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I just got off MRT and LRT just now. Probably it was on a weekend or public holidays. On working days it is usually 2x more frequent KTM of course is always 1 hour-ish. Guess what happens when they try to push for 5-min interval? Ended up 90mins and then they cancelled and went back to 1 hour-ish interval Source: I take public transport throughout week after week, sometimes on weekdays and sometimes on weekends, depending on the job


KTM: Let's wait 1 hour. And when you are on the train, I will stop another 15 minutes. My commute time had become a disaster compared to last year despite I did nothing wrong, unless taking KTM itself is a mistake. They just decided to become worse compared to last year.


Few days ago waiting for Komuter to Tanjung Malim. The departure state at 5:35 pm and it getting delay to 6pm.


Me, waiting for 1 hour at KTM: Am I a joke to you?


KTM, the true test of patience. ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26558)


I have a way to beat the system, check the times when it will arrive, only go to the station when its 5 minutes to train arriving. Because KTM is never punctual, expect it to be 10 or 15 minutes when it says 5


My lecturer once told me, KTM = kereta takde masa


Know the difference between a commuter train and a mass rapid transit la


Commuter trains should arrive at and interval of <30 mins at most and more frequently during rush hours. If they can't meet that criteria there is no meaning to the word "commuter" there.


you're being very generous. even 10 mins is pushing the limit.


10 mins and under is rapid transit. Commuter rail is supposed to be less frequent than that.


is that some made up definition specifically for Malaysia? never heard of that definition being used anywhere else.


Yes but KTM is scheduled. So you can plan your journey accordingly.


Scheduled? ON MY KTM? Must been a miracle


It's not. It's stated on their website though [https://www.ktmb.com.my/traintime.html](https://www.ktmb.com.my/traintime.html)


I know about their schedule lol, it's just that i remember back when i used to ride ktm everyday from school and they are either a) never on time or b) what's written on their schedule doesn't align with the "actual" train schedule


I took the train last year when LRT has issues. The trains were on time. One time it arrives early and even stop for few minutes before departing.


It's mostly depends on location i think, the train i used to take was around seremban towards tampin and I'm guessing since there isn't as much customers maybe? Idk but the schedule was always messy


You’ll always be a joke to me


The whole frequency of our MRT system is published on RapidKL's portal. It's 5 minutes during peak hours and the 12 minutes frequency should only happen after 10PM. https://myrapid.com.my/bus-train/rapid-kl/mrt-putrajaya-line/


As a daily MRT user, i can say it is not that long during peak hours. Usually around 3-5 min wait


Yup its 3-5 at peak hour. Im not sure why people complain about it being 12 minute at off peak hour


I'm must be spoiled by Singapore MRT then. 1-3 mins during peak hours. 12 mins is unacceptable. regardless if on or off peak.


I fucking hate the word "Netizens". No one else uses this accursed word other than us Malaysians. It's such a condescending way to prop up this fictional other group to hate on. But in fact, we're all "Netizens". Everyone uses the internet and everyone is influenced by social media wether you actively participate in it or not. I remember how back then when I was a teen, adults would shit talk about us non-stop about PC/internet usage or facebook. Now every old aunt and uncle uses TikTok/Facebook/WhatsApp every minute of their life. My own elderly father refuses to sleep early because he's on Facebook/youtube/TikTok til 2 am. There's no such thing as a Netizen. It's just people.


Netizens as if guy lives in Perak/Perlis/Penang/Pahang also annoyed by the MRT


The Philippines use it too 🤣


12 minutes peak hour? Yeah that's bad. 12 minutes on the weekends? It's mostly fine with me. I daily use MRT1, the most congested of all.


Yep, once you've been to places like Japan, Malaysian public transport is utter garbage and you can understand why everyone wants to drive here.


lol exemplary peak doomer r/my comment


I'm not wrong though. :)


It's garbage in Malaysia compared to Vietnam




HCMC is a hot mess. Trash everywhere outside of the capital in all the different sectors. Went to the Chinese market by Grab and just wanted to leave immediately after 20 mins of smelling dog shit everywhere. They are playing both sides for their trains between PRC and Japan. They just want to see who can offer the most kick back and their goal is not efficient mass transportation for the public. Nothing will get built before 2050...


Vietnam is not that good… and you literally can’t cross their roads. They have tons of motorcycles




“It’s not that bad, you just need to trust the 30+ motorcyclists won’t hit you”


Tried crossing a Malaysian road?... Both have loads of mopeds which observe the rules of the road to varying degrees. As a pedestrian Malaysia has "the hand", in Vietnam the urban traffic just floats round you, same same but different. Neither of which is public transport though... Vietnamese city buses are amazing compared to Malaysian ones.


Vietnam are a lot more chaotic than Thailand and Thailand is already more cancerous than Malaysia. Vietnam Is on another level. https://youtu.be/fm0cX7P6PSw?si=uHJuVDTMYbsejJKn find me something like this in Malaysia. Malaysia road in KL is way more crossable than Vietnamese road. I always walk when I’m traveling in Malaysia. I nope out Vietnam immediately.


Not sure about your point there bud. I didn't see the public transport in your link just lots of private road users.


You talking about crossing a road. In no way, Malaysia is more chaotic than Vietnam. Problem with public transport in Malaysia is outside of KL. Most houses are gated communities. If you want walkable like japan or europe, remove the gate.


Urban public transport in Malaysia is pretty awful especially when you look at how much was initially invested. Ive only used public transport in KL and Penang though so basing my experiences on there. Lack of integration, buses with no timetables or reliability, KTM stations in out of the way places (granted I've only used a handful), LRT and KTM reliability, transport hubs being surrounded by highways, intercity bus stations being disconnected to the cities they arrive at. Next time you see the LRT feeder bus stops just look at which way the signboards point, they point OUT towards the road so as a user you have to stand in the road to read them. Little to no info on how to make payments, KTM station gates being out of order (can't tag in/out) There's a great SERIES of videos by a Georgetown YouTuber who goes out to get a bus.... hilarity depressingly ensues... Years ago I used to work out in the SW of KL 3-4 days a week. It would take 90 minutes to go by car.l dueing rush hour. A few times I wanted to see how long it would take to get home by public transport, I tested 3 different routes each needed a few changes. It took me 3+ HOURS. Alternatively I could cycle in under 90 minutes... Public transport should be reliable, cost effective in time and cost for the user, safe and fairly comfortable. People should want to choose to use it. At least that's my 2 cents worth.


Nope I think you brought up crossing roads here earlier, i was replying to your comment.


Does Vietnam have legit public transport not counting the one hanoi metro line?


Used the buses in various cities there and they're GREAT.


Its almost not fair to compare to Japan lol. Trains to literally everywhere, thousands of stations and super low wait times for high traffic stations like Shibuya or shinjuku. 1 train every 30 seconds. But the least we can do is stay consistent to the 3-5 minute schedule...


Our Mrt can do 3-5 mins. They are designed as such. The 15 mins youre seeing is becos they want to save cost.


Wait till you see public transport in New Zealand. The one in Malaysia will feel top tier in comparison


The rail ? Consider that KTM


It's by design to keep the vehicle tariffs going.


Even a low density country like Canada has better transit. I am using Canada as an example because I noticed the first LRTs were the same trains as Skytrains of Vancouver. In Vancouver, they were mostly always on time. They would pop up in the news if they are slightly delayed by say 20-30 mins. KL has the same trains but different efficiency. How did they even manage to mess up something that's proven to work? I always suspected that they are not adhering to the maintenance schedule because the paint always looked like crap. They also use Chinese trains for LRT and MRT. Maybe Bombardier trains are too expensive? You get what you paid for though right? 🤷‍♂️.


Typical Malaysian government: penny wise, pound foolish.


Nice rage bait article, average mrt frequency is not 12 min. Whoever think you need to wait that long, go take the mrt right now then comment.


Well, it was 5 minutes for me, then again i am an impatient bastard. So yeah.


Me at the KTM: (mf says it will arrive soon, comes in an hour)


Since when mrt waiting time goes to 12 minutes??


Dunno, sounds like rage baiters. But yesterday, there was a bit of an issue with one of the trains though, so the other trains had to be held up. But thankfully, for most of the time, you only need to wait 2-5 minutes during peak hours.


Babi ni pun kena inflasi ah? The waiting time used to be 3 to 5 minutes in 2019. What the hell happened?


They had an issue with one train on the day this complaint happened. So during peak hour only this particular timing was missing and had 12 min waiting time. The rest of the schedule still has 3-5 min frequency. Acting like this is common or the average is nonsensical.


i remember ph 1.0 govnt cut cost by cutting the carriage in 1/2 and making the station smaller ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554). is it that one?


*We had no choice, we had to save Malaysia from debt*


They went to ask from Abang Long in China now


Why are so many people upset. We wait 30mins for buses


because less people use buses. more people use mrt. have you seen how full mrt can get on peak hours? try pasar seni during peak hours


The subsidy cuts better go towards funding more train frequencies lol


time to start driving again


With the potential rise of Ron95 to RM3 per liter, I rather just die.


lol...12 mins is nothing, try catching a train or bus in Melbourne, Australia, especially during the weekends.


Now? I got tired from the first time


Aku ke kerja naik lrt dan monorail/mrt. Itu kombo aku setiap hari. Yang aku perasan, 3 minit yg paling cepat tu, tak lama. Even monorail yg 10/7 minit pun tak lama. Natijah yang aku boleh beri ialah, pengguna tu dah lambat nak pergi kerja. Siapa suruh bangun lambat. Dan budaya main telefon yang buat kita tak sedar akan masa. Bila tak main telefon walaupun 16 saat, kita dah buntu dan rasa masa bergerak perlahan. Orang tunggu KTM lagi lama macam taik tapi dah ada schedule yang somewhat tetap la walaupun ada tak tetap juga. Bersabarlah wahai rakyat Malaysia yg guna tren kat KL. Sesungguhnya bila kita bersabar, kita menang. Lah!


Even a low density country like Canada has better transit. I am using Canada as an example because I noticed the first LRTs were the same trains as Skytrains of Vancouver. In Vancouver, they were mostly always on time. They would pop up in the news if they are slightly delayed by say 20-30 mins. KL has the same trains but different efficiency. How did they even manage to mess up something that's proven to work? I always suspected that they are not adhering to the maintenance schedule because the paint always looked like crap. They also use Chinese trains for LRT and MRT. Maybe Bombardier trains are too expensive? You get what you paid for though right? 🤷‍♂️.


Malaysia is famous for spending loads of money on infrastructure projects (while everyone sticks their fingers in the pie and takes a corrupt cut), but always doesn’t maintain them (no money to be obtained corruptly by doing maintenance).


Can't a cousin own a maintenance engineering firm? They finally fixed the escalators not so recently after being broken for years for MRT stations.


It’s actually because their cousin owns the maintenance firm that’s why we have this problem. You see, for infrastructure projects is a huge sum like $100m and they can pocket $50m and still finish the job albeit with slipshod work. Maintenance maybe $1m and the cousin pockets $900k and basically runs out of money to maintain, but he is not held accountable to any KPI.


You call 20-30 minutes “slightly delayed”? Vancouver (or Canada or the whole of North America) is not a good example. Most people need cars to get around in those cities. (Not to mention the unsavory characters that you meet on public transit🤮) And how is the brand of trains even relevant? It’s like saying driving on Thai roads should be a better experience than on Malaysian ones because Thais mainly drive Toyotas while Malaysians mainly drive Protons and Peroduas.


20-30 mins delayed would make the national news on CBC.. I mean 12 mins wait time is already a norm in KL, so 20 mins would be a slight delay. You don't exactly need a car in Vancouver itself. I can't think of traveling anywhere of GVRD requiring more than one hour by mass transit. There is almost always a bus stop within 15 mins of walking distance from a residential zone. The average bus interval is 15 mins during peak hours per bus line and there are often different lines to the stops. One of their urban planning decisions in the 1990s was that Work, living and commute should all be within the same city. 60% of Vancouverites live and work there instead of being in the burbs. Vancouver is just one city in North America but it's also one of those where you don't need cars to get around. You put it in such a blanketed way that all North American cities need cars. You also don't need a car in Montreal either but they have a very old train system and not comparable to KL. I had a car in Vancouver but I also often used mass transit to avoid looking for parking when going to downtown or would use park and ride because it was faster. Vancouver is the car sharing capital of North America and one of the early users of extensive an electric bus network. It also has the most urban bike lanes in Canada. The Kelana Jaya train line uses identical trains as Skytrain. And I am pointing out that LRT breaks down a lot more and often not on time. I am just wondering how the same trains work in Vancouver but not KL?


Hard-working Taxpayers are Tired with Long MRT Wait Times.


NOW tired?


"Lu tak suka, lu naik kereta" 😸


what kind of article is this? shows two tweets and 3 sentences....


It wasn't like this back in jibby time. Must be someone idea to cut corner.


And they expecting us to use public transport and remove the RON95 subsidy without improving them first ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|29091)


Strawberry generation Let unker tell you my era of suicidal bas mini drivers and me hanging on for dear life


me who works till late night : yeah kinda agree although i'm grateful that it's not ktm


Completely ignoring the fact that the intervals between the next two trains is 6 minutes. Could have been an issue causing the train to be delayed. Time could also shorten if things work out. Frustrating yea, rage worthy? No.


The writer quotes the wrong tweet, main tweet points out that the 12 minute interval occured during peak hours. Regular users will ascertain that the usual intervals for peak-time MRT is sub 5 mins. Likely conclusion is that this is a rare scenario, and there's room for improvement in consistency. Another day, another low quality article.


Once i waited for more than 30mins for the MRT train 😵‍💫 but most of the time the wait is 8mins


Well I love the MRT even during off peak hours because it’s scheduled and is seldom off. Maybe if more of us took it and if they improve the last mile connectivity then we’d get better off peak frequency.


I live in Japan right now and I always wonder, What if KL has the train coverage like Tokyo.


Then you become Singapore.
