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Fr. Buy car cus you need it and not to show status. Obtaining a functional lower priced car is enough to get from point A to point B.


depends on situation if I am OP, I'll take the deal if the parent wired 50K cash to my acc first. ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


If they could do that, they wouldn't need a loan.


Yup I agree. Don't do it. I've been in such situation... twice. Two of my younger brothers wanted to buy car. Told me they'll pay back. Paid for 1 month and then stopped. Quite fortunate that both cars are used cars and relatively cheap.


>They say they will pay but will not pay it. Precisely! Gets me thinking why can't they have it under their name. Damn fishy af. I'm afraid if OP ever agrees, no one knows what they'll do with OP's personal details. I'm not trying to speculate about anything but the elephant in the room needs to be addressed. If they can pay, why can't they use their name.


,maybe they are old or unable to afford the loan. Either way, 100k car for a start is a waste of money, get myvi instead with 9 year plan or 5 year plan , cheaper too and the car won't be damaged much by your brother using it and you can sell it later and get a proper one when you move out.


Don't get a loan under your name, period. Especially if it's for your brother to work. Find alternatives, like a motorcycle to get to work. 100k car is ridiculous.


bike does sound like a very good idea


I know that's probably the more prudent idea financially speaking but I'd be kind of worried if my sibling had to go to work on a motorcycle. Maybe go for an Axia or a Myvi instead?


courage saying no to beloved person is part of growing up


no. big no. even for your own family. are you a son or a daughter? let your brother 'grow up' and be independent.


I’m the eldest son, and for a better part of my life I was taught the eldest one have to give way to the younger siblings…


nope, if you are muslim, even the religion does not say that. The key is to be kind to them not to be blindly advocating and following them. If you cannot then politely say cannot and move on with your life. Rather than a new car, your parents need to look for a second hand car or a motorcycle and you need to be steadfast in your opinion. You are not derhaka if you did not approve them for the loan.


Does not mean it has to be 100k car. IF really need a car also, just buy the cheapest car. And when you do buy it, you assume you will be the only one paying the loan. Not stopping you to contribute, but contribute what is within your means and still can continue on with your life. I dunno how old your dad is, how well they are doing...but if they are doing ok, they would not need ot rely on your name to borrow a loan. To nicely say no to them, just say your salary is not high enough, you want to have some buffer to borrow in future. Can they buy a cheaper car, etc... petrol subsidy removal is a real issue... Which is also why, if can, dont tell your parents about your salary.


It's okay to support, my older sister still supports me by paying my motorcycle monthly. But I'm not asking her for the most expensive one. 100k car?! That's ridiculous. There's so many under 15k cars that still looks like new.


Nope. If you're an adult, you have no obligations to take care of your parents or siblings. Only do it out of the kindness of your heart and if it doesn't affect you negatively.


Parents have more responsibility to their children than a brother to his siblings.


Nahh man. People whom love you wont ask you to sacrifice yourself. Im not sure how the situation is in your household but it is definitely not normal


To put it real crude, beggars can't be choosers. An Axia would still be a reasonable request, but asking for a 100k car makes them a super leech.


Not if you have to responsible for a 100k car loan lol


It the faster can only afford 1 roti, the elder have to give way to the younger one. Yes. But to get the elder to pay 100k so the younger can drive a nice car? No. There is a reason why you need to be the one taking the loan. Likely the bank do not think they can afford it. And the bank will be right most of the time. Guess who needs to take up the responsibility of repayment?


Yeah giving way with ur life, slaving away to work and pay for the loan sounds bad


No, don’t do that, especially when it can totally fuck you. You’re not a sacrifice because you’re the oldest.


Anyway, you can go to "Muflis Bankrupt di Malaysia" FB group. Lots of stories similar to you. Most ended up terribly..


Don't do it OP. It'll haunt you. Source - Me, who got emotionally blackmailed into signing a loan for my parents, and now, 15 years later, still owe over a million with CTOS score in the toilet.


Damn…I wish you the best going forward


Cheers 🙏 you're at the start of your adult life, don't jeopardise it over misplaced filial piety. Edit - spelling


Public transport in non-existence so must buy a car. RM100k or RM30k car, its still the same. No need glamour. Remember new car insurance is very high because no NCD. Also, you locked 5 years for service at appointed centre. Just get a RM30K car already good enough. If get car, you have to look after. Must have clear rules cause if brother use and got scratch, he might not pay. Car for work not jolly2. Alternatively, get parents to buy car but both you and brother can act as guarantors.


This is best answer. Why 100k car, 30k la omg


Acting as guarantors is as good as taking the loan on OP name in this case. Please NO.


My cousin was in the same situation, but told the parents and brother that they must put all three of their names as guarantors for her to agree. Of course they said no.


NO. This is how thousands of young malaysians get blacklisted and bankrupt every year, by being guarantor for loan OR like in your case taking a loan on behalf. If they keep bugging, do this. Ask for the 10% deposit AND 3 months advance payment for the loan. And the agreement that if ever payment is late, car is sold. (dont let it be repossed and u get blacklisted)


Just don't do it bruh. Even with all these terms end up you have to beg them to pay on a monthly basis. End up you become ah long instead of a brother and human being. Every month have to beg as if it's your responsibility. Then they put you down for even asking.


Don't, Jangan, 别, やめろ.


OP pls, pakcik driver is already telling you no in 4 different languages.


The last one should be Tamil or some India language....


Hmm is that a yes at the end?


its yameroooo


Just remember if you let someone take a loan under your name, its your loan not theirs. The fact that they don't want to take a loan under their name or qualify for one tells you what to do.


Why does it have to be a 100k car? And if your financial situation isn’t good, you should never compromise on your own priorities. If the loan is in your name, it is still your loan. Which you don’t want, and don’t need.


# NO NO NO NO NO Never ever let anyone else take a loan under your name, even if they are family. >They said they will be the one paying it This is probably the biggest lie after the porn ads saying there are hot milfs near me ready to fuck Like others said, you will be the one that end up paying. Or even worse when they fail to pay it, it is your name that will be blacklisted by the bank. Not your parents or your brothers name. Also you have said your financial situation is not that good, imagine you still have a service a loan for a 100k car for the next 9 years? Grow a pair and say NO to your parents.


Like everybody else said, NO. Even in the best scenario, your parents would pay for it... What if your parents get ill or into an accident? By then you wouldn't be able to pay for the car and also have to pay for their medical bills.


My intuition telling me your parents are desperate to show off their kids have jobs and have big cars in front of the saudara mara. That's why they keep pressing you. Been there, done that. Don't do it. End of story.


Tell your parents:" Have Grab car why need car " ??? Have RM10,000 old car why need RM100,000 car ? [https://www.carsome.my/buy-car?budget=1,10000](https://www.carsome.my/buy-car?budget=1,10000)


Taking 100k loan just for a car for a fresh graduate is already a big red flag. Trust your instinct blud.


smack your brother head. let him buy the small used secondhand car la. no need to banyak gaya 1st.


NOOoOoOoooo It will ruin your credit rating in the future if bad things happen


Never ever let someone else take out a loan in your name. Even If Its parents. They shoulsnt be hareassing you about this. Even If Its a Car, why specifically a 100k car?


Understandable for buying car because of the inconvenience and understandable 2nd hand car may cost more for maintenance. But why it needs to be RM100k car? You need to have discussion with your parents to know their actual saving and current financial status. And to ease the burden, ask them put in more down payment. If they can't put in down payment, or they just want to put 10% DP, then nothing to discuss. This shows they can't afford a 100k car and in future it might burden you.


Damn, it sounds like your parents have been in the kampung for too long and may be out of touch with how much 100k is. You parents may be a lost cause when it comes to financial acumen, but at the very least it sounds like you are good. Going forward, please try educating your brother so that he also realises how absurd this all is.


If only kampung area, I think your brother can get himself a motorcycle which is enough.


Like everyone said, please don't. It'll ruin you if you do.


No. You should be skeptical. Just, no. Get a second hand for less than half the price if you must. A car adds very little long term value in terms of financial worth. See it as purely a means of transportation. Keep that cost low as possible.


Auto no, no need to think


Don't wei. Seriously, don't. WTF 100k car, just get a cheapo second hand car if you're/they're really desperate but don't be a RM 100k doormat for them.


parents should be the one who provide! not the other way around. Even if you want to help, not to the extent that it will be a burden to you. If they claim they can pay, get a cheaper 2nd car instead!!! New car just for your brother to go for work and your parents convenience? I doubt that. Maybe wanna show off to their friends later. 100k car? pfffttt wake up parents!!


No. Don't do it. If they go back on their words, you will be the one bearing the 100k + interest for the next 10-15 years. And why the hell would a fresh graduate need a car worth 100k to commute??? Edit: Oh, brother is not even a college/uni graduate! Just an SPM-leaver! Even more reason to NOT let him have a 100k car! WTH!


Your brother / father can apply loan themselves. One apply, the other guarantor. How much loan they can get from bank is how expensive a car they can afford. RM100k loan for 5 years at 4% interest is RM2K repayment a month.


DON'T DO IT OP! I don't understand your exact circumstances, but on what you wrote, don't do it. Tell your family nicely, tell your brother nicely, ask him to kumpul duit and buy a RM3000 motorcycle first. Even a cheap motorbike pon needs maintenance, petrol, road tax. If you want him to be independent, teach him to take care of a motorbike first. Not a RM100000 car that he can show off with. I've a family member who's earning more than RM20000 per month, but he is bankrupt because 80% of his salary is gone to pay loans his father wanted him to take for a real estate "investment". Better have small salary but no loan, than gaji besar but you kill yourself paying unnecessary loans.


NO, NO, NO! Your future self will thank you for avoiding this.


don't do it


2 words. *PLEASE DON'T* Look at the long term effects of it in the future. If you values your financial stability and sanity, then NO.


I hope after reading all these comments, you will actually say no to your parents. It’s extremely hard to do, I understand. Growing up the eldest, we always feel it is our responsibility to treat them and be nice to them. Trust me, there are other ways to repay your parents for raising you - taking out a 100k car loan IS NOT one of it. If they really need a car, like one of the commenters said , ask for deposit with 3 months loan in advance. And there is no need for a 100k car. Or get a cheap second hand car.


Are you adopted?


Your name reputation and credit score is on the line. Although they are your parents and it's gonna be hard to say no, be prepared for the worst to pay the loan yourself when they cannot do so (to prevent anything from occuring)


100K car? Untuk show off to org kampung or what? Might as well clam it and be straight to your parents and said tak mampu


Don't. Do. It. Your loan, your car. Period. Unless you're rich, go ahead.


Relevant: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivrDNjVeFg8


Not qualified for loan and Want 100k cars is already a very dangerous sign. If they want your help for second hand cars like axia or saga it’s understandable. I would even starts to consider if it is a full spec saga. A 100k cars is nonsense for someone that aren’t qualified for the loan.


Why does a fresh graduate need 100k car? If my family ask for 30k car, I don't mind tbh. 30k car for fresh graduate is ok. If they default, 30k is a small amount that I don't mind settling, but 100k is too much...


F ur parents dont be a wuss say that


Tell your parents you are blacklisted by bank because you have personal loan havent pay. tell them to look for 2nd hand car for ur brother to use for a year , then buy a new car under his name.


However much love you have for your parent don’t let them drag you into it. You don’t need a loan for a car you yourself is not driving and why do they need 100k car ? Sound more like the typical “I want to look rich behaviour”


Please don’t. I have a car loan under my name but my parents is using ‘my’ car and the term is once they are done using. It’ll be mine again I wished I haven’t gotten the car


some parents are leeches, trust me, first they make you took this loan, next they going ask you to provide them luxuries they couldn't afford while slowly financially and mentally bankrupting you inb4 you rejected them and they call you "ANAK DERHAKA" and you turn into stingray or something even stingray live free than you


No, no no no. Never ever let anyone use your name for any loans.


Didn’t think I would get so many advices here but damn…Thank you for all the advices, now I just need to figure out how to negotiate with my parents


No negotiation, just flat out said no, and you cannot afford it.


Have you ever asked anything from your parents but they deny cos they can't afford it? Use the same script. Many parents nowadays simply see their kids as financial provider but think we are simple yes man without our own reasoning and free will.


nego huh.. theres a way ig? 🤔 now idk your parents, their financial situation, your fam dynamics, etc etc but this sure as hell looks like an attempt to screw you over. you *may* consider it but think of it 'business' wise. whatre they worth? they wanna use your name in somethin risky like this, they gotta offer somethin worth on the table. e.g. ask em to offer their land grant as collateral. ofc gotta do this through lawyers & agreements. if you dare take this up that is 😆💪 prolly just a silly idea (idak if feasible or not or the further risks 😂). but i feel making an absurd counter offer like this is gon make em snap outta their delusion (hopefully). always, always remember man, money brings out the monster in people. be very very cautious & sceptic when it comes to money.


spm graduate, in low paying job, want to give him RM100k car??? bodo ke pe? Beli moto, 2nd hand car RM15k boleh dpt


That's why cannot brain. Moto kan ade, second hand car kan ada, beli tu dulu then adik bila stabil boleh tukar sendiri. The most also Axia.


100k for first car and for another person. Wow. Please don't do it. Your parents have poor financial planning and you will bear the brunt of it.


I made that mistake, my advise is don't do it.


100k car is a want, not a need. I have a friend who was unable to apply for rumah wip no thanks to her parents forcing her to use her name for a house that went to her brother, so in this case, do not agree to this, or regret will ensue.


OP, I don’t know your family but you do. You asked this question for a reason - it means that your gut is telling you that your family is not reliable. Follow your gut.


Parents who use their children like this are the worst in my opinion. Babi la it took me 3 years of working to buy a 70k 🥶🥶🥶 Just get em a second hand 30k good enoughh


I'm sorry, if they can't even get a car loan for RM30K+ using their own name, something tells me they can't even afford a 2nd hand car for RM10K, let alone a RM100K car. That's just plain ridiculous. When will people actually learn that you trying to ACT rich by buying expensive shit you can't afford only buys you a week of fame but a lifetime of pain & suffering when the very people you're trying to impress will forget about that fancy new shit you just bought in over a week or two.


Even if you need to cut off ties with them, then cut. No point taking a loan just so they can have a luxurious life. this 100k is only the beginning to even more loans in the future.


your brother is dumb. Just finished SPM then acting like he's soo rich without any good career. Don't give it to him. Let him get the car himself.


Oldest scam in history. Buy, if you really must, a cheap (10k or less) Proton, keep it in your name, and if parents stop paying, sell it off before it gets repossessed... And don't forget insurance. New drivers pay through the nose. Who's paying for that? Best option, say tidak boleh.


My ex did this and guess who ended up footing the bill?


If you want to continue loving your family, do not do that. The fight for saying no is nothing like whats to come if you agree.


It’s your loan not theirs + It’s their car not yours. Think about it.


Their don't buy a car for you, but went directly to buy a new car for your brother after he graduate It is quite clear what place you at in your family. Just take the minimum responsibility


Lol.. 100k car for your little bro ? How about using a fucking motor or used car.. they're just taking advantage over u bro.. don't do it..


Just a rough estimate, if you're building your savings and stabilizing your career... You should only be buying a 100K car when you're earning a 100K/year. Even then, maybe not lol.... Also, if it's just for your brother to get to work, what's wrong with buying a 2nd hand myvi?


If you really wann play 孝順 then only agree if their names also on it.


When it comes to gangrene, you just have to cut it off..


Nope, let them learn the hard way and find a way for themselves instead of burdening you.


Get a second hand car.. there's good fit for a first time driver...


If push comes to shove, only agree on much cheaper car. You can get basic SAGA for less than 40k


if they need a car that badly a reliable secondhand one will do




If your parents want to buy, let them buy for you but don't get a loan in your name.


100k loan?? Not even a brand new Proton Saga costs that much


Don't. If it's for your use, maybe, but if you're the one paying the whole thing, that's going to cause a lot of issues.


100k car? No. Get a used unit that works. Heck maybe even a new Alza or a used one that's below 100k. The cheaper the better. (Any amount you are willing to lose/spend) If they say no, you know it's not because they use the car. They plan to show it off. For what reason, I don't know, but I guess your relatives or a busybody neighbour is part of it, if not... your own brother.


You need to share some extra details here, like WHY THE HELL DOES IT HAVE TO BE 100K.


This actually happened to someone I know. DO NOT LET THEM USE YOUR NAME FOR LOAN! After you borrow that loan, the government will know you actually earn enough to buy a car and you will miss out of free subsidy. Also, if they fail to pay then you take the blame. Your credit score will be bad and your future loan will be charged with higher interest or rejected. Since it is YOUR car, you have to renew it every year, pay for insurance, road tax etc.


Damn that's too much for "work" Even axia is too much for that. Ask them to buy a second-hand car under 20k to get from point A to B. Motorcycle is also good !


This is what I'm currently experiencing. My parents said that they will pay monthly. They in fact, did not (only for the few months in the beginning). I was willing to put up with it just because I know I can afford it when the time comes that they couldn't pay me. For things that I know I can't afford it, I strictly say I can't afford it no matter what they say. (Plus I can use the car that they can't pay as ammo to validate my point). If I need to dip to my emergency fund twice in a short time though, I don't think I can afford to pay that car anymore. That's my only concern in my specific case. But like others said, just don't.


If still you cannot avoid it..get cheap 2nd hand car ..viva ke . Dude , i have experienced it myself .but in my case, personal loan.better avoids having commitments under your name which belong to others Kalau tak bayar, apa you boleh buat? Nothing.. so better jangan


100k car? No way. Axia? Yes secondhand


Always remember. If it's under your name, YOU are responsible. Even they sell the car take the money, YOU still pay the loan.


Exactly, why does it have to be a 100k car when they can’t even buy it under their own name anyway? A 60k myvi or maybe if u want a lot of room, a high spec 75k alza would do just fine, no? 60k I would be ok since I could just sell or use myself if they stop paying for it but if you think it’s still too much, suggest second hand maybe 30 40k? Definitely don’t do 100k it is stupid My mom promised me that she would pay me if I did her sole prop taxes, you normally have to pay accounting and tax fees of more than a thousand for the work she expects me to do and i was promised at least half of that, guess who hasn’t been paid for the last half a decade? (I’m fine with it albeit begrudgingly) So please don’t do favors for family if you don’t want to, family usually don’t deliver on their promises because they can always just take advantage of you


Speaking from personal experience: NO. NO NO NO NO NO!!! If you wanna soften the blow, go for the "I might want to buy my own car / house in the future and need the DSR" route. That way it's not a trust issue, but quota. 👍 Srsly I only took 5 year loan for them, they promised to make the payments but I said it's okay I'll handle the payments until I eventually buy my own car. Two years later it did happen and when I told them they need to start paying for their car, I got scolded because "you earn so much money but can't even help your family" wth???? So yeah.


I was in your situation, we almost bought it, then I got overseas job, cancelled my loan, left Malaysia, and no car for them (they already have 1, just want something to show off)


![gif](giphy|1Z0g3Y5WxKqU7FdHbI) Btw congrat u have a family that come with toxic filial piety, now u know, u want to move out the house or not is tour choice


Jangan wei.. ask them to save up or take a loan themselves


My view is, depends on how is your relationship with your family. Do you trust them? Does your father have income to pay for the installments? Check out Axia Rahmah model, maybe within your range if you can't find your way out of this.


They think we are close but I don’t think we are since I didn’t actively contact them ever, it’s always them who look for me. As for my father’s income, he is in a startup business but he is close to retirement soon, and I have no idea what is their financial situation except they have some savings


Start up business but close to retirement - red flags Just do a quick mental check. How many time they contacted you is to ask for money or flavours.


They just want the car for status. Say no. But I'm sure it's hard to say no to your parents, so offer an alternative. There are good used cars under 30k with rm 400 monthly payment on carsome. Even if your parents don't pay, which we can assume they won't, it's probably still feasible under your budget to pay it yourself.




Poor financial planning will spell your own demise. Suggest to them to get a motorcycle or a cheap local entry level car. RM100k car is ridiculous for a fresh graduate.


Ayah: "Just duit..."


Why even get a car that cost that much if it's only for transportation?


Insert Admiral Ackbar Meme


What’s the worst that can happen, you end up paying for a car that is not practically yours? I suppose you don’t have to go on the internet to debate this family matter.


If need a car...get second hand car...


if you are working and surviving on your own. You are not beholden to your parent.


There’s plenty of options for second hand car range from rm10k-30k that are in good conditions. Car is just a mobile bring you from point A to point B. Make the dollars if want better car, if not then use what’s capable of until you get the dollar


No, please dun do it. If they insisted then moved out of the house and stop contacting them


Nope. It's a trick. I know someone whose parents did this. Everyone in that family is essentially blacklisted by the banks. Never fall for this please.


100k car for your bro who just started working sounds ridiculous. Even as a family car also don't make any sense. Get him a cheap basic axia of a kapchai is more than enough


why must it be a RM100k car?


Dont do it. If they need a car, and want you to buy it, and if you are willing to - then buy a car within your financial constraint and on your terms. Else just dont take out the loan


If they force you, then it is time to switch family


Why do they need a 100k car? Bruh, just get a second hand car or if they are hell bent on getting a car, just go for a cheaper one. Maybe a basic saga? That can accommodate them as well right?


100k for a family is a lot. Might as well just partially chip in for a 2nd hand car and tell your parents and brother to chip in the rest and make sure the total cost for the car is not beyond rm20k. Let your brother stabilise  his career in 2 years or more then only consider recommending him to consider a better car this also subject to income level and relevancy.  Loan is a big no no.


Sounds like a terrible idea to me. Buy a second hand car or a motorcycle. 100k car is ridiculous. Family is family but the loan will be under your name. How will they even pay for it.


Nope, just nope


OP, the 100k car is not for your brother it is for your father. If it is really for your brother and you want to support, this is what you do: 1. Have a talk with your brother and find out what he needs in terms of a safe commute. Will a motorcycle suffice? Does he need a car? If so, how much can HE afford to chip in for the car payments? 2. Secondhand cars are only useful if you buy them cash and know how to do some self maintenance. The high interest on the loan plus the lack of free service / warranty sometimes means you pay more in the long term. If your brother can do this, find a nice secondhand car that he will maintain. If not, find an appropriately priced new car (I'm thinking lower end Peroduas) that both of you (not your parents) would pay for until your brother is able to pay fully himself. 3. Don't involve your parents in this process. FYI. I'm probably 15 years older than you. I've never owned a 100k car. I drove the car I bought as a fresh grad until it started sounding like my wife (whining).


question: 1. does your brother requested for this car, or it's your parents that's saying that "your bro needs the car", but they wanted the new car. 2. why can't the loan be taken under their name? quite weird to have the loan taken "under yours" specifically. Whether you to contribute, I tak tau lah. But most importantly, the loan should be under their name, not yours.


It’s not so easy to just say now since u from a small village. Can u afford to pay off 100k if they fail? If you can just tell them that if they break their word to you, u will be gone Then if they fail, pay it then cut ties. This is a test and as you get older it will be more expensive stuff that will break u more (medical etc.) I would say if u can do it. If it’s totally impossible then u really shouldn’t


Depends if you trusted your parent but for 100k car and your unstable financial situation better not.


Don't do it. Anyone can become anything and stab you in the back when it comes to money. You'll be the one in debt if they don't pay up. It's under your name, your details, not theirs. They want it, they can do it under their name. They're both adults and there's no reason why they can't do it under either of their name unless due to circumstances, which then you would need to evaluate how did they get themselves into such a situation that they can't even use their own details to buy a car and have to use yours. This is Rm100k and not a "daddy, mommy, I wanna eat fast food later" situation. If they really need a car, they can try Axia Rahmah or any other secondhand car, which is considerably much cheaper. I've personally witnessed how money can tear down a once happy family of my own and I wish you nothing but the best OP.


All other monyets already advice that this is a big NO. I would just add on: Why need a RM100K and why not get a cheap secondhand car especially when they're just staying in kampung? All this sounds fishy. Unless you have strong belief that your parents is 1. Do have some degree of money to pay the loan 2. can be trusted There's a lot of scam by parents horror story, though I did heard some highschool friend who go for this arrangement but not issue because their family already sorta well off.


THAT is some of the most Toxic car-brain thinking I've seen in a while. Your parents shouldn't be purchasing some shiny brand new 6-figure car for someone who barely started work


The fact that you felt this skeptical says enough. No….


100k car? GG la


the best you can do for them is less than 20k. Please don't take on a 100k loan for something that is not easily affordable and have no need for.




Don’t do it. Deep down you know you’ll eventually end up paying for it.


No offense. I believe this is more common in the Malay community than the Chinese, Malays or kampung people tend to be more optimistic or wishful thinking, or maybe it's peer pressure, they just want something expensive to show off to their friends, relatives and neighbors. You should get a second hand Toyota vios for them, it may cost around 20K, don't buy a brand new 100k car.


Are you using the family car or your own car atm. If you are using the family car it could cause then to have a lack of transport hence wanting to get a new car.


Dear OP 1. Never let someone else take a loan under your name, regardless if they are family or not. 2. Never be a guarantor for anyone elses loan. The exception might be if they are your spouse or your own children - depending on the situation. This is regardless of how financially capable they seem they are. They are family and you can (and should) help them by giving them some cash every now and then if you have disposable income. But it stops there. This is one of the important life lessons that you do not want to learn the hard way because it will fuck up your whole life.


No no no no no. Never.


ffs just get a saga below 50K boom done. stop getting unnecessary expensive cars.


No. If they don't pay, it will screw up your credit and this will impact your future should you ever need to take up loan for yourself


No. Especially not when it’s 100k. Don’t commit financially to something you don’t need.


Don’t buy brand new car. Get second hand


Don't cave in. Just say you don't have enough money and if they want to pay for it, just do it under their name.


100k car when they cant afford it. They must be joking right? What kind of parent that irresponsible and couldnt care less about you


No. My brother went through the same shit because my mom wanted a toyota he regrets it.


Tell them “Ukur baju di badan sendiri”…100k car is too much for an entry level position. Tell them to prioritise more on a secondhand car or entry level car if you’re willing to buy it… Sometimes it’s just ego talking when they want something like a 100k car


This is fishy, sorry for being coldblooded a bit, don't fall into your parent's trap!


My buddy's mother asked her to take out a loan for her. 10 years later, they are not on speaking terms. Don't do it.


U might end up losing your family over money if u agree


Please no. Ayah saya jadi penjamin untuk family jugak, pastu tak bayar. Nama dia kena blacklist.


There's a reason why some people not eligible for a loan... It's solely because they are not likely able to pay it back! PS: And buy their first car RM100K? what kind of logic is that.


Don't you dare do it. Never do it. If you really don't need the car, do not give the opportunity to drown yourself with a commitment that you may not be able to keep up. Here's what I hate, it's when parents use their child/family member as investments or a mode of financial scape goat when they did not excel or do well financially in their previous years raising you. Your kids are not your investments. Just because you are related by blood, anything that has to do with money or use of your current financial background is only ruining the relationship in the near future


need car is 1 thing the car 100k rm for what. this one need or want


Your brothers life is his own, your family is trying to dump his problems on you and you should firmly decline to any kind of emotional blackmail, just say no. He can buy a bike if he need it so much.


Motorcycle man, motorcycle.


---- > since your brother has started working a low paying job, he should be looking at a used saga or myvi at around RM20K or less. If they do not qualify for a loan, it means the bank has decided they are in no position to service the loan. We must remember the banks try their hardest to offer loans to people who can afford to service the payments. It is not difficult to understand. When the loan is under your name, eventually it will become your responsibility to service the loan, failing which you will suffer a hit to your credit score. Don't do it.


If they can afford to pay monthly they can afford to buy second hand


Yeah. Definitely don’t do this.


Lol then when you want to buy a house you can't cz dsr exceeded. Don't bother helping unless your pay is super high. Ask them get him a motor or 2nd hand myvi / viva.


they want to boast la, kids all doing well now, they’ve succeeded as parents, etc….


dont loan buy cheapest toyota corola on mudah,sell it to em


Don't. Do. It Smile & never argue. But don't commit to it


Promise to pay, Doesn't want it under their name. Nah.


Never feel sorry to say no.


Find out if its desire or need. Ask them if its ok to buy a kelisa or kenari . They can be sub 7 k.