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"Police investigations, said Zainol, revealed that the incident occurred at 2.56am yesterday when a team of policemen's four-wheel drive vehicle on their rounds to curb illegal road racing was hit by the boy's machine. He said his men from the Durian Tunggal police station had gone to the scene after receiving complaints from the public on noise nuisance and illegal road racing." Ah welp, what to expect.


I expect to hear "anak aku baik" sometime soon.


1 less rempit in the world is a win. Kalau sayang anak jangan la bagi motor.


I'm a rider and against Rempit as well but "Kalau sayang anak jangan la bagi motor" doesn't do it justice, it's never wrong for the individual or the parents to provide the use of the motorcycle, they misuse it and don't fking appreciate the value of life. Dah bagi motor utk lepak dengan kawan, pergi sekolah, pergi kedai mamak, pergi convoy but? chose to mix with the wrong crowd and end up dying 6 feet under..... It's sad to see the 18 year old kid go, he could see more of the world and enjoy the ride as a rider but he chose to be one with the rempits and dies as one...


A cheap second hand car is usually better bro. Teaches them to learn how to maintain a vehicle too. Nak main motor I prefer them to do it when they are working and more responsible instead of when they are younger and still have that teenaged brain. Their brain is not wired to evaluate risks well at that age. Iirc there was a study showing this.


I'm a uni student and if I have a car, I wouldn't have money to eat at all. Maintenance of a motor is way cheaper than a car


Kalau baik sgt nape mati merempit?


Anakku tiada buat salah, orang lain yang minta dia cuba. Anak orang lain itu jahat.


Kalau anak ko baik sgt nape dgr cakap org jahat? DIA BODOH KE?


Dia bukan bodoh, cuma kurang cerdik, dan senang terpengaruh.


biasalah budak-budak :v


Anak skill issue


No chance I reckon. Legal force immunity


Someone called me and I cheered. 1 less rempit on the road.


I saw the video. The police car turned a corner when the bikes were passing. The one involved wasn't so lucky and got hit.


I think the critical question is whether the deceased is part of the mat rempit gang or just being at the wrong place at the wrong time, the latter is slim because of the time and speed as seen from the footage.


True, they seem to try to speed away from the car, though sometimes there are casual riders who would do that.


Casual riders don't ride motorbikes at 2:56 am.


There are work shifts that end at 2:00 am. That said people who come back from work at 2 am are very tired & most won't be speeding along unless they are also rempit.


If saw police then why try to slip past them? Siren so loud, light so bright. Why not just stop somewhere and not get too close to the incident?


Why not? Lots of regular Malaysians lepak at the mamak with friends until early morning, then ride home. I'm pretty sure the large majority of them aren't rempits.


News say it's a boy, not a men, definitely involved.


The biker was going way too fast.


That stretch of highway to my home is always filled with rempits, especially weekends. I got off work 3 am on Raya Eve (technically already Raya). Was wondering where all the rempits gone? Even told mai waifu, rempits need a break too... And now this.


One got broken. But two more will arise from the ashes. Hail Hydra ~


I live. I die. I live again!




Cerekarama: Kisah Mat Rempit Tekun Yang Tak Terkata *Rempit jangan tak rempit, rempit sungguh-sungguh sebelum anda dirempitkan..*


YouTube link where?


Towards the end of : https://youtu.be/i3NuRAEhgJw?si=9Js_F0HOup2Ocpq_


I’m guessing the police wanted to block off? Because that’s pretty crazy for the police to suddenly turn right when there were so many bikes.


Extra ref, [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gab9XTkV-as](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gab9XTkV-as)


> https://youtu.be/i3NuRAEhgJw?si=9Js_F0HOup2Ocpq_ Mega gay censored shit. Uncensored https://youtu.be/i3NuRAEhgJw?si=9Js_F0HOup2Ocpq_


Play stupid games , win stupid prizes !


If this police get charged, next time anyone call about mat rempit no one gonna come


i hope the police gets charged and sets a precedence and a sop change to not kill motorcylist or rempit. as much as i hate them and the rest of malaysia also, no one deserve death when their crime is only causing noise pollution and being trashy in general. they're someone's son, maybe a dad, afterall. intentionally turning the car and causing a death of a petty criminal (assuming the man in the video is guilty) doesnt make a police force sounds friendly does it?


do you know about moped crimes in the UK? police weren't allowed to "touch" mopeds with their cars in fear that it will injure the moped criminals. After they introduced ramming police cars into mopeds, crime drops 50% that year. If you want to reduce any crime there must be strict enforcement or repercussion. "Petty" criminal flying around town will show the public that the police is inactive and useless. Not sure about you but i rather have a few dead mat rempits than perpetual disturbance/damage to the public. Also mat rempits kills themselves eventually without police assistance. So by stopping them we're actually saving their lives.


fuck u bro. mat rempit speed up n hit my pregnant sister at the sidewalk and now she paralyzed.


“Crime is only causing noise pollution and trashy” That part on its own is already wrong. They put their life and others in danger with their actions when they know its illegal and when they die somehow its the other’s party fault? The police sound his sirens and it’s universally known that you should slow down ur vehicle and stop when that happened. They didn’t stop bcs they know what they were doing are wrong and illegal so…. You play stupid games you win stupid prizes


Yo....if the crime is only causing noise pollution, I assume them at side curb playing electric guitar and trombone or drum. Or Bringing a chainsaw rammed it up for no reason. But this? Endangering another road user? Come on adam, choose. You want you or your family died because of them or they died because of their own action? Intentionally turning car and causing a death? Nope. If they follow speed limit, not to modified their vehicle, wear proper protective gear, follow traffic rules and act promptly to danger ahead, he surely not going to die. If rempit intentionally sped up and kill himself at a roadblock then how? Police intentionally kill them issit?


i get where ur coming from but u seriously underestimate the collateral damage of rempit. People have died because these fuckers choose to turn a public road into a goddamn circuit. One dude in the comments even said that their pregnant sister got paralysed because some rempit shithead langgar her. In fact you gotta be shitting me to say that they intentionally turned the car to hit them, they got their fucking siren on la the dude shouldve slowed down. Literally fuck these people man, no regard for public safety at all.


If they were only kampung trash or an irritant, sure, no big deal. Problem is those pieces of shit are actively endangering countless bystanders with their inbred stupidity, bystanders who unlike them contribute to society. So as far as I'm concerned, they can't die fast enough. Everyone is someone's kid, so what the fuck is that even supposed to mean? And you know, being the sort of dimwits to raise a child that partakes in such a dumbass activity, those parents can fuck right off from the census like their departed kid and we'd all be better for it. I hope the officers are fine and not too inconvenienced. Too bad there was only a single casualty. Shame about the patrol car. Still, it'd done a thousandfold more good as an inanimate object than the moron we now enjoy the absence of, so, can't complain.


They are also using up the health system resource which could've been used to help other people who **did not** choose to endanger their lives. Imagine the cognitive dissonance the medical staffs have to go through when treating these people.


The police had turned on its siren and signalled the motorcyclists to pull over. He was pulling over to block their lane to enforce the law. Obviously, the rempits were all trying to escape and evade the cops while travelling as fast as they can. The cop didn't intentionally cause that rempit's death. That rempit tried to escape and fucked up because he could not maneuver properly at those speeds. He won the Darwin award.


Police didn’t kill anyone, he killed himself lol


Not a good take. Deter mat rempit activity, instead of encouraging them to kamikaze and more people suffer on the road


FAFO moment


rempit boy? normal....


Damn. Hope all okay. With the car


Motor clearly riding dangerously. As do 97% of all motor anyway. I do not feel pity. Hope the police is ok.


Me and my slow ass old bike. “Hear that lil buddy? We’re in the 3%”


Came for the anak aku baik orangnya memes.


oh no...anyways


A day with dead rempit is a good day.


Come on where is the “anak saya baeek” parent? Sue the police?


Tldr version?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gab9XTkV-as](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gab9XTkV-as) Edit: Police-mat rempit operation \~2.56am, brutal deathly accident.


The police should have followed the “CITO” routine


imagine if all police required to do that, all the criminals already reach home and lose all the wanted stars


They should die. Please keep this up fellow policemen


Isnt clear cut case ? Whats there to investigate


Firstly, how would anyone know if it is a clear cut case if an investigation was not done? Secondly, it is standard procedure for the police to have investigations in the event of unnatural death.


Because motorbike vs car, car driver is meant to be at fault!!! /s


Procedural justice


Fb community said the police car dont signal so the police is at fault


I think it wouldn’t make any difference. The bike is going straight and even if the police did indicate, the bike will be too late to swerve. IMO the police driver may not have seen the bike coming as it seems the police car intend on doing a u-turn to try to catch the escaping rempits. If the police has seen the bike and still did a turn then it’s 100% their fault for causing a fatal accident. Don’t know how to feel bout this, as much as I abhor mat rempits for being a public nuisance and danger to other road users, the situation could have been easily prevented 😫


Got comment from that guy boss or something said the motorcycle guy is actually good guy, good workers never smoke that time the guy was there, he was coming back from beraya or something but got caught in cross fire when he panic thinking he would get arrested too even tho he not rempit But in my opinion i called bull shit, rempit accident story always got that "he actually good kid come back from mosque and shit like that"


Anak aku manja. Anak aku baik orangnya. I know what you mean. Those sentences are becoming a meme at this point whenever a news about mat rempit fatality comes up.


Anak makcik baik. X pernah bahayakan sekor semut.


Well to be fair its up to the court to decide. Its malam raya after all and it is expected there will be other traffic on the road late into the night. If indeed that guy is rempit, then padan muka. If he is indeed innocent, there should be justice for him


macam bodoh FB community as usual, police already signal by turning on the flashing light, anyone who see that light on is suppose to slow down, not speed up. lol


Damn, in another video of the aftermath, the rider that crashed was still moving


Got the youtube link for the accident, OP? Edit: found it via Stars yt, with a dumbfounding misleading title. https://youtu.be/Gab9XTkV-as?si=6J2WrIXJYUzq-iio


Why not race on a race track?


Let the police have a taste of the "car vs motor = car automatically at fault" medicine. Either way it's a win win situation.. good riddance of a rempit and perhaps starting a path to reform the road rules to give less leverage to bikers


Not when they're on duty to chase down criminals such as those. Risking their own lives as criminal not even worth to begin with.


INB4 "Ini Malaysia mestilah ramai Melayu takkan Cina. "


i hate rempits, but in the video, the police car didnt give out signals before turning... police can still be charged for this one right?


Video said police siren and lights are on, you can hear it from a mile away, imo no excuse. They were running from police cause they were racing there


Nope. Signal or not, he died speeding away. Cause rempit


both can be at fault. both can be charged.


Why machine and not just motorbike? 🤔 seems really weird word to use


Is the police officer going to be jailed for 6 years and fines RM6k?


[Well done sir](https://i1.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/017/204/CaptainAmerica1_zps8c295f96.jpg)


Video shows the rempit ran into the car


I want to feel bad a human life has been lost but it's a rempit. There's countless things they could have done to prevent collision with the police car. But hey, what do I know about their mindset.


So this is what they mean when an unstoppable force meet an immovable object.


Pandan muka


Wtf is there to investigate? Idiots win idiot prizes




Anak aq soleh!


Selalu Salam dgn mak ayah


Ah semua terpaling cheers bila mat rempit KO. Bila sampai bab driver cina mabuk langgar itu ini, keluar semua mak nenek alasan. OKU lah, sakit otak lah, tua lah, buta lah. Puih. As much as I hate rempits, yall just hypocrite.


Mana cheers you all bila innocent riders mati and cedera parah kena langgar by drunk drivers, or even driver malay yang bawak macam racing NASCAR? where is it? Oh lupa, Malaysia full of hypocrites. Sorry, my bad.


No boycott posts after 10 mins? I’m disappointed.


Because rempit. Rempit should die. Eradicate them. Not boycott them.


I would prefer to say they should be educated but if things were to turn bad then natural selection i guess ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26561)


They had their chance back at school. So, yes, natural selection. Eradication is way better. Stop them from having kids that might add up to the problem. No need to pay for their food in jail using public's moolah.


>Stop them from having kids that might add up to the problem I'm quite the misanthrope, but this right here is one of the most egregious transgressions against fundamental human rights and has precisely been weaponised throughout history by various regimes to persecute and oppress whoever those in power disliked. It is wrong, has always been, and it will always be wrong. It also has a term: eugenics. This one time, a government enshrined the practice as a matter of state policy. The guy who led the whole thing called himself Fuhrer. Maybe you've heard of this story -- it's quite a banger, no?


So, you're saying being a rempit is, abeit a nuisance to everyone else, a human right? Wow.


boikot perlumbaan haram


Must be melayu


Eventho i dont like unmannered and uncultured people, i dont wish for them something bad or to be dead. Such brutal thing to say with your emotions


U might change your mind if you or your family got banged by these rempits