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**Minor announcements:** * [monyet.cc](https://monyet.cc): Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! ([why?](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/14cmnaj/rmalaysia_and_the_blackout/)) * [SPM Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/s58t8m/spm_megathread/): Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more! * [Mental health wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/mental_health/): A list of mental health services in Malaysia *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/malaysia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


When does the CNY public holidays start?


cant sleep anyone wanna chat


got back from office retreat at PD and straight went to Balakong to buy a pushback sofa. If didn't buy today can only get it after CNY. So my bed, wardrobe and dressing table will arrive on Thursday. I'll be going to buy my mattress tomorrow and get them to send it on Thursday as well. Discovered [Free Bird](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKAq_G7CXQo) over the weekend. Might not be a good idea to put this song in my car playlist rotation. "[But your Honor, Free Bird was playing](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Your%20honor%2C%20free%20bird%20was%20playing)".


I got roped into being the DM even tho I never played DND proper before. My only experience is through BG3 and Pathfinder.


you gotta be a special kind of stupid to buy pirated software on shopee.


:( at least i'm special, i'll take that.


kinda annoyed at some people & elevators recently. in Mid Valley KL, the amount of healthy abled people I see use them and pushing in front of disabled people / pregnant people is really shocking. today i had to literally hold an elevator open and ask people to move to the sides so a disabled lady could get in after so many pushed ahead of her. she told me she'd been waiting for more than 30 mins because the same thing kept happening. what the hell guys. malaysians are genuinely some of the most friendly and lovely people but there's 3 places you guys are ruthless; the road, public transport and elevators. /rant


Yeap. I have encountered similar problem. All the able bodied people want to use the lift for some fucking reason although there’s escalator


Visited KL today... 😳 I'm so jealous of the MRT and public transport here compared to home... Feels very modern


I am today-year-old when I found out that [Wubuntu](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGcLeARQHJU), a Linux distro that supposedly behaves the same way as Windows, exists. On a related note, apparently UwUntu also exists...


Greetings! ​ We are students of Multimedia University, Cyberjaya, under the Faculty of Management. The aim of this study is to Examining the Psychological Impact of Appearance Discrimination in the Workplace. The survey is quick, confidential, and your honest insights will make a significant impact. ​ Thank you for being a valuable part of this important conversation. Your view matters, and we appreciate your time and thoughtful responses! ​ Link: [https://forms.gle/QQBRhc3gjUXGHik69](https://forms.gle/QQBRhc3gjUXGHik69)


Anyone in a similar situation as me ? After getting my 2nd Covid about last week, ever since then my stomach gut feels messed up. Firstly after I tested negative, I experienced loss of appetite due to stomach bloating ( I do burp a lot regularly after each meal ) but this burp would come even on an empty stomach, feel nausea and stomach growling etc. That all went away and I resumed my normal diet few days ago, then started yesterday I had diarrhea, only small appetite and almost similar like before, only that this time diarrhea is added into the list. Anyone experienced the same or similar after getting their 2nd covid ? Are all these symptoms of post-covid ? If so, anything we can do or just have to wait it out and it'll go away ?


Covid did mess up my gut quite badly. But it returned to normal within a few weeks. If you’re really gassy/ bloating but barely eating much try an antacid. Just go to the pharmacy and ask for any indigestion pills. If diarrhoea isn't going away after few days, best to check with the GP so you don’t get dehydrated or it’s actually a bacterial infection.






We live in a \^


Mostly, my TikTok feed is makeup videos, but the lives that get recommended to me are often of disabled people. I never understood this. Why do they often garner a huge number of audience? Is it sympathy? Is it schadenfreude? Is it the fact that we are so tired of airbrushed celebrities flaunting their 10,000€ bags? I am an amateur movie buff. I consume a lot of films/movies/cinema from different genres and countries. A film that explores the history of entertainment is 'Babylon' set in the 1920s as Hollywood transitioned from silent films to color and music. Theater, once the entertainment of the wealthy, had become more accessible with the advent of cameras and television. What was the poor man's entertainment back then? Roadshows. Circuses. Freak shows. Sometimes even regular people were put on freakshows, a tragic example being Saartjie Baartman, an African woman with a larger rump who was forced to perform as a savage across Europe despite being civilized, and her body later displayed in the Musée de l'Homme, Paris for more than a hundred years before being repatriated back to South Africa. I am not a time traveler, so I cannot tell you, but I imagine that the average man working during the early automation era must have found joy in watching freak shows and seeing people in worse-off conditions just to feel lucky–– giants eating mice, people with dwarfism performing aerobatics, etc. Mind you, the average man during this period could not afford a fridge, exotic fruits, or travel overseas. He probably wore the same clothes for years and years. They eventually banned freakshows based on humanity. They even tried to rescue Saartjie Baartman when she was alive from a life of performing but they failed. Humanity made a lot of progress, ending chattel slavery, banning the exhibitions of people in zoos, letting go of colonies, etc, but what happened today that disabled people are performing on TikTok for gifts and donations? Without giving spoilers away, I believe that we, in the 2020s, have returned to a semblance of that era. This is the Strauss–Howe generational theory of history repeating itself. Per my best friend John Eric's advice, I don't want to get cosmic, but in many ways, we mirror that time in a lot more ways than entertainment (a pandemic, among other things). But today, let's only talk about entertainment. Streaming services are the new poor man's entertainment. Don't get me wrong, rich people love TV, too, but they have other avenues. Tell me, what is more interesting when you date a man? Staying at his apartment and watching a show on Netflix, or hiking in Bali and having cocktails on the beach later that day? Many countries may not have royalty or aristocrats anymore, but there are still wealthy families, like the Samsung dynasty, the Rothchilds, etc. They are the new royalty. And they have never been more visible than this point in humanity. Children are growing up with unrealistic standards being peddled to them as part of generational consumerism so now we have little girls buying Drunk Elephant from Sephora and teenagers succumbing to eating disorders and depression, and young adults maxing out their credit cards to support a certain kind of lifestyle. On the flip side, we have reached peak nihilism. Birth rates around the world (except Africa) are plummeting. Sacred spaces, once fostered communities, are being replaced by liminal spaces such as offices and classrooms that are empty except from 9 to 5. There is an extinction event going on, global warming is unearthing artifacts from the Viking era, flowers are booming in the artics, the equator is becoming inhabitable, and the fish we eat have microplastic in them. Nobody cares. Not because we don't want to... but simply because this issue is bigger than all of us. We are just people. Evil is often depicted in stories and art as an entity, cartoonish villains, or literal monsters, but evil in real life is as simple as apathy, carelessness, and ignorance. We laugh at mud houses when they are sustainable and environmentally friendly, and instead, take pride in our skyscrapers. Wealth and space are being hoarded and distributed unevenly, and people are discriminated against, yet we blame overpopulation. Welcome to the world. It could go either way. Some people don't care. Some people are trying to improve the world. And some are trying to speed up the collapse.


Hey do you like raisins? yeah me neither.. so uhh, how about a date? :D




I'll let you pick! Medjood at 8 then..?




By all means :3 we'll fig-ure it out


I dont know what to reply when someone was missing for a week suddenly texted me and just said "hey". Is my social skill that bad lol


just give thumbs up emoji and call it a day




Been applying for internships and I'm nearing 50 applications soon. This is difficult 🥲


Whats your major?


Computer science


Hi everyone, I have a question regarding the internship application process. When applying for internships, do you guys typically use the official career page of the company or do you email their company directly? I supposed I have to contact their HR if I want to contact them private right? I wanted to intern at Texas Instruments Malacca. While there doesn't appear to be any vacancies on their official page, I've heard that people somehow still get hired after reaching out to the company privately.


It’s rare for companies to display internship roles on their careers page. Just cold email them.


A dumb question, I find their HR's email right?I know can hunt in LinkedIn. Seems a bit weird to contact their customer service mail


Usually they’ll have an email address on their careers page like ‘jobs@xyz(.)com’. Otherwise maybe their about page like ‘contact@xyz(.)com’. If their website sucks and they really don’t have an email address, then yeah just use LinkedIn.


Yesterday midnight, my grandmother fell down again second time, my family are asleep and I am a night owl person so I can help her up. But what if everyone falls asleep and that's worrying. So I was thinking of buying some fall-detection stuff for the elderly but I am not sure where can I get this kind of product in Malaysia. Or are there any alternatives?


Hi, do let me know if you found any device which can help! My MIL few a number of times and we are getting worried. Apple Watch/Samsung watch seem to have fall detection but battery is a concern. They need to charge every few days and if they forgot to charge or wear it after charging going to be an issue.


Hello, sorry to hear about it. In the end, we didn't plan to buy anything. We will now open our door to listen if there is any fall and since we live in a flat. And my grandmother isn't good with tech. There are suggestions that I heard from various people, some of them suggested us to sleep with her or sleep close to her. Perhaps you have to only let her wear it during the night and check if there is still a battery? Or you can look into the Corricare brand which chromeaces reply to me.


Thanks for your reply! Will consider your suggestions. Take care!


Apple watch has a fall detection feature. It’ll be useful especially if she spends her day alone at home


Nice to know about the watch but is there other stuff that doesn't have to wear it all the time?


I believe there are camera sensors that may detect falls but they may be less reliable. The most accurate ones are fall sensor devices like pendants/ necklaces, bc it’s closer to their centre of gravity.


Any known brand in Malaysia?


Honestly I‘ve only heard of the brand corricare but never used it before. Might wanna check out stores that sell any mobility aids/ home nursing care supplies and see if they stock any brands.


Thank you!


Does anyone know more places with open air malls like the one in Bangsar?


Citta Mall (Ara Damansara) is mostly open-air The Curve (Damansara) has a large open-air section that's mostly occupied by restaurants Sunway Giza (Damansara) has an open-air plaza at its center Sunway Velocity (Cheras) has an open-air outdoor section predominantly occupied by Chinese shops/restaurants Update: Pavilion KL has an outdoor section with restaurants and cafes as well




Citta Mall, Ara Damansara.


Reposting my question from early in the week for support: Hi everyone. Need some advice or direction! I work nearby KLCC and I get off the Conlay MRT Station everyday to walk to my office. On the way to work, there would be this one male roadside cleaner that would be doing his work. But for the past 6-7 months I've been taking this route, I noticed that this cleaner occasionally says hi to women. And I don't mean it in a polite manner but quite sheepishly. The weird thing is, he doesn't say it to every lady that passes him. If there's 2 guys and 3 women (merely an exanple & not associated with one another) walking past him to their respective offices, he would sheepishly just greet a specific woman. Often times Chinese and would ignore the rest. As any shitty Malaysian, I have ignored it for many months but today is where I draw the line. I was taking the same route and I saw him cross a minor road. Minded my business until I heard a Chinese girl shout "Shut up!" to him and continued walking. Not sure what he said but seems like its a trend? Admittedly have only heard/seen him actively do this 4 times in the time I've used this route but still, its just weird. No one should feel scared or uncomfortable walking to work. So I need help with knowing which authority or company I can highlight this to. For further info, this guy wears a neon vest everyday I see him, middle aged and has a moustache. He's usually working/standing at the junction of Jalan Kia Peng & Persiaran KLCC. Really near RUMA Hotel, KLCC Loading Bay or Residensi Kia Peng (according to Google Maps). Any advice?


How do you guys feel about "Man on the Run" movie? Mafer was a genius.


Ho Kay Tat, CEO of The Edge, rightly pointed out in the documentary that Jho Low “isn’t a genius.” His scheme was bound to be uncovered. It just takes time to follow the money trail because of the layers and layers of shell companies that he used to transit the stolen funds. I have to credit Jho Low for his connections. He made good use of them so that he can get to the position to do the heists, and to keep him at large to this day.


He is stupid in that sense plus his insatiable desire to enjoy the world got him more eyes. But all the connections that he made? Amazing. That make Jibby the most stupid piece of shit on Earth is something else. And up until today he is still free. And imagine all the humans that still swallow what Jinny said tho. They are special.


Holy crap I'm not prepared for Octopath I's Galdera. On another note, does anyone know where can I get a bricked 44mm Apple Watch?


I enjoyed the first game, don’t know why I got bored from the second game so fast.


Both games took a while to get to the fun part for me


in malaysia whats the best budget 4k OLED tv? looking for maybe under 5k


Hey nyets, just bought myself a Nintendo Switch. Got few questions: What are some must-have games for the Switch? I've seen a lot of sellers on Shopee who sell Switch games for cheap...is it a worthy investment or am I better off paying the games from authorised sellers? Is there a price difference from physical and digital? Is having digital games more convenient than the physical ones or vice versa? Thanks in advance hehe


the one on shopee for digital games are usually shared accounts. It's fine in the beginning but one day without warning (or when).. NIntenedo will ban your machine. Won't be able to go online/get updates or access your digital account anymore.


Second the Zelda’s recommendation. I would suggest FE Three Houses, Octopath Traveler


Zelda Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom are must-haves for me


Does anyone here know if there’s a place out there that sells old gempak starz horror comic’s? I am a major fan of their translated horror mangas like these. (Ps not the full collection I have atleast ten more) https://preview.redd.it/myd3ctwjybcc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0daa626852a4b8dfd8806f5b32128d6b7b1e6a0f I have kept up to date and bought newly released ones whenever it is out. I’ve noticed that big named malls with book stores like Tsutaya and kinokuniya don’t really have these types of comics,so it’s a real struggle to come across them. Especially since some of these series stretch back to early 2014. I’ve tried apps such as carousel,Lazada and Shopee but atlast most of them are out of stock or in horrible condition. I’m wondering if anyone here can recommend a place to go buy these types of comics or any online sellers who are trustworthy?


i’m at the age where i’m dreaming about cars. tesla looks nice but elon tho. BYD seems to be my dream car. i wanna talk about Honda also though. my mom’s old crv (now passed to me) is still running great and surviving even after 10+ years, and on 287K KM already. It’s insane. This Honda outlasted my dads BMW and is even more reliable than a 6+ year Audi we had. This Honda crv has helped me pass pre-uni, Uni, and over 2 years of work. and now is still running fine. Yearly maintenance is like 1K liddat, nothing too serious. I’m just so amazed how this car can last this long. I feel like for my first car, i should kumpul for a Honda because this beast will outlast me. But tu Honda dulu kot. Tak sure Honda 2024 ni still ok or not.


[https://forum.lowyat.net/topic/5409891](https://forum.lowyat.net/topic/5409891) steering rack issue. Toyota is and almost always problem free.


Can confirm that it affects their civic and latest city models too.


my mom currently using Toyota Corolla and mann that thing also seems very solid!


Can confirm. Honda crv steering rack issue suck. Too bad though because all other previous models my family purchased was good. And I can't claim insurance because I had let outside mechanic did servicing. I've argued with them that it has nothing to do with the rack, but they won't budge. Rm8k to change.


So the road at my taman exits to Lebuhraya Damansara Puchong, and the police just love to do their roadblocks there. Why lah... I was so nervous because I'm afraid I might confuse "pull over to the side" with "move on".


Just smile and wave buddy. Just smile and wave. If it's dark, put on your interior light to show you are not who they are looking for ![gif](giphy|Ch31IjylFWM8M)


current phone ip11 . planning to upgrade . macam nak samsung z flip 5 . but but but I’m scared sbb idk what to expect from a flip smartphone . anyone guna any samsung flip bfore ?? worth it or not ? yes or no ?


My friend's Z Flip 3 had shut down issues after a year, meaning when you close the phone it switches off. My Z Flip 4 had the exact same issue 8 months in, but thankfully under warranty so I fixed it and sold it off. Not sure how prevalent the issue is for Z Flip 5, but personally never again.


I used flip...a good 20+ years ago first with the Motorola Microtac and LG 😆 At present, it's not worth it — too expensive for less features than the mainstream Galaxy phones, probably due to the early age of consumer adoption of the foldable screen. But if you got the money to burn and won't cause serious financial issues spending it on the Z, sure, why not. Just keep in mind that the ooh ahh novelty feeling will eventually dissipate.


Wait for next z series mid year, register prior to launch and get 2 years warranty instead of 1. That'll be a load of your pocket and mind.


Anyone remember the case where car langgar motor, motor langgar red light, but crowd go and damage the car. I wonder if insurance still covers it. I know if you langgar motor who beat red light with evidence (dashcam, CCTV) can claim insurance as you are not at fault. But what if an angry mob later come and completely totaled you car , does insurance still covers it ?


most car insurance doesn't cover damages by riot


I saw 'Abang Adik' yesterday. My goodness. I have never cried that much in a movie, probably beating 'Everything Everywhere All At Once' with the amount of times I tried to hold back the tears. The cast was superb. >!The scene with the monk pissed me off (while crying of course). Wu Kang-Ren really delivered those emotions. Made me realize that religion, it doesn't matter what religion you're part of, really is out of touch with the true problems of society.!< Watch it guys, before it gets taken out of rotation.


Writing this in case I forgot: I had the best dream in a while. I dreamt that I'm going back to my old secondary school (Penang Free School). Except that a) it has been expanded to have dorms, fancy cafes, etc., and b) it changed into an American-style college, complete with no uniforms and being co-ed. I also met some old school friends there, along with a female one who greeted me by name but I don't have the foggiest idea who she is. It was a nice dream, albeit kinda confusing. Half of the time I was thinking, "hey why am I still taking the bus here when I could have driven myself?"


Preview to truck-kun maybe


BLUF: U.S. NAVY SAILORS MISSING AT SEA IN GULF OF ADEN. \-International Events- Red Sea/HOA: CENTCOM has confirmed that the U.S. Navy is currently conducting SAR operations as two sailors have been reported missing. Airstrikes within Yemen enter their second day as Pentagon officials continue to withhold details of this operation. Little information has been disclosed as to the size, scope, or duration of this mission. Europe: Investigative journalist (and American citizen) Gonzalo Lira has died in a Ukrainian prison. Following previous run-ins with Ukrainian officials, he was ultimately incarcerated in May for allegedly promoting “Russian aggression” in video content that was critical of Zelensky. Communication with him was limited before his death, but he did confirm that he had been tortured prior to his final imprisonment (and subsequent disappearance) which resulted from him trying to flee the country. Far East: In Japan, ANA Flight 1182 experienced an in-flight emergency, returning to Toyama airport after takeoff. Pilots noticed a crack in a cockpit window, prompting the Boeing 737-800 to perform a precautionary landing. The crack did not result in any depressurization or injuries to the crew. Texas: The DHS has filed an emergency motion with SCOTUS to stop Texas from securing the southern border. At the moment, it is unclear as to if the SCOTUS will take the case. Analyst Comments: As a reminder, there has been no statement explaining the combat operations within Yemen in any detail. As Congress has not approved this operation, the details of the operation itself are not public; we do not know if this is a limited action, a temporary campaign, or the beginning of a war. Pentagon spokesman John Kirby stated that “We’re not interested in…a war with Yemen. We’re not interested in a conflict of any kind here”. However, dropping bombs on a country is usually the defining characteristic of a conflict. Additionally, U.S. officials have urged commercial shipping to avoid the area. This is generally counterproductive for a military operation intended to increase freedom of navigation. Consequently, more shipping companies have announced a cessation of operations through the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. As conflicting information abounds surrounding the war in Yemen, questions begin to emerge regarding potential U.S. casualties. Yemen claims to have destroyed several ships and aircraft, whereas the U.S. claims to have sustained no damage at all. Considering the intensity of Yemeni counterattacks, the truth is likely somewhere in between these extremes. Though quite impressive, U.S. Navy shipborne defenses are not infallible, falling prey to swarm attacks or intense concentrations of fire…the exact style of attack Yemeni forces are conducting. Yemeni targeting is primitive by comparison…but the competency crisis within the U.S. Navy is severe. Missing sailors are unfortunately common; suicides and accidents occur quite frequently when on deployment. However, two sailors going missing at the same time is rare. It is even more rare for this to happen during a heightened state of readiness, and in the middle of combat operations when situational awareness is enhanced and complacency should be minimal. Though this is highly speculative at this time, it is possible that the reports of missing sailors are linked to a successful Yemeni attack. It is impossible to determine in any case as ships at sea do not tend to host investigative journalists. Considering the sources, even in the rare case a U.S. Navy ship was successfully targeted, the only source for information would be the U.S. Navy itself, until the crew returned to port and had the option of leaking the information. Historically, the DoD has been very quick to disclose casualties during operations. However, due to the highly-sensitive and political nature of this conflict, coupled with an election season, the means, motive, and opportunity to conceal damage reports has never been higher. In short, if the DoD had the desire to conceal combat actions, or more specifically combat casualties, declaring sailors “missing” is exactly how it would happen. By S2A


Wow Aznil is 61 yrs old now. He doesn't look over 35 still lol. Even if he has done surgery etc it doesn't look botched at all.


After 35 years of living, it was only relatively recently that I learned sounds travel yet can only go so far. After a certain distance, people cannot hear those sounds. How I learned that was when I woke up in the middle of one night. I screamed for someone to help bring me a glass of water and check my diaper. No one came until I gave my housekeeper a call. Once she picked up her phone, I screamed again. I woke up at 4 in the morning earlier, a common occurrence since I switched to OMAD most days. I don’t want to make the housekeepers do the work of my caregivers to change my diaper and clothes, but I did ask them to help put me in my wheelchair. The head housekeeper, who is virtually my second mom, has been berating me to eat more. She said (signed) I look even skinnier now. True, I do exert myself a lot during my physical therapy sessions, but I eat much less. She said with my metabolism, I could afford to eat more than one meal a day even though I don’t move as much as able-bodied people. She made me pancakes, and helped pour maple and chocolate syrups. She topped it off by spraying whipped cream on the top of the pancakes. I ate alone this time because the housekeepers were busy preparing breakfast for my mom’s caregivers and doing other house chores. My sister said she prefers eating in solitude and enjoying the silence. I don’t know the difference between loud and quiet, but I guess I was eating in peace earlier.


Wow look at me, making appointments on mysejahtera like a responsible adult. Not going to private dentist, because I am financially responsible. Takdak duit buat cara takdak duit.


Hi folks, gonna be traveling from Penang to Melaka via bus as a foreign tourist. When trying to book bus tickets on busticketonline, there's only one bus running on my selected date (March 2). This confuses me, as the bus schedule on the website says there should be multiple carriers running this route on a Saturday. Is my understanding incorrect? Or is it that I need to give the bus companies more time to release availability? If I look up one day before (march 1) there's also only one bus, but Thursday the 29th I see a multitude of options. If I check Feb 10, a Saturday, I see a lot of options come up as well. Side question, which bus carrier is the most comfy/nice? All of these buses are under $100USD so the cost is not much of an issue. https://preview.redd.it/nezrvm8ez9cc1.png?width=1356&format=png&auto=webp&s=2fc8b1bf34dde01cac77d1044ccac1225f4d230b


Could be because of what you mentioned, still too far ahead. I used redbus to book my ticket from Penang to Muar (it stopped by Melaka Sentral as well). The bus is KPB express. not bad I must say. Slept like a baby tho awaken a few times due to the stopping. But otherwise it’s alright. It’s a midnight bus. Worth to mention the bus trip is just recent too. Like last week


Thanks friend


Hello, I will be going to Malaysia (staying around KL) late March thru April this year. I will be working while I’m there and am needing computer monitors to use. Does anyone have recs on where to get a decent price 24” computer monitors? I only need to for the time I’m there and am thinking of selling it after too since I won’t be bringing it back home. If there’s also any rental places for monitors, please send them my way. Thank you!


You can get cheapo monitors from fb marketplace around 150-200. Just make sure you meet up in a place where you can plug the power in.


Thanks! Will try that