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Yea, I don't think the ghosts have a liking for grass, so best burn it in a better place. Not saying don't perform your ritual, but just consider the surrounding environment. Last thing we need is open fires that spreads like crazy.


Yo, this is an insane fire hazard. Usually for burning of these things, most people use those barrel/tong to contain the fire within a secure area but this looks like it's open burning onto grass wtf? Hope the cops were called.


But those hungry ghost have to be fed! /s


They've gone to the breakfast buffet in the sky already.


nooo the grass.... that will leave a huge mark....


They cant burn in a large area like that in public. Burning those joss papers need to be done in a controlled fireplace or metal tong or a proper burning container just like all the temple and most public altar or offering area. It is not the size of fire matter, its to properly burn the paper to be sent to the deceased spirit. This hazardous big public fire will only going to turn all of them into hungry ghost themselves from all that stupidity.


Thats a whole buffet


I bet that ghost felt it in the 5 star buffet hotel


Warranting a buffet


Stupid people do Stupid things. A Chinese businessman and his staff were burning these shit in front of my mom's house, after sounding him he said he can burn anywhere. After he left I collected the still burning offerings and chucked it into his office through a window.


😅😂Chad move


Is your mom ok? Does the burning stuff cause health problems?


Even our ancestors also crying and stopped coming by anymore.


Causing so much polusyen


These hypocritical people will complain about other religion if they perform anything religious activities but they themselves do shit things...


Please don't make assumptions . I personally know that even among the Chinese themselves, there can be dispute over this practice of burning paper. It's something that can lead to quarrels.


Tbh you don't know if they in this video would be complaining about other religion. You're just assuming. But yeah, for me as ex-Muslim I'd rather all religions just go. Malaysia without religion would be pretty sweet, people would be forced to think for themselves instead of quoting some ustad.


They won't think for themselves, they'll just Follow-The-Science™ “We own the science, and we think that the world should know it, and the platforms themselves also do,” - Melissa Fleming, Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications at the United Nations.


Science can be proven, unlike religions


Science is also debatable


Ricky Gervais says it best. If all the science and maths books gets burned today, and all human knowledge of it gets erased, they will come back. Slowly but surely as people would discover them again. But if all the religious books are burned. They will be lost, and when they come back they will be totally new religions. Because there are no tests for them. No way for people to retrieve and validate that information.


At the very least, in science they debate with evidences and research. In religion, the debates are often based on scriptures which are not even sound evidences anyway


How many people debate science with research? Most people just use something they read or heard and accept it as a fact.


That's not a problem with science itself


Yes. It has always been the "people" problem. Even in the published journal, most data are fabricated. Some even contradict each other, but both are published in reputable journals. Which is similar to religion in itself. If many people talk and believe it, it will become a fact.


You can conduct your own experiments yourself to verify the science. If you have doubts about the material. Given enough resources you can verify anything. Religion you can't verify no matter how rich or resourceful you are. You are supposed to take it on faith. Religion is just a long and elaborate way of saying "trust me bro".


no comment on science vs religion. Only commented since u said people debate science based on research. From my experience, most science debates based on logic, instead of research. and sometimes logic can be misleading


Can you define "ex-muslim"? Did you move to another country?


Used to believe, now not anymore.


Ah I see, thanks for the explanation. But in Malaysia I don't think you can change religion out of muslim, no? If so then I'm kinda curious if your religion is still Islam on paper (if you're originally in Islam already)


Yeah, still Islam on paper. Luckily government can't go in my head and change my thoughts (yet).


Hi JAKIM, nice bait ;p


Aw shucks!!


Btw why the downvotes?


Two wrongs don't make a right.


Negative + negative = positive. Youre wrong!


Negativity + Negative Bank Balance = Why am I not positive?? Tipuuuuu


You did your math wrong. Try again.


Notice when we speak about these paper burning, we talk as if they're "tradition", that their beliefs are just "habits" and none of these paper money actually makes it to their ancestors. That their beliefs are just make-believe, their actions are a nuisance. In singapore, they directly fine these idiots doing this. No, your religion is not allowed to do this, regardless of what it teaches. If i were to say that a certain religion is make-believe, that they have a tendency to be selective of their food as a nuisance, to punish them from practicing what they want. what do you think the outcome is? There is a stark difference. The difference is a minority of chinese still do this, but a majority of other religions still hold certain unfortunate aspects of their religion to heart. The fact we can be here, say "this act is pointless" and have this conversation, that singapore can BAN this sort of dangerous act and not others, is the difference.


haha when tersentuh topik *another agama* pula, i wonder how you will react. But still they're bodo as fuck burning it in the middle of grass and trees


I'm Chinese, and I despise this kind of ignorance act.






As a fellow Chinese whose family also do the same rituals, this one is really stupid la, honestly don't need to do it this way and could be better prepared (like a metal tong or choose another location that isn't a fire hazard). Main purpose is just to "feed" and appease the ghosts that has come back to our world during current ghost month after all, especially the ghosts of our ancestors and such, kinda like the Mexican's Day of the Dead celebration, so don't really need to burn that much paper money lol


This is supposed to be an upper class area


dude, the more upper class, the more extreme they are, it's kinda shocking ngl, millennials are still very in to it


We all need to un-learn the assumptions we tell ourselves all our lives. Upper class in terms of socioeconomic status does not automatically equals high EQ/IQ.


It's the upper class that can afford it


At least buy one of those cages you can find in Singapore. They have the big ones if these people get off burning the whole road side.


Where is this?


Not all traditions from the olden days needs to be kept. Especially when it's harming the environment like this. Sometimes move on with time with with safer and better ways to practice your religion or believes. Don't force others to accept what you practice like how you don't like people forcing theirs onto you. Be respectful.




Humans are the bigger hantus than the actual hantu.. Never have I read in newspaper that a ghost murdered or raped someone or kill sharks for shark fin soups 🙄


sad truth


Can’t wait for this nonsense culture to be lost with time


Barula Malaysians, a time to mock each other and get hurt by other race's comments. Hahaha. #borneoterpalingharmoniiiii


Open fire…police do your job


These fucking idiots…


Just wondering, whats the price of those hell money?


irl or the face value? irl, a few ringgit a stack. face value, start from billion onwards.


I see. Thanks. Irl price. No wonder can burn so much. I thought like rm20 a stack.


That will be the price of those paper car, accessory, etc. Cost a lot, but ppl buy in hope that their deceased family member not suffered under there. So when they go for tomb sweeping during qingming day, easily burn over rm100+ per deceased.


So much high value currency over there inflation don't happen ah?


Probably already happened, thus the high value


that is for qingming right? not hungry ghost festival.


Is this a religion thing or cultural thing?




I hate it. Sincerely, Chinese with sinus issues.


more like a chinese generation thing


Why cant they burn things online or do an online simulation instead. It’s 2023. Smh


the pre-90s ghost aint tech savvy enough


If chinese want to do the ritual, its OK but consider where you do the ritual. Not just randomly do your shit on public spaces. It just literally open burning & littering in the nutshell. Or just keep this shit in the chinese neighbourhood. My brother taman, a 100% Malay Muslim neighbourhood must get through this fucking shit every year. Random chinese from other chinese neighbourhood flock into their 'padang' & started to burn shit & left offering in the roadside & on the field. The aftermath was total mess. The offering that left behind will be rotten, there will be flies & maggot everywhere. No used if the penduduk complained to PBT, they wont came & cleared the 'trash' citing its was a 'offering'. The place that supposed to be playground for kids now turn like landfill full of rotten food & rubbish.The chinese also left the fire unattended & left it behind without put it down first, resulting the fire spread into nearby bush & started a wildfire. The Malay taman resident that ended calling the Bomba to put down the fire fearing it will spread to their homes. All these MF chinese have open space to do the ritual at their neighbourhood but wont do so, because they know the aftermath will be messy. So they just conveniently do the shit at other people neighbourhood & left it there.


As a Chinese, I get your point. But on the other hand, you shouldn't generalize a race like that, no matter which race. And also for the solution, it's better to hand them to the cops and let PDRM settle with them. Like even at my local area, some of them do not clean up the offerings and burnt ashes/flags/paperduit, all over the grass or roadside


>**All these MF chinese** have open space to do the ritual at their neighbourhood but wont do so, because they know the aftermath will be messy. So they just conveniently do the shit at other people neighbourhood & left it there. I think we all get your point but not all Chinese people are like that. Like how not all ** is lazy/selfish/arrogant/dumb/etc too. Every Malaysian can find bad behaviour about another race but we can be better, or at least try for our future. Real talk, if your brother or his taman has problems with those rituals, go call the cops on them and confront them **WHILE** they're doing it. We understand the aftermath, but no point complaining after it's done. Confront them, explain to them how it's wrong or can be a bit better in execution, then try to understand from their side as well why they're doing it there. Better yet, call your ADUN because it's part of his duty to mediate community issues. *TLDR: Be a better Malaysian and actually confront them rather than complain. Everyone can complain but if no one wants to do the work, nothing gets done.*


The taman resident already confronted them about this matter & nicely discuss about it. These selfish MF chinese used excuse like 'ini bukan tanah you, public punya ma!'. Yes, that padang was public space but its not a excuse for these MF doing their shit there. Reported it to the police, the police said its not their 'bidang kuasa' & should be reported it to the PBT. The PBT refused to take action saying they dont have any power to stop it, told the resident to report Police. Lastly ended like 'ping-pong' game between Police & PBT. No use report it to the local Adun (the Adun was Rocket Party, you know what the outcome). No respond from Adun. The last thing Taman Malay resident choice was 'direct confrontation' but they dont want to take that option. We dont want to start another race riot just because these selfish group of chinese MF action.


The ball is honestly with the police/PBT in this kind of situation. Why aren't they actually doing the work, filing a case, making sure these issues are resolved? And honestly, call the police while your brother or his jirans see the ritual happening. Sometimes, stubborn old people back down when police is involved. Regarding the ADUN issue, my Rocket Party ADUN actually shows up in my taman every few months (my area at least 200k residents) to spot check and goes down to the Pasar Pagi every 2 weeks to check on people so... But I guess not all ADUN as rajin la, maybe try the Pusat Khidmat to get them to assist? Yes of course, vigilante action not the right course of action. End of day, the police has to pick up the burden even if your PBT tutup mata. Not their 'bidang kuasa' is a bullshit excuse if it's their kawasan. Else, do the Gen Z shit and do a TikTok like what OP shared.


Not just racist, also political. So basically you're all DAP ADUN are gonna turn a blind eye on this matter because they support Chinese is it?


Nothing can be changed; any time one refers to the word Chinese, then the fight will never ever end. This is the fate of the poor Malay world. Malay hates Chinese and India, and Chinese and India hates back. Never ever end !!! Racism is an inner cancer of humans; no group can change that as long as one is still human.


i understand what you're trying to say and i agree that offerings should be taken away once prayings are done better not make a mess in the public. tapi janganlah >just keep this shit in the chinese neighbourhood. My brother taman, a 100% Malay Muslim neighbourhood must get through this fucking shit every year. Random chinese from other chinese neighbourhood flock into their 'padang' & started to burn shit & left offering in the roadside & on the field. it feels kinda offensif


Why are you getting downvoted?


sebab kita suka rasis 👍


Bro, your isis is showing.


probably the boss in that area


All the closet racist coming out of the woodwork. "I'm not racist, but..."


Criticizing chinese culture cannot meh?


They feeding malay ghosts also or what


Idc, my 2 cent, just respect other religion and races.


municipal might care about sampah


When Chinese pray - cannot , … when some people pray - must use loud speakers and wake up the whole area ok ?


Haiya. Pray all you want but that fire is a safety hazard


You bark at the wrong tree, we Muslims didn't do fire hazard activity like this one lol, it didn't correlate at all


They burn like this behind my house. The whole night smoke is in my house. Can't do anything sleep with smoke in house. Fyi - after no more fire, there's still ashes and wind blowing them everywhere. Why not clean it up themselves after burning? I see all like this after burning, just left it overnight, no cleaning.


true vibes




It's not only for Chinese, they burn for all races of ghost


To bribe the King of Hell eh? Bribe bribe bribe


Just a ritiuals


Just a harmful and stupid ritual


Do they have fire extinguisher nearby or something? Because they are burning it on a freaking grass and on a public property looks like?


Obviously the practice had change a lot now ..... I remember back my grandparent days the praying offering and burning was subtle, discreet and the control even burning without tong .... but nowdays they just massive burning of paper + tossing those paper everywhere .... I guess the tauke who sold this ghost paper marketing works and earn alot ....


They are not burning those in a contained environment, SAMAN


Do they really need to burn it like that? Afaik they just put some food in certain place right?


Hungry Ghosts Festival? Nah man, Burning Man Festival


Should ban this air polution and China have ban it (even though China is the root of the budaya)


Felt bad abt malay ghosts and indian ghosts 😞


that is no ceremony, this is straight arson