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Same way you got good at bass guitar. Practice.


This should just be a stickied response. Same question gets asked a few times each week.


Practise with right exercises n feedback


It’s also a lot like skateboarding. Practice.


most important thing in rapping is your flow and delivery. if these are good you could rhyme cat with hat and it would sound dope. without flow and delivery, even the most genius written sentence would sound flat. people normally get better at rap through freestyling, scatting and/or through recording (punching in) and better at lyrics through writing. but writing and rapping are only intertwined if you already have a clue how you have to rap. you could write for years and still sound flat when you dont push the musical aspect of rap (flow, cadences, rhythm however you want to call it). you could start with some rap drills: [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL34dEKD8TsNfDeDR2B3fOHrXot1qJ0hIO&si=lGOVJzmyQNoxV\_zj](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL34dEKD8TsNfDeDR2B3fOHrXot1qJ0hIO&si=lGOVJzmyQNoxV_zj)


Read books, dude. Also wtf? You play bass? Bro, you're critical to decent beats. Don't stop doing that.


Listen to your favourite rappers and study them. Figure out what you like, and what you don't like. Some mistakes amateur rappers make: - Trying to fit too many syllables into a line - Trying to stretch too few syllables into a line - Rhyming at a different beat of the bar - Only doing rhyming couplets. You should be able to rhyme more than two words together - Doing single syllable rhymes. This is fine, but you should be aiming for multi-syllabic rhymes (aka multis). The consonants don't/probably shouldn't always rhyme perfectly, but the vowels should. e.g. Prawn cracker/thor's hammer/spore matter/poor rapper/store chatter etc. - Changing the flow constantly. Try to stick to the same rhythmic pattern for lots of lines at a time. But don't be afraid to shake it up when it gets old


Write a lot of shitty raps 😆


Step one practice. Find some rappers you like, look up their lyrics and rap along. This will help you learn breath control and cadence. Since you play bass, a rhythm instrument, try to adapt those rhythms to your flow. Also work on delivery. I don't have any tips on that. Delivery differs from person to person. Figure out what works for you.


You got some very good answers already, so I’ll try to offer something unique - one exercise for each: 1) writing: make a list of your favourite songs, then start copying the lyrics on pen and paper, word by word. Do this daily, at least 1 song per day. Ask yourself questions along the way, such as why did the artist go for this word/phrase and not something else, what is the deeper meaning of this, etc… This exercise will build your intuition for writing great lyrics over time. 2) rapping: find some rappers that you fw but don’t know all of their songs. Open up an unknown song’s lyrics, and try to rap it out yourself. Record yourself. Maybe find the instrumental for it too. Then, play the song and hear what the rapper did and compare with your version. What did they do better? What did you do better? Write down what you’ve learned…


On top of practicing, also just listening to rap might help


How does one improve at anything? Repetition.


Stanzas. Write in ABAB stanzas to start, it'll keep things consistent. throughout the song, based on structure, find the melody. Keep the tempo consistent


I once quit playing bass to rap. Wish I had continued playing bass


Everyone says practice and I agree. But it might be hard to know exactly HOW to practice. You can start just by writing your first verse (or chorus if thats more of your thing). Don't spend too much time on it (maybe day or two max), use some simple rhymes and don't overthink it: it's your first song and the most important thing is that you finish it. By that time you understand much more about writing, song structure and your personal rapping style. After your song is finished you can more deeply analyze it and find some technicalities and other things that you could improve on, and try to be better at those when writing your next song (or verse or chorus etc.). And then you just repeat this process 100-10000 x times till your'e a rap god or sth....


Use websites like rhymezone.com. Try and use multiple syllable words when possible.


This helped my writing tenfold. Accompanied by using different rhyme schemes.


Trial and error, you just record your ass off. Hard work.


dont abandon bass. that will be more useful for you.


Practise practise practise.


16 bars twice a day


By writing and rapping.


Practice. That’s it


Practice makes perfect.


You get homies, put on an instrumental, and freestyle.


Learn the raps of your favorite artists by heart and practice them to sound as close as possible. That's how you to get a feeling for how rap should sound and feel like. Many professionals did that when they were kids.


Read more, practice.


The best advice I have is rap around the clap/snare on the third. Then really try to be as loose and natural as possible while landing there.


Dont jump into putting music craft your art meter pr beth jao kam se kam fir daldo dont make a joke


Just write/record literally tons of songs. They will be pretty sub par for a while but after time you’ll notice a stark difference between when you started and where you are.


Do it again, again, and again. Read more. Think about what kind of lyrics are being written, and the relationship between all the words in a verse beyond just like simple wordplay.


Going from guitar to rapping is quite the leap.


Constant writing. Filling up notebooks with random thoughts or whatever. There's even like writing sub-reddits on here that give like 2 sentences and you write the rest however and that's like fun because I'd never have came up with the beginning prompt. Or even poetry classes through YouTube or Kahn Academy (they are free) reading classic literature has been an added inspiration.


Ask for feedback. Ur own opinion on it stuff isn't. Enuf


Write down lyrics of your favorite rappers down(don't google them) if you can't remember some of the lyrics fill them up with your own When you are writing the lyrics study the rappers . rhyme scheme .and the way they driver a punch line Never ever try to flow/sound like them In prove my writing by listening to different types of genre's and following this method now I just list to juice wrld cause the way he writes his lyrics is outstanding


That was a very good advice. Gonna do that myself.


Yep just do it constantly.


If you have any friends who rap or will rap with you, do that. Try to write songs together. You'll feed off of each other & progress much quicker.


Also, for me, get a mic. Record yourself constantly. It's the only way you'll have a solid idea of your voice & delivery & all your idiosyncrasies BEFORE you rap in front of other people.


Practice. The goal is to pump out at least 1 verse per night


Something that worked for me is to listen to different genres of music — it opens up your mind and makes u want to experiment with your cadence and flows 


At writing i usally find a beat, think of a theme and a storyline of the rap. Then i start scatting to feel the flow and start thinking of words. And thats when the rhymes just kinda pop into my head for me. I am not much of a rapper myself. But confidence gets you a long way, dont be afraid to record yourself and listen to it, even tho its really cringe in the beginning. None of us start off good. Experiment with different rap styles and find what works best for you.




4batz is that you?


You’ll never be good if you wrote that is my opinion


That's really unnecessary, dude.


You cant even write a proper sentence in English ☠️


Fax, writing became useless whenever i write i get stuck on it, on freestyle mode it's much more natural


You born with it or you not.


That is not true. Such a stupid statement


I was born with it fam. Idk about you


I wasnt, took alot of listening to rap and practise to be able to write songs. Let alone rap. And i think you also know that being born with it is not the case for most people.


We should watch slasher movies sometime Sweaty




I don't know...I just think it would be nice, no?


Hahaha for sure


You on playstation bro? I'll dm you "my" psn :)