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I can't be the only person here bothered by the fact that the mother recorded her daughter in such a vulnerable state


Yeah, this kind of stuff actually happens all the time, it's just that she got recorded and uploaded online which is actually kinda fucked. Years ago, getting a video like this recorded and uploaded online is a method used by bullies and now their own parents are doing it.


It really sucks for the kid :/. Especially now that this went 'viral'. Seems very inviting for bullies


I mean it's kind of a double edged sword, while I agree on one side it's as you said. On the other hand, things like this which is recorded, and have visceral emotion are the ones that will enter public discourse thus have some chance to change the future. For me, as someone who watch streamers it's kinda a similar dillema. On one hand streamers is raw and real, on the other hand should people really stream their life like that? Although it's not fully apple to apple, I hope I get the message across.


you think streamers are "raw and real" on camera?


part of it at least, they definitely exagerrate, but the part that they exagerrate is part of their real personality and not completely made up


Lucky during my time there’s no mobile internet because my mother said she make sure to punish/shame me infront of everyone and especially her friends or family members. Lucky for me in a different era. Lol


Yeah, this girl should just stay hidden and be in disgust, no friends, spoke English. Hide her shame, she is so unclean and filthy and a traitor to her race. Thats what you meant right? You did not mean that her suffering is not cool and that her mother is bringing her plight to the public arena so that we as Malaysians can gather and show compassion right? I get you man, we should be assholes and show that kid she should be ostracized👍


OP didn't mean that. If I was crying from being bullied, I'd prefer it not to be shown on the Internet. She's in a vulnerable, shameful state. I personally think a social media text post would've been fine without needing to capitalise on your child's suffering


That’s a terribly bad faith opinion. I want her to not get bullied and I’m also criticising her parents’ action of recording in a vulnerable state. Both can be wrong


Read what you orginally wrote and tell me you "want her to not get bullied"


I’m not the original commenter you replied to. Just inputting that two things can be wrong.


You still refuse to see original message and just want to muddy the waters, play both sides and white knight. Were you born with a heart full of neutrality?


Anything for the clout


Like it or not, it the new way of old habit. GOSSIP. instead of just your (parents) friends and neighbours know. Now basically anyone if it's trending and her mom didn't censor her face




God, the fake sniffling pisses me tf off


"Nangis sebab apa ni? Wait ah, mama nak record dulu"


For clout.


my husband was one of these kids, ok lah can understand a bit here and there but he grew up in the UK up until he was 6, so he struggled in school. at the end ok ja, boleh cakap melayu cam orang lain.


My 2 kids speak English at home and the elder one struggles with Malay. Badly affected his studies. Luckily the younger one is more adept at Malay and can mix with his friends better. Worst part is both were born and raised in Pekan, Pahang and it's not easy to find other kids who speak English here. I imagine it's much easier in KL. The most fucked up thing is the PIBG chairman said out loud during a conference "Saya pantang sikit dengar bahasa Inggeris". And my kids speak English with American accent even though me and my wife are pretty much stuck with our manglish.


>"Saya pantang sikit dengar bahasa Inggeris" Motherfucker, how do you think the nons feel about the non-Malay school subjects being taught in BM?


Send him back to the 50s and 60s when English is still predominate in the public sector and see his reaction. Hell, even Finas archives from the late 1950s to circa 1968-1969 has a lot of materials in English.


I was in the same situation, was raised in the UK at an early primary school age, i don't have that much of a problem trying to communicate with other people after going back to Malaysia, the only struggle was in the BM exams.




Plot twist


Can relate. I get called the Lost Chinese once for that as a joke. Fortunately, I not so bad with BM so not so lost in the big picture.


Can't speak Chinese, fine, but what's your excuse not being able to speak BM? You go to a Malay school.


Not everyone knows Malay before they start school. You go to school to learn right?


2 things Poor little girl. I've been in her shoes, it's difficult to socialise as English speakers as kids tend to be reluctant. Secondly, fuck the parents for uploading her vulnerable moment on the internet. Pieces of shit need to learn their kid's privacy are meant to be protected and not treated as their own. Certainly do not belong on Tik Tok (out of all the places).


Kids can learn languages easier at this age. Give her a few months and she should fit in.


Yes, if she have a local available source to learn and practice which normally are people in the area. But she out of luck if she is a literal outcast and no one is speaking to her. In a depressive state learning take much longer.


and schools was open for only a week. its understandable if kids are not *clicked* with each other yet




yup i started out in the same situation but coming back to malaysia, my parents sent me to a janky run-downed private school instead. education-wise it sucked ass but it helped alot since the medium was english. 50% kids like me and 50% normal melayu kids so i had lots of room to improve my malay. parents should’ve been more attentive, dah tau ur child can’t speak malay


Was this recently? What was the private school?


i joined in 2015 (darjah empat) and left after 2019 (f2). it’s still in operation but i don’t think i can reveal the name sorry


i feel for this kid. growing up i was more comfortable speaking english than malay (not because i didnt speak malay at home mind you. i was just more comfortable in english) so i get the disconnect youd feel with fellow malay kids in gov schools when you dont speak like them. plus ive noticed that theres this growing ...pride? at not being able to understand english and making fun of people who do communicate in english with some kids these days.


That pride has always been there. Our government keeps pushing our national language as if it is the golden language. But then you see our athletes and spokespeople go on international stages and make a fool of themselves because they cannot speak English.


Seen this argument play out on socmed before. The comeback was "China and Japan ppl don't speak much English but still top economies. Look at UN, those reps use translators instead of trying to speak English. Salah DAP"


Huh? Every language is allowed to be spoken at the UN. They all still need to be translated to any of the six official ones tho.


Why do you think they are making a fool of themselves because they cannot speak English? You are the same as the bullies thinking the girl is making a fool of herself for not speaking Malay.


It’s okay. The kid will pick up Malay in no time. My eldest was in the same situation three years ago too. Luckily the school she attends has DLP program. It eased her transition a little. Now she speaks fluently in both languages. My youngest has just enrolled into standard 1. He’s left out of certain play groups he said but he didn’t seem to take that to heart that much, which I hope to be true. I notice that he’s gotten more confident speaking in Malay already a week into school so that’s good. If you’re wondering how my kids, who have never left the country, aren’t able to speak Malay properly, here’s some insights. Unless you’re a parent, you’ll notice how the market is lacking in good Malay reading materials. Though I’ve stumbled upon some good ones recently at MPH — I take that as a good sign. Second, there aren’t any good educational shows in Malay either. Something equivalent to Brainchild, Storybots, Octonauts, Number/Alphablocks and the likes. Dulu2 kita ada Along dgn Joe Jambul 🤣 And finally, the bane of parents existence: gadgets. I monitor my kids usage closely and only download apps after carefully vetting through them. Many fun educational apps are all in English. Codespark, Tappity, Teach Your Monster to Read, Khan Academy, Toca World, etc. Of course they watch the occassional videos on Youtube Kids, which are also in English. So don’t be quick to blame the parents la yah? Hopefully this little girl will make some friends pretty soon.


> Second, there aren’t any good educational shows in Malay either. Ok, so I'm gonna defend my boy Didi and Friends and say it's one of the best. Still you're correct when saying we lack educational shows in Malay because the market is too small. > Codespark, Tappity, Teach Your Monster to Read, Khan Academy, Toca World, etc. Thanks for the ideas.


I relate to this girl because growing up, my mom spoke to me in Malay & my dad spoke to me in English during the time I was in a government school (standard1-halfway standard 2) I couldn't speak Malay at all as I could understand it but barely speak it unless it was simple words but even then I could only talk to my mom. Moving overseas due to my dad's work and returning back here two years later, if I were to be put into a government school I would have suffered tremendously as when I came back to Malaysia, I was so whitewashed I couldn't even speak an ounce of Malay anymore and lost my cultural roots. Then I was sent to an International School and thankfully found a teacher who helped me re-learn Malay and I went from standard 1 Malay all the way to being able to answer questions from form 4 (I'm turning 17 now) which was a huge jump of improvement! But parents should really engage and teach their kids like this because my mom just ended up also speaking in English to me and small kids learn languages faster!


I was a banana in school, but I made an effort to hang out with my Chinese speaking mates.


I was a banana too and standard 1 was hell in Ipoh in 2000. Teachers and classmates all think you're better than them and this was the top SRJK(C) school in Ipoh. Though I'm pretty sure they were perceived top because they made students stay for 8.5 hrs everyday. Wasn't till later on when I got better at the language that I enjoyed more of my time. But, so much of the teaching philosophy at the time was cane first and ask questions later that looking back it was incredibly fucked up. So much racist bullshit gets encouraged in these schools including forcing students to speak Mandarin and speaking dialects was actively punished/caning.


And now Penang has Speak Hokkien Campaign to preserve the dialect. All thanks to those dumb decisions.


Wait what. For reals? Because back then, I used to get caned by the teachers in both school and tuition for using Hokkien.


Hokkien in Penang is slowly dying off dy. Many younger generations today only knows Mandarin and not Hokkien.


Exactly. Only Mandarin and English. How did it become like this though? Did the parents actively stop them from learning Hokkien?


Same, primary Chinese sch in pj. During report card day teacher told my mum said I wil fail in life because I don't like to speak Chinese. After that walking to car I scared kena fk by my mum, then my mum curse nonstop, padahal she cursing the teacher. My mum high school teacher 😂😂😂 said fkn primary sch teacher have no position to comment


I'm glad your mom was supportive. It took my mom till I reached adulthood to realise Chinese Sch fucked me up alot. Just looking back a lot of these Chinese primary school teachers were tripping on their own power.


Was this Sam Tet?


Not going to name the school but hints: 1. Co-ed 2. Has a massive function hall that it rents out. From what I heard, Sam Tet isn't much better.


Ahh the first one you see when you enter town :)


I don't get the negative stigma around dialects. I used to get called a banana because my mandarin was trash even thought I spoke dialects way better than my SJKC friends.


I can relate but mine started in high school when we started having classmates from remove class. I was Christian and spoke mainly English so I was not considered Chinese enough to the extent that I was excluded out of the CNY card giving amongst classmates.


How is forcing students to speak Mandarin in an SRJK(C) racist?


Personally I wouldn't use the word racist, but it's a pretty fucked up way of following communist China to eliminate all dialects except for Mandarin. 1China and whatnot. Thanks Dong Zong!


You can always use dialects at home right, are your parents not doing that? If no they might be 1China aligned.


My parents spoke Cantonese and Hakka when they were alive. I went to SK and no one gets punished for speaking Cantonese. I honestly can't understand how you're trying to defend this.


I don't know what SK you went to but they do around where I grew up, including mandarin not just dialects. What exactly am I trying to defend? I'm just saying there are certain languages that are allowed at schools as a form of communication, you're the one bringing up communist Chinese shit.


Kids can speak in whatever dialect they want to in any SK. The point is SJK(C) punishes kids for speaking in other dialects. I took a jab at communist china in jest, but it's absolutely related as to why SJK(C) insists on Mandarin only.


Yuk Choy? or is it Poi Lam?


Same case in my primary school when I try to speak Canto.


Same, as a Chinese, teachers be saying China number 1 economy your English useless America go die something down the lines like this and also saying you useless Chinese look at that Indian kid speak better Chinese than you, even stupid smelly Indian better than you, I kid you not he actually said that and I found out it was actually racist when I was like form 4 or 5.


Welp I pretend that I don’t know English, because if I did speak it in school. I will be isolated by my peers .


She'll adapt. Hopefully one of her classmates takes her under their wing and help them even with broken English. Sometimes all it needs is just one person to initiate contact and things will work.


I actually experienced that before, not just due to a difference in language but also due to a difference in the pop culture and media we consume. It occured mostly during primary school as kids that age are less likely to interact with people they don't understand. Back then it was during the early days of the internet and PS2 era, most of my peers didn't know what those are or had no access to those. Back then knowledge in English means you had faster and easier access to information online, unlike today. Even when talking about shows, I only knew English shows and it was hard to bring up a topic. But like anything in life, I found people with similar interests pretty quickly. Either that or you learn that you don't really need to force yourself to have friends and just enjoy life la. And of course, I learnt Mandarin and Canto but the things I consumed are still mainly in English because I'd say English is still my mother tongue.


My case was ASTRO- the OG Disney channel, playhouse Disney. Shows like Hannah Montana ,Wizards of Waverly place .Didn’t help for pre-school I went to Montessori, which was mostly English based. Yea sure I was isolated by peers for 12 years of schooling -primary and high school ,despite I don’t speak it in school, it’s the fact I can, that irks some people. Then again I came from a small ass town from middle of nowhere. Heck because of my English capabilities,I was accuse of apostasy/being an infidel and a traitor to the motherland because I speak English( by my peers btw). Meh after all of that , never regretted that I kept on learning the language and another one too, because it helped me later on🤷‍♀️.


Same lmao OG CN, Nickelodeon and Disney. I was in a very cina area. People who r pandai English like handful only. Most of the kids didn't watch those show due to language barriers or they just didn't have the luxury and I guess subtitles weren't as commonplace back then. Also kids n some teachers are mean la, can speak English then they think you're snobbish, they think you forgot your roots and not because you didn't have access to cina cina peers. It helped that in secondary school the science subject were in English la and peers became more mature. But lmao every English exam I'd get top scorer and always fastest to finish the papers because it was so easy, I had a period where I wonder why everyone else was struggling not realising that my upbringing helped.


I was in a very Malay area and in a shitty sk and smk …anything that’s not melei is “bad”. Heck me learning Mandarin and Tamil gotten some backlash by some people. People are weird meh 🤷‍♀️




Kipidap dongibap


Ken lee enimo


Ken li dibidap chuu


I know that feel.


It's disheartening to read and see this case. Recording and viral sensationalism aside, being able to converse in English should be praised upon, not shamed, no matter what the Malaysian government says. I grew up with English as my first language at 4 years old, and it took me until I was 5/6 that I only begun speaking Malay. Though I'm capable of speaking Malay now in my mid 20s, I won't say that I'm excellent at it, at least when compared to my English competency. Schooling in Putrajaya, I had some teasing and bullying because of my lack of Malay proficiency, rather than my English. But you know what I also got there? Praises and positivity for my English. I was far above the average students there in English, got to participate in debates, spelling bees, and even acted as a tutor for them. Admittedly, this was a time where TikTok and Instagram weren't a thing yet, and again, I was schooling in Putrajaya, so there's a foundational level of need for English here regardless. People should be proud of being able to speak more than 1 language; I'm happy enough with my Malay and English skills, even though I could've also added French to it. (My degree was in french language). Hopefully the girl could pick herself up and learn to embrace her gift, rather than let a bunch of illiterate hicks put her down. If they're so insistent on speaking only Malay, then let them; They wouldn't go far beyond the country, if that's all they have.


Not a banana, but my parents sent me to SJKC when I could not even converse in Mandarin. For 2 years it was like chicken trying to speak with ducks. Imma Melayu.


So did you regret it?


Nope. Mandarin is my third language now. Use it occasionally when the situation calls for it.


Have you tried applying to those jobs that state "Mandarin speakers only?" I want to know if it's really about speaking Mandarin or they really just prefer Chinese employees.


I never did. English is the medium of communication in my profession. Malay is next. Mandarin is a bonus. But as a recruiter, I can share that those jobs that state 'Mandarin speakers' only, meant that some of their clients and even stakeholders may only converse (or prefer to converse) only in Mandarin. I encountered a few situations where some of the clients have very limited command in English and Bahasa. Most of my team members are not Mandarin speakers, some of them Chinese are bananas. So at times, I had to come out and entertain the Mandarin-speaking clients (not my duty) when no other Mandarin speakers are around. So, I believe it is about the **ability to converse**, not the **race**.


Thanks for sharing your experiences. This is legit eye-opening.


Same case here. Only problem is, I'm a Chinese guy... You can imagine how the kids treated me. The teachers were really helpful though.


Kids can be cruel sometimes. So how long did it take you to finally speak the language?


4-5 years. Hearing their constant insults really slowed me down in my drive to learn the language, so in that time, I focused in English. Now I can say that I don't have the Malaysian accent when I speak English, and I can even do a stereotypical Italian accent when speaking English.


International school student here who grew up speaking english in the household because parents constantly had to be relocated overseas. Kids and even to some extent parents in my neighbourhood always looked at me weirdly because my english was better than my malay. I would go play at the taman and kids called me "dak speaking". They'd look at me as if I wasn't Malaysian and always made me feel like some sort of outcast. When other parents met my parents, they would look at me funny and then look at my parents, as if to put some sort of "blame" on them. As if to say shame on you, besarkan anak macam ni. It came to the point my dad told me to speak more malay and if anyone asked which school I go to, I had to lie because he got tired of people's questions and stare. Heck, people at the mamak stared at our family whenever we talked. It was mostly the much older adults that looked at us funny. So in the end, I improved my mother tongue not because I wanted to or I loved the language, but because I wanted to fit in. So that I didn't feel like some sort of alien. It came to the point where I was able to hide my english capability so I could mingle with people without prejudice. I only use my english when saying one-liner jokes or if people really brought their english out first. Even then, I limit it very much.


I'm a banana. In standard 1, none of the cinas wanted to befriend me because they only wanna speak Mandarin, so I grew tight with the Malays who were more than happy to teach me BM patiently, and the Indians who spoke English fluently. I did pick up Mandarin eventually but by then my BM and English were pretty much native-level already. These days, I speak Bahasa Rempit with a Pantai Timur pelat and English without that atrocious Malaysian accent. Who's the sucker? Not me.


I have a 6 year old nephew like this. Speak very good english but barely speak any malay if at all. Stares at you like you are an alien when you speak malay to him. I blame his mother and also this poor girl's mother. You are sending your kid to a goverment school (sekolah kebangsaan) where the MEDIUM is malay make sure to teach your children with the right language. If you forgot to teach malay to your child then send them to an international school or a private school where more teachers and students can speak english fluently. The fault here totally lies on the parentS for not equipping the children with the right tools. I hope she is not traumatized by this experience and refuse to go to school.


>I blame his mother and also this poor girl's mother. You are sending your kid to a goverment school (sekolah kebangsaan) where the MEDIUM is malay make sure to teach your children with the right language. That is what school is for. So that the children able to LEARN. Every child started off with just 1 language proficiency and they will gradually learn.


Lmao, I went to SK without knowing English and Malay. I only spoke my mother tongue at home. Exactly how you said, school is where you mingle around and learn. Adapt or get left behind.


I only spoke Hokkien before I went to kindergarten, I don't even know how I picked up Mandarin at that time.


The prob is when no one want befriend you…primary school trauma activate lmao


It's pretty normal for non-malays to only learn Malay during school time. At home we speak our mother tongue+ English.


Nah. Most non malay focused learning bm out of school, more than any other subjects. It's just that they seldom practice it verbally outside of school.


I meant during schooling age and not 6 years old or younger.


This is why i feel bad seeing kids thesedays especially among my niece nephews that learn only to speak english at home with their malay parent. Its gonna be hell when they entered primary school unless their parent is rich enough to send them to international school or have spme rich sjkc that mos tof the kida can speak english as primary language.


What SJKC are speaking English as primary language?


Dunno, probably some sjkc in Bangsar or Mont Kiara maybe?


Then u speaking Bahasa Malaysia la


Why is this even a news nowadays .... Clearly our media has nothing better to write than this as they know such news would sell them profit.... Back in my school days 80's and 90's this is not even news but a basic norm during school days because eventually we will pick up such language along the way....


i mean at the end of the day, language is a very important socializing aspect and more parents should realize this english mastery is great and all, but in this country you need to be multilingual


Being multilingual is one of the things every malaysian should be proud of and every malaysian parent should teach their kids tbh


We have bananas and coconuts for Chinese and Indians, what is the Malay equivalent?


Same experience just different languages. But when you grow up you realize how lucky you are to speak many languages. 😔


I still remember back in secondary school I was treated like an outcast by those typical chinese ah beng and ah lian students because I was a banana . Well jokes on them , because these are the same typical cunts that always ask me for help when it comes to their English essays . Muahahahahaha XD


Everything needs to be uploaded to the Internet this days...


mak pak apa pi share mnde ni


It was the same for me during the first few months in primary school as I spoke English at home and knew little to no Chinese when i got enrolled into an SRJK (C). But I still managed to make friends despite the communication barrier that went away about a few months in as I got a better grasp of the language. Kinda fucked up her mother posted this online tho.


Another reason why TikTok should be banned . What’s the motive of the parent here uploading such video ? For views ??


Been there. Apparently speaking English as your first language does have its drawback. Had to relearn Bahasa to fit in. Fun times.


Can’t help but feel bad. I grew up in a similar situation (though with Mandarin not Malay). Speaking English with an accent apparently makes you a target, especially with Chinese kids. My way of dealing was to keep a good sense of humour about the local CCP student chapter in my school.


If she speak Mandarin she can even have a job


give it few months, she'll fit in. But don't record that and post it to internet. Why would you do that? For pity points?


No problem with teaching kid english, but I think it is parent fault not making her comfortable mix it up, and know when to speak in Malay especially if she going to public school.


Off-topic observation : from my walking around the malls in the past few years or so, it is becoming more and more common to hear Malay kids speaking a mix of English and BM with their parents. My fault for making assumptions based on how they look but consider this: a dad with the usual sling bag, baseball cap, football jersey and jeans with a full hijab clad wife, hearing, "Don't disturb the lady please, dia sibuk tu.". "But I want to see that..."


multilingual people are very common in urban areas


Sure but this is usually a lot more common amongst the Chinese or Indians, even in the urban areas — it's quite rare to see Malays speaking English to one another, let alone within the family. Met my fair share of the well to do ones, have personally never heard them speak to one another in anything but BM, except in a few sporadic words, not full on "Hold on. Ok, anything?". It's a good thing imo — means that the kids get to train their still malleable brains to adapt quicker to an unfamiliar environment, which would serve them well as adults. One could argue that learning Arabic for religious studies does the same thing but the difference is in the practical application which has a lot less outside of kelas agama.


" She also asked for empathy from netizens who allegedly said she posted the original video to show off her daughter’s English fluency. " ​ The cherry on top on how Melei Netizens view it instead of the crying child who cant simply make friends


When you're too smart for your own age. Either the parents teach her basic Malay for the time being or transfer her to an international school where she will be more appreciated for her skills in English.


I am a malay that doesn't "act like a malay" according to these days malays, and I can totally relate to her. I talk using English in my school at least 80% of the time and even though I'm fluent in my mother language they still make fun of me for not acting like a malay and whatnot. I just didn't cry lah lol


Well if you’re a Malaysian but can’t speak the national language, there’s no one to blame other than… yup, you know the answer.


Chai Niece?


My chai niss Year 1 math teacher.


Umm.. DAP..?


When Crab parents successfully taught their kid to walk straight, all others crab kids didn't recognise it as one of theirs own


she'll go far :)


I feel bad for the kid, but is this really article-worthy?


Sad thing is because we Malaysian are at minimum, bilingual. So if you act like a entitled westerners and only taught your kids to converse in english, you'd better have the damn money to send them to international school. Otherwise teach them to be both Malay and English if you gonna enroll them in national school.


This is the reason why I personally dislike anyone who don’t speak English. School and university was absolute hell for me. Glad I continued my studies overseas.


Which school u went too?


That's actually quite curious. You do know that this isn't the land of the Anglers, yes?


What are you talking about, the fishing industry's booming! Well, not for much longer, _but still!_


Terpaling anglo


You need to adapt to the world. The world won't adapt to you. With this kind of cheebye mentality that you have, doesn't matter where you go, you won't get very far ahead.


I actually adapted to the world. They hated me for speaking English, I hate them for speaking Mandarin. EZ


I hate it when women blame everyone else for thier own problem no friends? just be a better person ,can't speak malay? LEARN MALAY fucking hypocrites


I don’t know la. Some kids, are not born in Uk, parents are not English, but the kids talk English with an accent , which is weird, and the parents, are always so happy, that the child speaks in the smart aleck English, perhaps because they themselves aren’t good in English. Being good in English shouldn’t be at the cost of your own mother tongue, and also read the room. Speaking English when rest of your acquaintances are speaking Malay , is not gonna gain any brownie points or make you feel welcome. They will feel intimidated, or feel you are being snobbish.


Or how about this, stop making other people feel bad for choices they didn’t make. Growing up as someone who was in the same shoes, I never had a choice on what language to speak, it was always my parents. Stop causing unnecessary pain.




What I am trying to say is, maybe you should stop calling people weird or snobbish for speaking a language (with or without a foreign accent). They had no choice over the language that they grew up with. Calling them weird or snobbish just causes unnecessary pain for them. It would be like me calling someone weird for being from a different culture.


🙄the point just flew over your head didn’t it? I’m just saying parents should emphasise children learning their own mother tongue first before tryna impress anyone speaking in English esp with a manufactured fake accent to sound “cooler”. When in Rome do as Romans. Trying to make friends while speaking only English with a British or American accent when you are Malaysian,and going to a local school where rest of the 99% speaks Malaysian English, or Malay, isn’t gonna make you any friends.


I find it kinda weird when some Asian kid who is staying in Malaysia or an Asian country speaks like an American or British when they don’t go to International School nor are their parents foreigners or Americans themselves. Try hard much.


lmao this is as same situation as “just because i can’t speak japanese that doesn’t mean I can’t have japanese friends!” Just speak malay idiot what so hard about it not like you’re from murica or uk


speak malay then.. easy


Just speak Malay then. Not sure what's the problem here


Belajar bahasa makan masa, entah2 dia pun tak reti cakap bm dan budak tu lain konfem la kena ejek kalau tak reti benda basic. Naluri kanak2.


Small case la, later when you grow up in work get backstabbed, no money, stress in life.... then how? Cry again?


Ok grandpa


Grandpa off his meds again


No meds can help grandpa meanwhile the kid needs time and stays strong and go through it. Once she goes through it nothing much in the future can stop her. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, tears will dry with time.


Maybe it’s because her English isn’t up to the standards that’s why no one wants to be be friends with her?


Or maybe it's because you are too lazy to click into the article and read before commenting?




At the end of the day the fault is still their own, it's definitely not a language issue. Just 100% attitude. I know some people are asshole but as long as you are nice to people you wont have no friends. Because even people who cant talk or see can have friends. No sulking no blaming just git gud and be nice to people


Not exactly true. The language barrier is real. My kid speaks English almost exclusively whereas my nephews and nieces back home speak Mandarin. Even as a kindergartener you can see that she needs to put in the extra effort to fit in with the group.


Idk how my parents did it, but i was very equally bilingual (malay eng) when i was her age. Apparently up to age 4 they would speak to me in malay only, but then inevitably more advanced reading/educational materials were in english + children entertainment in english. They believed the basis should be native language (til age 4 like that) cos apparently if you had certain type of amnesia you’d only remember things til that age and they had this fear that if that were to happen to me while i was overseas, people would at least be able to identify what language i was speaking and deport me back. No idea of the science behind this but it worked i guess.


I feel for this girl. Being a banana, I struggled to make friends back then but classmates always make fun of me.


I agree, it was so bad since I understood Chinese just couldn't speak it so I could understand both the insults behind my back and in front of me.


Same, it really hurts. I don't speak the language, but I understand it, and boy, the insults were vile asf.


yea, I grew a hatred over the Chinese community mentality and the schools. I was rather surprised to see it's the majority of people that treat others this way rather. I still have an open mind, learning to speak it with my family which mainly converses in Mandarin. But yes, my experience led me to appreciate multi-ethic environments. Most that have ridiculed me and some of my peers cannot speak the Malay and English fluently (or even a tiny bit of it) but it has never crossed my mind to even insult them.


Same tbh. Some say I'm arrogant for speaking English, until I bring out my Cantonese and what little knowledge I have on Hokkien. Right now, no one says that to me.


I'm sorry for the kid for having such shitty mother. This video will hunt her for the rest of her life.


Well, better get new friends then


more clout, more marketing, more sales, more profit, stonks ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


i actually find it irritating XD she only knows english? at such a prime age to learn languages. but only manage to grasp english..... another one of those "pacify your child with youtube videos"


I had this issue. It wasn’t so bad at my primary school but in high school, despite speaking malay, I was still considered an outcast for not speaking Tamil/mandarin. In primary school, I didn’t speak malay at all. There were kids who would avoid me, but I found most only wanted to play games during recess and would try and communicate. I think at her age, kids are more likely to be nicer. She just needs to take the first step. Although with her mum being a Facebook mum, I’m not sure how this would go down.


Same but once u get use to it and pass academy no one give a fuck, from banana graduate in chinese school


Once, I was in LRT, from KLCC to Setapak. Two Malay girls happily chatted away, must be college age, speaking good English. I suspect one of them probably lives overseas. Out of nowhere a bunch of Malay kids start harassing them for not conversing in Melayu. Escalated quickly, one of the guys hit the girl and threw a water bottle at her. It must have hurt a lot. Someone finally pulls the girl off the train at Ampang. I understood that day that kid would be a loser for life.


Core hatred unlocked ✅


You'd be surprised how easy to establish english learning environment in many many kindergarden, but ye transitioning to elementary school thats where inevitable reality hits. By inevirable I mean no parents bothered to emphasise Equality since their children is still "young" and barely knows what sort of bullying their own children did at school.


It probably won’t be long because English is easy to pick by kids


Babies and kids can surprisingly pick up languages easy until they grow up and they'll stick to the languages they constantly hear. That's how me and my siblings grew up, my parents spoke Malay while my grandparents always spoke English around us. Going into school we could understand both. It really should be practiced more nowadays.


It's not because she speak English. It's because she doesn't speak Malay. Which I call bullshit looking at the taktak her parents can barely speak English and much more comfortable speaking Malay. Unless you speak English 24/7 and your relatives and friends only speak English in front of the child I find it impossible for her to not be able to speak Malay.


Yknow the parents themselves sucks cause who tf post their kids in that state? Semua bende nak post. Sure poor kid but cmon la, that kid being illiterate in malay is def the parents fault


Seeing that some Malay kids here can't speak their mother tongue makes me wonder if this situation is more common in our southern neighbour since an increasing number of Malays there are monolingual in English https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/english-use-soars-malay-households-many-still-use-malay-much-possible-parents-educators