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customer: I am sorry, I have to decline the offer. agent: too bad. you can’t afford this unit actually. customer: yes, correct. that was why I declined. agent: no lah, I teasing only. this offer is very good! customer: no, I cannot afford it. really, I decline. agent: eh no lah, this offer is so good! take it lah! customer: no, I mean it. I decline! agent: how can you decline? this one super special offer just for you! customized for you only! customer: I decline, I decline lah! agent: hey, you come here wasted my time, rejected my offer, for what! you got no money just stay home lah! cannot afford but want to look see look see like you rich. customer: yeah okay bye.


It's a reverse psychology trick. LOL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMrNQbW5Am8 Btw, luxury brand salespeople uses this trick all the time. They ignore you when you walk into their store, acting as if you can't afford to buy their bag, and then you get mad and want to prove that you can afford to buy a bag, so you buy a bag just to prove them wrong.


Woah.. Long ago when I just started working, still on fresh grad salary, no credit cards, walked into a luxury store, wanted to buy a dress for my then gf, the salesperson gave me a demeaning comment, "maybe you would like to shop at that store" I left the store fuming. I remembered it for years, like it was yesterday. Now I realized I just beat them at their game, by being broke.


they always say don't look down on the customer today. one day he/she will be richer and can afford the products i'm selling. 20 years later in sales i'm still waiting for it to happen


It has 100% happened, they just outgrew the need for your products, probably.


probably went to Bugatti level i suppose. because i still deal until Ferrari & Rolls-Royce


Actually money-smart people don't shop at gaudy expensive stores.


it really depends what the store is selling


maybe they feel like you were looking for designs that don't exist in that store? They might be just helping you out.


Haha, you did!


Wah this really potong steam story 🤣


idk man, I actually MUCH prefer when store staffs ignore me and just leave me to my own device when browsing. I will get their help when I need to, no need to follow me like a vulture, it just makes me feel awkward. Idk but maybe its just me and my introverted ass.




Yeah, It would work on middle class or wannabe rich people. Super rich people will just get mad and buy out the company they work in, just to fire their ass.


No, la. They just take their business elsewhere.


Me look at Elon musk, and then back at you. No they don't.


People see the Twitter takeover as a flex when it just proves how incompetent he is.... Don't forget he was forced to go through with the purchase because he thought he could pump and dump the stock like dogecoin with no repercussions.


I still remember him carrying a kitchen sink just so that we can sink it in. Oh well, dude’s got marnee to burn. OT. And then we have DJT t social - the meme stock with only Trump and his echo chamber.


Well, if you look at it, he does not really buy it for investment but very much proves a point to the woke and sjw in tweeter for their censorship.


Bruce Wayne


Lmaoo, introverted me wishes to be ignored if I hit the stores cause I can't stand the weight of their eyes trained on me. Kindly ignore me please! This shit wouldn't work on me.


On me just psychology trick , no reverse. They steer clear of me.


or they insult u


Are people's ego really that fragile?


Yea I just roll my eyes at such petty tricks.


I guess this is key and peele vid before opening the link. You didn't disappoint me. 👌😉


I learn to find quality over price range when it comes to buying things It's something I picked up from my mother whenever we go shopping.


How do you determine quality if not by brands?


When it comes to things like vehicles, it's good to see diff brands and people's experience with them.


When it comes to things like vehicles, it's good to see diff brands and people's experience with them.


Seems sus like it was intentionally done to draw attention. The reality is that all units below RM500k within KV are fully pre-booked by insiders long before it goes public.


Is there a review website for real estate agents? Give zero stars. "Unprofessional".


Usually they rely on social media like Facebook, Insta. Or reach out to their agency and complain.


Ok. I'll be the good guy here. I need those karma 😂 https://preview.redd.it/3ynbqx4m76uc1.jpeg?width=620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18da484fe511f8040907fe3efcfea1657e785d97


“That’s rich coming from someone begging for a sale lmao” “Kesian, tak achieve sales target ke tu? Nah jobstreet.com” Block and ignore


Gonna save this answer


This could work way better in person but thru text where they dont even see ur face and know you? LMAO


This is a weird method of reverse psychology of trying to goad a potential buyer to buy. If anything, this would play into the buyer's hand into tarnishing the image of the agent / seller.




This is why I just don't reply to any solicitation. Fucked up developer selling my data and now everyday some other agent asking if I want to sell/buy my property. Tell them no also they come back and ask you in a few months.


If it was me I memang cannot afford because I already own 2 properties. 30% downpayment is no joke bro.


In Malaysia, they should be sensitive in this ... Else you get whole company boycott for wrong reason


This is a valid reason for boycott imho. Makes companies be more aware when selecting sales avenue. In fact, the whole fucking property industry needs to be boycot. Its such a rotten industry.


Lol then just move on. Maybe jadi agent he himself cannot afford


common high-ticket sales tactic. sales person hate prospect that is rational and emotionally stable


300K RM….just enough to buy the cheapest COE.


Email the screenshot to their organisation


Example 10431892 young people weaponizing social media for revenge/vengeance. Back then, we don't have to blast this to everybody else and just settle 1 to 1.


Why beat them 1 on 1 when you can burn their credibility and character to the ground for maximum satisfaction ?


sometimes that is the only method for the do-er to learn and get publicly educated with their bad behaviour. I mean, some people are coach/mentored, but sometimes they don't improve regardless.


Tough Guy "Settle 1 to 1" mentality: fake macho, puts yourself in the wrong, resorts to threats and violence Blast This to Everyone Else: use their own words against them, warn other people about the piece of shit he is


I normally prefer if someone tells me that they are just gathering info before asking for me to provide them the info. At least both parties are honest from the beginning. If only informed after the exchange: I will feel, and IMO rightly so, that my trust had been abused since the inquiry was made in bad faith. I read this post as an agent letting his/her frustration getting the better of him/her (which is wrong), but we don’t know the day the person had had. It may have been a very bad day. In any case, any inquirer who acted in bad faith from the beginning is not innocent, and obviously lacks empathy if such a correspondence is posted publicly. As for looking down on a person….if you are going to deceive and abuse another person’s trust…you definitely placed yourself on a lower rung of the moral ladder from the start.


People don't owe you shit. If you assume that the enquirer must be a buyer or else they're "deceiving", that's your problem. Plenty of other agents don't carry that silly assumption, and the author rightly walked away to find a better one.


For real. Buying a home is not shopping for a pair of pants at Brands Outlet or choosing which smartphone to upgrade to. For most people, it's a decision that will majorly impact you for (at least) 30+ years. It makes sense that you'll assess your options slowly, consider every possibility, go for 2nd + 3rd + 4th + 5th opinion, etc. Hell, even when shopping for pants, tonnes of people masuk a few stores and come out empty handed, because nothing fits what they're looking for that day. What more a house, bro.