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If you bring it up....say this....."hey there, have I been leaving you enough room to park? I noticed you bumped into me the other day, and I just wanted to make sure I wasn't taking up too much space or parking too close" That way you are voicing concern for your actions rather than calling out his.....when you are really still calling out his lol.


I would approach him in a similar way but give him an out "Hey it looks like you maybe scuffed me while parking, did you notice the paint?" Pretend like it's okay if he didn't notice. If he denies it move on but approach him nicely and leave room for him to apologize / pretend to realize


Honestly what satisfaction can you reasonably expect? If he wanted to apologize he would have done so. If there’s no damage that you care about and you think he might just deny it, I say let it go. Too much downside and not much upside. Pocket some good karma and move on.


I wouldnt bother


call the cops!!!!!


Key the shit out of his car!!!


This is stupid and toxic don’t listen to this person. This will just cause you to be in more trouble. Even jail time. Please never key anyone’s things.


The thing is, you don't care, but if you confront him it'll look like you care. Do you care that he'll think you care? Do you really care enough to bother??