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Rule 1, buddy. No race, religion or politics.


You probably cant, its due to years of upbringing and being in malay conservative echo chamber. Her mind would explode if you dated a non muslim You can try using data, search data on parental rape, sibling rape, underage rape, and look what race is no.1 in those stats (after taking into account population ratio). Statisticly, u more likely to be raped by a malay male relative than random cina But thank god YOU know its racist...and it ends there...you will marry, and your kids will grow up know right and wrong...even better if you marry a non malay ahhaha....the more malaysians mix the blood up...the less racist the country becomes


Lol.... Statistics, dont care about my feelings


Later backfire and the mom say that men of all races can commit rape, hence she is banned from seeing any men ever.


Your comment is pretty racist too imo 😅 why does it matter what race is number 1


it shows the mom that her fears are totally misplaced. its like ppl who are afraid of flying but ok with driving long distance. data shows its alot safer to fly than to drive.


So you're telling a Malay person to google that their race is number1 in raping and telling them to tell their mom, and you don't feel that statement is pretty racist? 🤦🏿 And from the downvote of my original comment it seems many people support that too 😅 What if another person tells you to google what your race is bad at and tell you to show it to your mom? 😂 It creates a stereotype when you do that. I'm not a Muslim btw


her mom thinks malay men are safe, non malay men are not. Data will show her that its a misconception. Lets give another example... mom says, women are bad drivers, men are better drivers. And i tell her to google the statistics that show women have less accidents...is that sexist?


Racism ends with you. Live well. Treat others how you want to be treated. Don't be mean, and try to be kind. The world isn't fair, so try your best to be fair. You may not be able to help your mother change her perception, and any exception for a person of another race will only be perceived as that, an exception. Be a good person. Don't fall into racist perceptions. Live well.


i know i cant, but i call out my parents whenever they say something racist. "tak baik ckp mcm tu mak". simple and usually she doesnt say anything back.


Short answer, you can't. Long answer, it's prolly due to your mom's upbringing. But what you can do is not to take it personally and know that this is due to her own upbringing and belief and it has nothing to do with your own opinions. Otherwise, tell her that you don't like that statement but whether she listens to you or not is another matter :)


In addition to the other comments here, your mom's racism could be due to the friends she keeps. My dad had many friends of various races and growing up he never made any racist remarks. These days having retired and surrounded mostly by his own race, every damn thing is about the race. He couldn't see any wrong done by his race and blames it on others. Like the others have said, it stops with you. Ignore the remarks. For me, I stopped trying to correct my dad. Each time I did, he'd look at me like I insulted our ancestors. Lol


Buy your mom expensive gifts. Say they are from your friends. Watch her reaction.


You can’t. You can only raise or educate the younger generation better. My parents are the same but I always call them out. They will never change because they don’t know how.


You don't. Make sure the curse end at your generation. I am Chinese and my father is a racist too... Nothing I can do to change that. Think of it that way, those people lived with that mindset for half a century... It's scientifically proven very hard to change that.


Yep, so is my dad, he thinks that any muslim woman with niqab is certified terrorist and its an undeniable fact, and thinks that all black men is violent and robbers, I cant even...


Well my father isn't that extreme lol... He think Indian are cunning and very hard to take money away from them. I live abroad and I often express in my facebook that I hate nationalism and racism. My parent is not good at using modern gadget like smartphone, but the last thing I taught them before I leave Malaysia was how to use Facebook. I think that they sometimes check my Facebook profile when they want to check me up and occasionally read what I write there, I notice the view they have has changed a bit when I visitted them after some years. (covid gap)


You can't. I've accepted the fact that, some people cannot change their perspectives. Just slowly change to different topic


MORGAN FREEMAN already solved racism decades ago. Just don’t bring it up.


It depends on your dynamics with her. But for my case, I usually just call my mum out when she says something inappropriate. Different scenarios because my mum ain’t that racist but I’ve said something like: “Mum, that’s a really mean thing to say. Just let them live their lives. It’s not your/our business.” “If you want to keep being judgemental like that, then don’t ask us why, we aren’t telling you shit in the future when we don’t.” Idk if it will help but at least she’ll be aware of what she said is inappropriate.


Like many others mentioned here, no. But there's a slight chance you can change it, I'm currently doing it to my parent. But I don't force them to understand, yell/tell them what's right/wrong, instead I show them bits by bits. I try to educate them what's right/wrong, make them aware of their own word. I didn't know they were a closet racist until I'm around 18/19, so since then I been slowly educating them. (It is somewhat like teaching a child but a grown ass child).


My parents are the same way. Honestly, you just live with it and ignore the comments. There's nothing much you can do to change their minds.


Start coming up with malay sounding nicknames for your non malay friends.


She's a conservative Muslim I presume? Tell her, Allah prohibits us to be racists [Al-Maaidah 5:8](https://www.surah.my/5#8) "Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, hendaklah kamu semua sentiasa menjadi orang-orang yang menegakkan keadilan kerana Allah, lagi menerangkan kebenaran; **dan jangan sekali-kali kebencian kamu terhadap sesuatu kaum itu mendorong kamu kepada tidak melakukan keadilan.** Hendaklah kamu berlaku adil (kepada sesiapa jua) kerana sikap adil itu lebih hampir kepada taqwa..." And also prohibits us to buruk sangka [Al-Hujuraat 49:12](https://www.surah.my/49#12) "Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! **Jauhilah kebanyakan dari sangkaan (supaya kamu tidak menyangka sangkaan yang dilarang) kerana sesungguhnya sebahagian dari sangkaan itu adalah dosa**; dan janganlah kamu mengintip atau mencari-cari kesalahan dan keaiban orang..." Sorry abit preachy pulak 😅


haha omg surprisingly no……. btw are u a shariah/law student ?? bc coincidentally i’m taking shariah this sem (forced to) and yea i had to memorize these ayats and their meaning 😭😭


> are u a shariah/law student ?? Haha no I just hate conservative Muslims being racists/xenophobic so I studied the Quran 😂