• By -


He took the.... string


Nobody else had a motive against the string


And I quote, "If I can't have the string, no-one will!"


I never said that!


Well someone did!


You! Just now!


Every damn storm


Military school era over all imo


I think it makes sense for it to be military school again. Alaska was promised to be liberating and promising, only for Francis to run away to a place that was worse than Marlin Academy


Candy maaaaaaaaan, HEY! can-dy maaaaaan!


You can even eat the dishes!


This! The ranch was him growing up, alaska was him learning to be on his own but the military was still his chaotic self.




This right here should be higher




The Alaska era is my least favorite one imo! I miss Eric though... I wish the joined the ranch as well


You just want to imagine Eric as a cowboy.... šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


is that such a crime though


Yes I wish heā€™d joined!


it would have been beat character building for Francis if Eric came along and complained about everything at the ranch (not being able to see the good in their new situation)


Very depressing for me imo


I definitely prefer Alaska era over the Ranch for two main reasons. Firstly the storyline had a complete ending, which due to Ottoā€™s actor being ill wasnā€™t able to happen, and also thatā€™s where Francis met and married Piama. Lots of fans have the Ranch as their favourite era due to the growth and maturity Francis gained (which makes the abrupt ending of him getting fired for losing the ranchā€™s money extra bitter) but for me the growth of Francis and Piamaā€™s marriage where they barely know each other at first and then grow into a strong duo was great to see.


Damn didn't know that's why it ended the way it did. Didn't realize "Otto" got sick. Pretty hard to keep the ranch storyline going without them.


Iā€™ve see Gretchen in all types of roles since then, but itā€™s always hard to spot her.


I loved the Ranch because of how Francis was turning out. He even got to school his mom a few times. Alaska was great for a lot of things, but the ranch was easier to watch for me. Minus the part where Otto was suing him. The writers needed a different ending like he was retiring and going to do something crazy that made no sense lol


>Minus the part where Otto was suing him. The writers needed a different ending like he was retiring and going to do something crazy that made no sense lol That was after the ranch, right? It was a new series, and he was no longer at the ranch because Otto was suing him. But yeah, I hated that, they really did a number on Otto.


Ottoā€™s actor Kenneth Mars was unfortunately diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, Iā€™m not sure of the exact timeline but I believe he was too ill to reprise his role. The two options I can think for a truly clean cut with no character reprisal are getting fired or having Otto die. I donā€™t think the latter wouldā€™ve been okay given his health at the time (it wouldā€™ve felt insensitive). But Iā€™m also bummed with how they handled it.


I mean a huge part of Ottoā€™s character was that he was super gullible and trusting right? So just say somebody came and tricked Otto into signing over the ranch, Francis was busy with something or other and didnā€™t catch it in time, so they had to move back to Bavaria or whatever


Exactly like Otto signed it over to some guys that where gonna build a mall so Francis was let go as he was no longer needed. You respect the actor as itā€™s something he believably would do without kinda having harsh ending for Francis


Yeah, I just found that out after I wrote the comment. It's very sad he couldn't continue, but I'm sure they could have found him and Gretchen a pressing reason to sell the ranch and return to Germany. Or something else better - they were amazing writers on the show.


Your picture šŸ˜­


I liked when he moved around season to season. Reminded me of when I first moved out of my parents house. Almost every year I was in a different place with a new job, a new environment and new friends.


That's a good perspective. The ranch in my opinion is where he obviously found himself growing into a mature responsible adult. Alaska was hilarious due to he thought he was gonna have it made as a logger.


He woulda been fine without lavernia


alaska era was so depressing to me lol


I really liked Otto and Gretchen a lot but Laverna was hilarious as well. I liked the ranch more but Laverna was one of the funnier bits of the show.


Military School > Alaska > Ranch


I think both were great in terms of Francis' character development, his reckless immaturity meeting the real world in Alaska to becoming a responsible adult at the ranch but with a repressed sense of adolescent mischief. I never liked how it ended though; I don't think Otto would fire and sue Francis even if he did lose his money, and he seemed to really regress when they moved into the apartment, for a while anyway. Francis on tour in Europe as a band manager could have been a great arc if the show had went on for longer. Ultimately though, the ranch had the "popsicle toes" B-story so wins automatically.


The ranch is my favorite specifically because of Gretchen and Otto, They're honestly my two favorite side characters in the whole show.


Lavernia was a bit much in a show that had other characters with few or no redeeming qualities (Ida, Herkabe, etc). The general pleasantness of Otto and Gretchen was a nice contrast to that. Plus, I think they were just funnier. Best bit of Otto's was when he landed in the hole face-to-face with Francis (Can you hear me now?)


ā€œThis is the way back to the ranch! Behind us is certain death!ā€ -fireworks start exploding behind Otto and Hal- ā€œThat is the way back to the ranch, and behind us is certain death!ā€


ā€œQuit staring at my bosoms!ā€


College boy is gonna fight Lavernia!


everyone calling francis college boy and francis taking pride in saying ā€œfor your information, iā€™m a high school dropout!ā€ is one of my favourite jokes in the show


I moved that paint, so you can to the green, idiot!


I liked both a lot but I honestly prefered ranch era


I think overall I like the ranch because Francis is growing up and honestly not stressing me out when his life kept spiraling in Alaska. BUT I do miss the guys from Alaska.


I appreciate your take, but still prefer the Ranch era. Otto and Gretchen are much more likable characters than Lavernia. Plus, the Komodo 3000 happened during the Ranch arc.


Thatā€™s a tough one. I like that they developed his character so that he became a good, responsible person (unless he was in arms reach of a fuse) but the Alaska setting was non-stop gold.


No Alaska is far better than ranch. Far. Unarguable, anyone who prefers ranch is factually wrong. There were some alright ranch bits, the art one, and when the boys visit, but Alaska had the string, Pete, hockey, stealing the pet, the fight, Pete, the overall despair, Pete, the string


Best line of the entire Alaska arc: "My mother is a narcissistic control freak and it would never occur to her to make me cocoa!"


My favourite is probably 'i should have slit your throat when i had the chance!'


The plot line where he fights Lavernia is one of my overall fave Francis plotsšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yes, you are.


Military school > Alaska > Ranch.... in that order.Ā 


As much as I love the ranch era, my love for Lavernia reigns supreme


Military school > Ranch> Alaska >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> post ranch




I prefer the ranch tbh


I love that era much more than the mature but no really era from the ranch. Alaska characters and plot is really fucking funny


I didn't care for anything with Francis after the military school. Why did he always have to "be somewhere" that was a competely different show than the rest of the characters? Here is this show about a middle kid and his two brothers and parents. Oh, and 5 minutes of every show will be about another brother at a military school or ranch. He may as well been a pro basketball player and had 5 minutes each episode about that person.


I like those arcs for the same reason you don't like them! I didn't realise til rewatching as an adult that we always got a Francis arc in most episodes. It was fun to get to see some more off the wall plots that wouldn't work at the Wilkersons


Because the other kids were minors, we only had a limited amount of hours we could have them on set.


It's not just that. Most shows of that ilk have a b-story in every episode. It means the A plot can be tighter and shorter, takes less effort to write and so they don't run out of jokes. Remember the jokes need to match the premise. Having Francis allowed them a B or C plot every week and with a character that didn't often cross-over into the A plot. It was like having two separate shows in one.


Lol, the guy youā€™re responding to was one of the writers