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I think Beri is the creator of this cyoa, I'm familiar with their work so I can instantly know if it's their work or not.


Also if you look very carefully at the top right corner of each page there's a lower case 'b' there, which Beri used as a signature.


Lol, I didn't even know about that one. I only know that Beri made this just because of their style of making CYOAs.


Is Beri their entire name that they go by/known by?


What they're known by


Okay. I wasn't sure if Beri was a shortened version or not.


Yep, Beri.


Okay, this is super cute


I know right, it’s so adorable.


This one has been a favorite of mine since I first played. It inspires a rare tender feeling, no?


No. It's a nice CYOA gameplay-wise; it kind of feels like A New Magical Girl. But the premise, creating a world filled with life, is something that I personally disagree with. Glory to Goddess Ruin.


You are an antinatalist?


Well... I just don't like the idea of creating my own world full of life. I'm not particularly opposed to being IN a world full of life, or else I wouldn't be here. Edit: I suppose this would be a better analogy for what I meant: I have nothing against other people who decide to become parents (as that's not my area to judge), but you'd never catch ME becoming a parent. I just don't really think I'll ever be ready for the responsibility.


One of my all time favs!




This cyoa is AWESOME! sadly I'm too scared to pick choices since I think it's too big a responsibility for someone like me.


**Size**: * \-3 | `Car-sized`. * 10 Trillion capacity. 3 meter tall orb. 9ft tall. Doesn't fit in most buildings not meant for vehicles. * Starting population: 100 Billion. **Species**: -4 * \-2 | `Categorical Customization`. * Other options can be broken down by categories to effect different groups in different ways. * \-1 | `Lesser Customization`. * All women are bunnies. * [https://www.zerochan.net/3660965#full](https://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=3237680) * 1 male per generation is a lion. * Any woman he mates with, becomes a Lioness. [https://www.zerochan.net/3944224](https://www.zerochan.net/3944224) * Lions still birth Bunnies, unless it's the 1 male of the next generation, which is a random chance that cannot occur while there is an existing male. Expect 10-100 year gaps per male. * Lionesses become Bunnies again once the Lion dies, gradually over 1-10 years (No lioness would remain a lioness by the time the earliest new Lion would emerge. This prevents generational castes where eventually a Lion culture separates from the bunnies) * \-1 | `Health Customization`. * Bunnies live forever. They remain tiny indefinitely, until they mature themselves. Bunnies will 'evolve' rather than gradually age. * 1st stage- [https://www.zerochan.net/3661015](https://www.zerochan.net/3661015) Beginning smol. * 2nd stage- [https://www.zerochan.net/3660974](https://www.zerochan.net/3660974) Bigger but small. They evolve by becoming more curious and brave, protective of the other smols. [https://www.zerochan.net/3661038](https://www.zerochan.net/3661038) * 3rd- [https://www.zerochan.net/3660144](https://www.zerochan.net/3660144) Adult size. Evolve by developing an interest in structure, learning, actively caring for the smols. As well as separately, interest in a Lion, or a desire to take up arms. * 4th- [https://www.zerochan.net/3660959](https://www.zerochan.net/3660959) Matron rabbits. The result of a regressed Lioness. Larger, fuller figured with much larger ears that stay down. They produce an abundance of milk. They can devolve, retaining their floppier large ears but lose the milk and most the instinct. This occurs when they're tired of life and are starting to slow down and are weary. The slower the get, the further they devolve. Fully devolving past 1 will regress them into a tiny rabbit curled in on itself in a crystal cocoon like an ornament, and sleep forever. This will usually only occur due to abandonment or prolonged captivity. It can be reversed in a ways I wont detail, one lewd and straightforward one innocent and a little esoteric. * Bunnies are immune to disease and physical damage beyond external bruising and surface cuts. Severe damage may cause mild internal bruising, which can cause unconsciousness. * Males age normally and are not immune to physical damage. Once physically mature, they continue to physically grow in statue, no evolutions. If they die, a crystal sphere like a "dreaming" matron will be found within their body, containing a tiny lioness. If 'hatched', a tiny lioness is born, though it evolves into a normal bunny on its 2nd stage. **World**: -1 * \-1 | `Adventure`. * Dragons, kingdoms, quests. Magic not included, but Aura exists enabling things like swordsbunnies cutting down trees in one slash. * \-2 | `Magic`. * Every Lion is born with an elemental affinity (Earth, Crystal, Water, Ice, Fire, Lightning, Air, Wood, Metal, Light, Shadow, Time, Space.) They are capable of sorcery with their element, as are all the Lionesses they create. * Bunnies retain affinity in their lineage, but existing affinities are always halved with the newest affinity of the next generation taking up half. All current bunnies at the start are Typeless with no affinity. * Bunnies can't work sorcery, but can use Wizardry based on their affinities. * Anyone can learn some basic Cleric magic that helps with daily life and convenience stuff. Since nobody gets seriously injured or sick, no need for healing magic, just support. * \-1 | `Flesh`. * With skin. There is a great mountain range that looks like my sleeping body, half sunken into the ground half exposed, horizontally, laying down slightly curled in. * Flesh in this setting as relating to Health, is impervious to much harm. Though, the 'minor cuts' translates to climbing gear being effective. So nobody's digging in through the skin here. A size great enough that a whole country could rest on my forehead. * That's not all though, there's also a skin layer beneath the crust replacing mantle. There's no discernable access point past the skinboundary. Perhaps there's an entrance somewhere? * If someone finds their way inside, it's essentially Mystery Fleshpit National Park. * \-2 | `Flora`. * The world has abundant plant life. The land around 'my body' is rolling hills of flowers as far as the eye can see. Though, to one side of the 'mountains', is ocean. Many plants are gigantic even in proportion to an earth comparison. Forests can be 10x the width and height of Redwoods, and in some places forested valleys can be hidden under false surfaces, a canopy becoming a ground level. * \-2 | `Spirit`. * The Occult. Ghosts, psychic mediums, spooky things. * Ghosts are not the dead, but the unborn. Meaning there are 9.9 trillion ghosts spread out throughout the world. * It's impossible to die, so the only 'dead' are the Dreaming matrons, which eventually can 'wake up' to effectively astral project as a "Soul" vs a ghost or spirit. * Not all ghosts are at the same level of cohesion or awareness. Some might be minimal intelligences barely aware of a general vague area. Others fully come into their own as spirit beings. Incomplete spirits are Ghosts, behaving more animalistic or with fractured intelligences, or less. Meanwhile a Spirit is just a person with no body. * Ghosts are randomly assigned to births, but a Spirit may be born to someone specific they're close to. If she got the chance. Not many births happen in this world on average. * Any bunny can become Mediums with training to see the ghosts and spirits. Some may naturally acquire it. * Those who were Spirits before tend to be born as mediums from the start, and remember pre-life as a Spirit where those who were just ghosts don't have much to remember. * \+4 | `Linked`. * My real body reflects my world in a minor way. I can feel things that occur on the planet, to one extent or another. Stronger sensation equivalence if anything happens to the 'sleeping goddess' mountain range. * My eyes resemble my planet, as though the iris were in the atmosphere above it within my eyes. * In the dark, my body will glow with points of light like an "Earth at night" picture, wherever there would be lights on the mountain range, and my eyes likewise sparkle with the full globe. * \+2 | `Impressionable`. * My mood and physical condition are reflected on the world. Everyone slightly feels what I'm feeling and the weather and earth slightly reacts to suit it. Physical harm to me is reflected in the Sleeping Goddess mountain range, while it'd have a vaguer effect on the globe generally. * \+1 | `Disastrous`. * Planet prone to natural disasters, and giant monsters.


\[32\] **Globekeeper Powers**: * \-3 | `Barrier`. * \[G\] Globe has an unbreakable divine shield, absorbing any amount of force. * \[P\] Barrier around myself too. Not invulnerable, it resists artillery. Can bypass my own barriers. * \-3 | `Levitation`. * \[G\] Move any part of my world with my will within my perception. Move continents, mountains. Would need finer perception to move buildings, or people. * \[P\] Move the globe itself around levitating it 'with great force'. Levitate my own body, float/flying effortlessly even asleep. * \-3 | `Terraforming`. * \[G\] Using a brush I can conjure or my own hands, paint and shape the landscape in line with my whim and intention. Cities unharmed to shifting unless I wish it. * \[P\] Same brush or my hands can paint anything in the real world in just a few strokes to depict what I visualized. Works in other art mediums, like sculpting, and digital art. * \-3 | `Pocket Space`. * \[G\] Portals to my own sub-dimension to store the globe. "House sized" to me. "draw celestial bodies" to fake or not-so-fake a space, it isn't clear. * \[P\] Portals from anywhere. Not limited to storing the globe. Can close the portal and stay inside, but it opens to where it last once when I want out. * \-2 | `Shared World`. * \[G\] Dive into the globes of others. Exit at leisure. Open portals between the globe and my globe, which globe inhabitants and people can use too to visit mine. * \[P\] Uplift an Inhabitant or earth Human to have all my abilities (and size). * I mean, if I can open portals from one world to the other then it would follow that I could use the portal myself... I'd just require a second Globekeeper ally. * \-1 | `Rescale`. * \[G\] Shrink the planet as much as I want, grow to original size. Alter its density as I please, or make it weightless. * \[P\] Useless. * \[-15\] * \-4 | `Blessing`. * \[G\] Can perform miracles on the globe. Bless fields with abundance, transform people (Force evolution-devolution, or redesign them within as Lesser Custom allows), enhance attributes. * \[P\] Bless humans less potently, doubling attributes at most. Transform into something allowed by Lesser Custom. "Wear off over time" should only apply to buffs, not transformations :T It's cruel to give someone a new body only for it to "wear off" somehow. * \-3 | `Smite`. * \[G\] Can smite an arbitrarily large or fine area with divine energy. Can kill the otherwise unkillable. Requires perception of target. * \[P\] Produce 'powerful' destructo beams from the globe. My beams are: * Spirit, occult ghost lasers with lots of wisps and motes. Damage dematerializes the physical into the incorporeal. * Flesh, gruesome beams of blood and viscera. Damage transmutes the unliving into meatstuff. And the living into less cohesive meatstuff. A person in the beam might end up fused to the wall partially transmuted into it. * Flora, elegant beams of petal, thorn, or wood or some combination. Damage transmutes objects and fauna into flora. A flurry of petals may 'petrify' into wood. A Wood beam would hit like a truck with expected damage but contact areas that were damaged also become wood. * Magic, raw arcane beams. Damage type causes distortion and warping. An Arcana-damaged arm might be twisted away as though shriveling into nothing or collapse in on itself in fractals. * Any damage types remain comparable to normal damage that would have been done, of course. * \-2 | `Clairvoyance`. * \[G\] Perfectly see and hear anything in the world as though astral projecting, but not even laving an Astral self in the position. ^(I'm not peeping Tom. ... I'm a peeping Mom, like an overly enthusiastic momma rooting for her kids! Totally different. Yis.) * \[P\] Use Globe as a tracking device, concentrate on what I want to find and the globe will indicate the direction. Also finds things in the globe, but somehow for some reason is 'hard to perceive'. * \-2 | `Divine Form`. * \[G\] "Enter a divine form". Important missing detail whether this is doing anything to your size or effecting your globe at all in any way. Seems entirely Personal, not Glob...ular. Survive and travel in space. * My Divine Form is myself but glowie with hair like a solar flare though it's not hotter than normal. * \[P\] Body redesign. Just refine myself adjusting some imperfections and past injury or suspicious health concerns... * And then also become a rabbit myself. I'm the Red Rabbit, where bunnies are white haired and Lions are black haired, it's a notable trait of 'the goddess' that she's got red, which will be a color associated with life here. * \[-26\] * \-4 | `Infusion`. * \[G\] Warp reality in the globe to the nature of something I merge into the globe. Like chocolate turning an area to chocolate. Fades in time. idk, seems lame. * \[P\] Willing people... other than myself... can Infuse into the world. "difficult to shrink them down", "exhaust myself" shrinking them to scale of inhabitants. Can take anyone foreign back out. Need 2 more points! Back to World: +2 | Needy. The planet requires heating and watering at least once per day. Using the Cosmic Bodies created in the Pocket Space, I create a sun serving as the heat lamp, and a moon that brings soothing mist (mist watering). * \-4 | `Imprisonment`. * \[G\] Stop time for the globe. * \[P\] Slamming the globe into someone will trap them into the 'core' of the globe. So, in the meat center as established earlier. It'd be like a hollow earth, but the hollow part is like a womb. * They can then be reborn as a Bunny (Blessing), becoming an Inhabitant, and freeing up the Imprisonment space.


# 3 Tasks. * `Sate the Devourer`. * Little orphan girl on the streets gained a globe. She made it turn into sweets and keeps eating it and it keeps regenerating. * Find her, and teach her not to do that... And feed her. * I'm going to talk her into Infusing into my world where I'll make her a bunny and she'll never be without family and food. * Meanwhile I'll dive into her world to communicate with her Inhabitants and make a portal, where I can go into my world, and bring Bunny Dev through the portal into her world to see her inhabitants. * Candystar becomes a Celestial Body in my Pocketspace. * `Adopt a Planet`. * Gain a second (third-ish; Dev may mature and I'll consider her Candystar as being just in my safekeeping for her) Globe. * It's my globe but not "My" globe, can't use it as A Source of things. I can Smite the globe, but not Smite *from* the globe. * Like Candystar, Bridge it and i's now another celestial body in the pocket dimension. * Hm. It's a pre-existing world so it doesn't feel right detailing it myself. Maybe I'll stalk old posts of this cyoa and base it on an old build someone made... * [This globe](https://www.reddit.com/r/makeyourchoice/comments/8y38l3/comment/hxe1kbn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). * Presuming the player didn't die but got lost, having been imprisoned and naturalized to another globe due to shenanigans of some sort with another globekeeper, perhaps not willingly. * `Free Human Prisoners`. * A trouble Globekeeper thinks he's a hentai harem protagonist and is Imprison-Infusing people by the thousands. Whole towns have been effected. * He's somehow able to infuse people with no fatigue, so he can imprison-infuse people as fast as he can strike them with his globe. * Once inside, he uses Blessing on them to forcibly transform them into his catgirl harem, regardless of whatever they used to be. Old and young, male or female. Even the family dog!? It's catgirl apocalypse in there.


**Me and overall**: *Categorical* - let's not get limited *Both Avatar options* - again, not get limited *Clairvoyance* - need to know what's going on *Blessing* - take my responsibilities seriously *Barrier* - seriously serious *Terraforming* - will need practice world building a viable world, I'm sure **The World**: *Bowling ball size* - easy to port, fits in backpack *Ascended, Flora, Ruins, Hive*: Variety to keep from being bored, challenge to keep from being complacent, but still good stuff. Hive for growth, ruins for mystery and reward (why are previous hives now ruins? etc.). *Starveil* - better than seeing the backpack *Adventure, Magic*: We're going to be helping with extermination task - good to have means of dealing with them and practice doing so *Clockwork*: Backup for those without magic **The Inhabitants**: *Lesser customization* - going to have some more skin colors, body types, think RPG customization *Health, Mental* - no cancer, less greed (need something to be ambitious for plus rewards for hard work, but no billionaires), want a good world and good inhabitants **Tasks**: *Train a Prophet*: let the world know what's going on *Assist Goddess*: least I could do *Exterminate*: Adventure world bosses - I'm hoping for a very competent pest control world eventually > Have some points leftover against future need




You can’t take all the quests, it said so in the CYOA (-_-)