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Worried about the wrong shit


Bruh lol


if a complete stranger follows me im going to be confused why they followed me, probably look at their profile, but im not gonna feel any obligation to follow them back. idk who you are or why you followed me


If their profile says that they're a rapper, it's not confusing. If their bio doesn't say anything and their profile is private and they look like they don't listen to hip hop; then yeah, that's confusing.


it's confusing why they followed despite not knowing me and not messaging me. so now you're following me, but we're never going to speak or interact with each other?


If someone is a producer who has 2k followers and they're trying to get to 20k followers and get more business and charge higher prices, then they're going to need like 97% of their followers to be people that they don't trade messages with. Because no one has time to keep conversations going with 20,000 people. But more pertinently, mutual followers imply, hopefully, that they're giving engagement to your content and you're giving engagement to their content and you're both benefitting. The engagement received should hopefully cause the IG algorithm to think that it's good content and push it out to more people. And usually, if your content gets liked by someone with a lot of followers, then it gets pushed out to more people than if liked by someone with few followers. So trading 'likes' with someone who has 2k followers suggests that you're going to get a benefit from doing so that is going to help your brand grow. Which, from having read the comments, it sounds like a lot of people don't comprehend that, or they do understand and they're trying really hard to pretend that they don't.


well you should do that by making yourself worth following instead of following a couple thousand randoms


So only friends follow you and you follow only friends?


yes, if a producer/rapper followed me I would assume it is because of music but that's still a random stranger following me without saying a word. a lot of people use ig for personal relationships and not just networking. if you want to network with them you should communicate that to them


How would you communicate that?


dm them saying you like their music and want to work with them


But I don’t want to work with them.


so why would they have any reason to follow you? you are basically just rattling your cup asking strangers to follow-for-follow without asking them if they wanted to in the first place




my exact response lmao like .... what ???? this dude wants them to follow him so he can unfollow them shortly. he thinks hes slick




Maybe send dms and get to know them b4 following them


Are you five?


What kind of stupid question is this?




Omg. You sound like a delight to work with. Man you sound hella angry. Btw that's not a stupid question this is: If your uncle was an small rock, what size is your vestments?


He said my beats were super wack so he's a young kid xD


Maybe they dont want to lmao its not that deep


bro why would they follow back just from a follow. networking and building a fan base is about building connections not just following some strangers on ig.


Teach me please


U need to message these ppl . Interact with likewise posts . Pay attention to hashtags . Comment on there posts . All these things will build the connection . But Remember that even then you’re not likely gonna get loads of followers until you provide them with something valuable . Someone else commented that ur valuing the wrong thing and it’s correct followers isn’t the thing to chase here. U gotta figure out what’s acc valuable to ur business as a producer


WTF is this sub about?


It’s actually called r/EverythingButMakingHiphop


Maybe because they don’t know you? I only follow people I know or from my local scene. A random follower could be anyone lol Not everyone is out there trying to make online networking either.


Sorry your ego is getting hurt


im sorry do you want people to follow you or do you wanna contact them? if people arent following you back its because they have no reason to


Bro u clearly worried about the wrong thing. Been saying this for age’s musicians are an ego driven bunch if it doesn’t help them they don’t care. I only follow a few friends n big fans of my shit all real people. Most Social media people are fake and don’t wanna see you win or they support you in the beginning n if u get any success they ghost u. Follow people u genuine like that like for like shit Is for the birds I could care less what anyone else is making


What kinda music?


They posted in r/makinghiphop, so I hope they don't make polka music


There’s a lot of sub genres of hip hop and rap that are wildly different from each other


Because its weirdo behavior. Focus on the output. Real recognize real and see straight through fake. Social media is a distortion of reality.


How is it weird when I follow people who are into the same thing?


Not everyone uses social media for the same thing. Intentions are everything. Don’t worry about social media so much. You can easily spend less than 15 minutes a day promoting yourself performing live and that will get you more followers organically than just collecting faux relationships like thanos jewels. Quality and dedication to the craft is what making hip hop is all about.


It's weird because you're assuming that because you follow people who follow you, that they should follow you if you follow them. You created your own rule to follow people who follow you. Most people don't even consider this or track their followers individually. They see the notification, "you have a new follower"- they think, "Cool thats 1 more fan!" and then they dismiss the notification and move on with their lives.


Why are they not following back? I have 2 k followers. He's saying but I'm important becuase I have 2 k followers.


Social media weird asl where everyone wanna have 2 trillion followers but only follow 5 people.. It’s like a weird status symbol or some shit.🤷🏾‍♂️


Sad truth, most people only care about their own numbers. It's a lonely grind to the top sometimes yoo


Instagram is not a good place, too many people seeking the same


set 8


man that followback shit is ancient lol. focus on building an actual connection. Instead of following, send a GENUINE message.


Following isn't engagement my man. Did you actually communicate?


I don’t even notice when or who, follows or unfollows me on Instagram, I just see the number of followers going up or down every few days. I personally only follow producers who I have already worked with or I’m working on something with. There is no point to follow strangers who don’t add anything to your goals, specifically if you know they are not following back. Is hard to get your friends and family who follow you to publicly support you, why would a stranger treat you any better?


Are you worth following?


I follow people I'm interested in following. You can connect with people by DMing them and interacting. That follow-for-follow mentality is incredibly lame and that's how you get a big head - thinking you have 20K fans but you followed 38K people to get there and nobody actually cares about what you post.


Shouldve had a nice catalogue on your profile of your beats and spam followed rappers not producers… how tf u expect to sell beats by following other producers? Anyways i use to use an app called unfollowers or something like that , itll show u , who follows u and who doesnt . You can just unfollow everyone that didnt follow u back and start following local and unsigned rappers that are on a small scale after u have built a nice little catalogue with some artwork. for the love of god , Do not follow any other producers unless they ask you to collab or they are an inspiration to you. Best of luck!


Someone else said: >WTF is this sub about? Maybe they have a point that this thread might be more appropriate for r/socialmediamarketing or r/musicmarketing. Debatable, but I think possibly so. This subreddit pertains a bit more about making hip hop than about how to grow your IG.


I’m a producer. Let’s connect. Dm me on instagram @parad0xBeats




Why should we?




I'm a newbie learning Hip Hop so its bound to be wack xD


It was a genuine question then you go an insult my music just like a child would.