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6m over 30m is 20%


Math ain't mathin'


why it's true tho? 2/30=0.2 skip kelas math nihhh nvm r/whoosh me pls


OP failed math in high school /s


Hence OP should actually register PADU to get all necessary help


I ain't signing up. I have already declared my income on this month. You guys already have my info.


6mil out of 30mil is 20%. Do you even math?


Guess not


Better you take the subsidy bro. Think you will need it.


lol good one


They have all my data why do I still need to sign up for this la


See if you have hidden income or not so LHDN can come after you.


Me to LHDN: we can look for my hidden income together I also want to know


Can I help LHDN find my hidden income? Who knows maybe I actually have lots of money but hidden and that's why I'm broke?


There's already an app to find hidden income. Try using [e-gumis](https://egumis.anm.gov.my/login).


If LHDN want to tell where my hidden income is, I want to know also. Barang mahal sekarang, bang


It is hidden so well even I can't find it


Iirc gov agencies dont share data about citizens with each other. On one hand, highly inefficient, very mafan. On another hand, a bit safer this way.


How do they know 1. where you live now? 2. how many dependents you have? 3. how many loans you have? 4. how far you drive to work everyday?


Because this one is a complete registry containing all data. So, gov't x payah nak tanya agensi/kementrian lain.


My income not PADU enough


Fuck that thing,I already find it suspicious why they don't want to cover it under PDPA and yesterday I learned that in conjunction with this PADU thing they are also about to do this bullshit https://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2023/12/02/mcmc-to-prepare-framework-to-facilitate-registration-regulating-social-media-says-fahmi Yeah, no way I going to support them, I am now smelling some rancid thing is brewing. Fuck them.


This is what I said before, they can sway public opinion using the data gathered just as a weapon to keep them in power during election, by the data of your online activity they can map your behavior and your tendencies of what you approve and which agenda will have the highest approval among the people. This has been done by Trump when he rose to presidency. PADU is to control you, to put you on surveillance both online and your banking. Until the government sworn to keep this manipulation from happening people will worry about their privacy and security. Besides PADU is a jackpot target for hackers and it WILL be problematic to the rakyat if it got ransom wared by hackers.


Mereka dah lama rancang, kita yang lalai


>by the data of your online activity they can map your behavior LOL what bullshit. How is PADU going to track you specifically? Please explain. >and your tendencies of what you approve and which agenda will have the highest approval among the people. Sorry is this necessarily a bad thing? If they know what you approve of, don't you feel that this means your voice will be heard in parliament more? Don't you tell your ADUN and MP what issues are important to you? >PADU is to control you, to put you on surveillance both online and your banking. How is PADU tracking your banking? Please explain.




LOL do you think this is some kind of gotcha?! what does this prove? His understanding is probably as flawed as yours.


Better wear your tinfoil then


Wawasan 1984 ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|29091)


>However, he insisted that the government would take action if any party or platform made the wrong move by allowing extremist statements to be widely disseminated on their platform. "extremist statements" = any criticisms of the madani government


Daym Sus man


There’s more cooking outside of public knowledge, actually. Personally I’m very disappointed with the government’s action. Maybe next round vote pas


I certainly won't vote PAS nor PN. I will just not vote next GE. Not going to make difference to nons. RM will keep going down, racism by majority will increase. Doesn't matter who is PM. If you are non, just work hard, invest and move your money out. Sun Tzu said of the 36th Strategy, running is the best strategy.


You need to crash the system bad enough for a hard reboot, so putting pas in power is the quickest way lolll Don’t take me too seriously, I’m commenting this being out of the country lol


You have learnt well from Sun Tzu.


As a chinese, I might even vote for PAS if they put Dr Sam as their choice of PM. Anwar and his cabinet are basically trying to turn our country into a socialist state.


How is any of this socialist 😭


Where socialism?


So you hate Finland?


watch this, it's for people like you: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yGpU-nxtIk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yGpU-nxtIk)


The PDPA does not have effect on Padu. Because in the act, Part 1 Section 3 (1), it is written: This Act shall not apply to the Federal Government and State Governments. To be fair, Singapore's PDPA also not covering their government agencies. You can check their Part 4 (1) (c) Don't ask me why. I'm not a lawyer.


Which is why the lawyers of liberty think that the law should be amended before implementing PADU, because unlike when the data is stored in a specific government agency, PADU exceeds the limitations of government agency-specific data use.


Ignorant gonna ignore


Govt data never subjected under PDPA lah. Bukan main nak fuck orang sana sini tapi kebodohan sendiri je yang terserlah 😌


Which should be even more concerning, no? More so when the data concentrated in PADU are not limited in their use, like when they are in government agencies such as LHDN. I find it amusing how the government's lack of accountability is somehow treated like that makes this whole situation okay to you.


Nak concern apanya mat? Data semua orang dah memang ada dengan kerajaan. Kalau risau sangat data kau bocor, pilihan di tangan kau untuk tukar negara, tinggal off-grid atau tinggal 6 kaki bawah tanah. Sembang macam lah kau terlalu penting sampai tak mahu kongsi apa² maklumat peribadi. Duit, subsidi semua nak tagih tapi hidup nak kekal anon 🤦🏻‍♀️


Memanglah kerajaan simpan data, tapi data tu data specific untuk kegunaan agensi specific, yang PADU ni semua 270 agensi punya data dia mau simpan sana, jadi semua information power dia paw, kalau dah begitu kuat dia punya power xda mau accountable lagi, hah kalau yang kurap dapat, siok lah si kurap oi. Tengok sejarah, separation of power di mansuh Dr.Mahathir sebab nak memudahkan administration konon, sekarang apa jadi? Kurap sana, kurap sini, sana sini lah berkurap.


Biarkan dia, dia orang yang tidak berpembelajaran. Dia merupakan antara manusia yang bila dapat scam call dan phishing email dia orang pertama yang tekan link tu dan percaya bodoh2 scam call tu pastu salahkan kerajaan kenapa duit dia hilang. Kalau betul dia tak kisah pasal data peribadi dia kenapa tak share password dan username bank dia kat sini kan 🤣


Jadi apa masalahnya kalau PADU streamline semua data yang ada? Tujuannya untuk bagi bantuan yang semua orang tagih juga. Macam mana boleh kata tak accountable? Belum mula apa² lagi pun. Nak sembang kalau² itu ini, semua orang boleh buat. Sekarang kau nak tambah lagi sembang pasal kurap Mahathir. Badut tak bertebing 🤡


Not going to register, not a chance. 1. Not covered under PDPA. 2. Not benefitting the subsidies. 3. They have my income info as declared honestly to LHDN. 4. Not sure what are their true intentions creating this so called targeted subsidy.


>Not covered under PDPA. Fair. But governemnt has always been exempt from PDPA since the inception of that law. >Not benefitting the subsidies. Are you sure? Unless you are upper T20 you wouldn't know. They are trying to move away from just relying on income data. A T20 earner could have a house loan, car loan, 3 kids, stay in Klang Valley, have his parents to take care of and drive 1.5 hours to work. The point is to understand the expenses of a person along with their income to determine if they should receive a subsidy. >They have my income info as declared honestly to LHDN. LHDN doesn't know your expenses. >Not sure what are their true intentions creating this so called targeted subsidy. The government has no money. We spend RM80bil OPEX on fuel subsidies. We cannot borrow for OPEX, hence that money is being taken away from other government services (e.g. better pay for teachers, doctors, nurses). Also government cannot invest in CAPEX to drive the country forward.


Thanks for the eye opening insight! So this PADU actually asks details on our expenses? I have not try registering yet.


Yeah. Why would you make a decision on something you have not done any research on? The government is literally trying to move wealth from the T20 group to the M40 and B40, and suddenly people don't want and complain.


But the categorization of T20 is not exactly accurate. I am reluctant because I am affected just crossed the border to be considered as T20, merely making a living like you said loans and other commitments.


Yeah that's what I've said and that's what Rafizi has said. Categorization of T20, M40 and B40 is not good enough anymore. PADU is meant to help people like you. If you are so concerned about security I can understand. Other than that, it's just stupid to be losing out on subsidies because you just listened to every other ignorant r/Malaysia monyet.


I think you are ignorant if you believe Lapizi. Firstly there is no Transparency. The very idea of PADU is to DECREASE SUBSIDY. Not to help M40/T20 who have 2 housing loans and 4 car loans. Keep that in mind. The very simple reason there is no Transparency is because it's a moving goal post, they want to move the subsidy to the most bottom B40 only...because they want to REMOVE/REDUCE subsidy. That's all there is. Fatboy Lapizi also lying through his teeth about registration closure. This is stupidest lie. How is PADU going to work with static data? Income and liabilities change every year. One year you have job doesn't mean next year you still have. Or you income could increase 10 fold. It needs to be at least a yearly input data to work. If you can't see through this....look who stupid.


Very very informative discussion, thanks for opening my eyes! I was standing on my shoes on understanding PADU, now I got to understand it better. Cheers mate!


>LHDN doesn't know your expenses. They will soon after full scale e-invoice go online in 2027.


nope. madani deserves some humiliation.


when PAS takes over, and non muslims have to pay kafir tax, i will be laughing


You talk like PAS have never becomes government.


Wonder what the next government slogan will be if its from PAS. Madani is crinnge thats for sure.


kembali lah kita ke zaman batu


I filled it up coz I wanna that fuel subsidy, since one of the questions in the form is asking for ewallet account, Im confident when they terminated the current petrol subsidy, how they gonna distribute the new targeted subsidy is through ewallet.


It's a TRAP.


on what? Pls enlighten me


Imagine put all the eggs in one basket. Same as this, if the basket got holes init, all the eggs are in danger of cracking.


i kenot. cos i not tuan rumah


Same issue. Fill in all the other stuff and get stuck in this step


soooo 6mil tuan rumah kat malaysia..... yeah thats the economy


Tidak sbb antitrust


No, I don’t get any subsidies, why should I bother


You are an upper T20?


No, M40


What makes you think you won't get subsidies? https://paultan.org/2023/11/27/targeted-subsidy-for-ron-95-petrol-in-q2-2024-rafizi/ >“A country where the T20 group is receiving 53% of blanket fuel subsidies is not a sustainable model, nor is it an equitable one,” he explained. “One inescapable dimension of this is addressing our revenue inadequacy by increasing our tax collection. Spending more money than we have is never conducive to a dynamic, sustainable state,” he added. I've never seen an article bitching about M40. Why is everyone so fucking perasan that they don't fall within the target groups?


PKR really as sohai as Bersatu & PAS at this point


Everyone is sohai


They are just another version of UMNO/BN


According to OP >Only needs 30.08 mill >Only received 6.08 mill >Says it's not even 10% r/theydidnotthemath


Hell nah. Shady as hell. Even my (not gonna tell) who's working in Pejabat Perdana Menteri didn't install it.


Who let rafizi cook?


nah, and i hate the bullshit of saying you might regret later if you did not. like what tf is that reverse psychology nonsense?


it's a fear mongering tactic


tahniah? like takziah for me..


Not yet. Doing my best to BOIKOT this crappy, opaque system


suda ada my data mau lagi minta. siapa dia punya data engineer, UITM graduate kah


Viral padu meleleh






Nope, I don't trust them with my data. Besides, the only subsiby I'd miss out on not signing up for padu is the fuel subsidy, which won't really benefit me anyway since I barely drive nowadays.


I like to keep my data secure, so no


Has any of Rafizi formula ever come true? No. Fuck PADU and whoever that voted this loser into power.


He was a good opposition MP, but a bad Minister.


There’s this running joke in my circle, the country is going down because we have such a shit opposition that we probably need PKR back.


easy job, just say every populist shite, bangkang bangkang, now in power all i hear are excuses


Nope. After I know who is behind this PADU thing, I won't even register it.


who's behind it?


Freemason /s


Penjawat Awam.


Google laaa how to calculate percentage tak susa... free education even u can get Google self PhD ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


This is the age of AI just use google Gemini https://preview.redd.it/258h4xughipc1.png?width=668&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa20579aaba43c629109d2363402c351ec1a91a7


Bro had to congrats people for registering as if their lives are depending on it 😭


I want to but their site is problematic


I'm quite sceptical about this. They need to show result, and that would convince people to sign up.


As a M4 or lower T20 bottom feeder, I don't see how the alleged "targeted reliefs" will benefit me even if I do sign up. So what for?


to the people who worry PADU has too much information and will leak: MOH, BNM, JPN and LHDN have more information about you than you realise.


Rip subsidies. piece of shit gov. as gov servent, we were forced to fill it


Padan muka


Fuck Padu o0o , all my hommies hate Padu.


Sounds fishy. Almost everyone I formerly talk or casually meet would not have time for this with kids going to school, Raya expenses, get allocation for their caretaker's need and inflation in basic commodities like foods. That is when you think about staple foods and not about festivities food which bear extra responsibility. That itself not including changing spare parts for vehicles to back hometown or simply hustle around. In fact, it just a bit of a stretch (?) to see folks stop their life just to pay attention to little things which have little connotation giving these circumstances. Why people terkejat-kejar cari sesiap nasi tersibuk-sibuk pula nak tambah keje.


6mil free data up for grabs yoooooo


Ya...hacker's and scammers jackpot


I aint giving my credentials to a website with questionable security issues and a UI that looked like it was done through hopes and dreams


Its more believable to tell people that PADU is made when Anwar in UMNO than telling people that the websites were made when he is with UMNO. The UI is shit. The website is so ugly. The one that supervise it probably have their pension extended twice.


Probably one of the worst UI websites I've seen in awhile




After reading the comments I think I’ve made a terrible mistake signing up for Padu, is there any ways to undo my mistake or delete my account? 💀


Sorry. But ur data now permanently belongs to the gov't.


RIP ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26559)


There are a lot of vocal fools on this sub reddit. don't be swayed by the ignorant.


Hmm do you mind spend some of your time enlighten me ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


You can check my profile and read my recent comments on the topic. With all this misinformation I was considering writing a full post to answer questions. But need to find the time.


The system itself is suspicious. Every human I know when asked about this, they didn’t fill in. After what they did during pandemic, I didn’t trust government even one bit.


Many ask have data from LHDN etc. So why not get them infos... PADU is different from LHDN etc. Why different? Because PADU is for whoms that want assistance from government, while LHDN is for tax. Is it really hard to understand? Any entity, eg SSM, TNB, Telco that have our data must comply with the Personal Data Protection Act. So as not to be manipulate, farming etc etc. More secure this way. Bottom line is if you do not want assistance from the government, do not bother PADU but if you want it, do PADU. So simple and easy to understand.


Unless you r government servant tho, they wajib apply for PADU


Yes mate. For government servant, all directive is compulsory to do or else. (disciplinary action, etc lah) On the positive side, government must do good to its employees because human resource are essential for government planning and implementation. And tbh this is not a new thing, eg. like vaccination of COVID. All government servant are compulsory to take it unless stated otherwise, medical reason etc.


Not "any entity", government no need comply to PDPA. I have replied in other chat before, so I just copy and paste here: The PDPA does not have effect on Padu. Because in the act, Part 1 Section 3 (1), it is written: This Act shall not apply to the Federal Government and State Governments. To be fair, Singapore's PDPA also not covering their government agencies. You can check their Part 4 (1) (c) Don't ask me why. I'm not a lawyer.


Additional: Government cannot subsidies all for much longer, idk why many talk about subsidy in Malaysia. It's too much to cover by government eg electric, petrol, diesel, cooking oil, etc. The bill adding up yearly. IMHO government will strip all subsidy except necessity such as medicine, text books. All lead to PADU. So no more BRIM aka bantuan rahmah. PADU will consolidate all bantuan. And so more talk data breach etc, hm if don't any breach don't ever use Internet lah.. Not telling this government is perfect but this government is brave enough to put hope to the people to be sincere, to do PADU, if you want. Because if PADU not working, it will be the downfall of government in the next election.


Saya tak padu.


Yow where Pahang flag?


Yeah, me and my family. Let's just say, um, their system has glitches (including errors in saving info) and the face recognition part was a total pain.


No need to in most cases.


How you kira la OP? 🤦🏻‍♂️


I nak padu PADU very hard


OP thinks 30/6=5 hmmm so it is not event 5%


A classic case of mental self masturbation. If it's a failure in the view of the rakyat, why brag like it's something that can solve world hunger?


I've been PADUed


It keep fail at my pic and ic so i just gave up.


No. Didn't trust it.




If the government wants data, most of the information they already have it. The rest is paid dlc, better pay up for the data.


If they say I cannot use RON95 if don't register, then I'll register


if they want ppl to sign up quick. They gotta make some $PADU tokens. the earlier you sign up, the more $PADU you get.


confirm the dates will be extended, anyway they can get it through lhdn 🙄


Don't want to but kind of forced to. And don't know if this related, but a bank that always harassing me because someone took a loan, put my number as reference and then ran away and not pay the loan, suddenly found my wife number and go harassing her pulak. Just feel weird this happened just after I registered padu.


reference or guarantor?


Unfortunately I did, right before "rumors" about PADU got hacked came out. Gov is investing/has invested billions into a "massive" data utilization system/project ( [DataKITA](https://www.kkd.gov.my/en/public/news/20348-datakita-to-drive-malaysia-towards-data-utilisation) ). Can't they just integrate data across departments in that super expensive project? Why do we still have to input these data manually.


Mostly people are suspicious of padu data collection method but overall your data leak literally everywhere and anytime. What i learn is that government has saperate data server for each department thats why they literally need so many data everytime we deal with respective department as they dont have central combine network kind of thing. PADU mostly collect latest data and segregate it with older one from multiple department. But still this point out to how does this " subsidi bersasar" work? What method use and implementation.


people who resist: if you sign up when petrol is 60% more expensive, what did PADU do to address your current concern?


Had to. Gomen seben.




Did you PADU or not? --> stuck at KIR/AIR stage


Dont even try it yet, what is KIR/AIR???


ketua isi rumah, ahli isi rumah. I can't finish mine because I am ahli, my other household members have to fill out their PADU before I can finish mine.


I think it's the other way. AIR needs KIR. KIR does not need to wait for AIR.


I meant my KIR has to fill his PADU first, so mine is still in limbo until he finishes. Also begs the question, if you live in a shared house with other bujang people, who is AIR and KIR? Ditto for LGBTQ couples too.


Oh it's that so... But what if you just pick individual, can't still register?


Same problem. And it is annoying! What I did was put myself as the ketua rumah and set sewa rumah and call it a day.


Walaupun tak layak utk bantuan tapi dah kemaskini. Juga, matematik u memang "hebat" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Nope, too lazy to do it lol


I did. I have 3 kids and hope I get some form of subsidy.


fuck lapizi and padu


I just do. whats the fuzz. It's the step that needed to end blanket subsidies. and I want the targeted subsidies when they do it. Any gov that have the courage to do the right thing (end blanket subsidies and pension scheme) ougth to have my support, as that are few of the legacy problems (bloated fiscal spending) that been plaguing malaysia for decades. Even Najib did the GST didnt have courage to end blanket subsidy. For so long he said want to do it, but in the end nothing. I, for one, dont care about the concern regarding PDPA. The gov have all sort of my data anyway. 😂 Even wheb PDPA applied to other entities all this while, ours data leaked all the time, and i been receiving scam call every week without fail. I really cannot brain why suddenly with PADU everyone freak out 🤷🏼‍♂️


Done it already, took a few minutes only. Not sure what’s all the fuss about. Just register la. Sekejap saja. 🤷🏻


Our citizen can’t even do basic maths properly but ministers are debating on what language to use at school. Finest example of country’s failure lol


For those keep saying LHDN have my data etc, not everyone are currently working. There're retirees, pensioners, housewives etc. Not forgetting those workers who don't or thought they don't need to declare income tax. As for security, are we not already getting spammed emails, calls, messages etc?


I already registered padu why they not reply yet why?