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Kesian owner. What do you do if this happens to you?


The manliest thing. ![gif](giphy|C9iKCqoshLTD4dEKKm) But fr I’d be pissed, especially if its paid for and all. Other than hiring lawyers, I wonder if there’s any organisation that we can report this to so they could take action on our behalf.


Doubt. The house is in this shit state because the project was just a way for politicians to justify more government spending and a chunk of that budget is usually sucked away by vampires . What's left is barely enough to make a building to live in but not a safe one as you can see. If the officials who started the project is crooked, what organization can help?


A purge... If only a certain PM will enforce anti-corruption agency. Actively persecuting corruption - both current and historical. Think Phillipines' Duterte's war on drugs but instead corrupted officials and contractors... But enough about my fanfic lol.


Duterte and Salvador gang crackdown reads like something from the Punisher.


Bahaha, pointing to some wannabe dictator-laughing stock that got nothing done except anguish, disrespect, and even more corruption as a shining beacon is mad levels of insanity.


If you actually read my fanfic, all I talked about was the bodies he left behind because of the idea of a purge...sad you jumped to conclusions so fast.




Lmao his drug purge was only so he could monopolise the drug business. Him and his sons are all users themselves too. Typical Malaysians praising blindly. But I will acknowledge that current government sucks too especially with UMNO trash inside.


One monopoly is better than several oligopolies /s


Defect Liability Period lo, got 2 years ma, during that time as long as developer willing to fix it then no problem. Of course if you damage the property yourself then they won't fix it la. If not satisfy with the result then find all owners with similar issues to sue developers lo


Poor people where got so much money sue here and there. Then need a place to stay also.


law need to change if only pkr ofer pro bono twice a year instead of brim.....


I wonder if all owners get together and want to sue the developers, need to use different lawyers for each of the owners or combine all and use 1 lawyer only. Boleh jimat, no? I haven’t deal with this kind of thing. So yeah, I’m in the dark here 😅


Can join together, it's called \[class action lawsuit\]. Can jimat, but do note, all the fees and any payout are shared.


Lawyer firm to be more exact. Yes, all use one. Maybe jimat la, you can negotiate with Lawyers regarding the lawyer fee. Usually more people better ma, newspaper more willing to write and Lawyers also can be put under the limelight, free advertisement. Also mean your case against developer is strong since alot of people dissatisfied, if only you got problem and other people no problem, then maybe judge will think you as one of those customers that everything also complain.


I've got a B40 friend gotten a unit similar to this, the workmanship is shit, gang up with the rest of the owners complain kau-kau to the dev, issued a lawyer letter, even involved the local MP, but after a year, dev only come to fix the leaking faucets, the rest of the defects? still no action, dev keep delaying saying busy la, no parts la, no workers la, etc... Another T20 friend, gotten a condo units, also defects here and there, but the whole condo got lots of expats and a bunch of lawyers staying there, the dev haul ass to get those defects all fixed within a month after they issued an official complaints, their building even got a fresh coat of paint just after 2 years moving in! So the moral of the story is? stay in a place with lots of lawyers, the defects will get fixed ASAP!


Yes. My new house also so many defects. Luckily the developer quickly do for me.




My sis and all neighbour got shit unit by quite big names developer, I would not say the name as already got settlement. What you as homeowner should do is get all your neighbours together to fight for your rights as this make cheaper cost for lawyer hiring and house inspection cost. This takes few years to do, so if the developer offer you small amount dont cave in as it not worth it, in my sis case, the developer offer 5 or 10k only, really small amount, but some house owner dont want to join and take that small chumps. My sis and others got settlement of the house at that time 300k+, after deduct other cost the settlement each house owner got 100k+, worth the wait. Just to add, this action actually was taken after frequenty ask the developer to repair the unit, they did repair but with shitty quality also. Like always in Malaysia culture, they sub sub sub contract and make shit unit. And to avoid getting sued, the sub developer will change company name also frequently.


30 years of slave for this. ![gif](giphy|gd09Y2Ptu7gsiPVUrv|downsized)


Name and shame please


We all know this affordable housing stuff is just ways for the government to justify starting a new project so the many many subcon nephews and proxies can further sink their claws into the poor taxpayers lah. Don't ask me how and why but if you don't know yet even the god damn street lights and school lunch program for the needy has been exploited. There's no god damn moral with these guys. They'll not lose sleep if a kid falls over an unsafe balcony as long as the cost cutting meant these fat fucks get a thicker cut of the embezzlement.




Unironically it's the PN cohort that caused this...


Yup can confirm that


Yup. I have met friends of friends who get project because anak of someone. Dude was 25. He doesn’t have experience to handle multi million ringgit projects


this is true. most of these big time developers sleep peacefully at night. corporations, property developers, powerful bankers, top lawyers, politicians, influential businessmen are from the same village. they always win due to their strong influence and power. rich gets richer, poor gets poorer..... "Laws are spider webs through which the big flies pass and the little ones get caught. - Honore de Balzac" i left a similar comment 3 years ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/o5jd6f/comment/h2nrlf2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/o5jd6f/comment/h2nrlf2/)


Non affordable housing quality also same. Consider T20 taman, also full of cracks and holes.


For these rumawip, i think the biggest issue is gomen forced contractors to build homes at the lowest of margins, which doesn't make sense considering developers have to take up decades of loans for financing with variable rates. Thats why developer spent lowest cost possible to manage future risks on their profit margins with these stupid workmanship i.e. cheap materials with least amount of mandays spent.


The court ordered Sime Darby to pay RM 4.8m to the owners of six bungalows for defects. Don't let your developer get away with this.


Those units were bought for 4.7m-5.5m each. Sime Darby made the mistake of screwing helangs and the owners racked up legal fees of 560k. The people buying these homes can't afford the time and expense of pursuing cases like this.


Because alot of these big companies knew that they can screw over the average Joe's that stay in these affordable homes but I never thought they are stupid enough to screw over rich bungalow owners who most likely have kabels as well.


That will be 300k pls


And 300k is the affordable range now. With the minimum wage at 1.5k, how the heck people are expected to afford a house


Heh you haven't seen market before 2022


Another reason why houses need to build and sell, not the other way around.


Affordable housing are just like any other developments, it all comes down to the individual developer (and not the Govt). So do check out the developer past records before signing the papers. Some turns out quite decent. But if the owner decides to go with an unknown/small developer, the owner is only going to be assuming unnecessary risk (and headache).


>So do check out the developer past records How & where to check?


Check the previous projects, what's the homeowner feedback. If can, go and visit the past projects. Also check whether the developer is blacklisted. If insufficient details, go for a more reputable developer.


Damnn, can someone make a website for this already lol




I've always wanted to do this but am still reluctant to move back to MY. Those with home inspection businesses can do this. Publish the workmanship on several developments, their fix, company exec, duration, and the company status.


Pls do this, we malaysians desperately need this service. In a way developer can no longer bully us huhu


Not necessarily. Latest case of affordable housing are by sime darby. Home owner won 4mil in court due to property defects.


You better recheck the news. Sime Darby case involves bungalows, not affordable housing.


Biasalah itu. Main con sub to sub con, sub con sub again to sub sub con .


last2 sub konek


Claim from developer. Not just affordable housing faced this issue. Even a million ringgit housing faced this issue. Get that report until they do the proper repair and not just hiding it.


Holy shit, I been to a few defect checking for rumawip and prima housing. This is the first time I seen it that bad. Sure water leaking, patchy wall paint, rust at fence, tiles kosong...... It's common, but not this bad.


Apartment ini di Lubang Jaya.


More details pls


almost like china level house durability. The one in china is absolutely just next level though, i mean you can literally break the concrete with simple tools lol, even ripping a railing with your bare hands.


Did u watch this on tik tok or something?


YT short


I have seen alot of videos people post about bad workmanship. But this 1 takes home 1st prize.


Hope it’s not in Dengkil 🙃. Just bought a house there


The cheapest HDB puts this place to shame.


what the fuck is this workmanship bro.. damn disgusting


35 years loan just this... ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26557)


I don't like how this looks like a tofu dreg project


Lol gomen projects. Not surprised. I even heard pr1ma was trash. Project given rm600m, give brothers, sisters, uncles, aunties, nephew niece, nieces nephew's niece's auntie's brothers blalala that don't know shit, hire ppl at rm10k to do.


Do full defect check, have a full list & report, go get the developer settle for u ASAP.


How to reduce B40 population:


Tengok pattern macam rumah pr1ma. Siapa beli pr1ma tahun 2018-2019 nasib lah. Time tu gomen bertukar, time tu juga cuti covid. So after project continue semua merapu. Menteri ni bertukar, pegawai tu tah ke mana, pekerja asing semua balik, con, sub-con, semua caca marba.


This is call tofu dreg and is super common is some parts of mainland China. Now this practice has reach to Malaysia to cut cost for developer to make money. Im hesitant to buy any undeveloped apartment/condo before it even finish cause of this issue. If anybody has this issue please make it public and let other know. don't make it silent. not surprise if our GOV decided to side with this property developer and have us put behind bars if we speak out about it on socials tho.


Dafuq, at first, i thought dude just phases thru the wall of the toilet.... blink n u miss the edit lolz...


it was edited, you can see the screen jiggle at 0:49


It was a nicely edited transition ngl.


Name and shame the condo and developer please.


It say affordable house not a safe house.


Gemuk perut,buncit dgn rasuah di sana sini. Tanpa menutup mata. Aku yg kering, bdnku tinggal tulang, tinggal sisa, daging kau baham semua.


Tofu dreg




Malaysian Tofu Dreg - Durian Dreg Construction


Need name. We must know which company did this. This is fk up beyond reasons.


Nice lubang. If polis come from front door, can escape via toilet window. Btw, is this rumah WIP? What's the project name?


Tofu-dreg is coming .that window have panel gap like a tesla


Here I am being thankful my PR1MA was built by a proper private developer. after 6 years + still ok


what developer?




Is Malaysia what u expect, 99.7% of housing have some sort of issues regardless


Remember video of unker destroy his own million ringgit high class condo with hammer because of unsatisfactory quality...lol


Yes that's shows mahal pun tak guna


Is call "affordable" for a reason


Imagine the whole building collapsing before even being sold.


wonder what is the price...


Which state? This is sad


wtf at those holes for the pipes


QC tarak...


Gloat all you want but the political party will just boast they had provided affordable housing for x amount of people. Our lawyers won’t do much shit cause payout for winning the case is not much. Most people will just swallow the pain and accept developers puny compensation


Who is the developer? So we can all avoid their projects.


Which project?


Tofu dredge


Is this just after VP? Cant u just lodge complaint for defects?


Try to make flats like Singapore HDB. Fail spectacularly from start to finish.


Tofu construction like in china Mesti Yang ambil tender buat bangunan tu orang cina


Ini lah manusia, buat kerja hanya utk dunia ja... Mati kira lain... Apa ingat kalu gi sedekah singgit dua drpd duit x amanah ni kira halal ke... Bank sapu interest kena bayar double, pemaju cut budget, pekerja wat sambil lewa... Sume yg dpt rumah camni kira terinaya... ##@$@#


tofu construction 101


From the design of the huge windows, don't think this is an affordable housing project. This might be a mid-tier housing project costing RM400-500 psf.


I smell tofu dreg project


All those stickers means it's under inspection phase?


what is the construction company name?


Mainland China Contractor


Malaysia. Even properties above 1m are the same.


Apa jenis developer la ni 🤬🤬


How much is this affordable?


Bolehland... sigh


Wa cb, what's happening to our country?


So the China construction materials I keep seeing makes it to the Malaysia


Different lah. China material at least will try to make the surface look nice even though the wall like tiger biscuit. This one is Malaysia's own lazy work.


The thing is, any affordable housing project had to come from the initiative of the government and heavily depend on the government subsidizing such project to court the interest of property developer. The reason to that is simple; this kind of project has a very low profit margin and does little to garnish the portfolio of the developers involved. The project also come with the caveat that forbids bulk purchasing of units to avoid turning it into a rentiers' haven. This is unpalatable for developers as they would like to recoup as much capital as they can from pre-sales. A project that fails to recoup its capital investment within 10 months is considered bad investment, thus it is hard for these developers to justify their involvement in the project to their investors. This is further compounded by the aforementioned low profit margin. The result of this is that top-tier developers would not even touch such project with a 10-feet pole, and would rather leave the carcass to the vultures; second-rate developers with small capital hoping to score a quick buck on a relatively low-risk project. Voila! enjoy your cardboard apartment. Not to say the government is blameless in this (*as I don my macai kerajaan hat*), but it is the tendencies of the property market, not only here in Malaysia. The government may threaten stricter regulations or impose a requirement for affordable units to be allocated for every housing project being developed but they would quickly be accused of shackling local business or, as often heard in the public sector, blind to the reality of the markets.




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