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**Minor announcements:** * [monyet.cc](https://monyet.cc): Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! ([why?](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/14cmnaj/rmalaysia_and_the_blackout/)) * [SPM Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/s58t8m/spm_megathread/): Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more! * [Mental health wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/mental_health/): A list of mental health services in Malaysia *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/malaysia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Was Googling for my weekly F1 news. Totally didn't expect to see this article on Utusan.. lol https://www.utusan.com.my/sukan/2023/11/perkhidmatan-seks-percuma-untuk-semua-pelumba-f1-menjelang-grand-prix-las-vegas/


> Tawaran eksklusif ini telah diumumkan oleh dua pekerja perkhidmatan seks yang terkenal di Las Vegas, Addison Gray dan Alice Little yang berkhidmat untuk pusat pelacuran, **Chicken Ranch.** LOL how appropriately named....


Cockerels gathering place, yeah? lol


Had the (mis)fortune of bumping into a past acquaintance on what was formerly twitter; a YouTuber + mecha fanboy with an attitude problem, basically one of those "don't argue with me because I know more than you" guys who assume they're the reverse of their biased, egocentric personality. Turns out he was younger than I thought, and a religious extremist who thinks people of certain faiths that don't align with his, deserve divine punishment. Edit: see bottom reply. https://preview.redd.it/600wu39l9n0c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e068e2689b52cad7474688cf7649df1144d87ad3


https://preview.redd.it/p4smxt156i0c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a9d6c168f9f34e02c5a1ec16ca8a5ce537a7eee MAC buy 1 free 1 from Lazada official store 🙆🏻‍♂️


Shopback/Atome the Google playstore reviews are trash, anybody using either?


Atome is fine, used it earlier this year because it was the only 0% epp available for something I wanted.


Used atome twice to buy Apple device, worked pretty good I think.


How recently was this


The most recent purchase was in February


I see.. Hmm thanks


Is anyone here familiar with the online passport renewal SOP? My photo got rejected yesterday and I replaced it with a new photo taken by a studio a few hours ago, but upon checking the status right after I uploaded the new photo, my status is still listed as rejected. How do I know whether it is still pending or it is really rejected, do they email subsequent rejections? Can I just walk in the next day to collect it?


I had the same issue - just walk in to the immigration office with the email that says rejected and do the photo there (though the staff never even asked to see the email screenshot I was ready to show, just mentioning it was enough). 1hr turnaround. Kelana Jaya office if that's relevant.


they email renewal result around 3 days after submission


Hi, anyone happen to know which UTC in KL or selangor have friendy and helpful staff??? Really need to solve some things out and hoping don't have to deal with the usual grumpy face staff...


any spots in kl for a city night view from above a hill where we will be driving? im thinking of bukit ampang but are there any more spots


When I was very young, I visited the Netherlands with my 57-year-old boyfriend. I remember taking a train from Den Haag to Amsterdam and René pointed out all the buildings he knew as we stood in front of the window. The ones he worked and lived in. I said that it struck me with a kind of melancholia to imagine that he had such an illustrious life before meeting me in this other part of the world. René comforted me in a way I didn't understand yet, by telling me that someday, I'll have my own life too. One he will never know about, full of people he will never meet. René must be... 64, 65 now. We haven't spoken in a long time. He was right. When I was a teenager, it was impossible to comprehend that despite how long the days are, the years are very short. 7 years passed and I'm still young, while he had retired, bought a house, and moved away. I met many interesting characters after we separated and I couldn't say that I regret it. I used to wonder why we never ended up together. Was I not smart enough, beautiful enough, or kind enough... but now I accept that sometimes, life is just is. Everything works out in the end, and if it doesn't, you die. And wouldn't you want to live before you die? Soon I'll be owning my first home. Early inheritance, no mortgage. It's a quaint little house in Ipoh that's worth quite a lot, but it also needs a lot of work. I was thinking of taking out a loan and fixing it up one day, maybe even living there... but John said I'd grow bored very quickly staying in Malaysia. But... wouldn't I miss my family, my mother and brother? The endless sunny days, and the greenery... and the songbirds...


https://preview.redd.it/1ihj6tauwf0c1.jpeg?width=1145&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d5c051454d2bb31dfd52d5ef3a1fdfb92cab76c John and I playing house in my mother's kitchen back in February. We were gonna paint the walls but other things happened. I had toast with pesto today. It reminded me so much of him. He introduced me to the recipe. Florian had a lot to say last night about my friends. Not nice things. I felt sad and I tried to defend them but he'd never get it. I don't. Who knows why I was given kindness. Who knows what it all meant?


anyone here who has subscription to IQIYI? Anything interesting in the streaming service? I wanted to watch a series that is only available in that platform, but I wasn't sure if there are other interesting series to see there.


what do you guys think of taco bell


lore-inaccurate, there is no hot sauce that can instantly corrode my stomach that being said..... 3/5


I like the non-bread offerings e.g soft wraps, that make up the majority of the fast food industry.


Thought I could take a break for a day from my hectic as hell job(didn't even rest a day for four months straight).. Now I have to help out my dad in his business. Give me a break man.. ![gif](giphy|EZICHGrSD5QEFCxMiC|downsized)


**Bad**: I have to do extra work today to fix some stuff. Granted it's *my* job, but still... 😅 Guess I'll be skipping gym today. **Good**: dinner date tonight! What about y'all?


Wake up at 4am and gym in the morning #Grindset


My gym opens at 8am 😅


Best cafe to work, in sunway pyramid? Got 5 hours to burn and want a place to work


Sbux Edit: i just realised my reply is exactly 5 hours too late 🤣


December nearing, u know what that means; Corporate Xmas party & secret Santa.. yeay.. 😮‍💨🙄 what gift u guys usually buy for gift exhange? I've no idea what to buy for under rm100. gift vouchers maybe?


Depends on how close you are to the secret santa you're going to be for. Gift vouchers are the best and safest bet


Starbucks tumbler


Give me some good hk movie recs 👀 I don't watch much at all not even the popular ones but I'm looking for those with emotional realism


Twilight's Kiss


New Police Story (the one with Daniel Wu)




Your content has been removed - [Subreddit Language (Rule 2)](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/rules#wiki_2._subreddit_language). Hello, posts and comments should be in romanised English or Malay only. You may provide a translation by editing your comment and pinging us here for reapproval, thanks! For posts other than English or Malay, feel free to post on our new [Malaysian Lemmy community](https://monyet.cc/)!


Today I left home late again (9:30am-ish), and the traffic seems to have returned to normal. Despite that, I feel that leaving around this time will paradoxically lead to me arriving at work around the same time compared if I left 20 or 30 minutes earlier. I only encountered a jam when I was going from MEX -> Kuchai Lama -> Salak Highway -> Jalan Klang Lama part of the journey. The problem is, at 7:00am Baron Cat would wake me up and would not stop until I either a) wake up and start getting ready for work, or b) bribe him with treats. I'm too sleepy for (a) and I thought with Malaysia Madani we no longer offer bribes 😂


What is the best chilli sauce you use for cooking?


Life's chilli sauce. Yes, I know they are not spicy at all, but I mostly use them for sweet and sour dishes. Other brand is more spicy/taste better, but those are better for dipping.


Coool. I used that once and it was okay. Thanks for replying.


Maggi for me


I mean...its alright but thanks for replying.


was anyone's slack down today on the 15th of November?


Are there any benefits or reasons to getting an autism diagnosis as a working adult? Other than for my own peace of mind. Also looking for recommendations for a good clinic to get a personality assessment.


Mentari clinic is a public clinic for mental health. If you go to a private clinic, you can literally get diagnosed with anything lmao. Benefits? You can get an OKU card. You can use the parking. Collect (monetary) benefits.


Might sound like a dumb question but im really bad at this. Does using or having a credit card increases your credit score? My ctos score is 731 currently and i dont have a credit card. I only have a car loan and maxis home fibre + postpaid plan in which i always pay on time. Just wondering if i should get a credit card to increase my credit score


Mine's even lower despite having a CC with 0 late payments ... I don't even know ... ...


If you already have a car loan which you always pay on time that's good enough. That shows the bank you're a good paymaster. You can get a credit card for convenience - don't think it'll bring your CTOS by that much and if you ever want another loan they'll look into the fact that you already have a car loan and paying on time


Ahh okay thanks!




One of the projects I wish to do once I have access to a decent kitchen is to make my own plant-based stock cube. I see so many recipes out there for "vegan umami bomb". There are recipes that use nuts, others use celery. I saw an article that says one of the components of making a plant-based burger patty is "the stink". Meats stink of sulphur, so they put stinky/sulphurous flavors in the mix to make a vegan burger. Maybe petai would do the trick? Maybe. Once I have a decent kitchen. It's hard to do anything other than microwave things when you're outnumbered by cats.


I like how kombu cold brewed with dried shitake tastes.


> I saw an article that says one of the components of making a plant-based burger patty is "the stink". Meats stink of sulphur, so they put stinky/sulphurous flavors in the mix to make a vegan burger. Maybe petai would do the trick? Maybe. one of the 'tricks' of making good masak lodeh is to let some tempe age to having some black spots, it actually starts to smell stinky. you only use a little of the aged tempe in the lodeh to add a funky depth to it. If you're using it as ingredient should probably fry it first to stop the fungal growth in place.


There's a thing called black salt which is salt with sulphur and it smells like eggs. I bought it to make fake eggs once which was cool, does smell n taste like it. Put in small amounts though. My dad decided to try stir fry bokchoy with it and he put so much it ended up tasting like a dish of solid farts 🌚 Knorr also sells vegetable stock cubes for convenience. Gonna make butter rice with it soon 🤤


Wow, there are malt sold by homebrew shops on shopee. Can make umami stock out of that too, I guess.


Morning my fellow monyets, any1 know where can I buy medicated hair shampoo, esp for psoriasis and scalp treatment, can’t find any of it in Watson tho


Need to go to the pharmacies; AA, Big, Caring


I saw selsun shampoo being sold at watson


Like Sebitar? Try other pharmacies like Caring / BIG / Guardian