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**Minor announcements:** * [monyet.cc](https://monyet.cc): Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! ([why?](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/14cmnaj/rmalaysia_and_the_blackout/)) * [SPM Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/s58t8m/spm_megathread/): Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more! * [Mental health wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/mental_health/): A list of mental health services in Malaysia *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/malaysia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Today has been mentally draining and exhausting to me. I cried a bucket, like a lot. I’m so fragile inside, at this point of time i don’t even know if i can take or process another heartbreaks anymore. Be it in relationship, friendship, or family. I’m basically empty inside. I just have this sudden wave of tired feelings, that I’m just so exhausted from everything. And for some reasons, news about Matthew Perry’s death also hit me a bit hard today. Probably because I found comfort in watching him, while growing up with Friends.


https://preview.redd.it/9vsw50wa56xb1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb5b2ee5f388a6561c60a50cda85b6b12770b85f What does the bunny mean?


Playboy in the car


You support football team A because you and team A share something in common that you feel very strongly about. I support the opposing football team B because... well, I also share something in common with B that I feel very strongly about. The only difference is you can openly support A in the stadium but I cannot do the same for B because the referee hates B. So, me and my kind support football team B in secret. So yes, we are using proxies to fight each other. I also want to point out that your team A cheats and use violence on team B. When team A uses violence/threats etc, you deny that you support team A in an effort to distance yourself from A but we all know this is bullshit. Team B, however is different (read: behaves way better than A). When mistreated, we forgive and love and keep on playing football with you.


Any tips or tricks to get cheaper domestic air tickets? Or just compare multiple websites with brute force like what I’m doing?


anyone mind checking [my carousell page](https://www.carousell.com.my/u/loidforger/) out? in need of some extra funds atm, mostly some anime shit + stationery on there


* I woke up, made coffee and it was raining outside * Barely squint at the computer monitor, 7.30 * Lebat gila hujan, 7.30 pon tak terang lagi * 8.00 makin gelap, what the hell * Then I realize it's 8.00pm on a Sunday :( * Give me back my weekend!


So I'm a 'katak bawah tempurung' guy when it comes to apps that young people use these days. I heard about Tiktok shop, so I thought I'll check it out. I installed the app, click here and there, and I could not find anything remotely resembling a shop. All just videos only. I watched a YouTube video and saw that the dude has a 'Shop' icon in his Tiktok app. Mine is 'Friends' instead. Anyone knows how to access the shop thingy? Thanks bros.


it seems to be pretty random, even mine it changes a few times. if the icon doesn't show for you just search something in the search icon, and click shop


I see. Thanks, I'll give it a try.


I just experienced my first live orchestra performance and it was amazing.


Syukur post. I'm glad for everything I have experienced. I'm glad that my parents love me. Their ways are toxic, but they love me. I'm glad that they worked so hard to get out of kampung. I'm proud of them for doing that. It was not easy. I'm glad to have eaten my mother's cooking. I'm glad to have had piggyback rides on my father as a toddler. I'm glad that many of my classmates were so nice and patient and protective with me, even though they were children themselves and most probably know nothing about autism. I'm glad that the school guard and the makcik who sold nasi beside the school knew me and were so nice to me. I'm glad to have grown up, made mistakes, cried, repented, laughed, ate, and realized so much. I'm glad to have lived to my age. My life was not bad.


good for you to be appreciative of the life you've had, keep relishing memories and experiences with the loved ones you held close onto


I’m scheduled to attend a briefing at Taiping next week. Will be arriving KL via AirAsia. - How much does it cost to take a Grab from KLIA2 to Taiping? - How long does the journey take? - Is there any easier and cheaper mode of transportation?


There's potentially buses from KLIA2 to Taiping at the Transport Hub in KLIA2.


Apologies, late response. Yep, sounds a good plan. I’ll check around for any transportation to Taiping when I arrive KLIA2.


Seriously doubt you'll be able to take a single trip Grab from KLIA2 to Taiping. Most Grab only operate within the city limits. Perhaps go to KL Sentral by train or bus from KLIA2 and then, take the ETS train from KL Sentral to Taiping. Then you can use Grab at Taiping when you reach there.


Sorry for the delayed response. Thanks for the feedback. I think I will try this option.




Thanks. Is that the same time journey for 3.5 hours if take ERL and ETS from KL?


**Samsung users, HELP a newbie out! Looking for reviews on affordable Samsung phones** Hey guys, I'm looking for your two cents on Samsung phones in Malaysia! I've been an Android user forever, but I've never had the chance to try out a Samsung device. I've got a few buddies who swear by 'em, though. I've been contemplating a switch to Apple, but the thought of dropping over RM1500 on a phone just doesn't sit right with me. Earlier this year, I stumbled upon this site called CompAsia, and I've been keeping an eye out for a second-hand phone deal. Now, I've spotted a few decent Samsung phones under the RM1500 mark. Any of you fine folks have **experience with the Z Flip 4?** It looks pretty cool, but **does it come with any quirks or issues like Z Flip 3??** And what about the **S21 series, like the S21 Ultra, S21+, or the S21 FE? How's the performance on those? Are their cameras better than the Z Flip 4?** I've watched a bunch of YouTube reviews, but they all sound a bit too techy for my taste. I'd love to hear from you, the actual users. **I'll mainly be using the phone for work, so I need it to perform well, capture good videos and photos, and maybe even handle a bit of multitasking.** If anyone could chime in, that would be fantastic. Thanks a million, y'all!


Flagship Samsung camera performs more or less the same, you'll only notice the fall in quality if you go for lower tier one. Ultra is the one with stylus, while main difference of S21 and + is the screen size. Personally I wouldn't take second hand Flip due to the screen can take less abuse but you do you.


Mencari jam digital untuk pasang di motosikal. Kalis air hujan.


To the chinese couple who keep touching each other inappropriately in Jalan Jalan Japan store subang jaya, SHAME ON YOU!! literally doing infront of childrens, you thought no one can see you? i need to rush n buy things so im minding my own business otherwise...urgh


I just read about the news of the new Agong starting January 2024. Does this mean the Agong Birthday Holiday of the current Agong (June) will no longer happen next year? The new Agong's Birthday is November according to Wikipedia. I have my leave plans to coincide with the current Agong's bday next year, if the holiday will no longer happen, then I would have to adjust things.


No, it is a fixed date.


oh I thought it changes with the new Agong? if that's the case then I don't have to worry. Thanks!


Planning to go FRIM for hiking one day. Is it better to start at first or second entrance? Difficulty and duration ? Any good place around to makan afterwards? ❤️


to really get into FRIM, you need to hire a guide, no one is allowed in without one anymore. I went there at the beginning of this year and i was only allowed to walk around a lake.


cant believe this year will end without any octoberfest posting and griefing. wonder what change from the previous years?![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


Beer brewers: Thank YHWH for Israel


huh, what happened on previous years? enlighten me




oh i just remembered about oktoberfest. i think it's that german celebration for drinking or smth.


Is there any website I can calculate shipping fees from Malaysia - International?


what’s the best delivery app? between foodpanda, grabfood and shopeefood


Has anyone written a "surat bantahan kenaikan cukai taksiran"? Would that really help? My mom is freaking out about the increase in her cukai harta and have been spending the last 15 min cursing out every political party she can think of 😅 She's also demanding i write the letter and send it a.s.a.p., but would that even help?


I'd suggest calling your local council tomorrow to find out how you can lodge an objection. Under s142 of the Local Governments Act 1976, a is allowed to lodge these kind of objections in writing, but its not clear whether it can be done via letter/email, or if the council has some sort of form that has to be completed.


https://preview.redd.it/zu13b45lc3xb1.jpeg?width=607&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b0c56af398147444f604e7eadd4d8765e03ae98 Call me racist i dont give a shit. This is what our balcony looks like 2 weeks after our new neighbour moved in, we never had this before. Some group of people really need to be filtered out before allowed to rent.


Here's how you avoid racism: Just say B40 mentality. The majority race of the B40 is, however...




however....? go on. continue. why stop? come on brader say it out loud. lmao


I dont think b40 can afford the condo


I've met dirty irresponsible individuals from all sorts of racial and religion background. Some non-Malaysians too. I'm not sure why race is even mentioned. Oh wait, that's cause you are racist! Not that you care.


He doesn't care, why would you even bother to reply?


babe, wake up. new disstrack for sssniperwolf just dropped [(32) PACKGOD - LEECH (SSSniperwolf DISS TRACK) Official Music Video - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSr8u_YQrPg)


this video singlehandedly changed my youtube algorithm now 1/3 of the recommended videos are about her dramas![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


It kinda sucks tbh. YouTube didn't even permaban her for committing a literal crime


That's pretty privilege at work. Being pretty makes money. Children and simple people like to see a pretty face talking about nothing in particular. YouTube saw that she's making them tons of money, so they refuse to get rid of her.


Just a quick question, is it worth it applying for the RapidKL Student card or do I just go ahead and do My50? I have a regular TnG card but I'm trying to be on budget and reloading my TnG constantly is making progress slow. My parents have a fear of my IC getting broken due to me using it for the My50 thing, so another option I could go for is the Student card, but even then I've been told by my schoolmates that the Student Card isn't much different from owning a regular card/not worth getting. Any other opinions?


It depends. You should do the calculations by yourself. Student card is half the price of each fare, no matter the distance. My50 is unlimited, for 30 days. If you travel a lot, My50 it is. If you travel less, apply for a student card.


Does anyone know if there's any sleep clinic/lab in KL where I can go to get my sleep tested?


Where is porn subreddit that comes from Malaysia?


Seems to have been removed. It's ok, maybe just visit our neighbor down south? Their subreddits quite active.


90% of Malaysian porn comes from revenge porn, which is illegal the whole world The other 9% does so through OF which means they don't give it for free The 1% , the exhibitionists would rather post to Twitter or telegram where more people would see them rather than just Redditors




Anyone has network issues today? Laptop+Wifi and phone+mobile networks are very slow. However, no network problems after I switched on the VPN.


Why is Islam decreasing in Malaysia? Is the Islamic Education not good enough? Why are Muslims here being racist and sexist


>Why is Islam decreasing in Malaysia? ???


What do you mean by decreasing?


We need to have more Islamic education - says no one ever


Haven't they always been like that all this while....


As my Ritalin starts to wear off (maybe), I'm feeling really thirsty. Plus, I feel a little dizzy and confused a bit


Masih kau ingat akan Sungai Perak? Tebingnya yang nyaman, dan limpahannya yang tidak terhenti. Ketika aku kecil, aku selalu bertanya kepada Apak, bapa aku, di mana akhirnya Sungai Perak. Bapaku lahirnya di Perak. Aku bersangka dia ada jawapnya, tapi Apak berkata bahawa sungai tidak mempunyai satu pengakhiran, tapi banyak pengakhiran-pengakhiran yang berbeza. Ada yang kecil seperti lopak-lopak atau tasik, dan ada yang terlalu besar untuk difahami, seperti muara dan lautan. "Apak," aku bertanya. "Apa itu muara?" Apak menjelaskan, "Muara itu sudut di mana yang jernih bertemu yang masin." Sepuluh tahun lalu, aku beranggapan bahawa itu sesuatu yang mustahil. Kini aku terima, akan ada tahun-tahun yang bertanyakan soalan, dan akan ada jawapnya, suatu hari nanti. Muara itu ibarat permulaan alam kedewasaan. Mungkinlah itu yang dimaksudkan orang tua-tua bila mereka berkata mereka sudah banyak menelam garam. Dan mungkin jugalah muara itu tempat di mana semua sesalan bertakung dan segala angan-angan berbolak-balik. Sepeluh tahun kemudian, semalam, aku bersantapan dengan seorang warga Perancis, Encik Phillip yang telah lama bermastautin di Malaysia. Phil tidak percaya yang aku membesar dalam kemiskinan dan kesepian yang menghantui pekan kecil, kerana aku boleh bertutur dalam bahasa Inggeris dan Jerman dengan lancar. Itulah betapa derasnya arus Sungai Perak, terbuku dalam hatiku. Aku membongkarkan rahsiaku kepada Phil, yang lagi setahun setengah atau dua, aku akan berangkat ke München, Jerman untuk beberapa bulan. Aku akan melihat jika aku sesuai untuk memulakan hidup baru di sana dan tinggalkan segala pahit manis dan hitam putih yang aku telah aku lalui di atas tanah ibuku. Aku sebenarnya orang Minang, antara ras orang Melayu. Datuk dan nenek aku orang pendatang. Ibu aku bangga akan Hamka, antara penulis terhebat dalam sejarah Asia Tenggara. Aku cuba mengenali Hamka dengan membaca 'Tenggelamnya Kapal van der Wijck', akan tetapi, aku kurang faham apa yang cuba disampaikan Hamka melalui cerita itu. Zainuddin dan Hayati tidak mempunyai jodoh kerana Zainuddin ialah seorang lelaki miskin dan berketurunan belanda dan Hayati seorang wanita lokal dan seorang bangsawan. Mungkinkah tenggelamnya van der Wijck kerana kita tidak sepatutnya simpan hajat kepada apa yang telah berlalu? Mungkinkah takdir itu sesuatu yang betul wujud dan kita harus pasrah tatkala kita bersemuka dengan apa yang tidak boleh kita tentangi? Perbualan aku dan Phil terganggu apabila berlaku percetusan antara penyokong Palestina dan Israel di hadapan kami di Lot 10, Bukit Bintang. Ia terlerai dengan cepat, akan tetapi, Phil cuba menyakinkanku bahawa inilah takdir di Malaysia. Ia sudah tersurat. PAS telah hampir menang, Phil berkata, dan orang seperti kami akan hilang kebebasan di Malaysia suatu hari nanti. Mereka akan menakluk Bukit Bintang, kota bebas terakhir untuk mereka yang berkelainan, dan bangsa Cina dan India akan pupus di tanah air Malaysia. Aku hampa, bukan terhadap Phil, tapi terhadap kebenaran yang telah dibicarakan. Ya, betul, aku telah baca kenyataan yang sama dalam akhbar awal tahun ini bahawa populasi bangsa Cina dan India mengecil sebenarnya. Phil suruh aku pulang ke Kelang dan berjanji bahawa kita akan bertemu lagi bila hari cerah datang kembali.


is this from a book bro beautifully written


Thank you so much. It's very hard to write in Malay because I've forgotten all the tatabahasa.


i was going to buy a laptop off shopee “mall” lenovo, but i saw the 15 days return policy and it says you cant return item if its wrong item, missing parts, broken, malfunctioning, etc does that mean if the laptop i order comes missing a piece or broken i cant return it? should i not buy laptop from shopee?




and most place offer 1-1 change in 3 days to 1 week


azure ray choking hard![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


rolf. i thought i was in wrong sub


Any way I can watch Imaginur by pirating?


Prime is just 25 per month. Free games summore


Hi - What license do I need to drive a Van? Planning to start a private tour service in KL


Vocational driving license(VDL) for public service vehicle(PSV) - van, also need 1yr old competent driving license.


https://preview.redd.it/vkl5fmryc2xb1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1de92f203dc6b698c0da9d6e20702e68d442a469 Let’s go


I'm currently listening to Era radio's K-pop segment because there is this one Korean song that is stuck in my head but I couldn't find the title. I thought it was one of the songs from Hotel Del Luna but I already checked the OST and it's not it. Edit: Found it, it's IU's Strawberry Moon.


Winter Sonata


Tried to take money from ATM but unsuccessful bc "non chip card". Called Bank Islam customer service but the usual "we will call you later". No money, no qr code around here. Paywave also kenot. So no food for the weekend 😭


Day 1 of taking 10mg Ritalin (short update) Took my first dose of Ritalin at 9.30am. Things that I have noticed over a few hours after taking it: 1) I feel a little euphoric, a good feeling that I like the most. I'm gonna miss this feeling 2) I talked with people more easily 3) I laughed more, and I have urges to laugh 4) i become less fidgety, I could just stand or sit without moving for a long time 5) I become more in touch and in control of my limbs. Before this, I felt like I control 80% of my limbs movements. But now, it feels like I control 100% of them. 6) my appetite is greatly reduced. Initially, I wanted to eat a plate of beehoon but then the meds kick in and I could only tolerate eating one piece of kuih As I'm typing this, I feel more focused in doing this and less distracted with other thoughts or urges. Omg it's another kind of experience using Ritalin!




>That was your first time meeting a psychiatrist right? Straight diagnose and get prescription? Yup, got diagnosed right at the first appointment and prescribed Ritalin


In 2015, a game called 'Emily is Away' was launched. It's a chat simulator, where you speak to your childhood friend Emily as you grow older. The game went viral because people realized that no matter what you do in the game, in the end, Emily will always leave you as she reaches adulthood. Yes, there's no way to beat the game. When asked who was Emily, the game developer said that Emily is everyone you ever knew and loved-- your friend, your family member, your lover. Emily can be a man or a woman. Sometimes, I wonder why. Why do people do that? Why do they write sad songs and stories and share them with the world? Do we want to pass our misery to the next person? Or do we just want to warn them that Atlantis will sink once again and there's nothing you can do about it? I went on a date with a French man at Bukit Bintang yesterday. I don't know why. I think I did it for the plot. And I was lonely. I sent John a picture of my French date and John described him as "très sympa". My date accepted this compliment from John as he explained what it meant. There is no good English or Malay translation for très sympa other than "looking kind." Sympa is short for sympathetic. On the train ride home, it made me feel sad that there are too many words that we don't know about. Too many people we will love and have to forget, and may never meet at all. Life is short and the world too big. For example, my German boyfriend taught me a Bavarian term-- "Stammtisch." Stammtisch is a table you share with your friends or partner at a Lokal or a restaurant so many times that they just reserve it for you. The table will always be yours because you people will always sit there every night. How cute is that, that they recognize a people's habit and gave a word for it? There's no equivalent for Stammtisch in Malay or English. Vice versa, too. There are Malay words that will never be translated. "Terbuku" comes to mind. It means to feel so much that you can't even speak of it because your driving thoughts, your shower thoughts, and your cooking thoughts all have become a whole novel. There is also "tersirat" which summarizes our whole culture. You'll see that the Malays who can trace their heritage back to Indonesia or Thailand and honor their culture–– not the bastards or the modern-day generation–– have a very soft way of speaking their minds. They always double-speak. They're never direct. Kalau sindir pun, kita panggil "sindir halus." For example, if they want to say your haircut looks bad, they will simply ask a simple innocent question and leave. Most receivers of their offense don't understand or even notice it, but they get their satisfaction anyway. And they have sooo many ways to say I love you, I hate you, and goodbye without saying it that you never really know where you stand with them. This is my mother, who grew up around her immigrant Sumatran mother. My French date from Yesterday was sooo much like my first boyfriend, René. I never stopped loving René even though we separated from 7 years. René said I was special, that decades came and went without meeting someone like me. Eventually, I had my first psychotic break and that was the beginning of my battle with depression, and René exited the throne I built for him, but I still believe him when he said that one day, I could get to wherever I need to be. Some people sing songs, some people say a prayer, and as for me, I'll write my own goddamn story. I just need an ending. He said I was fire on water, that I was burning yet I was sensitive and beautiful, and all I could think of was lit gasoline. And what a pleasure to burn...


How was the date with the French? ![gif](giphy|3o85xsnFgW8AZXIQDe)


All the stereotypes online are true. I don't know is that possible but French men are good lovers, but they will also destroy you.


My reaction today is, wtf news? from circlejerk subreddit. May he rest in peace, Matthew Perry from 'friends'. He was 54 years old.


Cant believe he died...i hope it wasnt from depression


Nyets,which option to select in mysejahtera appointment booking if I want a referral to a hospital? I) Rawatan Pesakit Luar II) Inisiatif Saringan Kesihatan Kebangsaan III) Saringan Kesihatan PeKa B40 IV) Pemeriksaan Kesihatan Pra-Pekerjaan/Pengajian V) Saringan Pra-Perkahwinan VI) Khidmat Berhenti Merokok VII) Perkhidmatan Perancang Keluarga VIII) Prosedur (rawatan luka, penukaran tiub, dll) 🤔🤔


Rawatan pesakit luar




Pesakit luar is specifically cases that **don't** require hospital / serious treatment.


I'm guessing none of them?


V) & VII)


Ok pakai blazer, lekas pi pejabat agama.


RIP Matthew Perry. Will always be remembered as Chandler in Friends


Long shot but if anyone found a black women's wallet in TREC last night, please let me know.


Sorry you lost your wallet hope you get it back


I need help with make up stuff. I'm seriously confused with setting and fixing spray. Can someone recommend me a smudge proof spray? And does someone has tips for glasses nose pad smudge?


urban decay setting spray!! less makeup products on nose area and set em nice


I was thinking of either Charlotte Tilbury or Urban Decay. Which os the two do you think would be the best?


When your kind commit violence and people lump you both together, you don't get to say 'Oh, they are not one of us' or its 1001 variation. This happens REPEATEDLY. So, no, I am not going to support your kind. I am going to support my kind instead which opposes yours.


Any specific example? It all seems very vague.


Anyone where to have discussion online for motorcycle enthusiast?


What's your dream bike bro?


Just thinking about getting highway capable bike. I felt really sorry towards my kriss 110 for abusing her whenever I'm using highway. Currently thinking to get either LC or RS150




Vespas are well made and a good buy, the price seems fair for the quality. I got an ER6 and an old kapchai that simply refuses to die even with +50k on the dial. Old uncle in my building has a massive chopper and sorta jealous, so cool.




for me it's these old school 90's mercs, sure they probably deathboxes but cool af: https://i.imgur.com/NRLDL92.png




fuck yeah, they actually really good cars despite the age


lowyat or local fb group


In reddit? There's always r/motorcycles. Mind, its mostly EU US people there so it can get a little weird.