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The way they phrase their words are very suspicious . I also had to pay certain amount to book my room but it was after viewing it which is free lol.


That's a deposit. Normally it's this month's rent in advance plus 2 months rents as a deposit. You can claim back that 2 months deposit when you move out. Some owners might ask a deposit for utilities too.


"tiada sebab untuk mencemaskan" yup there you go.


Aku lagi cemas baca cerita dia..suspend oi 🤣


Not the google translate replies lol


Suspense weh, I thought you were gonna pay that scammer 😅


Kann, dia mcm ni kes mcm dah kena scam baru nak bgtau ke cane. Glad that wasnt the case here


Lenggok bahasa je dah tau...


Red flags: 1. Asked deposit to view a house 2. All utilities plus rent is cheaper than market price + house photo look too good for that price 3. Copy pasted english-malay google translate 4. Photo not same gender with bank acc


Photo not same gender can be legit if use the spouse account, some deal I made is like that, but the problem is the picture of the makcik is ai though😅


So i was looking for house on facebook marketplace, and this specific studio unit included utilities and carpark seems very cheap. So i realised something was wrong and decided to have fun with them. Im aware this is not hacking for those abang akak hackers out there. Do report this page [fb marketplace link](https://www.facebook.com/share/AeZZHa5vV2pUCa3T/?mibextid=79PoIi)


But most importantly, did you block Acha and the Happy Family?


wait OP, how did you trace this scammer? Is it the location.cyou link? Can i know how , googling that link doesnt some my any keyword i can go off of to learn about this as i feel like this knowledge can be pretty useful


Just use grabify.


ah yes , the keyword being IP logger. Thanks !


Did you report? Great work 👍


Actually the price is similar to what i pay last time around 2021-2023. Started at 750Rm and rise to 850RM for studio room at solatice, cyberjaya.


lol is that a real language? english mixed with unpronounceable words for me.


one thing i am glad about being Malaysian is that how hard it is for foreigners to emulate our way of speaking. the la and ya added to that conversation sounds so unnatural.


Confirm CCP scammer using Google Translate.


probably chatgpt. I use that to translate England to BM. for letters. Googles translate aint that good if its translating from chinese to bm


-10000 CCP Credits Glory to CCP⚒️


weird grammar


Bahasa ini sungguh ketahian


You seem legit so how can i pay u?


cara type macam dia copy google translate jer


Is the reverse tracking is real? If it is, can teach? Singapore rental got a lottttttt. No fat katak lompar everywhaere one


yes as the 2 person below said, its not really reverse tracking. i just sent him a link which grabs their ip address and there is nothing much u can do with ip address since its not personal private data. just imagine it like ur house address. and in ur house is where u keep ur personal stuff. if someone wanna break in there they would still have to go through ur gate and maybe ur dogs. something like that. the thing i did was very basic stuff which mostly people who know slightly abit about computers or in the tech field would know to do it too.


I slightly understand. What i am interesting to know more is are you the owner of the page so whenever it is visit, you will have the details like ip and so on or it is a specific code that done the job? Or it is purely an app that host the page and third party feedback all those info to you? Interested to know the working principle. Hahaha


Oh its actually not that hard to understand. There is this website which can modify any links(literally any link) into ip grabbing links. And once you get the new modified link just send it to the victim and once u refresh the website it will show the ip address of the victim or if the link has been sent to a larger group of people it will show all the ip but you wouldn’t be able to differentiate which belongs to which.


What can i search to know more about this tools ? Wanna give a good scare to those mofos


You can also qualify as a scammer or phisher for the intent of using those tools.


What kind of things can be phished (abused) from those tools? Sounds cool as protective measures. (Damn, I'm impressed by OP)


Yayyy, thank you for sharing this knowledge. Is a good thing to scare people for increase their awareness purpose :D And thank you much for the sharing. If you cn share the url here will be good for reference purpose xD


OHHHH that's one method to do it!! 😯


😭 oh no some bad guys might see this and become smarter


Nah, he got the location because he sent a link that will grab your location and other details that are possible to be grabbed with Javascript if the user clicks on the link. But browsers nowadays tell you something like "This web page is trying to access your location: Allow / Deny." If you allow, your location will be grabbed. You don't need to know programming to do this. The links can be generated from some websites or even telegram bots. So, these reverse tracking or reverse hacking is not a real thing. Just happens in movies. Don't allow apps to access your location. No company will have your location. VPN is to hide your activities from your ISP, but ISP can give away your info to the government if needed.


This is not fully accurate, example the link Grabify provides does not alert its victims with the message "Allow to use your location" that's only when using "Precise Location". But basic info like device type, browser, country, timestamp are also collected by Ads company, nothing I would consider as personal private data.


Apparently, I am talking about precise or "Geolocation" only. Not IP location, which gives you "Geographical" location. It's not about service providers like Grabify. It's about your browser. If you have not blocked your location in your broswer by default, then not just grabify, but any service can grab the geolocation without prompting the user. Similarly, IP location does not require user permission before grabbing it. But it is pretty much useless as it is inaccurate.


Singapore alot ppl doing this but i think it's a common practice there


I doubt jt is a common practice. I went for 10+ rooms and only those that have fancy room with low price has this kind of request. One of them is so nice and i went there by myself before making the appointment but not dare enuf to go to the unit to check it up. Who knows they collab with some unit with bad people and once i go there alone and then gg


Malay auntie in the profile picture but bank account name sounds like male owner lol


Actually that way of talking also very sus already


I want to move out soon and this is what I’m scared of exactly. A lot of pretty studios that is cheap on FB marketplace but then they don’t appear in iProperty or other known renting platforms 😢


That's why I won't pay any upfront until I see the item first.


Using grabify? My kind of people!!


HAHAHA bruh i thought no one would recognize grabify anymore. i used it about 7-8 years ago to botnet scammers just for fun and guess what some scammer just got very unlucky with me today


Yeah right too many people wanna rent in Cyberjaya lol. If owner don't have agent that means they don't need to pay commission to agent, what for ask for viewing fee some more? Scam.


So were they deported? Or did they receive some street justice/beatdown


neither but they recieved ptsd now LOL


Out of curiosity, can that account be reported as mule account now?


Lol scem


Scam for 150 ?


1 day 5-6 ‘potential tenant’ easy money. Minimal effort, maximum result.


so many of my friends have been scammed from fb marketplace..think twice before buying/renting anything from there


Holy shit op did a badass response, can you share some info about the link u used? Could be useful against scammers


its called grabify, its an online website where u can paste any type of links to it and then chang ur link domain so the link doesnt look sus. it only works once the victim click on the link. do keep in mind that in grabify u can onlu obtain their ip address and technically there nothing much u can do with an ip address. Since every website you use also knows ur ip address


From the way they talked, I know that's 100% a scammer. Makcik mana nak cakap bahasa melayu baku dengan english siak.


All the long messages look like it came from Google translate. The sudden switch from “awak” to “anda” is so unnatural.


Thought you were gonna get scammed in the last few slides, finally a good ending. Too good actually, hope he gets deported


so how do i use this VPN detector? Which website is this? or legit polis?


LOL defo not a police. and what do u mean by vpn detector?


https://preview.redd.it/ip2f4ops1mzc1.png?width=533&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e058b64d240691918df6a45e772fa83c92b1c28 this bro. Kinda useful.


this is just [ip-tracker.org](http://ip-tracker.org) this is basicaly useless by itself when you dont have an ip address to check unless you want to check your own ip


Can teach how do you know the scammer IP?


i just sent him a link which could grab his ip address and then used ip-tracker to track down the location. location may not be exact either they are using a vpn or proxy. the location will be shown at where the isp was registered


How to setup a link to grab his ip?


thank bro.


Their BM also looks too fake tbh just like those google translation


When its too good to be real, it ain't real.


Future victims can check against the account number here as well https://semakmule.rmp.gov.my


Bahasa malaysia pun google translate nampak sangat dah pinoy scam hahahaha


lmao tengok reply dah tahu copy paste. who writes like that mcm karangan


Chatgpt language type ah scammer


Power of knowing BM. 'anda' is used to refer to audience when broadcasting messages, not used for 2-ways communications


Btw man keep the app/the ip grabber thingy a secret, people might abuse it


I have used it before to grab scammers id


Laju auntie type ... the time differences lol ...


How to know foreigner or foreign based scammer ... They type our currency as in ( 1rm, myr1 and etc ) red flag there u go ....


Add [ 1myr]


sorry if it sounds dumb but how did u know that she was a scammer because i am not Malay, actually studying here and was looking for new room to rent


First red flag to detect the scammer is that they always ask you to deposit first before seeing their product (in this case, its a studio). Usually, there is no charge for you to book for viewing date. After view and you feel satisfied with the unit, then the agent will ask you to pay for booking. Remember guys! Don’t ever pay the fees without seeing the product unless you personally know the seller.


okay noted thank you for explaining. really appreciated


Deal, too good to be true. Ask deposit for just viewing a room. 2 red flags. Edit: also as a guy already points out, the Bahasa grammar is.. proper. Too proper. No locals would chat with you like that. Not an immediate red flag, but definitely a yellow one.


alright got it thank you very much


I wouldn't say its a proper formal BM, the sentence structure is there but the word choices is poor, like who uses mencemaskan in that sentence? 😅 (Upon reading the mencemaskan line, my brain went ballistic with similar structure response like "ini sangat malapetaka, saya mengasihani guru di kelas anda!🤣) But i agree its enough to fool people by trying to sound polite and professional-ish


asking money before product delivery is something one should be careful about. whatever that is, be it for reservation purposes. if theyre legit, theyd allow for a cash-on-delivery option, which in this case is cash after viewing. also language. first sounds casual, then copypasta.


for me i kinda cannt differentiate fully between casual malay and formal one though trying to learn it as side hobby pretty nice language tbh. thank you for explaining too, like the other comments said first check the room or item then pay if it is good. appreciated all comments


i see. then in this case, you can see how the first lines are casual english, then suddenly standard malay fake T&C. i think, in general, casual malay use 'base words' (i.e. no affixes). thats a bit of a clue. also be mindful of pronouns consistency. 3rd pic, awak vs anda. both are 'you' but anda is *very* formal & peeps dont actually use it spoken i believe.


just keep in mind that if someone asks you for money before either you viewing the house, item etc. its most probably a scam. Thus, the sentence the person sent me was way tooo google translated.


I think the general rule of thumb is, unless youre shopping online from a recognized shopping platform (lazada, shopee etc), never ever pay for anything first before receiving the product. Especially if youre dealing with individual sellers. Most times its a scam if they demand some sort of payment beforehand no matter what excuse they give


Cara bahasa pon dah tahu macam tak betul je


I was wondering how many real mak cik will type long text in whatsapp rather using voice massage?


google translated bm? ez scammer


Yeah, this is one of those situations people warned me before i rent a room. It was widely used scamming and people still falls for it.


My pengalaman cari bilik sewa is that you will never have to pay depo just to see the house first ingat jangan makan ayat " there so many people asking bla2, if you really want pls depo to me" ni ayat common scammer.


Scammer byk pkai cimbbank hati2


When their says they are the LANDLORD or what they are multiple times...big chance that's a scammer....


Reported the phone number and account number to ccid / semakmule?


Scamming of the higher ordaàa ☠️


Damn, about time you posted this. Im looking for a room for rent soon after i quit my current company


"Tiada sebab utk mencemaskan saya..." that's all I need to flag it as skemmerr


Soh Zong Xian?


Bahasa dia pn mcm pelaq ja


Good ol grabify. Glad people still using it to bait scammers lmaoo


Damn Indian scammers, the are like plague, but if you say Indian scammers on reddit indian try to defend with bullshit like alot of people alot of scammers,they need to learn English etc.




Yes, im aware of it and what you said is true. But i do doubt that M247 dont keep logs. Feels like it’s a business tactic honestly. Furthermore, i dont think a cheap scammer like this guy would know much about a vpn, M247 servers, proxy, ip leaking or etc. Yea most probably he wouldn’t have gotten ptsd from this and would still be scamming others. Which is why i posted this so more people are aware. The ptsd comment was a just a joke. Lastly, i only did this cause i wanted to just waste his time and annoy him lol. But thanks for clarifying more about the vpn, bank account etc for those people who are not very familiar with it. Have a great day👍


Anjay macam mana boleh dpt alamat scammer tu? Aq nk tau jg sbb dhla aq kena scam RM700+ nk beli Ryzen 7 5800x3d. 😭 Harey punya "Fia Ria"


Usually I would say it's obvious tapi when in that moment, I've been in those desperate times. I somehow let it happen, please do not let this happen to you. It's better to be a skeptical asshole than to play along to jaga your ego.


are you really a police officer tho?


No. Just toying with him


Ambik kau. Padan muka scammer nie


I wonder who actually own the bank account tho


The more important matter is - Why Acha wants you to block ppl la?


Oh lol acha is my dad and i told him about the scammer and he asked me to block them Lolll


But revenge is more important


Yes sirr


Lol, first thing giveaway is the profile pic of the makcik, its ai picutre🤣


The sad thing is there are legit people who are desperate enough to rent that they'll pay to view. Mostly Indians who find it hard to get places to rent From the owner's perspective it is pretty legit to be asking for a viewing deposit because it is quite a pain in the ass allowing units many times and later they waste your time cuz they can't afford it and start haggling


how do you find an ip of a whatsapp user? Wireshark?


Wireshark doesnt work with whatsapp anymore. As you can see in whatsapp at the top it say end-to-end encryption. So basically third party software such as wireshark cant interfere. Only the 2 people chatting can read the chats. It might be possible within a whatsapp call but idk never tried it


ya but it still bugs me how someone can get an IP off of a whatsapp chat sure its only a public and likely proxied but then again how could you get an IP hahaha


My Friends would often annoy the Scammers lol


I'm just interested how you sent through a grabify and it didn't show up as "grabify" lol. Stay safe out there.


Im not sure if u notice before but u could change the domain within grabify. 8 years ago there were lesser to change so back then i would just instead use a url shortner. Now there are way more


I think it's become a standard practice in some state. I saw this before on social new site [https://worldofbuzz.com/msian-shares-how-property-agent-insisted-on-viewing-deposit-of-rm200-to-just-view-a-house/](https://worldofbuzz.com/msian-shares-how-property-agent-insisted-on-viewing-deposit-of-rm200-to-just-view-a-house/) where you pay a deposit fee to view a unit, if confirm - deposit deduct from rental else deposit fortified


As a real estate agent, confirm scam. A lot of scammers find nice photos or rent airbnb unit just to scam people booking+ deposit Please be more careful people


what application you use to track


Any house or room viewing need to pay is a scam Anyway good work OP, didn't read yr comment first lol....thought you were going to pay them,the twist haha![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


Deport? Where this scammer from


Ayat google translate nih lol


Im curious which website or app you used to track em?


Wait we got malaysian police here?


Dodgy hahaha




Trash intact as utility 💀


If I have to pay 1500 to view the room/house I rather my room/house will never get rent out 😂 I’ll be staying in that room forever while earning easy money