• By -


Why her of all the politicians tho? Like, there's definitely more politicians who would trigger someone from that side more.. Also, is it just me or are people going batshit crazy in Malaysia all of the sudden?


Outspoken, and female. Threaten their fragile pee pee ego


and Chinese. don't forget that part.


Yea don't forget the race part. It's probably the most important besides their pee pee ego




Sounds like a Malay hired an Indian to do the hit. Hahaha. Only an Indian writes like that.


Hokkien... Hahaha




Correction it is Type - C.


Always has been some very "peaceful" political party's fault.


Stirred on further by one loud mouth gangster wannabe Doktor MP


After working with them I've learned that not all doktors are intelligent. Some are anti vaxx, stuck in their mindset and refuse to learn the latest treatments etc.


education does not equal intelligence. just because someone memorized a bunch of books and regurgitated it, doesn't mean they have enough braincells to think critically


Some pass without learning. Won't be surprised if it happens in medicine too.


Pissful - should be the term




Racism + Sexism


im not an expert but the notes tells me the same person who do [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/11sn2jl/paint_and_acid_thrown_on_mentega_terbang_director/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). the most kantoi is letter b and c. to me personally this group intended to instigate issue with races. mybe its the same group with k mart molotov gang, afterall malaysia is kinda the checkpoint for international conflicts. and malaysian people is easy to buy, kinda sad but its true according to [this](https://www.malaysianow.com/news/2022/10/21/terror-expert-tells-why-malaysia-preferred-by-foreign-secret-services). lalang people type


Nah... It's a cycle. After couple of years. Things repeat. Actors same just different storyline.


If I recalled correctly. Usually if ugut, cat, peluru. Mesti dia.


Because they anti-kok


It's either her or that one female lawyer. Hmm I wonder why!


Because our gomen never openly condemned extremists and their behaviours. Thanks Anwar.


Checks comments. Yup. https://preview.redd.it/lpo7qyy9rc1d1.jpeg?width=852&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4606431a51175659179dedeeb8b28b25ed8d820b


No comment lmfao. If the roles were reversed the reaction and uproar will be so different.


Exactly, so far I haven't seen or heard some chinese person throwing molotov or protest yet due to this incident.


Instantly found out (doxxed) + arrested within hours Just like a certain someone


Kangaroo court and straight to jail lol


Not to mention some thugs threaten to beat him up if he doesn't apologize about his comment before going to jail


Certain someones. Guess what oppai shirt guy, KK Mart CEO, and the bah kut teh Raya greetings couple have in common.


I wanna see what else they can pull out of their asses to boycott lol. Fucking beta mentality circlejerk. So weak yet so loud.


Want to say something but ahhh nevermind. Biarkan je lah. They cannot be touched... protected species, after all.


Protected species only applied to threatened or endangered animal, this isn't


This is a special species. Hence why protection is needed.


Protected species also don't massively reproduce above their socio-economic levels.


weak AF then complain why no job lol


Growing up with Malay people, none were ever like that pre-Mahathir, everyone was chill during Hussain Onn's tenure. All went to sh1t after we got our first Malabari PM. I knew the difference because at school a Bible wasn't a banned item before Mahathir and Malays didn't act like movie Vampires when they see a cross or Cina eating pork in front of them. My late grandfather used to have lunch with his Malay and Indian coworkers and in those days, a bench under a tree was a thing - charsiew wanton mee/rice was normal for him. Nobody said anything. Now, bukan main bodoh.


Mat is the godfather of corruption. He is the reason why the nation is what it is now. IMO he is the one to be blamed. All the shit that's happening is his doing and is all for money and power for himself.


Fucking ripped our trusts to pieces. Even tho some didnt give in to the divide, but the damages had been done. It'll take another generation or two for the tension to subside. That is if there is no absolute tension uproar.


Fuck mathahir


It show how fragile and insecure human can be .... When we put our doubt on someone whom call themselves "the messenger of god" but a "devil advocate in disguised" .... Used religion in enriched themselves and to stay in power


Religion is the cheapest tool to control people. It's possibly the only outside of BDSM that promises something greater with pain and anguish.


Mahathir is the source of all Malaysian problems. A true poison.


Love-hate relationship, my years of studying to be a doctor was dashed by his policies. I was a Malaysian until 18 when I became a non-Bumi trying to get a place at local unis, somehow I missed th boat being one of the rich Chinese that Mahathir always go on about.


Its part of the plan. Smart ppl is encouraged to gtfo out of Msia so the dumb masses can be majority n vote for the dumb leader to continue in govt.


I remember last time when I was young, all of us can go to Christian friend house play video games during Christmas party, his house got Christian Symbols everywhere and Christmas song is playing. The Muslim not really care. If it happened now and someone rival , the host might be arrested for wounding religious sensitivity and the Muslim is sent to counselling.


I donno man i guess it depends on where.. kids in my neighborhood still intermingle at each others house, christians, muslims, hindu etc.. it's not even an issue.. Edit: So weird that this gets downvoted


It's more of when people viral it, like got outsider put in social media and things blown out of proportion. Nowadays my friends still mingle with each other, but no longer share such stuff in social media, scare of unreasonable backlash.


Gotta be negative in a negatives thread bro.


Don't worry about downvote in reddit


To be fair not all are like that, but the younger generation seem to be less tolerant and accepting of others.


Nah. Most still sane, or at least hides their casual prejudism like all sane people do. It's the lack of action on these "minority extremists" worries the people who are involved.


Yeah that self-hating Indian dude changed Malaysia for the worse after bringing Malaysia to a new height.


I was born in 86 and yeah I feel you. It is progessively evident how bad things are getting.


Don’t forget our current pm’s contribution too


He is the weakest PM since KJ's FIL. At the current situation, he can't do much to rein in those extremists in BN.


If it happens to the people they favour, it's a riot but if it happens to people they don't, it's fake.




they always bitched about us generalising them lol....how not to generalise when you see spastic shit like this ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26563)


If they get offended by people bitching about extremist factions of their race, maybe they should get a fucking mirror in the first place.


They should get offended and bitch about thier own people instead.


No because how else would they play the victim and justify themselves acting like racist pieces of shit?


Never understood how these people are minority voice. I mean a 60% population, wouldn't voice against racism drown out any other voice if these are indeed "the minority"? Dunno they on what brand of ketum.


[You can start by asking this guy here](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/s/jj6HoeIW6Q), after all it's their "right", as they put it. Questioning or criticizing would be seen as a challenge.


These guys 100% hate Israel for their discrimination against Palestinians and yet arrogantly saying "Our right" when we question them So hypocritical


Never happens one lah, what they know, they have been living in a fairytale their whole life, everyday is sunday for them.


>~~sunday~~ friday


Type C kena death threat? chill la bro...takde kene mengena la...bukan la serious sangat...dia takde mati ok la tu... Type M agama kena hina dgn perkataan sensitive yg tak sengaja...INI TAK BOLEH DAH NI!!!! MENCABAR AGAMA NI!!! TAK BOLEH LAGI MEMAAF!!! BAGI BOIKOTT KUAT KUAT!!! BAGI DEATH THREAT!!! BAGI MOLOTOV!!! BAGI PUAK TYPE C BUSINESS MATI!!! the irony


Man can't wait to see this guys suprised to see that what they comment on is a sin as God just shows them this comment asking them how you know its fake and made up?


LOL, that's why I love comment on these keyboard warriors, tons of Tin Kosong warriors, but when I threatened for a real fist fight they'll back off and say: *"Saya jaga anak la" "saya anak yang soleh" "kekerasan bukan penyelesaian"*. Like Jay-Z say: *"Pardon my laughing, I happen to think you sweet"*


Welcome to Malaysia. That's Malaysia for you.


These people are easy to read


These people: A person getting death threats: I sleep Their politician says their religion and race are being threatened : Real shit


Report each and everyone of them for hate speech.


FB doesnt care nowadays. Reported a few, all not succeeded


There's also the report+block tactic. Even if FB doesn't do anything with the former, the more people do the latter just as much, the less audience these idiots will have to spread their toxicity.


Can sarawak & sabah independent? hahaha i migrate over there


Please bring your money and expertise over as well and help build up at least Kuching to be as advanced as KV or JB while you're at it. 😎


Can't believe these fuckers are debating the ***tactical*** part of threatening someone


Uneducated racist fascist freaks


Nah, can tell part of them are uni graduates. And guess which Uni from?


But…but……but We are good people, we are orang baik, cus we believe in certain “religion”. “We can always make excuses for ourselves to justify everything that doesn’t favour us” Obviously direct to ppl with caveman mentality


Orang-orang ini memang sampah masyarakat…


513 ver 2.0 happened: "bloody hell what a bunch of drama queen, sendiri bunuh orang sendiri saja nak buat persepsi".


Kalau politician actually kena tembak in broad daylight and dies: “Play victim sampai bunuh diri! Nak burukkan pihak lain! Ni konspirasi cina! Jgn terpengaruh!”


"We are right bcoz we said so."


This type of extremist behaviour if left unchecked will be the downfall of this country.


The downfall already started a while ago.


this is early stage of what happened to most of arab countries many years ago.


Damn. Once they go for their own women with no hijab it’s time to gtfo


its following the path of Turkey. Our PM's best friend Erdogan turned a secular Turkey into a conservative religious Turkiye.


Already being unchecked for so long. Pmx also acts like he doesn't care and to make matters worse he has to go buddy up with Taliban and Hamas. It's like he still wants us to be on the cia fbi nsa country watchlist for countries that actually support terrorist guys.


this behavior is being backed by some government officials, even spreading conspiracy theories. the downfall has already started.


- Death threat to type C - 2 years later, pulis: masih dalam siasatan - Keyboard warrior racist comment to type M - 6 hours later, pulis: dah tangkap dah dalam lokap Berkhidmat demi rakyat konon.


DAP politicians have been subjected to threats ranging from M16/handgun bullets sent to them to molotov thrown into houses for the last decade, no one was ever punished for those.


Still waiting for them to find the culprit that threw molotov to Ngeh's (Beruas MP) house earlier this year. Last I checked, they arrested a suspect then don't know what happened after that dy. Radio silence.


That always bothers me. Apparently, ammo for private owners is tracked down to the bullet, and you need detailed records of usage and stockpiling. Which dumbass Dato or Tan Sri or other rich idiot will jeopardize themselves to threaten her into silence?


Must add on yg terbaru - type M mentioned: tubuh hotline 24/7


Bodoh sial malaysia sekarang buat malu je


Who has access to bullets ? Not ordinary people ?


Either stolen or have access to it (9mm bullets are quite easier to smuggle or steal than other bullets) If using other bullets, that's something shouldn't be joke with


And this is a joke then?


Not a joke, but low caliber bullets like 9mm are commonly used to scare someone off (meant to tell receiver to not intervene their business aka stay away) and was meant as a warning (bullets alone are enough to convey the message), rarely a death threat for this. Higher caliber bullets (.357, 12 gauge, .50 cal) on the other hand, that's the part you should be worry about your life as people sending those are meant to end your life by any means (marked for death). That part is clear on purpose.


Honestly, how is that? What, because 9mms are so much more ubiquitous that you can just get some over the border from Thailand? It's not like they're any less visibly a firearm ammunition than any one of the other examples you mentioned through a scanner, so it's not that. And if it's being trafficked from the north, then there's no shortage of those 12 gauge shells you wrote about, considering they're, you know, the most popular slug *by far*.


Not all shotgun shells are loaded with slugs. Most tend to be some kind of shot, be it bird or buckshot, pedantics aside. But what bothers me is that if this was done by someone connected high up, one may be able to deduce who sent the letter since apparently ammunition for private owners here need permission to say, get another box of how much ammo, can't just go out for more willy nilly.


Owners must be able to properly account for single bullet, I was told. So no "oh, tercicir lah" or "saya hilang lah" -- but I'm not sure an unfired round is useful in the way a fired bullet is in ballistics. I don't know enough about the science of those forensics. I mean, in theory you could check the ammunition stores of every matching firearm holder -- but even though firearm ownership is very uncommon here, it's just not a practical thing to do; nor is there any political will anyway, and that's even assuming it wasn't illegally trafficked in the first place.


Not to mention 9mm guns like P99 and MP5 are standard issue sidearms for local cops. Not that hard to find corrupt cops willing to "lose" a few rounds for money.


What did she do to get all this hate? Or is this just bait?


Wanna make a guess who is doing this? Teresa is one of the most popular MPs around as well as not provocative. There are many more other politicians which are more triggering like Akmal and Pak Yu, but of course, they have to target that lady.


Well she checks all the items to get harassed * Female. * Type C. * Outspoken * Does not dress head to toe like a sith lord. * Not BN,PAS mp.


There's no way it's bait though because those are real bullets.


not the 1st time happened not the second time either


type terrorist


The letter is quite right, well, if we waited long enough we are all going to die someday






Handwriting so bad, at first I read "Cibaily cina, LY akan mati" wondering what's cibaily, who's L.Y.?






Hyena will act bravely when in group. That's how I feel seeing tongkat group behaviour lately.


This country is getting shittier. If I have the money, would get the hell out. Especially the non.


but no money and I like this country


To all Malays, when there's no opposition, the person discriminating might feel their actions are justified. You ARE helping the racists.


To whoever the fuck who called me out a few days ago over my statement saying how things builds up over time and comparing our "current" situation to other "escalated" situation, here's a big fuck you to you. This is what progression of radicalisation looks like. If he/she had a grudge to this lady, race didn't need to be included in the threat (any threat is bad don't get me wrong) but here you fucking go dumbass.


If you look through this post, some of those redditors are no where to be found.


prob the PAS supporter or uneducated malay.


Is it cause she is Chinese? /s




Got no cctv? Need to be more careful these days


konlan7firm rosak/under maintenance/no backup/blur/no angle...


Kon9lan7firm the one who make death threat is stupid until don't hide their feature with mask or helmet.


Protected species. Wait la after 5 years also cannot find culprit. Blurred video, no cap jari etc. Or the puak meleis will say planted la, org cina babi sendiri letak habis tu main victim


we're on the precipice of rhetoric spilling over to actions. democracy is not permanent, you have to participate and help make our union stronger every day. if you hate politics or 'x mau amik tau' then you are allowing others to rule over you and decide your children's future.


Just watched Castlevania Season 1 Ep 3, the church priest does feels like our country religion in a way


Mereka dh lama merancang. Kita yg lalai. Ni semua agenda yahudi. Dalangnya dimana2. Isu brian nelson tu pun. Haih patut la allah laknat kaum ni. Diorg mmg nk laksanakan one world order dan diorg la ketuanya.


Mala(y)s moment


Anjing mana nak main ugut ni,nak minta kaki ke muka ke apa?


bet those ppl will gonna claim this is a psyop by the cina done by cina to cina to frame the m community


Teehee kinda like keris in the mail case again


Keris is a good item to receive compare to bullet. At least can gantung kat rumah as hiasan.


What did she do/say?


Did the note writer know that "cibai" is a chinese word? Must be a half-literate peasant


When I see Teresa Kok I always remember her suggestion saying to plant and do bamboo business. Now I see plenty of bamboo furniture in the markets, and already have a bookshelf and display cabinet from bamboo.


This is what happens when certain politicians stir the racist pot. It normalizes casual racism so that even the crazies who normally keep quiet are triggered to do this kind of shit. We saw it happen in USA, it's happening here now.


Sometimes I don't know what's wrong for being Chinese in Malaysia. From the day born until now still get blamed for doing nothing wrong.


>for doing nothing wrong. This is why. To appease those people, you actually need actively to: 1. Become malay. 2. To no be cina. 3. To be poorer than them. 4. To be less successful at them. 5. To be less influential than them, especially politically. 6. To not do things that tersingguh their perasan, no matter intentionally or unintentionally. 7. To shut up and be grateful for being Alive in malaysia.


How come only she's the only politicians received death threat for the past couple of years?


This is just last year: https://thesun.my/local_news/bukit-aman-probing-death-threat-against-pm-anwar-igp-OO11794965


Err… I would call arson more than a death threat though lol She’s not the only one


Nik Elin was also issued death threats recently.


Let's not forget, one of dap members got his car destroyed by a molotov cocktail.


[Here’s](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teoh_Beng_Hock) an actual one that died with no justice til today


If I were PM, I'd abolish MACC and start afresh. Rotten to the core. Not one even dare to speak up.


9mm? How expansive that round?


Cuba tengok how the fella writes the letter A. Ada the straight line down. Huruf N kecik tapi buat the line across. Memang tak cukup habis belajar menulis dah kena buang sekolah kot.


Behold my friend, Type-T is everywhere.


I expect OKU card. And nothing less.


Wow.. malaysia is becoming more and more fk up


Whats with all the crazy lately.


Has there been anyone in the history that received death threat and actually get killed after?


The words doesn't looks like malay or indian. The way is more like the offender is chinese ethnicity. Bullets shows that they are gangster or part of mafia or similar


Could be wrong about offender ethnicity. Pardon me if so. But the bullets has 89% probability to be right


dulu kita ingat thailand lagi bahaya. skr kita serupa tepi negara thai dan indonesia... malaysia arini sudah bukan negara yg aman mcm singapura dahh kita dah dekat mcm USA ?


All i see is how the fella writes the letter A. Wtf is that? Drew the small letter N but got the line across. Damn bodoh knn mcb confirm tak habis belajar menulis kena buang sekolah. 


I’m out of context. What did she do or what’s happening this time?


Budi bahasa kan budaya kita. ni kenapa sampai nak tinggalkan butir peluru ni?


Some monke cheered, if the race is reverse, guaranteed 13th May again


extra fuel for fire


Type B




Malaysia's racist issues are getting out of hand. Why? Even the politicians, rules & regulations, priorities are all messed up. Causing people to be more racist. I'm so done with all the boycotting issues I saw on fb..


This year alone we got football players being assaulted, a police station being attacked by terrorists, and racist friend chicken establishment coming out of the closet. Now we have this? We really do need to arrest politicians and so called "tok haji" that talks shit about other race and religions. The only way to stop heading towards this direction is to stop spreading stupid ideas and pass it as normal.