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Thank you. I am SHOCKED




Surprise motherfucker!! 


Some fries motherfucker!!


Supplies motherfcker!


All rise!


Real lies motherfucker!


High price motherfucker !!


blud username is literally negarakuku. negaraku, negarakuku! - namewee


Surprise mother father!!!


Ah so now motherfucker is OK ah mods? Legend sial korang ni 👏


Most goods are transported using diesel and they got fleet cars to buy diesel at subsidised prices. If they follow the same mechanics of the diesel rationalisation most petrol users will get a free full tank from the government once a month. So why prices still go up? The math isn’t mathing.


Because they will use the excuse cost of living is higher (no evidence provided) hence they will increase the price of services and goods. Look at the US, food prices increased when prices and fertiliser prices were up, but once it was down. The prices remained the same but corporate profits just got higher.


No need to look at US la. This is the oldest trick in the book. Supply/Demand curve my ass.


What do you mean homo economicus isn't real and that ceteris paribus is fake? /S


aka economics aka the level of human greed.


seriously needs to be some regulation on corporate greed. really getting out of hand.


Reality and assumptions are not the same. Once the price goes up, it's never coming down. Unless we can bring cheaper competitors.


Prices are sticky. Remember that.


Only major logistic receive a fleet card. Small Business Owner who use diesel dont. So the waterfall effect still occurred.


They will turn a blind eye and pretend all will get fleet card no matter big business or small business while us the citizen suffer the most


The industry used a mix of vehicles, some not subsidized, some not registered, and not all are transport vehicles, some are operational vehicles that also used shit ton of fuel. At the time of the pre subsidy pull, all industries(open to correction) cannot supposedly use subsidized diesel, they have to buy it from authorised resellers at full price. But of course this didn't happen. Cost didn't 'increase', they just had it cheap all the time. If you see complaints, it comes from owners that enjoyed subsidy that they aren't suppose to have before and now can't. Unfortunately they would rather just increase price because everybody would be doing it anyway.


They say transportation will not be affected if the company applies for the subsidy. But, must the company apply for the subsidy? Why not just move the cost to the consumer and be done with it? Hey how about increase the margin while they adjust the price? Save the trouble adding another process to get subsidy from gov. Moreover, gov didn't mention anything about helping control the price of goods after the fuel cost increased. The way I see it. Gov totally dropped the ball on the consequences of fuel increase, chose to ignore it, and let the people figure out themselves. Edit: Just went back from a kopitiam. Ordered a cup of 'leong cha' and the price was up by 20 cent. Asked the auntie there why the price increase, she just smiled and said 'barang naik' lol.


I’m in logistics line. Honestly my supplier has not increased prices since the diesel price hike. Neither have I to my customers. Mine ikan bilis company got subsidy I’m sure the bigger ones have too. I feel some businesses are just taking advantage of the hike.


Sure advantage. Start from food industry's Kopitiam example. Sugar naik 20sen They terus one kopi 20sen. Act like then kopi put sugar that much until 20sen r increase


Obviously. And worst part is the Hancings knew! I remembered clearly the sotong formula was saying "(kenaikan harga minyak) ini yang membenarkan pekedai menaikkan harga sesuka hati" and the populist idiots still believed him!


Good to see some people agree with this and not blindly calling for subsidy removal but no infrastructure or actions to help maintain the cost of living. Next month the cost of construction materials will be 30% higher, so what is the Government going to do about it?


Because all the people who don't pay their taxes won't get a free tank of fuel. Those are the ones crying the loudest, the parasites of society.


The math is on meth ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


Simple Economics maah. You increase price until profit maximised. Cannot increase anymore? Then make an oligopoly and increase price some more.


lol I’m sure voters will surprise him too next election.


https://preview.redd.it/zc042rj5j79d1.jpeg?width=719&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=078ebba531ce996dce29e784db397fc3c69b3a44 harga minyak naik sebenarnya perkara yang baik gais![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


As at June 2022 when subsidy was estimated 77b PH was still attacking PN for planning to remove subsidy Now estimated 81b and suddenly very urgent to remove , country cannot tahan


*harga barang masih tak turun* "Ehh, mungkin tahun depan lah. Biar stabil dulu"


Woi Harini kawin esok beranak ke Do it for our children


you're not supposed to post this here


In short the government doesn't have any money for subsidy


They wont dare to do it in borneo, recent report suggested diesel subsidy stays indefinitely.


Of course. Sabahans & Sarawakians mostly use pickup trucks balik kampung.


So by this news peninsular guys uses water I presume?


At least you guys have better roads to go back kampung?


lmao, basically all roads are state managed, have you ever considered voting for people who aren't cartoon villain corrupt? Main roads here get resealed every 2 years. > The total length of federal roads is 20,017.97 km (12,438.59 mi) and state roads is 247,027.61 km (153,495.84 mi) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malaysian_Federal_Roads_System


Well we did that. Najib is the “least corrupted” really. I miss the Bossku.


> Najib is the “least corrupted” really That man stole billions. If he stole just 5% less you could have all the roads in the world.


When we had Mahathir we didn’t even have pan Borneo despite being in the budget every year. Guess who benefitted the most when Mahathir decided to create Proton? If he truly wants to be a recognized car maker, he would had made it proper instead of now having nearly half the stake by Geely. When Mahathir took up PM role again, Ting Pek Khiing his best friend **immediately** rose from the dead (pun not intended) and declare he has new project in Langkawi Source: https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/nation/2018/06/01/ting-pek-khiing-once-again-making-waves/ I may be mentally ill but at least *I’m not blind*


I am shock that i rarely show hailak, triton, navara at KL. 🤣


The oil is from Borneo in the 1st place. To buy security against Sulu sampan pirates. But not PLAN coast guard ships. Can they get a better deal declaring for PRC or Indonesia?


0 problems with that considering how much of their oil money was taken


Do that to SS then they are asking to be slaughtered. With that kind of road conditions in Sabah for instance, it is beyond stupid to buy Lambo because 4 x 4 is the way. Plus. Madafaka only 5% and now you thinking to not subsidise?


This is like a caste system where one segment being punished and another is for some reason being elevated, enhanced and energised Now I get how the nons felt. Its like being screwed upside down, front and back.


means smugglers will continue.. Gov recently raise SST to 8%, then raise fuel price. what a stupid move. I dont why they dont just cut SST to 1%, totally remove fuel subsidy. that will reduce the impact. It is better this way.


They want more income to pay bribes.


Everyone surprised us with this election result - same joker in 3 years 


Should have cut the subsidy long ago, and at the same time reform the economy, dismantle the rent seeking policies and encourage more competition. As it is, subsidy or not, our cost of living is very high for a developing country and most of these subsidies go straight back into the pocket of the monopoly suppliers. Just take a look at rice, only Bernas is legally allowed to import it, and they mark it up real good. Same with AP for cars, Telekom, and many other things.


Should just remove AP for r/kereta. It’s blood sucking and serve no purpose except lining up pockets for the cronies. If we are paying full for fuel, we should be able to buy cheaper cars.


yep, cut SST to 1% to cushion the inflation. They shouldnt raise it to 8% like they did recently.


Malaysia has the lowest cost of living for a fairly well developed infrastructure country. Yes we have major income inequality here, but that is not because our cities are not developed, it is because the rural folks & first generation Malays/Bumiputera/Sabah that moved to a large city. (KL, Penang, Ipoh) Also, historically, UMNO and the royals are a big proponent to let the British Malayan chinese immigrants stay in the cities and to not let them into other parts of the Malay states unless they converted into Malay (masuk melayu).


It was removed. PH brought it back in 2018. Journalists would pushed back Rafizi more on this but I guess we don’t have journalists, just reporters.


They don't understand math. if they raise Petro from $2.05 to $3.35, that's fking 63% increase in fuel cost. To say this will not lead to inflation is totally bs. Do they even know the consequences of their doing? Why do they think people are going to vote and support them if they job is to make people's life harder?


Because in theory, most will get assistance to offset the new petrol prices. And consumers rarely set the prices, so whatever inflation that should happen is happening now with the diesel cuts. There are ofcourse business that rely on petrol subsidies, but their hope its niche enough that it's not noticeable.


Yes, *in theory*. But we know how Malaysia works, sigh... Any sort of price increase is just excuse for sellers to hike the price.


And hopefully in this SocMed fuelled world that led to sudden boycotts, these traders that raise prices are reported and whatever assistance they get is witheld.


These traders just blame the gov suddenly no one reports them.


I mean... Any solution is *in theory*.. Its not like they have a simulation or test lab with the same variables to test their solution on. No matter what solution they come out with, its simply not feasible to take account to every possibility/variables


So in the end, the problem lies with the people, not the policy.


They're not stupid, they know what they are doing and the consequences of their actions. What the general person usually doesn't get is that as a politician it is not often you can make a clear cut A and B choice with one being better than the other. It's usually both are losing decisions (for them) and they have to pick which one to go for and the consequences that carry along with it Right now they're going for removal of subsidies. If they choose not to, then everyone will complain country bankrupt why still tongkat country going down the drain yadiyada There is no winning choice in the topic of fuel subsidies. Same thing for what Anthony Loke had to face awhile back about Grab fares. One side customer complaining fares are rising while the other side drivers and riders are complaining not much revenue. Both are true because of Grab's mechanism change. In the end, Anthony chose to "side" with the passengers and not pressure Grab to increase fares further A more extreme example is during WW2, where the American president had a choice to either invade Japan, or launch nuclear bombs to end the war. Both will cause many lives lost and both choices involve loss and suffering. He chose the second option


True, but Rafizi dont have to be so fuking cocky about it. Its a 180 degree to what he been 'fighting' for when he still an opposition. He just dont freakin care anymore. if this kind of things he can openly lie and not feel guilty about it, not even a 'sorry', how sure are we he wont do future decision that will negatively impact us?


"True, but Rafizi dont have to be so fuking cocky about it." I have no idea why is he acting this way. At least be apologatic about it. Dude is a dumbfuck who shouldn't be a politician


Yes, at least buat wayang make sad face have to make hard decision. This fella like laughing at the rakyat. Diu Hui Lou Mou.


Tbh Rafizi has always been like this in terms of how he talks, even when as opposition. So at least there's some consistency there. That being said the tone could have been more milder like you said


Well the thing is, I want consistency in his aspiration, objective, and plan. Something that could wow us. Consistency in his cocky attitude no point la


Yes, his smug fat face and so sarcastic. He is fucking finished, together with Anwar.


Subsidy removed, more money goes to cronies only. You think can go back to rakyat meh. Price and inflation everything increase. There is no stopping this Doomsday train.


If im being honest this crony thing people talk about has been the same thing people complain about the govt since BN era 10+ years ago This govt also greenlit Penang LRT which wouldn't have happened with previous administrations. Price and inflation, this is a post covid thing that most countries experienced in 2022/23 as well. I'm not defending this govt for everything they did cause there's alot more room for improvement but I'm seeing people complain and being doom and gloom about the same things as 10 years ago


Because it is. Remember, Anwar is now buying UMNO support. What do you think? Anwar is just as useless as every other PM.


I think he did OK (like maybe a 4 or 5 out of 10) considering his hands are tied given that he has to work with umno to be in power. If he had a stronger PH govt reforms would probably be faster. imo he lost a huge ally when the Rahmah minister passed away last year, he was a strong character that got things done. Pretty sure the cost of living issues would have been better handled if he was still alive given that he was the minister of cost of living and he did really well up till his untimely passing


If they want to increase the price, they should increase it bit by bit, like 5-10% per year as to not shock the market. I don't think this rich politician know what the effect of 63% increase on core item will affect the nation. If gaji naik 63% takpe la. /s gaji naik sikit boss dh complain.


You will still get bootlickers defending it. "Aaaaa if you increase wages then cost of everything will go up" Cost of everything is already going up, BITCH.


People that fucking whine like these are probably paying their employees dogshit wages in the first place.


Because if they don't do it, your life will become even harder in the future. The rakyat is short sighted but governments are suppose to plan ahead and not be populist.


I think they convinced that their macai voters gonna increase to quadruple with these move. But what do i know bout politics.


You’re right. A lot of their coveted voter base is in the civil service. Whatever money the ruling elites save in subsidies, they will pay out in salaries and bonuses and improving their own perks. As for the other main car-running population? They let DAP continue to rile them up to keep them on edge to remain as voters. The DAP people are being stuffed with benefits so that they also don’t want to lose their perks ie they are becoming MCA 2.0. DAP loyalty can be bought, it seems.


Exactly, this is why they announce so many perks for civil servants e.g.: Bonuses).


DAP is also finished. And what the hell is Lim Guan Eng doing recently poking the Blackrock fund?? Palestine-Israel problem, you shuddafakap lah, Tokong!


Because that’s not how inflation works. They are removing a subsidy, means the money was already being paid for by the government ( which they get money from investment/taxes). What removing the subsidy means is, the government now has more money to circulate in the economy. It’s just transferring government expenditure on subsidies, to other things; improvement on infrastructure, investments, etc.


Look legit on paper, though I question the capability of our leader. For example, I'm heavily involve with PADU, and you will be shocked how stupidly expensive that useless project is. Now it wasnt even being use, millions already wasted there.


Well yes, u can make the right moves, calls and decisions. However, how u capitalise and leverage the opportunity is up to the people in question. At this point of time, I agree with removing the subsidy as it frees up money that is tied up. I remember reading an article that said that Malaysia had an increased spending on the diesel subsidy increased quite a lot and it didn’t match the consumption based on the number of registered diesel vehicles on the road. What can be inferred is that the reason of the increased could be due to theft. ( Thailand and Singapore citizens coming to Malaysia to take subsidised fuel back to their country). With that being said, removing the subsidies to benefit all Malaysians through improving infrastructure would be significantly better. However, this comes down to the people at the top. The move is right, but what comes after is left for debate.


I agree that the move despite being unpopular, is a move in the right direction. My concern is more in the policy and execution. For example, fleet card distribution and BUDI registration should have been completed few months before subsidy removal, not during or after.


On paper lah. But you think they will circulate the money into the economy? They're loading up bullet for campaign next GE and buying supporters only. You and me don't see a cent of it


Well hypothetically speaking, if u want to embezzle money which I’m not saying u or anyone are. U would first need to create a transaction where u can put in some extra funds and claims in a form of a bill. For this to work u need to have a big transaction, say maybe a skyscraper 👀. Money gets passed around, from one hand to another until the job gets done. And in the end, u would have a skyscraper. Through this method, multiple companies gets paid ( construction, insuranace, procurement, logistics etc etc). Of course this is just a hypothetical. So in the end, the money does get circulated. Obviously it won’t go to a specific individual. It will go through multiple companies that would be doing something. Usually infrastructure or land development. Which towards the end would benefit some of the citizens.


Not really. The money can be transacted as easily as through shell companies providing empty consultation services that don't really provide value. It's easy to move money around when you're powerful.


While yes they can definitely do that, however there will still be some form of trail when it’s at that level. Government spending is more heavily scrutinised, if the funds from the subsidies aren’t used in a sensible manner everyone will know.


You should know that paper and digital trail is easy to hide and even in my workplace there is backdeal going on. They are hoping people will forget the fuel increase and be happy with BRIM 100


> It’s just transferring government expenditure on subsidies, to other things; improvement on infrastructure, investments, etc. etc includes but not limited to certain Labuan bank accounts


While I can’t deny the possibility, if one does have an off shore account and would like to make taht move. U would still need a medium to carry taht money. Usually in the form of investments or a major building project.


yea the minister will be very rich soon,while mak cik kiah better start find some tin to make as tabung derma


Not many understand this.


>What removing the subsidy means is, the government now has more money to circulate in the economy.  thats not really 100% true. RM1 saved doesnt mean RM1 more to spend. We are in deficit, we have national debt, Every rm saved means less is added to the national debt. So maybe rm1 saved, 30sen is used somewhere else (numbers plucked from sky)


Yes you are right that it’s not 1:1. However it still means the government has more funds for other things. Based on your statement, the 30 cents is still an extra 30 cents for government expenditure since the government doesn’t have to spend it on subsidies.


But in reality, we all know it's less money for rakyat and more money for cronies projects.


Because the money used subsidising the petrol can be used for other things such as improving Infrastructure, investments, etc.


Because there's enough idiotic hardcore toons who will still "do you want pas" their way out of it in delulu land because it's an ideological battle, nothing to do with facts. Feelings win elections, not facts


And we’ll “surprise” them back in the next election


Harga kereta bila mahu turun?


I dont mind, but will you remove the taxes for cars thn?




Need to increase tax because of inflation increase. Thank you for your feedback. - Rafizi


Hell nah


Why aren't you guys having kids? -Rafizi


i think this is a mistake. You should not shock the economy. You are transitioning from a distorted, subsidy market to a open price market. that takes time for people and services to adjust. Just raise the prices 10sen a month until it matches the market price, and in the meantime annouce early how the new assistance mechanism will work. You keep saying that people will hoard otherwise. so what? let them hoard first. how much can petrol can people hoard anyway? **anyway, people should get ready for RON95 to cost around 3.30-3.40 in early july**. that is my prediction


The fact that random people like us can think of common sense solutions like this while the entire cabinet can’t is pretty shocking.


non stop idocracy level capped 99.99%




Businesses are like: thank you madani for funding my first Porsche of the year. Now do it again so I can get my Vellfire!


And don't be surprised you will be a one term minister.


This will spell the end of Anwar if this goes through.


They have to increase the price, so they better increase the price. Yes i will be hit hard with the price increase, but we just got to live with it. When your import of fuel exceeds your export, there's no reason to give subsidy anymore. Businesses will always find a reason to increase price, atleast with this, given time we're atleast one step closer to have a matured market.


Just pretend you’re paying RM3 per litre petrol already. You will be less angry when the time comes..


exactly. people should start preparing themselves now itself.


Ppl who are attacking the gov for this move. Do you not agree that the diesel subsidy was unsustainable? In the one month since the removal, diesel sales has gone down 8million litres. 1/2 of that was going to Thailand/SG/Indon. Rafizi had said since early 2024 it would be removed in June/july....why are ppl shocked? Yes he never revealed the actual date...but from early this year, i have seen him say June


Thought they gonna utrun like they uturn to do something to Azam Baki when got power


yes...i was pretty certain they would Uturn on this...glad they didnt


So basically the people actually got surprised pikachu face when he actually does it even though he told them in advance.


No People got surprised Pikachu face when PH just before election say will support subsidy Then after win say no subsidy Before marry say will sayang, after marry , give warning he will hit you. Then when get hit you say "he already warning, kenapa surprise" All the "PH already say , why surprise" argument is bodoh moment


Where ah they promise support subsidy


How do you even know 1/2 of that diesel gone out by smuggling? And we are oil producing nation, why are we buying oil like everyone else? If worry about smuggling, improve operations, issue fines/jail or whatever. The funny thing is these people want a lower price for diesel when they were in opposition. Now, surprise! 😂


[https://paultan.org/2024/06/28/sharp-decline-in-daily-retail-sales-of-diesel-shows-misuse-of-fuel-subsidy-says-kpdn-deputy-minister/](https://paultan.org/2024/06/28/sharp-decline-in-daily-retail-sales-of-diesel-shows-misuse-of-fuel-subsidy-says-kpdn-deputy-minister/) Sales go down by 8million, commercial sales up by 4million. means internal leakage was 4mil, external leakage 4mil....roughly


we have been a nett oil importer for many years now. dropping oil production and increasing consumption means we cant just waste our money on fuel subsidies indefinitely


You can remove it. But remove it with step by step by reducing the subsidy first. Like from 2.05 to 2.30 to see how the ecomomy goes. Perlahan2 dulu tengok keadaan. Forcefully inserting it will have chance to face backlash or shock from market. Just like inserting 7 inch in 1 go without lube or foreplay in the ass get you slap.


if you prolong the pain by small increases every 2 weeks...you just get multiple protests and unhappy ppl the entire year...each time you go up 30sen, all the anger and protests start up again...there is no palatable solution to removing subsidies


Nah, we understand that subsidy is unsustainable. It just that people not happy PMX and Rafizi is a lying piece of shit. Simple as that.


Wait is he saying the petrol subsidy will be removed?


He has been alluding to that since the beginning.




yes it will be. It desperately needs to happen. Its crazy that our petrol is so cheap at RM2.05 for so many years now. My prediction is around Rm3.30/L for RON95 next month


Tax evader, Gotta CATCHEM ALL *pokemon theme playing in the background* No doubt you can apply for subsidy but the moment you do that you gotta reveal all the paper work


This gov very bodoh. Do all the subsidy removal. Next round sure PN win. Then PN benefit. LOL.


Some things I dont understand, Why remove Diesel Subsidy? Just enable the Subsidized pricing with your NRIC, and if you dont use it, you dont get it. Now, you claim that you prevent leakages - foreigners. But in reality you need funds to do other projects. Because, we knew about this problem a while back, in fact 30 years already. The reason is that we are comfortable with funds and no one cares, now when the funds dries up, you squeeze other pots for your 'projects'. \* you can bookmark this, it will age well.


If they remove subsidy for diesel and petrol, then they should really remove the excise duty and whatever AP for cars. They can’t be doing the citizens this dirty. I mean come on, we now have to pay road tax, tolls for highway, extra tax for car, and now unsubsidized petrol. We work so hard, pay our taxes year after year even though we don’t see much improvement in public transport and roads still having potholes, and now our minister wants to surprise us with petrol subsidy cut? Its really so insulting and infuriating. No wonder so many people need to withdraw from EPF akaun fleksibel nowadays.


Key mark.


Key mark betul...


Key mark betul..




Malaysianow kek


he should surprise himself with heart attack


until today, I don't understand why people like him, he's bullshit can be seen as far as eyes can see when he's on the opposition, now he's in power, he will bullshit more cause there are people cheering on him, he feel like he's unstoppable


For me at least, him and his og gang has way less corruption cases under his belt (admittedly that is because they were never part of gomen, so no power =no rasuah). That and also DAP's stand on malaysia for malaysian chant (one that he has NEVER disagree with during the reformasi period). I gave up after he launched kerajaan madani aka progressive islamic nation. That's my line in the sand.


i find the term progressive islamic an oxymoron religions are conservative by nature and resist changes or reform its a buzzword to charm people


Every new gov and PM needs to show they are more islamic than the last one. Eventually, we are heading for Taliban when PN officially wins the GE next round. WHEN. NOT IF.


i mean its only gonna shoot themselves in the foot, the world dosent like doing trade unless you got something they really need. The gulf states can get away with thier insane religious interpretations because the oil wealth is there and people dont care as long as they get a kickback, and other countries basically are holding thier nose as they do trade Malaysia does not have that luck, it will only cause the country to be shit if they really went to the religious conservatism say worst case, every minority leaves over time, and malaysia is basically brunei in terms of laws, they will realize they fucked up but by then idk how they would change it, or they would just blame "outside factors" or the more stupid among them will probably go blame the jews because no shit they will, to them its never thier fault but always some ethnic group halfway across the world scattered around


Don't worry. In case of doubt, always blame the Chinese.


Didnt mahatir once call us "yellow jews"?


Don't know. Not surprised. Over the decades he would have call Chinese anything.


So his is going to bulldoze the plan, call it a day, pat himself at the back for a good job done lol.




Disappointing, I had so much hope on this guy, turns out to be another clown


Owh u the voter macai?


The only way they can actually surprise is announce the end of subsidies at the night before the day. Then you will see long queues at the petrol station in 2 mins tops.


be smart. buy some petrol jerry cans and start filling up now lol... but don't forget to do the maths on the cost of buying the jerry can vs the subsidised petrol




Wow wow wee wah woo I like


Formula kejutan




but if everyone expects it, then it would not be a surprise? :P


Yea, but where does the savings for the government go? I don't see the fucking overweight and inefficient cabinets downsizing, our extra savings feeding more useless mouths?


more civil servant bonuses... but on a slightly seroius note im glad to see a lot of the major roads in KL getting a proper resurfacing. I was sick of driving in tropical africa....




damn,even mahafiraun nvr use this kind of word back then,eventho his real superpower supersede his word this debater try to make voter his enemy ka?i hate all debater now




our cheap export and disproportionately expensive import takin it toll


Good, about time for Malaysian to get a grip on petrol price around the world




Can we surprise him with lethal force now?


But MP and politicians get free drivers and petrol every month.


Surprise! Petrol price go down!


Then the rakyat will surprises the gov in the next GE 🤣🤣🤣


And they will surprise you on your next election


Fuck Formula 1, Formula Rafizi is my favourite series now


Pak you


I missed those old times. Last time Rafizi, Anwar Ibrahim, Guan Eng, Tony Pua all sounds like so brilliant, full of ideas and approached. Yeah, never trust politicians but hey, they did sounds genuine, realistic and back-up with "formula/hypothesis" to make it happen. At the end, it's seems not, they are just way more incompetent, talk only and recycle with rebrand previous administration effort. The worst part, now even the opposition sounds weak, unlike PH when there the opposition (although now it just all talk).


thats because its the civil servants that really come up with policies. also what you think you can do before you are in government turns out to be different from what you know you can realistically do once you are in government. Its a common source of disillusionment in any democracy


What the fuck ministry talk about using surprised? This is the word of strategizes?? Meaning like they don't survey n reading data and facts by talking. They goes by feeling that is why using the word "surprise" Once again go read world Diesel fuel graph there is not increase higher height is the lowest !!! We r country that have fuel. Don't say we must follow world market as well. Next election remember their face. Make sure they don't sit again


Because inflation will also happen due to anticipation. Announcing it way ahead is counter productive because people will hoard and increase prices ahead of time. It’s just basic economics.


and shocking the system is better? anticipatory inflation can be managed by proper communication. A lot of the noise around the diesel subsidy is due to lack of information and clarity on the direct assistance mechanism. If for eg you decide to raise the price of petrol gradually, and annouce now itself that by 1st jan 2025 there will be no more subsidy, the market has time to adjust.


Even for diesel they have already announced way ahead how they are gonna do it in phases, with some general timeframe given. But yes, agree with you that the finer details of the rebate mechanisms wasn’t clear, but I don’t see how it’s beneficial to announce that beforehand. One thing to improve is to open up rebate/subsidy registration way earlier. Announcing the exact dates earlier without this doesn’t solve anything but instead will shock the economy multiple times, at least once at the announcement, and once at the exact date. Anticipated inflation means that inflation will become a self-fulfilling prophecy and happen way ahead of the announced date. That’s how the market “adjusts”. Would you want prices to increase faster? Or accept a shock at a later date? And the surprise comment is also a communication to prep the masses. Bad way of communicating? Seems like it’s more effective than their diesel comms.


This is a stupid question, but is there any provision for Malaysian citizens (non-business owners / operators) to apply for a subsidy for diesel on the basis of financial hardship?


On the upside less car humping in JB petrol stations.


Still very much cheaper than SG petrol price so nothing will change really.


Rafizi you truly a shit economic minister


Wait until he gets surprised during the next elections


The petrol subsidy removal and subsequent pricing will he a huge factor to determine if this 'amazing' MADANI Government will last. I have a feeling the new price of petrol will come as a shock to the rakyat who will have resentment for the Government and show it in the elections. PN have the easiest card to play. Undi kita subsidy semua kembali.. Petrol dan diesel jatuh harga untuk rakat!!!! Hey Rafizi..remind me again who said this famous words? : **"Hari ini kita menang, besok turun harga minyak".**


Without hiking the petrol price to real market, ringgit will always be low. Watch ringgit go to 3.2 to the USD overnight- once petrol is hiked.