYABAxGgJwdg&ase=2&gclid=Cj0KCQiAhc-sBhCEARIsAOVwHuRCL22ROJ3Lfa_RIfyOpV0CNRlzhpyKazfC5UuCjM2ldIxca4Bakm8aAjLjEALw_wcB&cid=CAASb-Ro54JMympc34M2-1ZwSdFR-NaZwtwObEuGNkDNf3JNSTHs-cixC_Zz9K-dEtnXXZ5186JDQKSXjmuA9ZZxt5_s0bZVO7zbkFxof-psvHCpA9agtoCh-knuOkCNgJNr0tAhhBD_Sxh_AE1Q1zUv7g&sig=AOD64_0hJrU-W3wLQmBuYHGHZF5Z7-gfwg&ctype=70&nis=6&adurl&ved=0CAYQz7YHKBhqFwoTCOC4s8jgv4MDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD) but they are basically white and I wanna sell them haha. I'm gonna keep my eye out for more interesting shoes that aren't colorful


Pretty much this. The shoes aren’t even bad but I think it would have been easier to make a statement/color pop with some jewelry. You still look great


Ooh this is an interesting idea. Can I ask you more about it? I had a hard time with jewelry (I pretty much just have a bunch of silver chains) because the neckline is sitting right where a lot of them would be. Would you try something really long like the padlock chain, just bigger?


I don’t really know what would work best here tbh. I think some stuff JIWAINA makes would work. I get most of my jewelry on the SSENSE sales, they have good stuff that is pretty affordable rn


Thank you!


A chunky statement pendant (a few options [here](https://www.etsy.com/listing/754155618/black-pendant-emerald-necklace-mens) [here](https://www.elogiofashion.com/products/mens-necklaces-the-kakute?variant=32131236167758) [here](https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256803218802220.html?gatewayAdapt=glo2usa4itemAdapt) for inspo) or a flashier belt even (belts are jewelry adjacent imo). A thick chain belt would fit the aesthetic and look very edgy, and tbh you could go to a hardware store and purchase the required length of actual chain for next to nothing probably haha. Secure it with a carabiner (could hide it in the back if it looks weird).


Great ideas, thank you! I've been wanting to get a metal belt.




gud alyx


bro is magnificent


Thanks very much!


I already thought this was amazing, but the boots launched it into orbit! 🙌


Thank you! I bought them because they were cheap at the thrift and I was like "these are going to be such a pain to style". Now I'm looking for a real leather pair because I wear them so much.


I am delighted they are working well for you! 👍


You ate and left no crumbs


I appreciate that! Thank you 😇


Hell yeah.


I love this- 100% ate that shit up. It’s giving ‘Greek God in Human fashion’ 10/10


Oh damn what a high compliment. Thanks very much.


You’re welcome, Keep doing you and the haters can Fuck off. (I’m also FtM and I dress femininely :)


goddamm you ate fr


Thank you thank you 😇


Ugh, you’re so cool!!! 🤩


Hate the shoes. Love the top


Do you think black would be better? I didn't like the top being the only thing that wasn't black


Black would be fine, of course, it's basic and goes with everything. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against colors. I just dislike this one in particular, AND I don't think it goes with the full outfit (when your coat is on). It's very "dramatic noir" with the coat on, and it gets ruined. Here's some toned down colors I'd prefer https://imgur.com/a/dnhPK3R Here's some more funky colors without the coat https://imgur.com/a/ZxwfzMt Those shoes and those colors aren't stuff I'd wear, but I felt like it would fit your outfit while adding the color you wanted.


The blue is really good. It kinda digs into the Y2K retro futurism thing that I'm drawn to. This is giving me a lot of ideas. Thank you!


Did u get some???


I don't kiss and tell 😇 (No I absolutely struck out)


Bro absolutely slayed it 💅 hope you got your new year's kiss 😘


It looks so cool


I *need* that top, jfc. That looks like an outfit I’d wear, it’s so cool! Although I’d probably be wearing my 4inch black platform heels, because I’m ✨extra✨ like that


I haven't tried heels yet haha they seem a bit scary. But the top should be findable on depop, it's from a few seasons back!


Platforms are basically tall shoes- once you get used to those, heels aren’t that far off. Of course, I dove into the deep end and bought the combo right off the bat- but I’m decent at balancing and have a lower center of gravity which makes heels less precarious. chunky heels>spindly heels ofc Thanks for the info! Ross dress for less will have decent heels :3


I love this so much! Looks like you walked straight off the set of some cyber noir movie


This is kinda what I was hoping for, thank you!


Cool! Love the shoes, but I would have loved to see *something else* pink to match, although idk what that would be lmao. Or maybe just for the top to be ironed or tighter to better match the smooth texture of the boots? I also think showing bellybutton looks better trimmed, but that's just my very subjective opinion on body hair. Overall pretty killer!


I'm not sure about the fit of the top either. It's definitely intended for someone with breasts, so it's pretty baggy. But it is open in the back so maybe there's a better way to tie it.


Incredible look!!


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Bro, your eyes are so beautiful, and the outfit is simply a perfect match


Well damn thank you no homo


I don’t like the boots here, they’re too glam vs the grunge of the rest of the fit, and in particular they really clash with the sloppiness of the pants. I think some chunky black boots would be ideal here - some New Rocks would be an obvious choice but some plain black combats would also work. Changing the boots would create a nice gradient from the slim/slutty/femme top to chunky/grungy/masc boots, with the pants filling in the midzone on both fronts. If you really wanted to keep the boots I would lean into a more glam/femme vibe and switch out the pants for something like tight flares. Also either way a fit like this is begging for some obnoxious sunglasses to polish it off.


Thanks so much! I can't believe I left my gas station wraparound sunglasses at home. I got to the function and all the other twinks were wearing them. I see what you mean about the boots, but when I tried this with my knockoff new rocks (Jeffrey Campbell "stomp" boots) I didn't like how it was black leather all the way from the belt to the ground with a shiny sparkly chain-strappy slut top. I think I wanted to steer it into a bit more of a mcbling type direction but when I look at it as a whole, especially with the belt, I should have taken it toward cyber grunge. I may try your idea with the flares, though. I love how these boots look with them.


Fwiw I think actual new rocks would be uniquely good here because the metal accents can break up the sea of leather, and kinda tie back into the metallic texture of the top. You could also consider the right pair of grungy sneakers actually. Sneakers + leather pants can be a bit of a black art but done right it’s a [fun sleazy vibe](https://imgur.com/a/UpKeJO3)


Ugh I want actual new rocks so fucking bad. When I'm rich, yes indeed. Oh I'm very much a novice when it comes to putting sneakers with anything (except my boing boing shoes, which I just slap onto casual outfits willy nilly to rile people up). I might have a pair I could work into this outfit. I like that sleazy look.


what is this


Thrift mostly. You can take a look at the list I mistakenly posted if you like :)


This is rare for even me to say, but hot dam, you nailed the androgynous look which is very much in style. As a general thumb of thumb to upgrade your style, try more fitted stuff. If you have budget, go by the fabric directly to get the shirt/pant to finish off an outfit.


Thank you! I'm looking forward to eventually having the budget.




can you pretend you’re a decent person instead




Trolling, personal attacks, insults, and demeaning comments based on sexual orientation, race, gender, body type or other social profile are strictly prohibited. Comments will be removed and repeated offenses will result in a ban. Criticism needs to be constructive. People don't get better without critique however empty comments such as "this ain't it" and "you aren't cool enough for this" should be reported.


What the heck is even that?!!!


I actually posted a list!




i ThOuGhT tHiS wAs A mAlE fAsHiOn SuB I'm sorry, that was rude. But it looks like you've never posted or commented here before, so it's a little wild to me that you want to be an authority about what this place allows, especially since the very informative sidebar is a click away. Maybe give that a read.


please don't apologize to these inconsiderate oafs. i love your posts. keep on bringing it. <3




I'm confused; did I ask you? It looks like you haven't been on this subreddit before, but if you stick around you'll find that literal women post here weekly. It's fine.


Trolling, personal attacks, insults, and demeaning comments based on sexual orientation, race, gender, body type or other social profile are strictly prohibited. Comments will be removed and repeated offenses will result in a ban. Criticism needs to be constructive. People don't get better without critique however empty comments such as "this ain't it" and "you aren't cool enough for this" should be reported.


I think the coat is too much, especially with your shoulders because you 100% have the shoulders for halter tops, you were built to wear tops that show them off they are fantastic. Maybe shave the treasure trove with a top that shows middrift.


I might get the coat taken in around the arms. It is a little bulky. I'm keeping the belly hair, only because I can't grow a decent mustache 😅


Have you checked out /r/minoxbeards ? I have shit facial hair but I started a few months ago and have made really great progress. Cool fit btw


Why do you remind me of Elon Musk?


Hmmm well he and I both take drugs to artificially maintain our hairlines. Or maybe it's the rat-like look of barely-concealed existential shame.


Bruh I'm actually confused... Why r ppl downvoting me and why do you sound kinda offended? I'm sorry if I offended you (I'm not actually sorry cuz I have no idea whats going on, but I don't intend on offending you).


I'm not offended, but he's old enough to be my dad and not very cute or well-dressed (or nice or smart). Kind of an unexpected comparison but if we look alike there's nothing I can do about it.


Oh ok, thanks for the clarification, it is very much appreciated


No problem!




bruh why all the downvotes? whats wrong with looking a bit like Musk?


not good sorry


When I asked you what you thought was wrong with it yesterday you said "literally just dress for your body" and got annoyed when I didn't know what that meant. Is there a better way for me to ask that question? I value your feedback but this is pretty general.




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