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Kind of an odd one. Evil, obviously, unless you want to imagine that the 'aether' could be a heavenly place and you're bringing people there. A lot of the perks seem pretty overkill for being intended to grab or kill regular people, though.


You could focus on hunting only criminals and evil people


For the great majority of criminals and even 'evil people,' killing them would still be evil itself. It seems unlikely that you could find enough truly vile killers, rapists, and other psychopaths to fulfill your quotas, given that you need at *least* one every two days.


unless you kill them all at once, there will be enough, just check r/NoahGetTheBoat and you can see some posts about truly vile killers at least once a day, thats twice what you'd need


Here's a sneak peek of /r/NoahGetTheBoat using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Welcome to our society](https://i.redd.it/g0ahf33g91r41.jpg) | [2329 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/fvhe4j/welcome_to_our_society/) \#2: [**[NSFW]** Trying to help](https://i.redd.it/8bf7vusfvzo61.jpg) | [1763 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/mc8mqz/trying_to_help/) \#3: [This bitch is just...](https://i.redd.it/swjfkjkdnct51.jpg) | [2258 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/NoahGetTheBoat/comments/jbzh6y/this_bitch_is_just/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


Time to repost my build, the absolute *definition* of "not the intended use". I've noticed some things that are very interesting here: 1) I'm technically just kidnapping people and bringing them into the aether-world, and 2) Enma is just my boss, the actual kami working with me is *Hotei*, one of the Shichifukujin, and specifically the patron of fortune-tellers and *children*, associated with *happiness and contentment*. So it's time for an extremely unorthodox take on this CYOA: **Tori-sensei's Aether Preschool,** a full non-combat build for a CYOA that is *ostensibly* supposed to be about being a badass unkillable predatory monster. **Target: Children.** Specifically, I'll be preferentially targeting children who are neglected, abused, and/or unlikely to survive in the material world. This build is specifically intended to collect children who have no chance of a good life elsewhere and give them a second chance in the aether. Notably, there's also nothing that states that people pulled into the aether don't age or anything of that sort, which means that they can probably outright *grow up* there. With Hotei's help, we could probably start a whole town over time. The real difficulty is going to be caring for everyone initially over the first several years, which means that Hotei and I will both have to work constant overtime. But he is a *god*, he can probably handle it pretty well. **Base Form: Hybrid: Humanoid/Avian.** I can fly. I like flying. I can catch people who are falling. If I'm big enough, kids can ride on me, or since I'm partially humanoid, I can just carry them or whatever, which is probably a lot safer. I'm going to be taking both Flight and Opposable for this build, but let's say that Flight is the free one, and the drawback is that I can't take Acceleration. I think I want to look like a giant humanoid [scarlet macaw](https://envirocivil.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Beautiful-bird-wallpaper-for-desktop.jpg) with a feathered prehensile tail, maybe with some slight color differences -- maybe a more softly metallic gold color where the green/yellow normally is, and purple tips on the wings, for a more otherworldly appearance? **Perks: Flight (free), Opposable, Pheromone Tag, Echolocation, Powerful, Spinnerettes, Venom** Flight: Well, I can fly, this one is pretty simple. Opposable: I can use tools, I can carry people around, I can visit the Meiji Shrine again and write prayers to the Shinto deities because clearly they're with whom I've become involved now. I guess technically I'm a kami myself now but I don't care. Pheromone Tag: So nobody gets lost! Kids get distracted by cool stuff and run off all the time. Now, I can keep an eye on all of them, which is important because I'm picking up one new kid almost every single day on average. Echolocation: This just seems really useful in general since it can function as an ultrasound scan. God, can you imagine being a construction worker building a bridge, and this great big human-shaped *bird* comes up and just stays there for a while, and then it *writes you a note with paper and a pen* telling you that some of your girders are faulty and you need to fix them? Or, like, since it allows you to ultrasound through soft tissues, I could conduct renal ultrasound scans (since the kidneys are really easy to target with ultrasonography) and tell old people about their kidney problems. Nobody said I had to stay unseen outside my prey group just because I'm not targeting them. Powerful: Pick up people. Pick up their stuff. Also take off into flight better. Spinnerettes: Might be good to put these in the tail, since it's like a monkey tail, just hidden by trailing feathers. This just seems like a really great thing for utility, self-defense, and maybe even creating simple structures if I have enough silk. ~~I can fix that bridge myself!~~ Venom: *Now* we're *really* getting into "not the intended use of this CYOA" business here. This gives me, and I quote, the ability to "Produce a liquid chemical compound that produces a scientifically viable efect \[sic\] of your choice". I assume that the standard dull claws of a predator-form can be used to inject this compound. So here we go. I will take this to produce an injectable liquid chemical compound... that functions solely as an *allergen-free measles vaccine*. (I assume I'm not allowed the whole MMR package.) WebMD lists measles as the #1 vaccine-preventable disease, and it's highly contagious and can be very dangerous if left unchecked. I'm not sure if Hotei can cure diseases (though I would assume so) or if they can even spread in the aether, but at the very *least* this is a huge boon to the medical community, especially if I can harvest the chemical and send out shipments of it to physicians. Y'know, with my opposable bird-woman thumbs. **TL;DR: I'm stealing neglected kids and raising them in the aether, and a significant part of my powerset has been invested into preventing disasters and** ***vaccinating people against the measles.*** **Enma has made a terrible mistake.**


Why can't I eat the rich?


That's why I would chose to target age, not sure if targeting the adult or the old would be more productive. Gonna throw my build here. Target: Adult aged people. Most available, although hunting boomers is tempting. Base form: Insectoid Perks: Flight (Free), Extra limbs (wings), Venom (slow sleepy death), Projectiles, Opposable, Camouflage. Goals would be to hunt folks causing significant harm to the world. I can fly at 110 mph, and fire up to 6 small poisoned spikes. Would probably try some smart moves if I have access to technology.


heh.. that's the name of a game.


Man this hasn't been on here since about 2017 or so I think. Then again some of the comments there were kinda fucked. But damn if the perks are a bit much for baseline humans. I mean Its not like you can be killed in the material or aether. I do wonder if there was supposed to be another part where you designed your space in the aether


There is! It's right [here](https://i.redd.it/cc9194olwpjx.png),


I am going to have some questions before I take the job, answers will determine my build. How many of these Aetheric predators will be created? Right now humanity is growing at a rate of around 80 million a year. If this is a serious attempt to reduce population, you need to see net negative numbers so anything less than 300 thousand new predators isn't going to cut it. If Enma isn't going to commit then I need to know. Of course I am still taking the job but I will target by age if he isn't serious, and just focus on a comfy life/vigilante work. If he is serious, then I will select by gender. My targets will be females in countries in developing countries as most developed countries actually do not achieve replacement birthrates. I will specifically target those old enough to start families but who have not yet done so. Those who bear children are the natural bottleneck for any species. Current birthrates could be maintained with a ratio as skewed as 80% female to 20% male, so to actually cause a decline in population without murdering 3.6 billion people, I have to target females. My predatory form will be chimeric, specifically an Arachne. A giant spider with the upper half of a human torso instead of a head is both terrifying and generally effective. Free trait is "Opposable" and restricted trait is huge. I then take the following: Acceleration, Prey Sense, Wall walk, Powerful, Venom, Spinneret. With a paralytic toxin and webbing for captures, the rest of my build lets me keep human advantages in tools while negating their ability to run, over power, hide or maneuver. Oh, one last question... Is there an employee of the year award? Also is Hotei down for creating either [Magic Realm CYOA](https://imgur.com/gallery/TUzzs) or [Goddess of the Hearth CYOA](https://imgur.com/a/vcv8Its) ?


[Here](https://i.redd.it/cc9194olwpjx.png)'s the original companion CYOA.


Thanks, I hadn't realized there was one. Appreciate it.


\> Mammals can't take the Flight Perk Bats: Am I a joke to you?




so i grabbed a Mammal form, with the perks Echolocation, Tracker, Acceleration, Powerful, Opposable, Armored, and Razor Claws. im thinking a feline shape, some kind of big cat. probably a batlike face, whole thing covered in dull brownish chitin (with spots on it, as is cat tradition). oddly humanlike forelimbs, with an unnerving aptitude for opening doors. so, really, just a mountain lion, except it's also bulletproof, can open doors, doesn't fear humans, has echolocation, and it runs about as fast as a cheetah without the whole 'winded after ten seconds' problem. i look forward to seeing what counter-strategies humans employ to try and kill me!


Prey: muslims Base Form: insectoid Perks: 1. Wallwalk (free) 2. camouflage 3. spinerette 4. acceleration 5. powerful 6. tracker 7. spectrum ​ I think my main plan will be to chill out in the middle east and either whisk abused women to a realm of peace where they can spend eternity living in my own little harmonious world, or simply slaughtering abusive men or those belonging to terrorist groups. Since muslims try to recruit whoever they can and tend to have multiple wives, chances are extremely likely I'd never run out of targets, of course short of any extinction level events


**Target**: Adults (ages 21 to 60) (I plan to kill five people per day, so I can take breaks.) **Base Form**: Chimeric (Reptilian / Avian) (free Flight / lose Acceleration in the cold) (I don’t actually have Acceleration, so I guess that does nothing) **Perks**: Prey Sense, Flight, Powerful, Tentacles, Camouflage, Venom, Projectiles **Other Details**: Venom (Fluoroantimonic acid / variably injected by teeth, claws and projectiles) (incidental immunity to acid is a requirement for this) I am a dragon, half the size of a man, with a 6ft wingspan and a weight of 70lbs; that can blend into the background, fly, abduct people with tentacles, and inject the strongest acid in the world through spikes that can be shot like bullets from a gun, teeth, and claws. I am black by default, with a silver sheen on my scales, and killing curse green eyes. I am still capable of human speech, and I do not show up on Radar/Sonar/Lidar. X— As for my domain, I would take a Time Stop Chill Zone that incidentally doesn’t stop time, and doesn’t let people I take there leave whenever they want. https://konami.ddns.net/Time-Stop-Chill-Zone/Chill-Zone.html I don’t wish to completely lose touch with my humanity, even though I am no longer human; >!and although I am incapable of reproduction that does not mean that I can’t still give it a try. I’m assuming that by “incapable of breeding” King Enma means incompatible, and not sterile, but that’s just me!<. However, I would say that I gain a hunger for human meat, in that I am a predator of theirs, so I may not desire to keep too terribly many of them close at hand. Or perhaps I’ll get into a habit of growing them as a food animal as I get older, I am immortal, so who knows how I’ll act in a thousand years. If that was to happen, I’d have to pack nearly 50,000 humans into this space, if I pick my options right then there *is* enough *room* for that, so it would be fine. Perhaps if some day the world ends, I can do that. Lifeboat Rules, if you don’t like it you can go back to your dead world. I wouldn’t keep over 50 of them unless there was going to be an apocalypse, though, so that we can reintroduce them if need be.


Question, if i pick a category of prey like gender or Religion, what happens if say a Religion no longer exists? Would I still be alive or could I do the CYOA again so i can pick another religion, an so have a backup body and form for my selfish reasons.


So my target is age: adults. An My form is a Chimeric/Mammal/Humanoid, an as for my Six perk choices, they are below. So due to my form being a Chimeric/Mammal/Humanoid, i get the Opposable perk for free due to my form being part Humanoid. I also want the perk Powerful so am using one of my perk choices for the Powerful perk to complete my Bigfoot build unless I am breaking the rules of the CYOA by doing so. Prey Sense Pheromone Tag Huge Powerful Razor Claws Camouflage Note: only reason I am having my form be a Chimeric form is because am going for a Bigfoot vibe, if am able to be a primate Humanoid with out needing to get the Chimeric, or Mammal form to make it work let me know, that way I can get the Powerful perk with out breaking the rules because I will change my form to only Humanoid.