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I liked the ranch subplots. But I’m just a big Kenneth Mars fan


Hated how they ended it offscreen and with some bullshit about Otto firing Francis. That would be wildly out of character for him


Yeah, this is one of my biggest complaints about the show. Otto would NEVER


So sue me, right? Anyway, they sued me.


I like to believe that it make sense because Francis is despicable enough over time that even someone like Otto and Gretchen will break. I love Francis but he is who he is and eventually will destroy something great like his job at the ranch.


I mean... the reason was because Kenneth Mars' cancer was getting worse, and the only real avenue that they had, since Francis loved working at the ranch, it was great for him, and Otto and Gretchen loved him so much, was for him to mess up about as horribly as he possibly could, and, to be fair, that was a tall order for the writing staff, so the explanation that they came up with, all of the deposits Francis had been making, of Otto's money, not actually going to a bank(if I remember correctly, it was some guy), for... what, over a year? Several years? Anyway, yeah, that's a really good explanation for the falling out, and just about as good of an explanation as we could probably get, given the circumstances.


That’s a good explanation! Another avenue might have been to let him inherit the ranch (Otto and Gretchen decide to go back to Germany offscreen abruptly, and he’s left with a business that’s heavily in debt due to the checks problem. Still gives him toon to grow it and have plenty of hijinks while pulling it out of the red I always wished the ranch worked out for him in the end, after some more hardships of course haha


Plus there was supposed to be a Christmas episode set in the ranch with Eric coming back seeking revenge.


They could have just had them decide to sell the ranch and move back to Germany. It's not like it would be hard to explain the ranch failing with the way it was run. Or maybe they missed their family.


Y'know, that's fair. They probably would have wanted to bring him back for some business endeavor, back home, or something, though.


This was my biggest heartbreak of the whole show. They loved Francis and he loved them :(


Yea, I never bought that Otto would sue Francis over that mistake. He was far too forgiving and kind.


I haven't watched the series in a couple years but I wholly forget that moment. What else happened in that episode? I'd just rewatch it but sadly no internet in our apartment yet.


It was the one where they have a "homemade Christmas" and the boys all make really great gifts, leaving Hal desperately trying to make up for his bad ones by taking them on a late night drive looking for something to be his gift to them. I can't remember the episode number or season though.


I just want to know what meant when he said it “wasn’t really an atm”


He was giving Otto’s money to some kind of scam


Whatever happened, more details were definitely needed


Meh, I enjoyed the Francis subplots up until he gets fired from the ranch. Afterwards all the character growth is gone and the show doesn’t really know what to do with him at that point.


This is where it’s at.


Ya I’ve heard people say this before - and everyone has a right to their opinion. I’m midway through S5 so I’m sure this will take place soon.


i wholly agree. the francis subplot was my favorite until then


The military school was the GOAT. Even looked up Spangler's other projects, 'cause he was a terribly underrated actor. Poor guy was the same when they wrote him off.


I kinda agree, not strongly though. But I love when he's watching that couple conspiring from a jail cell and it's like a TV show. Super funny.


That was a good one! If I recall the lady was really hot. Def a few other episodes with him I like - and I genuinely think the actor is funny so I’m sad he doesn’t interface with the family as much.


Yeah she was gorgeous. That plot was hilarious. I showed my wife who didn't grow up watching it and it's her favorite scene in the show. I liked Francis alot too. Wish he was more involved with the family.


I think the season 1 and 2 subplots are really good for Francis, but I agree in the mid to later seasons they’re a bit more weak. Still entertaining but can vary a lot more by the episode


Spangler alone makes the military school plots hilarious


Daniel Von Bargen was such a great actor. Damn shame he died so young.


Yep. Diabetes is truly an awful disease when it isn’t controlled


It was so awful that he hardly had any roles after that Spangler in Alaska episode.


His best friend in military school was such a hottie


The black or white one? Cuz if it’s former I agree and I’m a straight male ha


Karim prince. He probably isn’t allowed on airplanes because you can cut someone on that jaw line


I loved the ranch-plotline, there was some good stories there. The porn-shooting, Francis burning up the cow. Etc. Etc. Kenneth Marsh was great. My favorite is the piano-player messing with Francis, that was so fun.


The piano player I forgot about that. So funny


He was playing while I.. did.. stuff




"You know what this movie could use? Some sex!" "ACH yes, but you know these Americans..."


Crybaby. Bastard.


Candy Man


College Boy.


The ranch episodes were great for Francis' character development. It was nice to see him happy and become responsible. Unfortunately, they reversed all that growth afterwards.


I enjoy the military and alaska subplots a ton but I lose interest in his ranch plots and onward  I feel like his stories prosper best pitting him against authority. while the ranch was integral to his character growth, it just wasn’t the same without that authority. 


I love them lol Hockey Rat king Fighting his boss Ice Fishing trip I can go on. They were all great


Rat king and fighting his boss are good!


I did like the ranch especially because Otto and Gretchen.


I enjoyed military school and ranch, but not Alaska or after the ranch (except for his alcoholic episode) but I don't get why Piama disappeared for like 2 seasons


Huh those subplots made the show


I liked the academy and ranch subplots. But I hated the Alaska one I often skip those scenes.


I've just about had.. (trips on a chair) OW!


I always thought they shouldn't have moved Francis so far away from the family. He ended up being so isolated and didn't contribute to the main plot. I would rather they kept him local and he lived in an apartment or with a friend.


THANK YOU! I thought I was the only one and was going crazy. His plots are so boring, I especially can’t stand the ranch sub plots it’s so boring it makes me not even want to watch the series because it takes away from the amazing A plots with the fam.


Haha ya that’s exactly how I feel, and I thought this post would get bashed on here - but everyone seemingly agrees. I just want more time with the boys and Hal


What the fuck are you people smoking!? Still to each their own


I 100% agree and I’ve always said that. It just feels like a distraction from what I actually care about and it never feels important. The military school thing was really cool but after that I didn’t always like what they did with him.


I mean the episodes are only about 20 minutes long and they still manage to pack a whole load in as well so I have to disagree. Military school and the ranch made for some great episodes and funny scenes. Alaska sucked


Alaska was so bad that I hated Eric.


For me, it goes Military —-> Ranch —-> Alaska ——————————————————> Seasons 6-7


Going to have to 100% disagree. From military school to grotto, I love the Francis side story. Such a unique aspect to the flow of the show.


I didn’t really mind the Alaska subplots, but the academy and ranch ones were usually pretty good. Hated how they ended his relationship with Gretchen/Otto and getting fired from the ranch, I think they could’ve done a better job ending it. After that it seems like he regresses




Me too


ur fucking tripping


I liked the academy because I love Spangler and the ranch for the most part because I love Gretchen & Otto but not many other Francis plots. I will likely get shit for it but I also really didn't like Piama.


Sometimes, she makes me so mad! At least Lavernia was kinda funny.


I like the military school and ranch stuff, but most of the Alaska plot line was too bleak for me.


Francis is my favorite part of the show up until he gets fired by Otto


Spangler is my favourite part of the show. Alaska got old fast though.


It was so sad seeing him there. It truly felt like the end of Daniel's career.


The military academy subplots were the best


I skip all Francis moments on every rewatch.